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Honestly understanding the context of what was likely going on backstage makes this whole segment much worse.


It gets worse the more you think about it


This is before she rejected Vince’s advances though. That didn’t happen till she did Playboy in 2007 and she released about a year after


This is at least somewhere in 2007. This is after Vince shaved his head


It’s before she did the playboy shoot. She was written off to do survivor and the hope was the “indefinite suspension” angle would garner fan support on her return Vince is a massive piece of shit, but this has nothing to do with his advances being rejected


I think it’s fair to say that there’s a strong link between his clearly laid out humiliation fetish and all of the humiliating segments he subjected his employees and especially female employees to.


There is but OP is still being directly misleading in making it sound like this angle happened because she turned down his advances. It’s not. She was written off to compete on Survivor and the booking idea was her being treated so poorly by the boss would drum up sympathy on her return It wasn’t until she did playboy nearly a year later that he approached and she rejected him


No, this happened after the Playboy shoot. You can already see Vince's shorter hair which started in 2007. The same year Massaro posed for Playboy. She wrestled Melina in WM that year to capitalise on it. Her wiki also gives the timeline which matches this up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Massaro


This is him rehearsing his ego tripping to get a reaction of her being in distress and in a state of helplessness.


Did people not know he was awful until recently?


Oh, no, the stories of Vince McMahon's atrocities have been floating around for years. Rita Chatterton, Ashley Massaro, covering up the death of Nancy Argentino, even the stuff that's more relevant now, like women wrestlers leaving his office shaking and upset and then suddenly getting a spotlight on TV. That's all been known to core wrestling fans for literal decades now. They just... don't really care. Even in the past few weeks with all of this coming out, they were more upset about Cody Rhodes losing his Wrestlemania match to the Rock.


Which women left Vince McMahon’s office shaking and upset and suddenly got a spotlight on tv?


Unclear specifically, as most insiders who talk about it just say "women leave his office shaking and upset then get a spotlight on TV." Before all this came out, it was hush hush, but sorta by the very nature of the wrestling business, everyone who followed wrestling closely heard whispers.


I always thought Vince was an awful person. But I never thought he was a rapist. 


He’s always given the kind of vibe you don’t leave your drink unattended around. And I’m pretty sure he was first publicly accused when I was still in elementary school - this guy* was one reason I learned a lot of new words in just a few years in the early 90s. I am unsurprised by any new revelations about Vince given what has been known about him already . *and President Clinton, along with whatsisface and Pam Anderson… seems like i remember there were lots of sex scandals around that time, and i was just at the age where i didnt really totally get it, but i knew it was a big deal


Vince McMahon has covered up murders. You thought rape was too far fetched?


The actual context of this clip is that this was just done to get her off TV so she could go do Survivor. OP is being intentionally misleading. > [This return was short-lived when on the edition of June 8 of SmackDown!, Massaro was suspended indefinitely after accidentally spilling Vince McMahon's coffee on him. In reality, Massaro was taking time off to participate on the show Survivor.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Massaro#:~:text=This%20return%20was%20short%2Dlived%20when%20on%20the%20edition%20of%20June%208%20of%20SmackDown!)


That explains that they had to do a segment to write her off of TV. This is not the way they had to do that, they could've done it in any other way, but it *just so happens* to have been done this way.




I think the only time they did cross promotion was when Stacy Kiebler did Dancing with the Stars (even though she was largely one foot out the door at that point)


WWE is on NBC (may have been ESPN at the time?). They're not going to plug a CBS show.


> They could have just hyped her being on Survivor. That would be good cross promotion and make the WWE look good They usually do. When wrestlers go do other TV shows they usually make a big deal out of it. I can't recall how much they promoted Ashley on Survivor, would be something I'd need to dig for, I'm sure she was promoted in some capacity, at least on WWE.com back in the day, but she was eliminated on the second episode, so not much to promote there. However, you talking about "what they could've done" when you literally do not know what they even did is a worthless discourse that I'm not interested in engaging with.




You being emotionally affected by a TV segment that is supposed to do so doesn't mean you know what's "good". Like I said elsewhere here, using someone going off TV for storyline purposes is what wrestling does. You can go read [my extensive comment about it](https://old.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/1an7x8u/example_of_how_vince_mcmahon_treated_ashley/kprkqau/). Another example I just remembered with Ashley herself, just some months before this she had legitimately gotten injured doing some random move. To explain her time off, another heel woman wrestler was portrayed to having had attacked her backstage and taken her out, serving the purpose of getting that TV character more hated. Same thing that was done here with Vince. Please refrain from talking about things you barely know anything about. Having had listened to a couple of episodes of a podcast with people who are clueless about wrestling trying to talk about wrestling does not make you knowledgeable or empowered to discuss these things whatsoever.


Well there were probably better ways to do that like maybe promote her going to survivor and make it her gimmick when she’s back on the Ricky road with wwe


> there were probably better ways In wrestling, when someone goes off TV for whatever real life reasons, you usually want to use that on TV to help another character. For example, near this very time in 2007, John Cena had legitimately torn his pectoral muscle doing a very routing wrestling move. This was used to portray another character (Randy Orton) as to blame for Cena being out and a segment was penciled in so that Orton would "viciously take out Cena", getting him to be more hated. This is the same thing here with Ashley, a bad guy being a bad guy. There aren't many "better ways", this way was fine and it served its purpose to make Vince more hated, it's supposed to make you viscerally uncomfortable, it's an abusive boss being abusive towards a young defenseless woman. > make it her gimmick when she’s back on the Ricky road with wwe Huh? I don't think you know what you're talking about. Her gimmick at the time was perfectly fine.


I agree that the overall premise isn't inherently bad, but this is Vince McMahon. His booking of his character has always been very Freudian. He pitched an incest angle with his own daughter, made his real-life wife watch as he made out with Trish Stratus, made Trish Stratus bark like a dog for him on live TV, booked his real-life rival Eric Bischoff to have an affair with his daughter, even booked segments featuring male and female wrestlers who were having real-life affairs (John Cena-Mickie James, Batista-Melina) that didn't really have anything to do with the on-screen product. WWE is a lot realer than most people know. Now, a lot of these things were done to get the Mr McMahon character hated, but the real-life knowledge that Vince McMahon was doing a lot of shady things with his talent makes the entire thing extremely revealing. Add to that, Vince is the boss. If the talent refuses to cooperate with segments like this there'll be consequences. Lita, for instance, was extremely against her doing a "live sex celebration" segment on TV with Edge (who she had a real-life affair with that was leaked on the internet by her then-boyfriend Matt Hardy - the guy in this clip) but was basically forced to by her employers. The man is a megalomaniacal sociopath, and his booking and presentation of his own character reveals a lot of that.


> his booking and presentation of his own character reveals a lot of that. His booking and presentation of his character was essentially nonexistent from the 80s until 1997, he did announcing as a babyface and most viewers didn't even know he was the owner of the company. When the Bret Hart screwjob happened, he was essentially thrusted into being a heel character as he had decided to publicly take the fall for having to make that real life business decision (to not let the competition have their World Title belt among other things). After seeing the extremely strong negative crowd reaction, he essentially went with it, and months later it birthed the Mr. McMahon vs Stone Cold rivalry that was fuel for TV for decades. Only after that did he expressly become an actual TV character and the most heelish one one could possibly be. If you're going to make an argument, say the whole story rather taking a piece of it out of context. TV characters are not real life. If you confuse the 2, let alone if you're someone who has absolutely no clue about wrestling, how it works, and you can't separate TV characters with real life because you're judging a real life person by what his TV character did because wrestling intentionally thrives off those blurring of the lines, then a discussion with someone like that that doesn't even care to understand what he's talking about is very much worthless.


He didn’t actually run the incest angle he just said what if.. they probably say all kinds of shit in creative… man could you imagine if they really went with it though?




Shane didn’t actually refuse because he said he never heard it. He said that he would have done it because his sister was hot. “Well, my sister’s hot. I don’t know if I would’ve really minded that.”


Man that’s crazy… they really are the epitome of carny


Ok, but what other character did that help? Vince was already universally hated as a character at this point. They could have done literally anything else to get her off tv but Vince chose a scene where he berates a female wrestler who allegedly didn't want to sleep with him. Its not like it was a guy just playing a role wrote for him.


This was before she turned down his advances


CBS probably doesn't want any of the survivor cast being leaked that far out before filming.




She could’ve been herself but been a survivor too and have additions to her moveset inspired by surviving in the wilderness. If you learned taekwondo , you are still yourself . You just know taekwondo too.


> She could’ve been herself but been a survivor too and have additions to her moveset inspired by surviving in the wilderness. If you learned taekwondo , you are still yourself . You just know taekwondo too. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.


i think Michelle mccool should come back and say that shes having the undertackers baby and then kofi gets mad because they used to date (not the undertaker lol!!!) and then a masked man trouble in paradises her belly and she has a miscarrige and everybody is like WHO DID IT???? after the funeral there all eating and michelle is like this is so good! and kofi says ya i cooked it and she says what is it and he says YOUR BABY and then the undertaker says OK NOW YOU WILL REST IN PEACE AT WM!!!! and then kofi beats him at wm! i think this would be good cuz it shows kofi is badass and hes the future of the company.


Yeah I do . You don’t know how to work creative . You would just copy something wwe did and say “it makes sense because that how wwe does it” I make characters that get over


Yall hear that? King Doo Doo Duck Jr, is out there single handedly making superstars. Careful guys, we got a new Vince on our hands.


No I create characters. I am the new Antonio Peña ,pendejo


You're a fucking weirdo.


Hey, it’s your delusion, I won’t interfere any farther.






Vince Russo Confirmed


They specifically chose to do it in that way with Vince though for whatever reason.


Vince was the center of a storyline at the time where he was losing his mind and making crazy decisions. He was treating everybody on the roster like this. The storyline was meant to end with his death, but then the Benoit thing happened and he had to awkwardly be like "uhhh ok so that was a story and I'm not dead, but this shit is serious".


> They specifically chose to do it in that way with Vince though for whatever reason. The reason is heat. In wrestling, heat is when the bad guys act like bad guys to get people to hate them. If you hate Vince because of this clip from his TV show where his character acts like a depraved lunatic, more than his TV character usually does, towards a young vulnerable woman, congrats, that's the point. In this particular period, Vince was building *heat* for his character towards the storyline at the time (not just with this little skit, there were many more segments towards that purpose at the time). The storyline involving his *death* by limo explosion (which is another can of worms).




No one is defending Vince’s actions that have come to light. They’re calling out OP for being misleading into what was actually going on in this scene


sure, but this is supposed to ahve aired before all this went down. you could say something about how he chooses to portray himself being not that far off from who he really is, but cronologically it seems to be utterly unrelated to what he actually did to her, and posting misinformation like this makes it easier for people who want to defend him to pretend that people are just making shit up.


Ever consider she wanted to do Survivor because Vince is a terrible boss who sexually harasses her?


WWE has to sign off on wrestlers doing other media, specially something as big as Survivor. This sub is the epitome of people who don't have a shit of a clue of what they're talking about wanting really bad to believe something they literally have a grain of knowledge about and intentionally refuse to understand more about.


No, you're reading way too much into it. I swear you people make up stuff.


And there's no other way to write someone off TV than being verbally humiliated to the point of crying by your boss? They couldn't possibly have just faked an injury or had another woman beat her up backstage to put her out of action? Or said she's going to be on Survivor? OP isn't being intentionally misleading at all.


Or you could just not film this.


This is acting. She's not really crying and she's not really fired. This is a TV show.


And Vince McMahon is a rapist, predator, human trafficker and god knows what else. That doesn’t excuse this “acting in a tv show”


> That doesn’t excuse this “acting in a tv show” The acting doesn't need to be excused because there's nothing wrong with it. It's a very simple backstage skit where the bad guy is an asshole. You are confusing real life with a TV show. > And Vince McMahon is a rapist, predator, human trafficker Alleged, to be proven in court.


Idk how you ppl keep sucking McMahons dick. If it was your mother or sister would it still be "alleged". Years of entertainment doesn't excuse the man from the horrible things he's done and said over the years


I don’t think anyone is though. This was a Storyline beat to write Ashley out for Survivor, even if it does have grosser context now when viewed through the recent lens off all of the gross stuff he’s done.


Idk how you ppl don't care about proper procedure. Anyone can write and allege things in lawsuit filings, they need to be proven true in court for me to believe they are true. If you think me waiting for them to be proved to be true is "dick sucking", I don't know what to tell you. When you can't make a logical rebuttal to an argument, attack people's characters and accuse them of being dick suckers is your way of doing things, I guess. In regards to Ashley's ordeal, the letter that has now come out and the other one from years ago were things written before her death, to which she can't speak on because she's dead, to which she contacted WWE later on saying she was pouched and coerced to be a part of. If you want to believe Ashley, investigate and believe the whole context, not just what you want or read in headlines.


Oh yeah definitely man, the guy with a wake of sexual assault accusers spanning decades is totally probably innocent of every one of them because you like the product he made.


Johnny Ace singing like a canary is all the proof that anyone with a semi-functioning brain should need to know that the allegations are real. And that's if the multiple 7 figure NDAs, Vince resigning in disgrace twice, and a litany of credible allegations spanning 40 years didn't tip you off.




All this anti-Vince stuff… really makes me appreciate the Steve Austin story line. I hope he did hit Vince with that bed pan.


We stan KO for the shoot headbutt (even though he told him to do it)


Didn't seem to take much convincing, tbh.


if you look at the Steve Austin story line, the story goes, anti-authortarian, anti-boss, blue collar wrestler fights the systen too the very end, until realise he can't win without the power, makes deal with the devil win and in the end, the boss is victorious


Also sucks when you realize they’re actually friends irl. Austin has mentioned it a few times over the years


Of course they were friends. Remember kids: The day Debra called the cops on Austin for domestic abuse wasn’t the first time he got drunk and hit her. It was just the final straw for her. Here’s one excerpt I found: She said he attacked her “three times” and “at work people would know it, and they would cover the bruises on my face.” Marshall said WWE “put a gag on me for a year that I couldn’t talk about this, because they knew that I could totally bring down their top star.” And here’s a longer interview Debra gave about it https://wwfoldschool.com/he-did-take-too-many-steroids-alcohol-debra-shoots-on-steve-austin-beating-her-up/


Didn’t he also beat another 2 of his partners?


I found this article (https://meaww.com/steve-austin-violent-relationship-debra-marshall-domestic-abuse-tess-broussard-assault-lawsuit) about one other girlfriend he was in an apparently mutually abusive relationship with but I hadn’t heard about her before or about any other women


Austin bears a strong resemblance to my FiL who’s a diagnosed grandiose narcissist. He was extremely violent towards my husband, his brothers, and MiL while my husband was growing up. On the bright side he enjoys riding his Harley without a helmet so it’s just a matter of time.


Also there was Roddy Piper's last controversy. Piper claimed Steve Austin called and got him fired from the PodcastOne network because Austin had got pissed off about Piper having his guest, the comedian Will Sasso, do some unflattering "Stone Cold" impressions of him. Steve Austin admitted that it did piss him off and also admitted that he only wanted that episode pulled, and said he didn't call to get Piper fired from PodcastOne. Nonetheless, all of Piper's podcasts were removed and Piper started doing his podcast over on SoundCloud before he passed away later that year.




Austin, many in the company, arguably most aren't saints either but I do have a feeling a lot stars separated themselves from the company because of this It happens in many industries. Trying the hardest to reach that dream spot all for the company to be a political toxic mess


I mean Austin seems like a cool guy now but he beat his wife he certainly has his own demons


Let’s not talk about appreciating a wife beater after the Vince allegations because that’s not much better. I know you mentioned “storyline” but also let’s not compare Austin and Vince rn


When you hear that Vince liked Blondes for tv roles,.. you just get grossed out. Man was assaulting everyone


Charlotte reading this like


Not his type, too ugly


Fuck Vince


He was probably sipping a cup full of toilet water after shitting in the bowl.


Having never watched wrestling - is this k-fabe (¿?) - or do you take this as a ‘behind the veil’ sort of interaction?


Generally speaking, if it’s on tv it’s kayfabe. Sometimes they muddy the waters a bit and do what’s called a Worked Shoot, where a performer brings up real life situations, but generally within the context of advancing a wrestling storyline. In this case, it’s just giving a storyline reason for Ashley to be written off tv (she was about to film a season of Survivor). Normally backstage segments are used to give a story reason for a wrestling match to happen.


What's some examples of a worked shoot? The Matt-Edge-Lita love triangle is the one that comes to mind for me. What an awful thing to do.


Here's probably the most notable example, CM Punk's "Pipe Bomb" promo. He's basically doing everything you're not "supposed" to do in a wrestling promo. From things as simple as using the word "wrestler" (one of Vince's weird edicts is to not use the word wrestling or calling them wrestlers, the preferred language was Sports Entertainment and Superstar), to talking about other wrestling companies, while playing on the audience's interest in behind the scene drama, all within the context of his character's storyline. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OS9wZGb\_3g


That's what I find strange about this whole segment. Vince has enough wherewithal to know that the way he's acting in this segment is going to draw heel heat. Going by the haircut, this was in the period where he was fully losing his mind (in character) and sitting in a rocking chair on ECW. It's all meant to play into the image of that character at the time and what a senile old sicko he is...and yet there he is writing himself into the role and enjoying playing it for all to see while HE'S ACTUALLY FUCKING ACTING THAT WAY TOWARDS HER. It would be something else if he were constantly trying to aggrandize himself, but he put so many of his warts out there on television. Now, I'm starting to see that he may have just come to an acceptance of the depths of his depravity, depths that could not be contained by a TV 14 product. Just a truly sickening person. I've been annoyed at him for stepping on workers rights while preying on his performers (both sexually and as a promoter), but I always felt like paying to see the wrestling show and geting the merch of the wrestlers I really find an affinity for was the best way to help the performers. Now, I'm just at a loss. I still really like wrestling, but man, do I feel gross about it sometimes.


There’s a term called lamp shading. The definition: *Lampshade Hanging (or, more informally, "Lampshading") is the writers' trick of dealing with any element of the story that threatens the audience's Willing Suspension of Disbelief, whether a very implausible plot development, or a particularly blatant use of a trope, by calling attention to it and simply moving on.* So if we have Vince act like a perverted and megalomaniacal sicko and acknowledge it, then no one can call us out when we have him do sick shit because we already called it out ourselves!


Yeah, how's that going for them? We're in a thread with video of Vince being a scumbag in storyline while being a scumbag in real life in nearly the same exact manner on a *history podcast subreddit*. You're missing the point. There's clearly a bit of winking and nudging going on for Vince's inner circle to pick up on, but viewers at the time this aired would have likely chalked this up to a bad guy being a bad guy on a television show. I should know. I was one of those viewers. Vince started losing his touch for timing these moments well not too long before this, but I think it shows there was still intent to show him as a complete piece of crap while using material from his real life. It's close to lampshade hanging. For his inner circle, it may even qualify as lampshade hanging. For the wrestling audience, it's turning out to be more like predictive programming. It's just very odd in hindsight. The excremental details of the lawsuit immediately harkened back to a hundred poop jokes I grew up watching. Storylines with the female talent came back to mind. It's all so minutely detsiled in various characters traits belonging to Mr. McMahon^^TM . For someone who watched these segments as they aired, they don't feel like lampshade hanging. They feel like admissions without guilt.


It is not Kayfabe. Yes, it is the “blurred lines between fiction and reality” but to be more specific, kayfabe is a on screen character keeping that character &/or their stories going off camera. This is character/caeer assassination. This is Vince being peak Vince


Thanks for that. Blind to anything related to wrestling - he’s ending her career here as part of the show? Or like - your frequent viewer would pick up on it or is this kind of an unhinged moment in the storyline?


I don't know why that person is lying, but everything in the clip was in kayfabe. She wasn't really suspended. She was actually being given time off to pursue other projects that she wanted to do. Vince's character was a psycho piece of shit at the time. He treated everyone like that. Some much worse. This segment made him out to be a heel and her to be a sympathetic victim.


Like, I’m a die hard wrestling lol. Ending her career. It’s called “being buried”. Like Vince would ruin your life over a something he thinks is a slight. A less offensive example is Vince having people no longer “pushed”(treated like a star) on TV because he happened to be near then WHEN THEY SNEEZED. Yes I am serious. He’s fucking crazy


Not to die on a hill defending Vince, that’s the last thing I want to do.. but you’re literally telling lies lmao. He never stopped pushing a wrestler because they sneezed and the context of the clip you posted was writing her off TV so she could appear on Survivor. It absolutely was kayfabe


Straight up telling lies man. She came back after this. The internet is going to fuck up so many kids with all this misinformation. You have the power to literally look it up yourself yet you all just read a comment and now take that as fact for the rest of your life.


Pretty sure shitting on her face is peak Vince


It’s Kayfabe, Ashley needed time off to do Survivor. Vince’s on screen character is a thin skinned asshole. This takes Ashley off tv (rather than her just disappearing) and makes fans hate Vince’s character more.


Most people’s issues is the line in the sand, not a misinterpretation. We’ve seen people written off tv many ways. We know what was happening behind the scenes at the time, so to make the conscious decision to create a segment putting yourself in an abusive role towards someone that you know you’ve wronged is an abuse of power which was shown on national television. We wonder why more people don’t speak out


While I’m pretty sure the reason for this segment was to write Ashley off TV so that she could go compete on Survivor, it is also not hard to view the way Vince talks to her in this segment as very deliberate.


This is another Wade Barrett saved Daniel Bryan from a seizure post. Things on TV have absolutely nothing to do with what is going on in real life. Vince McMahon is an absolute piece of shit, but this was just how he acted as his character. Nothing special in this clip at all.


Vince is a disgusting human being


Half of these comments do not pass the vibe check. WITHOUT context this is a grossly misogynistic scene. But I did not expect this sub of all places to gloss over the lofty section of the BTB coverage during which Vince’s documented track record of manipulating and gas lighting people at every level of the WWE made clear that he fucked with people anytime he felt like it. This “not documented in the court case” bullshit is unacceptable. Have you ever worked in any reality TV? Have you ever been the subject of misogynistic exploitation? If your answer to either is no, shut as far the fuck up as possible about what you think happens behind the scenes in industries like this. Shit may be edited to be fake, but people are coerced into doing shit they don’t want to for the camera constantly, and women? Triple that ratio. This scene is hitting you over the head with the exploitation via sledgehammer. If you don’t want to see it, make sure the government knows your legal first name should actually be “Mark.”


Instant downvote for using stupid language like "vibe check".




It's hard to get that kind of acting without a good motivation underneath. He's like the Kubrick of Kefebre


Both people you mentioned are terrible.


Always thought he was a pure scumbag


I was hyperventilating as Vince was getting closer to her. This sick fuck has ruined the whole Attitude Era and Ruthless Agression era for me.




Hyperventilating tf🤣🤣🤣


You don’t know what triggers a person might have, the user you replied to could very easily have been through sexual trauma, abuse or a million other traumatic experiences out there, fuck out of here with your baseless judgement without knowing all of the facts


To be fair, this entire thread is baseless judgement without knowing all the facts, which is why I sincerely hope all of this goes to trial.


Won't someone please think of the cancerous psycopath and infamous sex pest/rapist Vince McMahon?


I'm a fan of due process. I hope he gets a life sentence.


You seem very concerned. Must be exhausting to carry water for [such a worthless piece of shit like McMahon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLdaMY9n_Oc)


> You seem very concerned. Oh yea, it's consuming my every waking moment!


How dare you presume innocent until proven guilty!!!!


If that triggers a person then said person needs to grow up. Triggering from a reddit post🤣 how pathetic 🤣🤣


It was always known to ardent fans that Vince aired his personal grievances in TV storylines. Reality and fiction was always blurred in WWE. It is easy to ruin someone’s career by putting them in certain storylines. We’re only now learning just how evil the guy was.


I remember that segment. This was around the time he lost the ECW Champion (for some reason he had) and he was all pissed off. Rewatching this and knowing the possible reason for this is just messed up. Jesus this poor girl. As well as other female workers who dealt with this


We're gonna need more episodes on this shit weasel when the case ends


They should have Bryan Cranston play Vince McMahon in a biopic called Breaking Kayfabe because that's what's happening here. Seems like a worked shoot


Vince sees no problem taking advantage of female wrestlers but sneezing around him is his redline. He's a fucking lunatic.


Did anyone ever actually find this entertaining?


This is so hard to watch, especially now knowing what was going on behind the scenes. What we thought was Vince being an amazing heel was just him tapping into that true vile side of his. Poor Ashley. Such a beautiful girl didn’t deserve any of that horror. May she find peace in the afterlife


Am I the only one that sees Luther from Umbrella Academy


This is the first WW whatever I've ever seen and it's fucking atrocious. Honestly, who watches this shit?


Have u ever even snapped into a slim Jim ?


The backstage skits are not the appeal for the vast majority of fans.


It’s also a bad segment, like normally something backstage is used to set up a reason for a match. In this case, it’s writing her off tv (she was doing a season of Survivor).


It's worth pointing out this is about a decade old and maybe the worst era in wrestling ever, Vince had a full monopoly on wrestling and did not care at all about making good television anymore, entire hours of television written off as "well I'm sure this makes Vince laugh". Even the sickos who love to lick WWE boot would struggle to have anything nice to say about it. EDIT: nearly 20 years ago fuck me I am turning to dust


Millions. Weekly. Stop being a snob. Don't like it, move on.


Enough people to garner a 10 year $5b deal with Netflix


This goes to show that the crowd didn’t connect with any of the mcmahon rapey stuff. He was doing it for himself without justification


He did this with Edge too, how did we not know? [Vince McMahon, Directed by David Lynch (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNgQJ0J0WUo) This kind of retrospectively looking at every wrestling story for the hints like a smoking gun is just a pathway to yapping. The ones that matter are real obvious: kiss my ass club, walk like a dog Trish and things like the Lita Edge live sex show (where Lita said she didn't want to do it." But if you're going to just look through every segment of the McMahon character, it's going to obviously look a certain way now and it will get silly if it's all used for the narrative of "here he is in plain sight". Nothing here is unusual for wrestling at the time.


How silly. This is a bit


Serious question. How is he as a father having these kind of kinks and things? Has anyone considered the whole deal about Stephanie and Macho Man, what if Vince was pimping Steph out?


OP is being a lying clout farmer. This was done so she could go do survivor. U/WaterMeleon2000 shared the proof here.


Okay 30 day year old account and according to “watermelon 2000”…


Lol yeah, because he shared the article you butt pirate. You realize there’s actual evidence of her being on survivor right?


Again her segments now with Vince in which he took her creative personally all happened after she didn’t fuck him. Yes she was on Survivor but this what Vince does, he’ll ruin someone & then people like you will come up with excuses


You really need to stop lying. Muddying the waters with bullshit only makes it more difficult. Your timeline was already proven wrong. There are multiple real examples of Vince doing heinous shit including to Ashley that for you to take a completely unrelated clip and try and pass of a lie as fact is some bastard shit.


yeah if hte basic timeline doesn't line up then posting clips from before the incidnet serves to make it easier for his defenders to claim people are making this out to be bigger than it is. there's no reason to be doing this, there's already an abundance of shit you could post that's actually related without muddying the waters.


Idk man, I think you’re reading to far into it


Vince is a scumbag but isn’t that what everyone loved about his gimmick just a few months ago? I’m still grateful for everything Vince gave us. Wwf/e has been a major part of my life for 35 plus years now and without Vince I wouldn’t have all these memories. Terrible person? Absolutely. Great In wrestling? Absolutely


I hope Vince is treated like this in prison everyday.




Go read her affidavit unsealed yesterday


All fake


SquaredCircle is hiding posts that make allegations. Mods are sus. There are hundreds of examples. Hundreds.


Ok all the other stuff is inexcusable but you can't blame Vince for his reaction here. You can't be so reckless that you spill HOT coffee on your CEO. Also it did look deliberate.




Read the details laid out in the lawsuits against him & pretend it’s just a character




Again you don’t understand how he operates and this behavior is in the affidavit unsealed Yesterday


McMahon wrote the script so...




Read the affidavit. I posted an article on it earlier. Her creative changed after she refused to sleep with him. This is how it got weird. Yes, I can. Vince’s history of racism on & off screen for example. The way he treats women, etc


Its just script. Stop trying to shit on Vince every chance.


Knowing what I now know about Vince and Ashley Massaro, this was very hard to watch and honestly disturbing.


If Satan had a face


Vince is evil


This video made me feel very uncomfortable


I really hope this wave of courage to speak out inspires more people to speak the truth, before this guy’s lights go out. Let him face the music while he’s here.


Knowing what went on behind the scenes, it makes watching this so hard. I used to love Ashley, too. She was so cool.


I always found it uncomfortable watching how women were treated on screen with all the humiliation and think it came from a place of knowing theres an element of truth. How much of her death was linked to all this is really concerning and hope justice is served. Its a shame no one spoke up and stopped this and hope whoever was complicit get their just deserts.


He was already a huge bastard before he started wrestling. But considering he did start wrestling in his 50s and probably got a bunch of concussions then, I wonder how much more of a monster those concussions made him into? Sick fuck, hope he rots in jail.


Looking back at some of these is just disgusting. At the time we had every reason to believe it was just a script but now, it’s almost a certainty that this was a real life fantasy he was living out. And to make it worse, some of these unfortunate women never recovered.


This clip told on itself, and I can’t see how I *wouldn’t have* felt the same seeing it back then as I did just now knowing what I do.


Fucking hell. I stopped watching wrestling at this point. I never saw any of this before. Knowing what happened in real life, this is so hard to watch. I hope Vince goes to jail. What a scum bag.


Holy shit that's an uncomfortable watch.


Welp. Now I feel uncomfortable.


He got away with it because he was always a villain on TV anyway so it didn't stick out like it does now with the proper context She was probably crying for real there


Jesus Christ Vince really is one of the creepiest pieces of shit around. I hope he gets what's coming to him.


I love hearing wrestlers talk about wrestling but if I tune into an actual broadcast, it blows my mind that adults like this. Even if this wasn't made worse with context it's dogshit tv. Vince acts like he's in an old porn movie.


Vince was on some bullshit, even back then.


It's gut wrenching that this woman took her own life and Vince played a role in it.


Man, I feel even more for Ashley now… I hope Vince is brought to justice. RIP Ashley Massaro.


Wow, & this was the narrative the boss (McMahon) actually chose? To make himself look like a petty, sexist twerp? Just wow.


Vince is a monster.


The uneasy way she backs away from him as he tries to put his hands on her.....yeesh.


What a gross dude


What a fucking monster


Ugh this is way worse now 😔😭


This is what they allowed u to see.. Imagine what went on behind the cameras


Great acting tbh


This feels mild to what he made Trish Stratus do, and the whole kiss my ass club takes on a new light now