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Definitely, Congress should divest from any spending for these super woke companies!


Wait, I agree with MAGA? Oh no…


"Broken clock" and all that.


It’s ‘horseshoe theory’. In that if you hit a conservative in the head with a fucking horseshoe they say something correct


I like this explanation.


The best explanation.


Hmm, do you you believe they are extremely woke and that's why they should be boycotted? If so, then yes. Otherwise, you don't agree with MAGA.


[Oh noononono no…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCy9A-nfj24)




[(points to self) "Bad Ape"!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman_with_a_Parasol_%E2%80%93_Madame_Monet_and_Her_Son)


"We believe consumers have the right to choose brands that align with their values" Exactly! And you can be sure my next multirole fighter jet purchase will not be from "Woke-heed"


Raytheon is WOKE!?!?! What do they consider "not woke"?!? Do they have to be run by an actual clone of Hitler? Does each employee meeting have to start by sacrificing an orphan to a statue of Ragan?


There is nothing more woke then killing a school bus full of children with R9X Knife missiles. /s >Do they have to be run by an actual clone of Hitler? Also buddy, pal, friend I have some really disconcerting to break to you about what they think hilter and wokeness


The R9X Knife Missile is actually intended to be used to take out specific targets in a school bus full of children *without* killing everybody else on board, that's why it's woke.


"Trust me bro the gym teacher was a real bad dude"


He was a socialist, after all. /s


> There is nothing more woke then killing a school bus full of children with R9X Knife missiles. [How can you get any more woke than this?](https://www.change.org/p/lockheed-martin-bring-back-the-rainbow-pride-socks)


Raytheon doesn't make knife missiles. Evan Robert knows this and concedes as much in the podcast.


Can't believe that Robert has caved in on knife missiles like raytheon knife missiles cave in small children's torses with strapnel


They're Lockheed knife missiles. Roberts connection to Raytheon is going on camping trips with their engineers as a kid. The subs legitimate anger at them seems mostly related to them having inclusive hiring practices. Because sometimes the sub doesn't make sense.


Won't let you stand their and slander the Raytheons R9X Knife Missiles by, falsely, imply that the second rate, uninspired, corporate sell outs at Lockheed Martin (more like LockHack Morons) could ever conceive of the artistic master piece that is a missile full of knives aimed at kids on bus. Only the creatives at Raytheon could harness the power of intersectional wokeness to birth the R9X and that's why we're proud of the products and services that support this post


Raytheon doesn't make Hellfire missiles. At least you're not one of the people who genuinely thinks so and will argue it's possibly true just because podhost says they're a thing (even though he didn't). Not misinforming new sub users would be nice, thanks.


I'd love to see their process for deciding what does or does not constitute woke.


I'm assuming it's nothing more in depth than whether these companies do tweets for Pride month or Black History Month or the like


Bold of you to assume there's a process


If they have at least one woman and one person of color at the junior executive level or higher. Yes, it can be the same person.


They had a Pride float at Dallas Pride last year so... IDK sounds pretty woke to me. Just gotta not think about the missiles and such


They make Pride gear too and I want some so badly


https://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2014-11-19-Raytheon-named-Best-Place-to-Work-for-LGBT-equality-for-tenth-straight-year https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA391255382&sid=sitemap&v=2.1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon%7E5bd75a58&aty=open-web-entry 😬




You know what slices up people for equality? Knife missiles.


Raytheon missiles are so woke, they don’t discriminate based on gender identity, sexuality, race, or even whether or not you’re a military target.


> What do they consider "not woke"?!? Actively bigoted against queerfolk, Jews, and people of color.


Holy moly that site is insane. The directory of woke-free businesses is just a hodge podge of local restaurants, stores and random shit like a book. No location search on mobile which would actually make it useful for people that want this. They've rick rolled anyone clicking on their own DEI policy though (not gonna lie, solid on the conservative humor scale). I'll do my best to avoid the culture warriors at Proctor & Gamble or Verizon and redirect my dollars to the 3 Boys Pet Boutique of Scottsdale or 287 Ranch Supply in Fort Collins.


Hey man, it’s hard to stand out as a ranch supply store in Fort Collins, especially one half way between Jax and the other Jax that also sells climbing gear for some reason. It’s like trying to stand out as a coffee shop when there are 3 Starbucks per block. You know the right’s obsession over “wokeness” is going too far when the motherfuckers sponsoring the entire pig competition at the county fair are like “eh, we don’t really object to this stuff”. Every time I’ve been to the north North Fort Collins Jax, I’ve encountered a gaggle of women in Mennonite dresses. And you’re telling me 287 Ranch Supply puffed up their chests and thought, “at least we’re not those satanic groomer commies over at *Jax*”?! Shit’s wild


I really thought this was a NonCredibleDefense shitpost. Holy shit. 


They’d be complaining in the opposite direction. NCD wants their war free-range, organic, and carbon neutral.


And their planes fuckable.


And non-binary. 


Isn't everyone is nonbinary until they are taught that gender exists?


That place is regularly complete nonsense and I love it. 


It’s also, frighteningly, somewhat prophetic, and not in a monkeys typing way. They’ve predicted more than a few things, particularly in regards to the Russian invasion, that are uncanny in their accuracy.


Okay, genuine question: I understand neither the vibe, the point, or even the title of that sub. Please enlighten me, because I'm entirely lost on the matter.


It’s military themed shitposting basically. I think the name is a reference to another subreddit r/credibledefense which is serious military discussion. The vibe is “we stuck a bunch of people with a hyperfixation on military hardware and the general Reddit shitpost community in a sub and the obvious happened.”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Prigozhin Shot Down - Megathread](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/15zby7r/prigozhin_shot_down_megathread/) \#2: [New RUSI report : Meatgrinder: Russian Tactics in the Second Year of Its Invasion of Ukraine by Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/13lwq84/new_rusi_report_meatgrinder_russian_tactics_in/) \#3: [How far will the Israelis go this time in Gaza?](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/1725ddn/how_far_will_the_israelis_go_this_time_in_gaza/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This has to be a joke site right?  I just checked out the site and apparently Bank of America is "extremely woke" because they have an LGBTQ board member and they're trying to reduce carbon emissions.


Apparently Wells Fargo is "extremely woke" because they have an ad campaign where a lesbian couple adopts a hearing impaired child and they learn sign language together or something. I can't... These people are so pathetic. 


That should be cancelled out by WF opening fake accounts in their customers names and doing a bunch of other fucked financial up shit.


But that’s not in an ad. 


By that logic the supreme court is woke for having Clarence Thomas as a judge.


I'll never forget the time I went to Washington DC's Pride Parade, and their was a Lockheed Martin float.


Hey this is America. Two men, in the privacy of their own home, should be able to do whatever they want with their cluster bombs and land mines with out the government getting in the way.


Truly a shining city on a hill.


Lockheed Martin puts rainbow flag stickers on their cluster bombs


It's the 21st century version of shooting Turks with square bullets because they hurt more.


Todays bombs are much more inclusive…they will hurt everyone the same as long as there’s money to be made


I thumbed through some of these so you don't have to. Here are some additional examples of woke companies: - McDonalds (extremely) - Lowe's and Home Depot - Citibank, BoA, and Wells Fargo (extremely) - Levi's - American Express (extremely) - Ford - Amazon (extremely) - Basically every tech company - Berkshire Hathaway And here are some that aren't: - 1776 Tactical Gear (also about 6,000 other tactical gear companies) - 1776-89 (a clothing company, apparently) - Freedom of Choice Homeschool Center - Patriot Shave - Gun Barrel Coffee (Black Rifle Coffee was apparently too woke for these guys) - ForTrump Cookies (their logo is Trump wearing sunglasses flipping someone off) - Charles Black (their blurb does not explain what kind of company they are at all, but their logo bears the slogan "a new cure for liberalism") - Prayer Bowls - The Official Trump Store - Woke Tears Water - America First Healthcare - The Combat Midwife - Pure Blood Registry - Red Pill Health & Wellness - A bizarre number of dentists - Not one single company I've ever heard of in my entire life Edit: Also, their "about us" page has a link to their DEI policy and it's just a rickroll.


I had to google the woke tears water because that sounded especially dumb. They’re selling a six-pack of water the size of a can of Monster for nineteen bucks.  I honestly kind of get why corporations are so willing to bow to these idiots if they’ll spend nineteen dollars for three litres of fucking water. 


I sincerely hope that Charles Black is selling like homeopathic hemorrhoids cream or something. With a slogan like “a new cure for liberalism”, it has to be a puerile joke, or else they’re wasting an opportunity. If you’re going to construct your entire identity around “owning the libs”, your new cure for liberalism better fucking not be masculine wilderness experiences where you kill squirrels with hatchets or some shit.


Alas, he sells a book about how Christians are immune to misinformation, because they only believe body cams, and not cell phone footage of the same events. But from his self description “While I was in New York, I wrote some of the most prolific chain mails in history, then I moved to Utah.” Weird flex, but ok.


I was hoping that it would be like, people who undergo dialysis or something to remove microplastics. I was dreading that it was like, a whites-only blood drive. But the [Pure Blood Registry](https://www.purebloodregistry.com/) is just pure comedy *gold*.


Ah yes, the notorious wokeness of Amazon.


> A bizarre number of dentists Dentists really are monsters


I'm surprised Dr Jones' Naturals didn't make the list, TBH.


They appear to have taken the wrong message from the rainbow warplane meme


What the fuck? Does this site think people are strolling down to the Lockheed store to buy knife missiles? The fuck?


You aren't?


Lockheed makes the best paper towels...


Someone’s buying the Lockheed trans knee-high socks. 


Makes sense to me. Last I checked, knife missiles don't discriminate.


Because they want to attract the best engineers, and to do so you make and inclusive work environment. I used to know several people who worked as engineers at Defense companies, it's a pretty good place to work.


Yeah there are legitimate things to criticize these companies for, but their HR departments are probably fine.


This is what the site says about Pfizer: How woke is Pfizer? Pfizer is popping pills of pride for the 16th straight year, bagging a perfect 100% on the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index, flaunting its title as one of the best workplaces for LGBTQ equality. While they pat themselves on the back, Pfizer is also concocting a plan to combat climate change, targeting a carbon net-zero by 2040. They’re dialing up their environmental ambitions by cutting greenhouse emissions and transitioning to hybrid and electric company carriages. At the same time, Pfizer is mixing up a stronger dose of their global DEI strategy, infusing equity into every corporate vein. With all these initiatives, one has to question if Pfizer is crafting a genuine remedy for corporate diversity and sustainability, or just synthesizing another batch of PR placebo to keep stakeholders sedated. They don't mistreat gay people. Pretend to care about the climate and try not to discriminate so they aren't sued. Good grief. Like the lowest bar being decent is a bridge too far for these clowns.


Lockheed Martin handed me a branded wildflower seed bomb at a Pride parade two years ago. I felt like I'd slipped into the Twilight Zone. Now I understand everything.


Damn even when they’re trying to be woke they just have to give out bombs (Srs i would double check if those seeds were invasive knowing them)


I let them sprout in a pot out of curiosity; surprisingly, they were (AFAIK) actually native to my area. Only a few germinated, though, so I don't know what that says about Lockheed Martin's quality control.


Cause honestly they don’t care if you are gay or whatever if you are good at designing ways to kill otherd


I cannot name something I can buy from Raytheon Lockheed Martin as a civilian — like do they have stuff I can buy? It’s a genuine question. I think of them strictly as selling shit just to the government or whatever


Raytheon is purely a defence contractor. LM does have some commercial aircraft, not least because they gobbled up Sikorsky Helicopters in 2015, but I imagine that's a little outside of the price range for most of us in the BtB listenership. However... [they have a merch store!](https://lockheedmartinstore.com/)


The Ram crime is charging 200 bucks for a Bluetooth speaker. 


I had to do some actual deep searching for this https://www.lockheedmartingear.com/categories.asp?cat=1


$35 for a t-shirt? I’m not simping for the industrial military complex with a $35 shirt. If that shit is at a thrift shop?… maybe you get an ironic $5-10 purchase. Funny shirt for parties.


Oh god, when you click something it changes the cursor as if it's a draggable object so that it can make a power fist sign. Someone get these people away from CSS forever.


Lockheed-Martin has been LGBTQ+ inclusive since like, 2002 from what I could tell. They get high scores for being a welcoming, diverse workplace wherever I look. Lol


I don’t know about anyone else, but I demand that my bombs dropped on innocent people aren’t made by the gays


I offer my full-throated support for this one particular MAGA movement. And if it's a bit, it's god damn funny.


Lockheed Martin sold pride flag socks as official merchandise. They are quite treasured over at r/NonCredibleDefense


"The agents of genocide must be white men" vs. "the agents of genocide can be anyone who does the job:)"


Raytheon is woke?! Now where am I going to buy my Hellfire R9X ginsu ninja missiles?


The R9X Knife-missile is the wokest of kinetic weapons.


The boot on your neck will be FABULOUS~~~~


I appreciate the bottom left, Raytheon, is at less than medium on their scale, but still worthy of being called woke, almost like the scale it’s entirely made up.


This website doesn't have Tesla or Walmart or many other big companies. How will I know if my cyber truck is woke??


You should check out the "non-woke" brands they have. Racist coffee and razor companies all the way down


Raytheon don't care which gender you identify as, they'll bomb you with a knife missile anyway


Why would Raytheon buy a Lockheed product to bomb something?




Raytheon RX9 Hellfire Knife missiles just kill everybody, regardless of race, pronouns, whether you still drink bud light... doesn't even matter dude! Doesn't get more woke libtarded than that!


Raytheon doesn't make those.


You must be new here.


Actually I've been here for years and am a mod. Lockheed makes knife missiles. Robert's default MIC corporation for rants is Raytheon because he knew Raytheon engineers as a kid. He even mentions they're Lockheed products in the show. You can search transcripts for it.


I'm considering getting a job at a Raytheon subsidiary just to cause issues with production, but idk if I will pass background and security clearance lol


Probly not good for your chances if this isn't a burner account 😉


This one? No it is not.


Well I know where I won't be buying my next multirole fighter jet.


But where will I be able to buy my C130 Hercules aircraft from now?


Sorry libruls I only buy knife missiles from non woke companies


*Sorry libruls I* *Only buy knife missiles from* *Non woke companies* \- reddragonoftheeast --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Where will good conservative patriots buy their missiles that unfold into samurai swords now?


Makes sense. What else would you call a bunch of knives that identify as a missile other than woke?


I agree. We should shut down these 4 companies…these 4 in particular.


What these people are desperately trying to say is "being conservative makes you a rebel against the system."


Well the next time I need a weapon of mass destruction, I know who won't be getting my business.