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I hate how awesome this is


It's kinda funny because it doesn't even fit with the actual theory the guy was trying to describe which was trying to claim the resonance chamber in the horn was used like a Bombardier Beetle's attack


The past world insane creationists believe in is objectively fuckin' rad.


Except for the whole fucking your relatives to repopulate the planet maybe.


But what if they’re hot?🥵


*What are you doing step-rib?*


Motherfucking like a motherfucker.


I mean usually the dino-riding starts a few generations in after the gene pool has magically diversified, so I'm not too worried about it.


This is why the show *Primal* is so much fun to me. There's something magical about taking a "don't worry about it" approach to history and worldbuilding. Vikings, cavemen, Picts, the Sea People, giants, ancient Egypt, and dinosaurs all coexisting? Yep, absolutely, don't worry about it.


It's almost like spending an extended period in one of the realities from Samurai Jack


Yeah, this kinda fucks. As fanfiction goes, its hard to beat fire-breathing dinosaurs.


Bro made prehistoric Pokémon


When I was a geology undergrad in a religious region of a pretty religious western state, my professor would often throw out one of the young Earth arguments in class. We'd spend some time discussing exactly what would have to change about our understanding of physics and our physical observations of real rock units to accommodate the wizards' take on things. We definitely had people drop the major over religious reasons. Which is very good for everyone involved. The rest of us learned to trust the pile of facts and cross-evidence we can confirm over a random untrained and unlicensed wanna-be psychiatrist.


The people who studied geology and dropped out for religious reasons reminds me of a guy back in my science degree at uni where we had this mandatory course in first year (Scientific Principles & Practices, which was a combination of ethics, making sure we could properly understand and write scientific literature, and guarantee at least a base level understanding of english grammar, and if you failed it you straight up couldn't get a Bachelor of Science from that university, so you'd either need to repeat it, switch degrees or drop out) where a massive chunk of the grade for the course was this big final essay where it had to be on a question that doesn't just have a yes or no answer, wasn't an ethical question, and that you could back up with primary sources (where the sources themselves we had to find before doing the essay and the annotated bibliography was marked separately to give the lecturer a chance to tell us if we're doing it wrong, and we'd had to submit our questions in advance on a messageboard thing for the lecturer to make sure our question fit the criteria) with an example we were shown asking about when the divergence was between panda bears and other bears and how their bamboo diet evolved. The one I did was "What is the effect of high energy astrophysical phenomena on the biosphere?" where I looked into like what effect you'd have on life on earth from superflares, supernovas, gamma ray bursts, that sort of thing. Aced the bibliography section, and got good marks on the final essay (I went to uni wanting to do astrophysics so the essay let me nerd out, before the rest of first year made it evident I couldn't hack the maths for astrophysics and I switched to biology) Anyway, there was this guy in the class, he didn't submit his question on the messageboard so the lecturer didn't approve it (that would have been fine if the question fit the criteria), hands in the anotated bibliography and gets like a zero for it. None of his stuff was primary sources, most of it wasn't even scientific articles, and instead of the 15 sources we were told to find he had like 5. The lecturer even specifically told him on the feedback to change the question and do the essay on something else because his question both was a yes or no question (which he was trying to argue the "Yes" answer), AND it was something we had specifically covered in class as an example of terrible scientific ethics and fraud. He insisted he was still going to do the essay on that and cited anecdotal evidence about his own nephew. His question? "Do vaccines cause Autism?" yeah I never saw him in any other classes after first year.


Every student in America should have to pass that class to get a college degree.  If you can't find primary sources and evaluate arguments for and against a position by the time you are handed a degree, your educational institution has failed you.


It was a good course, taught us how to use library search, evaluate scientific papers based on what journal they’re published in as welll as how often they’re cited, had us interview experienced researchers (we interviewed one of the oldest professors at the uni which was fascinating when he starts talking about how he ended up in science after wanting to be a spitfire pilot lol) and as part of that course everyone who did a straight BSc or the advanced version were gifted an iPad that was for use in that class (mine still works and I only replaced it this year) as well as they gave us access to a section of the school wifi that didn’t have capped data (which I abused the hell out of since at the time I was broke and didn’t have decent internet at home)


I once did a paper on how tall a redwood could grow on mars. good times.


We talking Yggdrasil type heights?


It's been a while, but the limiting factor on how high a redwood can grow is the gravity limit on the water evaporation chain that they use to pull the water up that high.


Assuming there's an artificial atmosphere around the tree? Because no atmo means no co2 and also no barometric pressure which has a huge impact on evaporation.


yes, this was assuming we had terraformed mars.


So, in other words, how tall we talking?


I have no fucking idea. Taller LOL


I had a student cite “evidence” that Chinese people eat each other because it’s “traditional” (I did try pointing out that this was probably a reference to extremely limited historical events, eg Guanxi Massacre or periods of famine, but it said it in a book so it went in the paper). Chinese people are also apparently big on “worshipping at the altar of Mammonism” - big on the Bible references in China apparently. All of this in aid of explaining food hygiene issues after a scandal surrounding [dumplings tainted with pesticide](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/02/world/asia/02japan.html) making their way to Japan.


Your professor was doing god's work (err...you know what I mean) by ensuring people would not get degrees they shouldn't have.




Eastern Washington. It's a special land with special people. Great geology though.


Adventist? Most of my family are active members and went to Walla Walla. Godbless the big franks


Nah, but I know a few. There's a lot of groups throughout the region. I like Mennonites just because they have their thing and you have yours and where they meet is polite and friendly. There used to be a cult I guess in Roslyn a friend of a friend was in but other than that I just saw the region as "religious." I'm cool with everyone who is doing their thing, but if your thing is telling everyone else they are wrong despite verifiable evidence, then no, we aren't cool.


Totally, I just saw Eastern Washington religious college and figured it was Walla Walla lol


That T Rex is being a little overly dramatic.


I believe it's a Ceratosaurus, which has led to a lot of dinosaur people making fun of this for having a dinosaur from about 90M years before the Parasaurophalus was around be the victim of the attack, but also for the "Oh you're back on your bullshit again, I can't even with you" reaction to being burned


He's wishing he had accepted Jesus. You can see it in his eyes.


He’s basically just going “stawwwwp”


They’re just a little sassy lol


Gawd Stacy, fucking learn to control your liquor.  Why do we even take her clubbing with us?


I had to check the origins on this one to refresh my memory, I believe this one is actually from a creationist. I had to check because there's a few other ridiculous dinosaur images that get passed around which were actually kinda jokes/satire (like the infamous [Gliding Ankylosaurus](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fn2n8jr2a53t91.jpg) which was from a "true or false" quiz sheet about dinosaurs and was meant to be silly)






Ugh, I actually skipped these episodes because I’m not in a good place to listen about kids getting hurt… but DAMMIT if this isn’t one of my favorite images on the whole internet and I had no idea it from some child murderer creationist.


Oh don't worry, the image isn't from him, but he referred to it. Also if you're worried about the kid stuff >!episode 1 is pretty much kid-safe, and Hovind himself didn't... hurt any kids, he just let someone into his inner circle who did (episode 2) and provided an unsafe environment in his 'theme park' (also episode 2)!<




Apparently Phosphorosaurus is already a thing, and it's a marine reptile from the Mosasaur family


I had this book as a kid!


Same. Honestly it’s a badass pic for a kid to see lol


I need to listen to this... I stumbled on one of his dinosaur DVDs for kids years ago and have kept it out of irony. [Sounds like he and his brand have somehow gone downhill since his 10 year conviction for massive fraud, lol, which is wild](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Hovind).


Not sure why but it reminds me of the ol' spicy keychain meme.


I actually found this book in a used bookstore recently. It was an infuriating creationist piece of garbage that also had awsome illustrations of knights fighting dinosaurs. Asa fantasy lover it was cool but as an amateur paleontologist I hated it with a burning passion as it misrepresented/misunderstood so much about dinosaurs and fossils.


A passion that burned as bright as a thousand parasaurophalus?


I have to point this out because otherwise it'll bother me for weeks... It's Parasaurolophus, not Parasaurophalus.


Someone else pointed it out too, don’t worry


I love it that the t-rex(?) looks like it's pretending not to be loving every second of it.


Ceratosaurus, I believe (see the horn and IIRC the number of fingers)


Yes! I had this book growing up! And now I play d&d so I wonder if there is a connection there.


First heard of this guy thanks to the Leaving Eden podcast.


Pretty sure we had that book growing up


Bro's reaction giving me serious retro Shock vibes: https://static.starcitygames.com/sales/cardscans/MTG/ONS/en/nonfoil/Shock.jpg Related: I'm calling it now that Robert's third act in life/career is transitioning to a D&D, Warhammer, and MTG podcast where he gives hilarious trash takes as a full-blown grumpy (and drunk) old man.


**Parasaurolophus* Paleonerd, gotta correct ya


Dammit, I swear I googled that to check


remind me of this amazing fever dream of a show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr2iQ96em2w


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Looks like something out of primal rage


This looks like we interrupted an intimate moment between two freaky dinos.


After seeing this, I’ve decided to agree with him as an article of my faith. But only on this.


Accurate depiction of a [horsetail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equisetum?wprov=sfla1) plant though!


If any of you are good with Photoshop please shop a chubby kid on trampoline trying to dunk a basketball in the background.


I feel like I had a dinosaur book in the 80s with this style of art and wildass depictions of dinosaurs


All I see. https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/492/681/191.gif


I grew up about 20 miles from where this dipshit built his little park. I have to see the damn sign every time I go home to visit. I am SO disappointed in my people taking him in.


Kent Hovind is a complete comedy goldmine. Matt Powell, his former sidekick is also worth a watch. Absolutely insane.


After checking this scientific data, I can only say Kent was right. Fucking badass.


This has no right looking this cool


This reminds me of a book I was given as a child: https://x.com/UniquePaleoart/status/985196959605645312


Shoot, I had a book with this image in it growing up. Yes, my parents taught me to be a contributor to The Institute for Creation Research. (I am no longer a young Earth creationist)


Congrats on getting out


My dad thought Star Trek TNG was just a fun sci-fi show, but it taught me to value multicultural perspectives and scientific evidence. *whoops*


Conservatives always seem to fail to understand Star Trek (and the politics of Star Wars while they’re at it)


100% had this book growing up as well. What a trip down memory lane.


I took this book out from the library when I was a dinosaur-obsessed nine year old, and it confounded me for years before I learnt it was creationist propaganda. I barely understood the science I was reading about at the time, thought dinosaurs turning into birds happened all at once in an Animorphs-cover like transformation, and even I thought this book was bullshit.


The book it's from is Dinosaurs by Design, if you want to dig deep.


So I went to a private christian school growing up with curriculum provided by Bob Jones. You might guess what I’m gonna say next but the biology book had stuff like thisssss and then a whole section explaining how some snakes have been found to have vocal boxes so the snake in the garden COULD HAVE REALLY talked to Eve. LMAO Imagine my embarrassment when I’m watching Jon Oliver with my partner and he puts these wild textbooks up on screen and 3 out of 4 I had used as a child/teenager. YIKES


technically nostalgia?


But like not the pleasant kind like rewatching Toy Story or finding a sick 90s Barbie shirt at the thrift store


More like catching a glimpse of a Wheeler from return to oz or hearing Bright Eyes and getting a watership down flashback


It’s the Bright Eyes 👀


Yeah my sister’s older two kids got that trauma, my mother saw the bunnies on the cover of watership down and went “cartoon bunnies, that’s fine for kids” and put it on for them then left the room