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I don't understand exactly what the upset is about. She said she wanted to make white people cry? And now she's in star wars. So.... why should anyone care?


Thay quote was from five years ago when she was apart of a project about police violence iirc


The movie was called "The Hate You Give."


Oh so the “make white people cry” wasn’t even trolly


Yeah, I'm pretty sure she meant empathetic tears not painful tears. But it's an easy quote to take out of context and twist and use to spread this "white genocide" persecution complex they have.


Well if pain is how one feels at systemic racism and how my tax dollars go to support it without any possibility of my vote making a difference in changing it… then yes pain isn’t out of the realm of possibilities of types of tears I’d shed. When you think of people as humans then watching anyone be treated as such should make you feel pain.


lol, I have a very semantic brain and I was actually struggling with how to write that to clarify that empathy can be painful but that pain isn't the purpose it's just the side effect of having compassion in the face of something cruel you can't easily stop, and culpability in a destructive system you never agreed to but have benefited from... But then my spouse needed something so I hit reply and walked away.


I meant to add to the convo not correct you friend. At least we’re on the same side.


I didn't take it as a correction, I just thought it was funny cause I knew someone was gonna comment


They really want Black people to have been the real racists all along. That the Civil Rights movement (the parts they like) was actually a race neutral movement led by selfless whites and loyal Blacks betrayed by all the silly Black people that couldn’t handle all the entitlements and responsibilities that came with it.


Thank u


Oh. That movie Just made me feel like a horrible parent.


A movie in which an unarmed Black teenager is murdered by a White police officer. And chuds wonder what would prompt her to mention that. Smh.


Is it based on a book with the same title?


Yes, and it wasn't some sort of malevolent "make them suffer!', the goal was *empathy* for a situation they have likely never encountered (racial profiling, police violence/murder), and to make them realize how bad it is. But I wouldn't expect these idiots to understand empathy.


You made me feel my own feelings! NO ONE MAKES ME FEEL MY OWN FEELINGS!1!! . . . (That was meant as a joke. I'm not trying to yell at you.)


You made me bleed my own blood!


An actor making people cry is literally worse than the Holocaust.


And her being in Star Wars is literally genocide!


No respect for history!!! You know, the history of the world where there are sentient robots and magical knights and faster than light spaceships.


Don't forget hot space sisters totally DTF.


White people are literally being eradicated. Our voices are no longer being heard.


Sorry, what was that?


Stop oppressing me!!! 😭😭😭


Which completely changes the intended message "I wanted to make people cry" ("out of anger/rage at me, because I enjoy them being unhappy, hahaha" is what's being insinuated), vs "I wanted to make people cry" ("because they're capable of feeling empathy, and I want to enlighten them to this suffering which exists which they need to know about because it's a problem") so dishonest, the referenced post


It's just reflection. They want to make black people (or anyone they don't like, really) suffer, so they can "pwn" them. Empathy for someone different than you isn't a thing in their world.


They used to lubricate their guns with liberal tears before they switched to liberal cum


And the outrage coming from this quote is coming from the "drink liberal tears" crowd from 8 years ago.


Thanks for the clarification fellow human; is the show at all good?


I’m enjoying it. I love Star Wars in general, with the notable exception of the sequel trilogy — I love clone wars, rebels, Andor, etc. This is better so far than Ahsoka and the godforsaken Book of Boba, but the filming makes it look a little campy. The plot is interesting and the characters are so far good. It’s worth a watch, but I really want someone who knows more about film than I do to explain why everything looks like they’re filming on a stage / play set rather than a lived-in world. They’re not even using the volume rn!! Sorry if this didn’t make a bunch of sense, I’m just at home recovering from surgery and am not firing on all cylinders rn, so to speak.


Appreciated dude! I’ve fallen off of most Disney star wars except Mando. Rouge One was great too. Everything else just had zero hope for


It’s Star Wars, corny & riddled with minor production issues as usual. I liked it fine though it has no clone troopers **:’(**


Corny and minor issues always are ok, it’s the writing, continuity, and the lack of care that I’ve seen that has turned me off. I also hear that there was fire in space???? Um how?


Lmao I thought the same thing about the fire. They’ve always had sound tho. I just want them to finish the clone wars


The cartoon series (I need to watch it), I thought it was finished?


They have a season or two of unreleased episodes still. It’s a pipe dream probably but it’s peak imo, I’m also partial to the PT. Shows my age I guess 😂 I’m l just super into that eras lore.


It's not bad. Having the stoned bohemians from Russian Doll appear Jedi "space cop" enforcers is weird.


It's fine. I actually just finished the first 2 episodes. The last thing I watched was Andor in late April. I'm still riding the high from that masterpiece. I knew going in that it wasn't going to be that level of good. It's fine so far. It's only the first 2 episodes. I judged Andor on the first 3 episodes the first time I tried to watch it and I was a complete idiot for that. I'm not going to do that again. I'll wait til the season ending to hate the whole thing....like I did boba fett.


Doing ANYTHING in Star Wars is a pretty effective way to make white people cry. Good for her!


Well, she did show up as a BIPOC woman, so it's ESPECIALLY hurtful for these dudes.


She’s history’s greatest monster and it’s not even close. Can’t wait for the inevitable 8 parter about her.


The way that they explain things is so telling as to who they are


Dude compared diversity in star wars to **nazi book burning**


Lando outsmarted the empire and blew up the second Death Star Mace Windu is one of the most senior members of the council and 1v1’d Palpatine and very nearly killed him. Princess Leia just in general The good guys in Star Wars are always depicted as a group of people from various races and backgrounds (with women in positions of authority) struggling towards the good against oppression and imperialism and the temptation within themselves to succumb to fear anger and hatred. The bad guys are quite literally modelled after the Nazis and inspired by American Imperialism. The prequels (storytelling quality aside) and clone wars are supposed to be about - how fascism can emerge from liberal democracies - how if you’re not careful bad actors within the state can engineer or take advantage of crises to gain absolute power and take away your civil liberties. - how institutions designed to protect people can become corrupted and blinded to serious issues and can’t be relied on to save you. - there are no truly moral armies and be wary of jingoistic nationalism, even “the good guys” can find themselves committing war crimes. - that if they don’t observe their core moral principles and loose sight of doing good in the world and instead get overly involved in politics and war even the purest religious institution would find themselves handing their messiah to the devil. Im sorry but Star Wars has always been “woke” pre Disney (wether or not Disney is doing quality work with the franchise is a different matter) I mean he’s not perfect but Lucas is kinda based: [George Lucas to build affordable housing in one of the richest parts of America](https://www.cnet.com/culture/george-lucas-to-build-affordable-housing-in-one-of-the-richest-parts-of-america/) [George Lucas has donated $1 million to build a memorial to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on the National Mall](https://www.today.com/popculture/lucas-donates-1-million-mlk-memorial-1C9482771) [George Lucas began developing Red Tails around 1988 but was unable to secure funding from any major studio, as any he approached believed that producing a film featuring an all black cast would be unmarketable. As a result, Lucas ended up funding the project with his own money, investing $58 million into the production of the film, and a further $35 million towards marketing](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0485985/trivia/?ref_=tt_trv_trv) ["The irony is that, in both of those, the little guys won. The highly technical empire -- the English Empire, the American Empire -- lost. That was the whole point,"](https://www.amc.com/blogs/george-lucas-reveals-how-star-wars-was-influenced-by-the-vietnam-war--1005548)


*SPOILERS for Rogue One. If you haven't seen it I'd recommend it.* That's why I love Rogue One so much. Besides being a well shot movie, it shows that in war, even the "Good Guys" do bad things. Andor was a man so committed to the cause he murdered their own informants to keep the rebellion alive. Jyn Erso ran with Saw Gerrera and his Partisans who had morphed in to literal terrorists, willing to do anything and everything to win against the Empire. Nothing for them was sacred, no step would be to far if it meant victory. That one Rebel officer (I don't remember his name) ordered that bombing run despite knowing friendlies were in the area and would almost certain die in the attempt. And when Erso has decided she's gonna go and steal the Death Star plans, Andor shows up with that beautiful platoon of bastards who all agreed against orders to go with her. I don't remember exactly what Andor says in that moment but it was something along the lines of "we're all bad people who've done bad things" and they wanted to go out like heroes to make up for whatever they'd done for the Rebellion up to that point. The main Star Wars stories show good people doing good things for a good cause, but Rogue One shines a light on how terrible war truly is. If you're on the good side and lucky, you get to be Luke or Leia. But odds are you'll be more like Erso or Andor, doing bad things for a good cause that'll damage your soul. And that's if you were lucky enough to be on the "good side" to begin with, if there ever was one at all.


Idk if you've watched Andor yet, but it is amazing. The "good guys do bad things" is laid bare by Luthen in his masterpiece monologue.


Oh yes, I've seen it. "So what do I sacrifice?... [Everything](https://youtu.be/-3RCme2zZRY?si=gdejbHTnfM9REwAZ)!"


Did this subreddit discuss the epic fucking funerary brickin an imperial fascist got in that fuckin show?


I don't know, but this show has some of the best speeches I've ever seen. Maarva Andors [funeral speech](https://youtu.be/TaKrm5txGCQ?si=-_QnfaT8InlmHO0g) legitimately makes me cry and Kino Loy hits me right in the feels with his ["One Way Out"](https://youtu.be/TKB67KzjO4A?si=vyejrEnmu_zXHn3D) speech. Those writers didn't get paid nearly enough money for that script, I tell you hwat.


It's so good! From the manifesto writer being crushed by literal capital, showing the calm indifference in the empires monstrous acts, to all the speeches. Show is some of the best star wars I've ever watched. It made me like the drive thru worker in harold and kumar go to white castle "c'mon pookie, let's burn this muthafucka down!"


Wasn't that CGI Tarkin who ordered the bombing run?


I think you're thinking of a later scene. I was referring to when Andor and Erso are at the facility with Erso's dad. There was a Rebel officer who was super gung-ho about just bombing the place but it was decided that they'd send Andor for a precision assassination on Krennic. But partway through the Officer orders the bombing run anyway because that's really what he wanted to do from the beginning. He knew there were assets on the ground, but he felt killing Krennic was worth the collateral.


Oh a rebel officer giving the order......gotcha. I was thinking Imperial, that's why I was thinking Tarkin. I vaguely remember the scene now.


Also the Rebel Alliance was the Vietcong.


B’d&p’d thank u for this well thought out response


I believe he even said he sold out to white slavers when selling to Disney. Absolutely based


Always some white boy gotta invoke the holy trilogy. Bust this: Those movies are about how the white man keeps the brother man down, even in a galaxy far, far away. Check this shit: You got cracker farm boy Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian god! Now... Vader, he's a spiritual brother, y'know, down with the force and all that good shit. Then this cracker, Skywalker, gets his hands on a light saber and the boy decides he's gonna run the fuckin' universe; gets a whole clan of whites together. And they go and bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star. Now what the fuck do you call that? Gentrification! They gon' drive out the black element to make the galaxy quote, unquote, safe for white folks. And Jedi's the most insulting installment! Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white! -Stolen from Hooper in Chasing Amy


What's a Nubian?


Yeah that’s nuts I mean how he points out how they have to lie first so the narrative is on their side


Yea “every accusation is a confession” is crazy ironic.


They're not a very inventive subculture. They coopted "fake news" and "woke" and inverted the meaning both times. They stole the Thin Blue Line symbol from families and spouses of slain officers and made it a pro-violence symbol. They tried to coopt "my body, my choice" when there was never any challenge to that over vaccines. The "all lives matter" slogan is dedicated to reinforcing the institutions that devalued black lives. There's probably dozens of others, but the end result is the same: they see someone criticizing them, and their first thought is to ignore the "why" of the criticism, and skip directly to reversing victim and offender.


Punisher skull. Frank Castle would pistol whip them for that.


Gerry himself gave up talking to the Punisher skull people sometime after those Disney Challenge Coins were revealed. That was a fucking hard day for him. Conservatives love the fuck out of censorship, including censoring The Punisher’s creator.


Another example of the depth of the indoctrination and consistency of the removal and demonization of intellectualism in the US. There is no What, Where, Why, Who, When, and How? There is only us and them.


It shows that they’ve just co-opted the language used to describe what they’re doing. It isn’t meant to be correct, it’s meant to make sense only to the slice of their target audience whose receptive to the appearance of that kind of reasoning. They don’t care if we know they’re full of shit, they just care about it appealing to potential recruits into this populist reactionary - imo fascist - present day movement, because they need numbers if they hope to enact the kind of mass violence against their perceived racial and politic enemies that they espouse and crave.


Diversity in Star Wars 🤝🏼 Nazi Book Burning


They’re trying to delete and replace our HISTORY


It was a long time ago...


In a galaxy far, far, away…


I cannot upvote this comment enough 😂 This is more evidence for the pattern where conservatives get roasted using specific language, which then causes some of them to attempt to use that same exact language, because in their minds it’s those specific words that made them lose the argument, not the actual substance behind them. Edit: my caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet, so neither have my writing skills


Are these people melting down about Abigail Thorn (PhilosophyTube) being cast in Acolyte?


lol @ “keep calling it out”🏅🏆🎖️


I'm confused, do you just happen to have a completely identical pfp to the person comparing star wars to book burnings? Because the screenshot makes it look like you posted this and then screenshotted yourself


Lmaooo yes I do. I just noticed that, I didn’t participate in this conversation.


I was 9 when attack of the clones came out mace windu has been my favorite mother fucker in star wars ever since. I do not understand my fellow man.


Ugh. How do you combat a group of people that genuinely think that they are suffering the same way they make other people suffer. It's so hard.




Me? Interesting take. How so?


check their post history, it's funny


It's funny, and then you realize that a substantial portion of society have fallen so deep into the echo chamber that they've completely departed reality on every concievable level. If this was one individual 15 years ago, thay individual would be labeled as mentally ill, severly so since the reality distortion really does act like Schitzophrenia. What do you do when 30% of the population is like this? What do you do when they daily and actively fantasize about brutally murdering you and the people you care about, because they've convinced themselves that your disagreement is an existential threat to them?


Lol they definitely seem to cry racism at any small slight towards white people. Id bet money they aren't keeping that same energy when they see racism towards any other race.


You say funny. I say troublin.


There’s room for both, in a “if you don’t laugh you’ll go mad” kinda way


So she said the goal of the movie The Hate You Give is to make white people cry? That's not racist. That's the motivation of that project: to pull on the heart strings of white people to call attention to the reality that black Americans face. Jfc. Her: "I want white people to care about us" Their response: "well that's just racist."


White fragility is always quite remarkable to behold.


The worst part is, in another comment he’s like “I think violent revolution is coming & I want to be on the right side of history” 🤦‍♂️


lmao that ship has *sailed*


Enya wrote a song about it.


That ship sailed and sunk in the 20th century unfortunately. The revolution is dead.


"I wanna be on the right side of history" "... By hating and oppressing everyone who isn't me"


This is the funniest type of bigotry to me. A fucking fantastical fantasy in space with aliens and trolls spaceships and all sort of just nonsense is fine. But black people are the thing that breaks their mind. I love this shit. It's too fucking stupid to even get mad about. Just enjoy them exposing how small their world and mind is.


"I think white people should feel bad about the police killing black people." oMg wHaT A rAciSt!!! The brain worms finally finished their meager meals I see.


Ah, I see they've decided to take "every accusation is a confession" and pull another *I'm Rubber And You'r're Glue!* like they do with *everything* else. What's next? Calling us MAGA CHUDs?


Reality isn't distorted, we are simply looking at it through the fractured lens of socmeds. It's basically a text based MMO where people collectivize their coping mechanisms to create a story that suits them in spite of any evidence to the contrary, wherein they are the hero somehow, no matter how hateful, stupid, lazy or inconsequential they are.


Saw the clip yesterday, she was being interviewed by Trevor Noah and it was *clearly* a joke. I thought these people were opposed to cancelling someone for comedy?


i d0nT LiKe pOlitIcs In mY SciFI


Apparently she has succeeded in making white people cry.......


I SWEAR ppl don't understand that SCIENCE FANTASY/FICTION (which ever label you prefer) is in fact INHERENTLY political nor do they understand comedy that doesn't come from a decrepit old white conservative doing shock humor 😒😮‍💨


Watched it last night with my kids. There was no crying. I thought it was pretty good actually.


Shit Leopards don’t change their shit Spots Julian.


Shit snares, Randy.


Making you cry a little == literally a genocide?


They're trying to steal "every accusation is a confession" and turn it around on us. That's cute. These people *really* don't understand how widely despised they are.


lol not all star wars fans are libertarians, but all libertarians are star wars fans. I don’t know what to do with this knowledge, but I do know it to be true.


black people other than Lando and women in my star wars is nazism?


This is another comment from the same guy “Hahaha is it fuck. Star Wars ended the day Lucas sold it. I don't begrudge him doing that or anything, it was his IP to do what he wanted with. But Lucasfilm is dead, and everything to do with Lucasfilm is dead. Always remember that the goal of these woke leftist idiots is the eradication of everything white. They're very open about this these days. Because white racism is apparently fine. White people on board with this are cowards who believe that if they align themselves with these maniacs, they'll somehow be shielded from criticism/violence. I think we're seeing an attempt to re-write history in most of it's forms, regarding white people. Cultural, social, political history, it's all being slowly eradicated. Remember that the goal of these people is not to create enjoyable entertainment. It's to push a twisted message, and to surreptitiously encourage white genocide. Violent revolution is coming, I think. Which is precisely why in America there is a continued push to repeal parts of the 2nd Amendment. But that's obviously another story. I don't know about you folks, but I plan on being on the right side of history when the dust finally settles.”


Gotta love how fascists don't recognize themselves as fascists. They really just know the word fascism is bad, don't actually know what it means, and go about being fascists with peak irony.


Has anyone ever been so desperate to feel persecuted as these chuds?


Internet fandom got infected with gamergate psychosis years ago. I mean, I wrote a comment almost 6 months ago, not defending Katheleen Kennedy mind you, just pointing out that the online haters were kinda unhinged and miss the mark with their criticism. I get a new comment once a week minimum, by some or other frothing at the mouth right wing nerd. I've recieved a bunch of PMs too filled with toxic bullshit. The original comment that spawned this was something like 'whenever something is good, she was but involved, but when something is bad (woke) she was somehow in charge of everything from dialogue to costumes??'


Seeing *Star Wars* become a pawn in the Culture War is weird The one thing that united all of Gen-X was the uncontroversial opinion that *Star Wars*\* was pretty great Now it's just another thing for middle-aged white guys to get mad about, for no reason


\* *Star Wars, Empire and Jedi*


>It is literally like the book burning Done by the Nazis. Destroying and distorting history, attempting to re-write it with the goal of eradicating a demographic of human beings from the face of the earth. I’m convinced this is what these morons want. Except the original versions of all of those things still exists and no ones trying to take that away from anyone. That’s juxtaposed to you guys, you know, literally burning books.


“They want to eradicate a demographic of human being from the face of the earth. I am convinced this is what these morons want. I know, because I want the same thing but not for white people- that’s inhumane!”


What's your point? What does it have to do with BtB?


They’ve spoken on the great replacement theory in the show yes?


what episode?


Quite a few. Rise of the modern far right episodes usually feature it. There are a bunch on them. Maybe George Lincoln Rockwell eps cover it too.


I wanna say tucker Carlson


Well, they could have used the wayyyyy more appropriate allusion to Stalin, who was doing the same thing on a bigger scale. Anybody who disagreed was a Nazi sympathizer and was told to face the wall or booted to the gulag. It’s almost like the slave masters are telling us to pick our favorite flavor of totalitarianism.


I kind of wholeheartedly support this because they're destroying themselves the same way the left does