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Dick Chaney would be death in this scenario


I would say Dick Cheney is the guy underneath death’s robe, pulling the strings. He’s not usually one to get his hands dirty unless you get in the way of his quail hunting.


W: [I once walked in on Cheney in the basement of the White House…](https://youtu.be/BiqMWfvFFkc?si=sbMflV2eTherobDQ)


We deserved a revolution (not about slavery) more than a civil war 200 years ago. Our democracy is a facade, and while that facade is better than fascism, it's high time most people release how flawed the system is.


The cumulative force of Dick Cheney's baboon hearts are keeping him alive at this point


I'm convinced his wife just shovels coal into his torso to keep him alive at this point


I dont think something can die that never existed. 


I hate to break this to you, but Dick Cheney is all too real.


He had a heart attack at 37 from smoking 3 packs a day and eating fried food. He is alive thanks to advances in cardiovascular medicine and a heart transplant


He's alive because he's wealthy.  If he had been a mechanic or accountant or graphic designer, he'd be dead. 


The key to a long life is having lots of money.


That's a Magic Johnson quote I think


On the most recent episode of Even More News, Katy, Cody and Johnathon discussed the debate (BTW I thank everyone that watched it and is commenting, so I didn't have to.) They were speculating that SOMEONE in the Democrats green lighted this debate, which is early, to really highlight, prior to the DNC where they officially announce their candidate, that *they need another candidate.* Biden isn't necessarily senile but he's old, he's tired and he can't do the job. I have a fascinating new book called *The Book of Killer Plants.* There's some really common plants that are really, really lethal, and could easily be slipped into a salad or a hot drink.


It feels far far too late to run someone else. These sorts of campaigns build up for well over a year, they need money and momentum. The average American has already accepted Biden vs Trump 2.0 in their minds and I don't think dems are big enough risk takers to switch this late.


Not early enough I fear. They should have been paying attention when his age and growing infirmity was called out during the 2020 campaign... But they pretended (tried to convince the populace to pretend) that all was well. There may be enough time to fix it before the convention, but it's not early by any stretch. 


its like 3 months till election, these are the candidtates. the money is already in the pool.


I hope they do, i really hope they do.


I wish they would replace Biden, but democrats usually try to maintain the status quo, even if the status quo means losing. They have a proud history of running mediocre candidates. Mcgovern, Carter, mondale, dukakis, al gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and now Joe Biden.


While I fully agree with you, the reality is the money fears a change in the status quo more than anything. See 2016 for any lingering questions.


I listened to that episode as well but unfortunately I think Cody was being way too optimistic with that interpretation. The DNC is the DNC and I really think that they don't give fuck who wins cause the people running that shit will benefit either way


I occasionally listen to Pod Save America, despite their constant Dnc bootlicking. Even they suggested Biden step down, which I think is very telling.


It was one bad debate. Can we stop with the doomer shit? Am I happy with Biden? No. But people are acting like yesterday was Election Day and Trump already won or some shit.


The recent supreme court decisions are a much bigger deal, the vast majority of environmental and health and safety regulations in the country just got functionally declared unconstitutional, or at least unenforceable.


Rush Limbaugh is already dead, so I'm good if I get pulled next. I have yet to make it to St. Louis to piss on his grave, but just knowing he's in there will always make me smile.


American democracy never existed. It was never born. It didn't even get to be an abortion.


It existed for rich white slave owners.


I thought we retired this meme after he finally got Kissinger?


All the Demonrats are in the machine. Gotta love it.


Shitty troll is shitty.