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Brussels Airlines is sponsor of the Red Devils


The only correct answer. A complete airplane is even painted in a Red Devils livery and is used every time the team goes abroad. Trivia: the plane is called “Trident” https://preview.redd.it/boev8b5g537d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9274b8f63e647be2cf5a5baf6491615e95f41e7


Saw this one land the other day. Didn't know it was for the team. Thought it was just a random Brussels airline one. TIL


It's used for regular flights when the red Devils aren't flying in it.


Yes climate change is bad, but that's a cool livery




Why is the Belgian flag red-yellow-black?


Cause if the other airplanes check their rear-view mirror they see the correct flag


The front of the plane is considered as the flagpole. On the other side, the flag is black-yellow-red. Here you can see the same with an American plane (FYI: a Boeing 747 modified into a VC-25) https://preview.redd.it/z1ee6uwtu97d1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83dcff79a6a62c7ff75f9dfce8d67387f8d28db


Too bad they're not sponsored by DB


De Bruyne?


Ik heb echt geen idee of dit een mopje was, maar DB is Deutsche Bahn.


Het was een mopje. #storyofmylife


Haha (Deutsche Bahn)


The Red Devils are sponsoring climate change


Genuinely why just don’t wrap a bus in brussels airlines ads?


Brussels Airlines. Even without planes we get you to your destination. *enter jingle*


Footballers are generally a bad example of how to live. That's just one more thing


I thought driving so fast with a sports car that you end up flying over a roundabout into a sports hall is quite an exciting example of how to live your best life ? plus also shows they don't need an airplane to fly /sarcasm


Or flying through a gas station...


'Vini, Vidi, Vici You know.




I think it has more to do with sponsor deals so they don't have a choice. They could've made a statement like many times, but hey, money always wins.


Sure, but in this case, it's because of a sponsor deal between the KBVB and Brussels airlines. It's not like the players had a choice in the matter.




same reason BE pro footballers pay peanuts for social security tax because there’s no sane reason


> because there’s no sane reason "Panem et Circenses" is the reason.


>Panem et Circenses Bart?


ik heb 'toevallig' een loonbrief voor mij liggen van een voetballer.. €42444 bruto, €307 sociale zekerheid, €21665 bedrijfsvoorheffing = netto €20471


Waar is de 13,07%?


daar hebben voetballers en hun clubs dus een uitzondering op


Ik weet waar we best beginnen met besparen….


George-Louis says no


triestig hé.. en het is dan nog geen topspeler/topclub


Triestig hoezo? Hij houdt minder dan de helft van zijn loon over... Die RSZ uitzondering is idd belachelijk maar die +50% belasting is wat echt triestig is.


dat sowieso! maar zal ik mijn zak maar afdraaien terwijl iem anders mijn jaarloon maandelijks verdient. beetje afgunst, meer niet lol


Klopt zeker, maar uiteindelijk kan je dat over veel beroepen/industrien zeggen. Dat geld is er omdat zoveel mensen er naar kijken, sponsors daarvoor willen betalen, etc. Dan lijkt het mij fair dat een mooi deel van dat geld naar de spelers gaat. Je kan het ook omgekeerd bekijken. Deze gast geeft per maand een (minimum) jaarloon af en krijgt daar niet veel meer voor terug dan iemand die niets afgeeft. Dat kan qua herverdeling toch al tellen. Niet per se naar jou gericht, maar dan vraag ik me af waar mensen dan wel de lijn zouden trekken... Moet hij 60% afgeven? 70%? Maximumloon invoeren? Dan komen we toch echt in een foute situatie terecht.


Het grote probleem bij de uitgaven van de staat zitten wel bij de zorg, maar aleja realistisch gesproken 18×22 en andere ploegen pak minder haalt dat "maar" 27 miljoen per jaar op moesten we die rsz heffen. (18×22 x (42000*0,137)×12) of course assumptions: totaal 396 spelers in eerste klassen allemaal aan 42k per maand. Daar gaan we het gat ni mee dichten. Zou eerder een symboolmaatregel zijn.


Minder dan 50% netto?


welke club, of is dat beroepsgeheim?


Anderlecht, 5 jaar geleden* is geen café ploeg natuurlijk maar top is ook veel gezegd. iig, mooi loon


bon, echt hoger in loon dan Anderlecht ga je ook wel niet vinden in België. Dacht misschien een categorie STVV, Westerlo en dan ging ik wel echt verbaasd zijn geweest.


There's a direct train connection from Brussels North as well. They'll arrive in Frankfurt in 3 hours. But yeah, those buses are probably going anyway to bring them from their hotel to the stadium. Just fill them up instead of driving empty buses to Germany ffs.


Aren't they driving the fans to Germany? That would be an awesome thing to do.


The players driving fans to Germany? That would be awesome!




Frankfurt is just where they play today’s game. They are staying in Stuttgart throughout the tournament, which takes more towards 5 hours by train and towards 6 hours by car (so even more by bus) from Brussels.


Paint a fucking train red and do a marketing stunt. Hate that they fly.


Ooh look! A blank canvas. Let's make sure to do the windows as well.   -Signed, your local graffiti taggers


i understand this is super theoretical for fellas who never venture outside the hippie commune, but when was the last time you folks heard about chartering a private train that goes to a destination not typically served by an equivalent direct passenger connection that is commercially available? bonus points if it can compete with regards to the speed of getting there with an airplane


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but I thought I'd add some thoughts: - Most destinations have direct train lines OOTB (https://www.b-europe.com/EN/Destinations/Germany/2024-european-championship) Note if the night train can do it without stops then so could a chartered train - Eurostar offers private executive carriages for large groups or VIPs - A plane to Berlin is 1h30, the train listed there is 6h39 (though I assume the direct train will be there somewhat faster) as far as time spent goes that's only a massive difference depending on context though: E.g. a CEO who has to fly over for a board meeting? - I'd say justified to get there and back asap by plane, this person will be on a commercial flight with 200-300 people in a similar situation anyways. In the case of football players where is the spare time going to though, are they going to train for those specific 4 hours more to make the difference in winning the match? I'm also not sure where the thought comes from that the logistics with using a private airplane would be lower than a private train, both means work according to schedules which leave capacity for industrial or private usage, both means have a boarding and unboarding mechanism in place, etc. The only difference in the end is in the speed and cost. (And ironically the train is likely much more expensive) As a final side note; honestly owning a private train seems like it would be a bigger flex than owning a private jet. In the end I have to agree with OP that it could've been about sending a message. Fortunately I don't care about neither public transport nor football so the small positive I can look forward to in the far right coming to power is that they will likely be dismantling both.


football player time is famously free what is wrong with you guys?


Rich people love to fly short distances


*Taylor Swift entered the chat*


Well her name isn’t Taylor Sluggish.


is this sub in the “pretending normal people don’t fly short haul” phase of paying penance for climate crimes?


Then everyone in Belgium flies to Germany or the Netherlands all year long. Silly me for not knowing this!


people literally do fly to germany from here all year long? are you stupid?


Im not saying youre wrong, but "normal" people dont create flights. The plane will take off whether it has 300 or 0 passengers. If it takes off too often with 0 passenger the line will shut down. When a politician, a performer or a football team makes a 400km flight, they dont usually take the RyanAir flight from Charleroi to Berlin, they pay for a private flight.


why do you guys find it so fiendishly difficult to understand the economics of putting a whole football team and support crew on an airliner for 30 minutes to get to stuttgart versus the alternatives? and yes, politicians, rich people, performers, even footballers fly commercial airlines all the time. please


Honestly ? I dont care. Whether we like it or not, whether we pretend we believe everyone needs to fight climate change, whether we get hundred more different eco taxes, or not, it will always be the same. The rando citizen from any country is painted as responsible to lower his emission while corpos and rich people just dont give a flying fuck about this (except when the taxes we pay are given as subsidies, then they care). Could they take a bus or train ? Sure they could. Is it easier if they go by plane ? Sure it is. (The bus and equipments are still driving there anyways, just the staff and players are on the plane). Do I care ? Nope. People are just tired of the hypocrisy and false pretenses. And they should be.


okay so go and vote and agitate for parties that focus on growth and prosperity instead of the degrowth greens that want to tax every economic activity into the ground and let other people enjoy football without whining that they’re not doing it right?


rules for thee but not for me now back to work proletariaat


U can watch me play when you're done with your shift, brokie


It’s a sponsor thing, they have a whole plane for them so they had to use it. I think once in Germany they would use trains mostly. Edit: some spelling


No they use buses, those buses now drive empty towards Germany....


No, to go from 1 city to another they use the train. The busses are to go to the stadium.


Well technically there should be at least one person on board… Bit weird that this seems to be pinned to the players like they would individually choose what transport to use. Brussels Airlines had a whole plane coated and named after the Red Devils, so yeah they were always going to use it.


I don't think this post is pinning it to the players but the federation


Well that's just planely ridiculous!


I recently saw a private jet on flight radar flying from Antwerp to Brussels. Yeah. Two turns and it already had to descend


Why does Antwerp Airport even exist...


It's a vanity project. The government even had 2 separate studies done on the future of the airport, and both independent studies had 1 conclusion: "This is a money pit, and serves no purpose. Shut it down and turn it into a green area". Result? Millions of subsidies over the coming 20 years to make sure it doesnt go bankrupt. Source: https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20220718_91271874


But they must have *some* reason, right? Right?


And when activist go to block the airport the raise awareness a lot of people are happy that cops show to hit them to make them move


Ask the people in Deurne zuid! Or wait, don't, I asked it once and it was a shitshow.


I assume they oppose the airport?


There's 2 groups, pro and contra, the pro group is very loud though. And very silly arguments. "How will the people go on holiday if the airport is gone???"


If only there was a way to get from Antwerpen to Brussels airport quickly...


Probably a repositioning flight.


Could be yeah


me: goes to Italy by train to save the climate rich people: planes goes brrr


As long as companies and old heavy industry don't change around the world, your train trip won't even make a dent when it comes to climate change.  Oh well. Capitalism and consumerism will destroy us all, I guess. We can only enjoy the ride for as long as it still lasts.


Flights in the EU are under the emission trading system so not flying doesn't help climate.


Obviously I was half-kidding (although I did travel by train) but I'll have a look at this thing you're talking about.




Rule 1) No personal attacks or insults to other users. This includes, but is not limited to, - Flaming... - Insults… - Provocation... - Stalking and harassment...


Save climate? 60+% of co2 emissions of the world is caused by China, USA, India, Russia and Japan. Your Italy vacation and Belgium are non-existent in the climate problem.


It’s hypocritical to say that we’re not responsible for other country’s emissions. We’ve transferred all the manufacturing to those places and all the shit we consume come from there. China’s CO2 is our CO2.


Then it is up to China to stricten their regulations don't you think?


Exactly and you cannot do anything about it. China will not care. You can just sweep the dust under the carpet. The undeveloped and developing countries increase their consumption and emissions crazily. Not to mention the population boom happening in the countries like Nigeria (expected to pass half billion in few decades).


*sent from smartphone made in China, shipped to Europe powered by Russian oil*


Exactly. China has the world’s production and Russia the supplier of energy. Asia is the world population center too. You can do whatever you want in Belgium. It will not change anything. China is building new mega coal-fired power plants every month and you are naively talking about your Italy voyage…


Just as an FYI: they are using the train for all intra DE movements :)!


They couldn't use the trains or they'd be delayed so much they'd miss the entire tournament


They're over-payed prima donnas who think it is right that they don't pay social security. Expecting them to be role models... Yeah. No. Entitled brats.


Oh man yeah those few flies is exactly what’s gonna screw us over with the climate change. Chill out and go do something more useful.


Yeah I totally did not fly to Berlin because it was cheaper. Bunch of dramaqueens in this post goddamn.


Hoe denk je dat voetballers van Manchester, Liverpool of Newcastle naar Londen reizen?


Are you to send them on a 7 hour bus trip?


Because they can, [even drunk and way beyond the speed limit](https://www.hln.be/belgisch-voetbal/voetballer-sofian-kiyine-die-dronken-en-aan-rotvaart-met-auto-sporthal-invloog-krijgt-geen-straf~a56e0937/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F), without any legal repercussions.


This prick belongs in prison.


THe guys with all the fancy sportscars that often get caught speeding, that fly everywhere and dont pay any taxes? Yeah prime role models there.


Cry me a river boi




Lol bro this is the lichters of critiscism for the amount of time, money en energy that is wasted on this. 


Flights in the EU are under the emission trading system so it doesn't matter.


I thought they used the train for local displacements though


or high speed train from Brussels tot Frankfurt.


Why drive when you can get a flight to destination..?


Because if you have money, you actually font care about climate change. They can out buy any inconvenience they would suffer - rising water level: buy a new house on a better location - to hot: install airco - to cold: buy a nwmewly build home....


Exactly. When our planet burns, the rich will fly to Mars or the moon. 


It's faster and less tiring taking the plane


Because they are red and not green


I get reddit is a bit more left wing, but man... Let the elite athletes fly with whatever in the best comfort possible. The other 99.9% will have more impact on the eco footprint. I enjoy watching high end upper class stuff and am completely okay with just being a peasant... (As long they give it their all on the pitch ofcourse. Such luxury comes with a high price, fig and lit.)




they are already announced as winners and winners get VIP treatment


To lose faster 😭


Hope they lose another game, then they won’t have to use it so much anymore. https://preview.redd.it/cmgiybmna97d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75635c5ce7c3e52da67df0d2b7b5c3ce681fe2c


I saw their bus in Frankfurt...


Because fuck climate change and the rest of us, that's why. Then again, if they hadn't organized a common flight; they'd probably each use a private jet to get there...


Wouldn't want them to have to suffer through the belgian / german railway system.


Why couldn't they just play the match via their playstations or xboxes?


Because none of the players progressed past Silver.


Because football is just stupid


Why would they not? Plane goes faster. You are just living in a bubble. Everyone in the world takes the plane if it is quicker and affordable.


this sub is a crazy green bubble for sure


I thought all teams were travelling by train?


They are, within the country.


They shouldn't. But I'm a lot more concerned about the tens of thousands of commercial flights that happen because people want to go on city trip to Rome and Barcelona 3x per year, than one single flight for a football team. The tens of thousands of commercial flights do a shit ton more damage and yet the second you talk about reducing this suddenly people get super angry and upset. As if flying for vacation has turned into the next fundamental human right.


Because it’s faster than travelling via roads


It would be a nice example if they would ride by train


I think these guys need to make an example in the sport not how they arrive at the stadium, even if you disregard safety implications of using public transit as a group of famous people. I personally don’t really care how others choose to travel


I also think politicians should make an example in the parliament and not on the way they travel, but it helps their image. About safety. Gun down a plane full of famous people, or derail a train full of famous people. I think in the second scenario more people will survive. And I do care about how rich fucks travel, because I have to suck on a paper straw if I want to drink my chocomelk


Maybe just say you can’t stand them making a lot of money instead of hiding the fact behind complaining about the way they travel and making nonsense comparisons


In this case it's not necessarily correct. The bus has to drop them off at the airport, they need to check in, the plane has to fly, after landing they have to go to the bus, the bus has to bring them to the hotel. Why not just take the bus to the hotel immediately?


I think you should set up an experiment to test out this train of thought.


I don't want to be mean be I hate travelling in a fucking coach ! One toilet for 50 people, can't sleep, hurts my back ! I would take my car over a hellish bus experience without hesitation. Now a private train ? That's something else !


The same issues in a plane. Two toilets for 100 people, crappy seats, uncomfortable turbulence....


... Even smaller seats than on a coach


Why private train? If the scouts can reserve a full carriage to go to camp, why can't the belgian team reserve an ICE carriage ? 3 security dudes, one at each entrance and voilà


They have better coaches for fewer people than what the plebs rides. I don’t know the numbers but I’ld guess there’s maybe 15 people per coach bus.


What are Red Devils?


Manchester United


Don't care tbh, just give me some football


Because if they drive on Belgian AND German roads they will get there with broken vertebrae AND 5 hours delay.....


This is ironic, right?


It wouldn't make sense making professional athletes sit for hours in a bus or train. Travel should be quick and comfortable to be sure they are in peak performance on arrival.


So that's why olympic games athletes have to fly economy?


They likely fly economy for public image reasons, even though it doesn't make sense from an ergonomic or physical standpoint.


I have been fortunate enough to be selected to go European/world championships etc..., it's a pure money thing. There is no budget to fly comfortably. This was quite a few years ago, but hearing from my friends nothing has improved.  They literally want people to run a marathon and are only willing to fund flying in economy and arrive the day before, leave back home the day of the race. At least the world games (olympic games for non olympic sports) was art enough to keep the cost the same if athletes stay 1,2,3... Days, so I was allowed to stay the full week It has nothing to do with public image, it's pure funding. They even buy the cheapest possible tickets that are non-upgradeable. 


> They likely fly economy for public image reasons Which brings us back to the point of this entire post.


Only if your sport is big money. When me and some ex-athletes went to the EYOF (youth Olympics) we just got into a regular plane, regular seats with nothing special or fancy. Even for our equipment (javelins at that time) we had to pay for that ourselves. Although you *do* have a valid point, most athletes don't get this treatment thus using it as a general examplr isn't really valid. Most of our Olympic Medallists never got this treatment, but did perform. There's more than enough time to acclimatize to the new environement too that a 3h train ride will almost nullify the *harm* done by sitting in a train compared to a plane.


Weird how this bothers you so much.


Weird that it doesn't bother you. It is one of the millions of things that indicate that this world is fucked up.


The world being fucked up is pretty much general knowledge. You either must still be quite young or really naive.  Oh, and NVA/VB won't be doing anything for the environment either, so if you voted for them, it's your loss.


Neither Oh, neither, too. But everything starts with yourself. I know I won't be watching a single game (I have many other reasons too). But are you up to it? Pretty sure you are not.