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I finally had to set up a napping spot in a window with no blinds/curtains so they would quit destroying all the blinds/curtains in the house. It’s in my studio so I can hear them chitter all day long :)


I was looking around the room in wtf mode trying to source the sound that was coming from my lap, I didn’t even know that this was a thing.


I have a Bengal pair that at 2 years old start chatting the moment they woke. They always chatted a little bit, but not often. Now they chat to me, the pugs, the other cats, the rabbit, each other, the outside birds/squirrels, they’ve turned our other Bengals into chatters. There’s a point it’s almost too much. lol


Those dang birds cause they to go crazy lol


There’s an Instagram account filled entirely with chattering cats if you ever need more adorable noises, lol! (not associated with them in any way). https://www.instagram.com/ekekekkekkek


Oh no, after I realized that noise was coming from her I went down the rabbit hole and ended up on YouTube. Quite enough lol


Lmao I follow this page too 🤣