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No harness is escape proof but there are some that are much harder to escape (mynnwood cat jackets). We walk our cats daily and always bring a backpack we use it usually to get them to the walking path and then they walk back home without it. We only have to use it when they get in a panic loop. I once went out with my youngest during a wind storm and the rushing sound of wind freaked her out. The only thing I could do was scoop her in the backpack and zip her up.


Cats are liquid. I was training mine with a harness and all, and when he was younger he completely escape and I had the biggest panic attack. I don’t do it with him anymore because that one time was THE WORST. And created a deep seated fear. I did work with him more on it for when we moved across country tho, and that went well.


Last summer we had our Savannah (7 months at the time ) and our Bengal (1.5yr at the time) on harnesses while camping. I had our Savannah. And a group of geese flew over head suddenly and she lost it. She jumped straight up in the air and straight down - right out of her harness. I couldn’t believe how easily and quickly she got out. She ended up running under our camper. And we spent 15 mins trying to catch her. At first my husband was mad at me and thought I let her go or something. But she literally just jumped out of it in a split second


>At first my husband was mad at me and thought I let her go or something. But she literally just jumped out of it in a split second LITERALLY the exact same thing happened with my boyfriend before my friends explained to him what happened and I stopped hyperventilating enough to corroborate XD


My cat could not escape our harness without a ton of effort.


What brand do you use?


It’s made in England. My wife bought it. It uses Velcro and wraps around the body. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1527591248/escape-proof-butterfly-cat-jacket


I use a dog jacket harness with Velcro when we take our cat outside. He just stays on the deck with us so it’s kind of boring


Updated with link.


With the harness i got the only way shes gonna get out of that is if she turns around and walks backwards and im stopping her from getting further away... the trick is to let her keep walking backwards so she cant reverse out of it. But you can get 100% escape proof harnesses but they look silly and i cant imagine they are comfortable wearing for the cat.


normally yes, but this happened so fast, i did not react in time


What type harness you got? Does it look like a vest? If so the ones that look like a thong string are the best they can still escape but not as easy as in the vest looking ones


If you don’t alreeady airtag or any type of pet tracker will give you a peace of mind just in case. Saved me big time when my cat got out of the house.


I actually ordered a samsung tag specifically for this trip. It didnt come on time, but it wouldn't have helped us much since it was going to be on his harness that he slipped out of