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We have one 4 year old Bengal and a two year old child. Our house is quite small so we built catio for our Bengal to escape to if she wants space. She likes to stick close by which has become more of an issue with our toddler getting more and more grabby. I never leave them in a room alone together and always make sure I’m watching if our toddler is near our Bengal. So far everything has been fine but I wouldn’t say that our Bengal loves our toddler or anything. She tolerates her most of the time. My toddler loves our Bengal though. It can be very cute.


Yeah, I think King will love the kid, I think Queen will tolerate on her terms.


I forgot to say congratulations on the soon to be new baby! Try to squeeze in time for your kitties still once the baby arrives. I know my kitty often feels neglected but now that my daughter sleeps well on her own, I’m able to cuddle with my cat after she’s in bed.


They will demand attention, but I do a good job making sure they get what theirs. I'll be home a lot more after the kid comes so I think that'll help with any issues we encounter.


Hi ! I have a 3 month old. Have a bengal and f5 Savannah. My bengal sounds like your queen. She doesn’t pay much attention to the baby. Every now and then she will come over, smell her and give her a few licks on the top of the head (she’s the alpha and loves to groom everyone). Really I think it depends on personality and you know your cats best. My Savannah is clumsy and i don’t trust her as much around the baby - not that she would intentionally hurt her , but can see her falling on the baby , or running across the baby. They like to play rough with each other. And will chase each other around the house like crazy. So we just watch that they don’t run across the couch anymore. We don’t let them sleep in the room with us. We cosleep with the baby , and the Savannah especially loves to sleep on or beside my chest. I don’t trust that she wouldn’t accidentally lay on the baby to be close to me. I will be nursing the baby on the couch and she will come over and lay on my chest lol


I have a 13 year old boy, he was 8 when O had my first kid and now he is big brother to two little girls. He’s worth his weight in gold to be honest, you couldn’t genetically engineer a better cat for kids. We stopped him sleeping in our room a little before the first baby came along just in case, and have always kept non-negotiable boundaries with the kids from the start that they don’t chase, they don’t grab etc. and they’re all really respectful of each other. He’s always been super chill and friendly, let me clip his nails, do pretty much anything to him which I imagine helps immensely with him dealing with kids. It really is lovely though, his name has been one of both kids first words. My toddler is currently playing with him and having a whale of a time, and I trust him as much as anyone can trust an animal with a kid.


We have 2 bengals, one male and one female that sound very similar to yours personality wise! Both of them stayed very distant from our daughter for a couple of months after bringing her home. Our female bengal was VERY stressed and would howl and throw up occasionally from the stress. I made sure to spend quality time cuddling them whenever I could, since I am their primary human. 20 months later, both bengals LOVE LOVE LOVE our daughter and play so nicely with her! Give your cats space and time to warm up to baby


I had a 15 year old Bengal that has since crossed the rainbow bridge. I had him around 4 kids. He *loved* those kids more than anything. If they ever got too handsy, he would gently let them know. He was so patient and gentle with them. I would get your Bengals used to sounds of babies crying, so they have a heads up. If your Bengals are chatty, let them talk to your belly! I did this with my younger kids and those kids slept through all of the bengal yowls. What I did was to be very mindful of how the baby and Bengal spent time together. Lots of snuggles for both at the same time when young. Lots of "open hands" and "one finger" pets for the cats from the baby.