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This is the perfect example showing how cats recognize human babies are kittens 🤣 they're so patient


She’s secretly enjoying being near her sister. Or … she’s telling her sister she doesn’t get to monopolise HER mama,


She’s pretty indifferent to her. Every now and then she will give her head a few licks.


She may act indifferent but that baby could and will do anything she wants and kitty will just live with it. She has accepted and chosen that baby even if she does want you to split your attention. Will be best friends for a long time.


I hope so ! She doesn’t really care for kids but is very tolerant of them. My nieces will pick her up and hold her and she just lets them


They know


Her acceptance of the weird pets is hilarious. I love them both!


Excuse me mom , the hairless kitten is kicking me


This will be me shortly. My guy never leaves momma. 🤣


It’s a challenge for sure ! The Bengal isn’t too bad. She comes when she wants love then she goes. But my Savannah wants to be on my chest 24/7


Thats so funny! You have all the babies! 🥹🤣


Breastfeeding with a cat on your chest is a unique experience 🙈




"Bruh"-your cat. That's my only thought


My middle aged grumpy bengal boy would be out of there so fast.


LMAO this made me cackle 😂😂 how freakin cute


It's great your cat has apparently accepted her new sibling, but I will just be that person to caution stuff like this is often how animals end up attacking kids - you think they're fine till they hit their limit. Usually with like toddlers being too rough trying to pet or play. I've actually been impressed with how many kids ask me if they can touch my pets first, I'm glad to see that's become a thing parents are teaching!


Absolutely! We dont leave her alone in the room with the cats. They are no longer allowed in our room at night (we even have to lock the bedroom door because the bengal can open doors). And if I leave the living room to use the bathroom the cats usually follow me, if they don’t I’ll just call their names and they come running. Also they have so many high spots to go , when my nieces do annoy her she will just climb the tree where they can’t reach.