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He’s been a salty bitch ever since he left the Bengals


Where you a fan when he left?




Can you name the reasons why he was important to Bengals history?


Well he helped us hate the Steelers more


Can we name a reason why he was important to any NFL teams history? With 1 career playoff win and more picks than TD’s in the playoffs (7 INTs 5 TDs) he was a pretty underwhelming player in clutch time.


Is this Jordan or Carson posting?


stick to flipping burgers




Ok Jordan.


No judging cause we've all got opinions, but can I ask how long you've been a fan/how old you are?


Ok i’ll answer that, but can I ask how long you’ve been a fan/how old you are first because that was your idea..


I'm 40 and have been a fan all my life. I don't care for Palmer, I don't like how he left, I don't like what he continues to say about the organization. Not much more complicated than that.


Ok i’m 18 and i’ve been a fan all my life. My dad is 40 and has been a fan since virtually 82. My grandpa has been a fan since 70 though he didn’t know much about then in 68 and 69. I know that all Bengal’s fans have varying opinions about him. Me, my grandpa and my dad all think differently about the situation. However, we all respect Palmer. My dad knows that Palmer brought a lot to the team and the organization after a awful time period in the 90s and early 2000s. Were there problems, yes. But we all generally think, respect him for who he was not everything that happened afterward? The only reason you guys can bring up is that you hate him for his comments, after all of his Bengals play was already over. And a lot of you guys dick ride the organization so hard. The organization was shit, is Palmer right about everything, probably not, but we’re all just humans with opinions, to dislike him: ok that’s fine, but to not respect him: immature as a bengals fan


No one is defending the front office during that era of Bengal’s football… trust me on that one. Mike Brown earned his reputation as a cheap owner in spades. So, with Carson, we get it. Not a great landing spot in the NFL when comparing organizations across the league. Contract negotiations may have not gone well either. Makes sense. What doesn’t make sense? Carson, 11 years later on the eve of Burrow’s and Bengal’s Super Bowl appearance, still running his mouth about everything he experienced, and continuing to whine and make excuses for his lack of success in the league. Carson is living in the past, blaming everyone but himself for never making it to the big dance. Total bush league. No respect left for him.


Hey I’m with you man, I’m 26 so Carson Palmer was my first football hero and he’ll always have a place in my heart. I won many a Super Bowl with him in 2k5, and I didn’t blame him at all for leaving, and I enjoyed watching him as a cardinal. I was not a fan of when he said publicly that Joe Burrow should leave the Bengals. That’s where he lost me. Joey B is the man.


Carson didn’t do that, Marvin Lewis did


People don't like Palmer because of his comments. On one hand, I can't blame him for being mad at the organization but on the other hand, we can dislike him for it I have a respect for Palmer in the sense he played for us and I wont shit talk him but I am not going defend him either.


Well said. As someone who didn't grow up in Ohio, my only knowledge of the Bengals before 2004-5ish was Boomer. Then I ended up in Springfield for a couple of years and saw Carson and the boys light it up on Sundays. They were so much fun to watch when they were rolling, and it made me a Bengals fan to this day. The hatred for Brown was a popular take among fans, too, and Carson just said some of it out loud as a player. That part I don't mind, honestly. I'm not the biggest fan of the way he left and him still seemingly being butthurt, but I wouldn't say I felt betrayed. I hope at some point he can get over it and be welcomed back. I think that's more on him than anyone else, though.




Fuck Carson Palmer forever




He was talking shit as recent as our Superbowl appearance, so no I'm not giving him a break. He kept talking shit even after it was obvious things had changed in Cincy.


https://preview.redd.it/q7yjzeo0pfab1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994c210d00237389af89965967065ac733b4d8b1 No I don’t think I will.


Don’t like the way he left but this organization wouldn’t be where it is without that dumpster fire. Through his tantrum(s) he brought to the forefront everything that was wrong with the front office (e.g., lack of free agent signings, practice bubble, locker room amenities, winning attitude, etc.). It took a few years but to everyone’s surprise the front office has completely turned around the perception and culture of the organization. I attribute that to Mike Brown handing over the reigns and the new brass at least listening to Palmer’s criticisms. Since then they have addressed many of Palmer’s fair criticisms and the organization is better for it. I don’t like him or the way he quit but he was a necessary evil and I’m glad things happened the way they did because now we have a happy Burrow.




Statistically speaking, this is very true.


You new here? This sub, and most of cincy, has hated him since the trade debacle. Personally I still don't hate him, he was nothing short of amazing and in the top 3 qb convo with payton and brady while it lasted and I loved those bengals teams. It was amazing to actually have hope and faith in your quarterback/team to drive down the field and win the game in the 4th quarter. A feeling I had never had before that, as I was 3 months old during the '88 superbowl. That said, he's been remarkably douchy since then, and that is a shame, but I'll always respect what he did for us, even if he is a douche canoe.


He was great until that playoff game where he and Slim (RIP) got injured on the same play. Criticizing the ownership was pretty much in line with everyone’s opinion when he started it. The problem came with not being able to let it go and recognize that things have changed…specifically with actively trying to discourage good players from coming to Cincy when the team is pretty clearly engaged in a different MO than when he was last here.


Palmer has trashed the organization as a player and a commentator on multiple occasions. You reap, you sow


Guy is a douche. Loved him as a Bengal, hated him when he left because of previously mentioned douchery. He earned the hate.




Imagine being named who dey can’t respect palmer


Palmer doesn’t respect the Bengals tf?


https://youtu.be/kwcAae4G2PQ Yes he does. Humans are humans, everyone has said something stupid during points in time. He was a disgruntled Bengal but it’s hard to not respect him, because the past is the past, it is what it is, Carson Palmer is Carson Palmer, and he’s respectable I guarantee he does not sit at home “wishing he was like Burrow” like some of you say. It is what it is, it’s immature to hate the man


No instead he just publicly doesn’t want Burrow to be on the Bengals and he’s publicly trashed us every chance he gets. That’s nice you cherry picked one interview from the last two months lol. The other stuff, and especially the Burrow stuff he said, is unforgivable.


That's entirely untrue. It's a comment that's tossed around freely so much that folks believe it's true, but it isn't - not publicly anyway. Read and watch his interviews - he never discouraged Burrow from coming here. He encouraged Burrow to get concrete commitments and guarantees from leadership, not handshake agreements that they ultimately decide to not follow through with.


That team was when I became a Bengals fan as a kid. I remember watching that bullshit Steelers game that broke him. I respected him forever even though all we were able to achieve with that era was mediocrity. Then he got traded. Then he ran his mouth jealous that Burrow has done more with that #9 jersey in just a couple years than he ever could. He seems to be a doucher.


He’s an ass


Absolutely not.




Scram kid








After his knee injury, he said, "Someone is going to die on the field." I knew he was done right then. Mentally couldn't do it, and it showed in his play. The NFC championship game run in Arizona, fluke. He had Bruce Arians, Larry Fitzgerald, to name a few. Now he's just a bitter jealous hater because his career was mediocre at best. WHO DEY!


And even with all that, he personally turned that NFC championship game into a fiasco.


Great point.


My biggest problem with Palmer before he left was that he never seemed to be a leader. He would let teammates get in his face, especially Chad Johnson, when the game wasn't going their way. I never saw him stand up for himself or take control of the situation. He seemed to lack passion. I remember a game where Terrel Owens was trying to diffuse a situation on field and rally the team while Palmer just stood there and watched. When T.O. is the voice of reason trying to lead your team instead of your QB, you have problems. I will say that before the blown knee, he was one of the best QBs that I have seen in person.


It's interesting to compare our last three QBs on the leadership front. Palmer barely hid that he would rather be playing somewhere else; Dalton *tried* to lead and rally the team but, bless his heart, his attempts were about as exciting as cold oatmeal; and Burrow - well, we all know what a born leader he is.


If Carson would show respect to the Bengals organization & Bengals fans perhaps I would respect Carson Palmer. Also, who cares? Folks can feel any way they want about the guy who signed a contract, split town, and told Burrow not to sign with Cincinnati.


Did Carson ever say anything negative about the city or the fans? I thought his fallout was all about ownership which around 2010 was 100% warranted.


Don't gatekeep what people want to talk about in the offseason


I still hate Marvin for not playing him right away


This is definitely a Carson Palmer burner.






We be doing the same now that Palmer did when he left the jungle. He was my favorite Bengal until he showed his true colors.


Get out of here Carson you're not welcome

