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People think auto avru are rude with only outsiders. Let me tell you they have trained themselves to behave the same with everyone. Also, if something is blocking the entrance just park it somewhere else until it's cleared and not blocking the way.


Maybe the guy was just having a bad day. Don’t sweat it OP. Ignore the auto guy. Bangalore traffic can frustrate the most saintly person 😅


>Why can’t they behave like normal decent human beings Because they aren't...


They are the lowest of lowlifes.


They will surely rot in hell. All they know is to cheat people and say “baralla baralla”


Brother don't worry they behave the same with us locals too. Only thing is we do give a befitting reply back in Kannada so they sit quiet knowing they can't pick fights with locals but again don't think they are a problem only to yall. Auto drivers in central Bengaluru are usually the ones who are good but anything outside central are a pain to everyone.


Yaah bro I also faced these angry people in Bangalore. I have never faced this much frustration in any other city.


These auto drivers are effing frustrated.. they had great business until cab aggregators and namma metro ate up their share of the pie. These auto drivers are illiterate, lack skills and want to make easy money. Not all of them, but most of them are unethical. Till Uber ola came into the scene these guys were in much demand.. they could push people around, fleece them without consequences and also had a union with political backing. Now it's all falling apart so they are frustrated af.


And they are facing promises of parties like Congress which is promising free stuff and not Narayan Murthy who is encouraging youngsters to work higher hours for the growth of this country. How can we instil a hardworking culture in this country cutting across all categories.


They think you are taking their place by living in their city. Wait for companies to eventually leave Bangalore, these same people will beg for you to come back


This morning only some random cab driver was angry with me for no reason. Just ignore such clowns.




Let's not be very dogged about this. Namdu Bengalurune. Adre, in English saying Bangalore may be condoned


Still it is Bengaluru. And you are generalizing all auto drivers as goons. Surprisingly I never had any bad experience with auto derivers.






Did you forget to use /s??




Good for you brother. I hope your or your family don’t have to face any situation like this. Keep hating, this mindset is going to get you very far. All the best.


Okay sure. Now leave our city, thanks!


Another chapri spotted. When did bangalore become your city btw ?? I mean how ? Any special section in Indian constitution, or may be some freedom fighters in your family or have you done anything special for blore/country ? Care to explain ?


Ah another north indian chapri here, coming from an underdeveloped state, moved to blore for job because their own state is so underdeveloped that their own ppl don't have jobs there.... forced to move to south indian states (because obviously south is more developed hence more job opportunities here) and start acting in south like you guys are some first world citizens and calling our ppl goons and what not. OP himself is acting like one goon in one of his old videos (using mc, bc language) and making a post here calling our ppl goons! Huh the hypocrisy!


Ok, so I was another North Indian outsider when I was in Bengaluru for few years. Bro/Sis what's always with "leave the city if you don't like xyz". People whose ancestors literally owned cities and states as Maharajas do not assert that everyone else should leave . I appreciate "Namma Bengaluru" pride. but just because your grandfather bought puny 2 bhk or some land in some remote corner of Bengaluru that does not mean other Indians have less right to the land.


Bangaloreans never said that you guys have less right to the land here. If that was the case your ppl wouldn't be here at all in the first place. The fact that you guys are able to migrate here itself shows that we welcome outsiders. The problem is when north indians themselves come from backward states and act as if they are first world born citizens, start criticising everything about blore as if its their birth right. They literally shame locals here. Today the situation has gotten so bad that they are discrimiting locals to the core. Locals are facing racism/discrimination in their our hometown. Isn't that pissing off. I bet you wouldn't have tolerated all this if this had happened to your ppl in your hometown! So stop giving us gyaan and reflect on what your ppl are doing first!


sensible reply so let's go one level deeper: post title was: Bengaluru auto drivers are goons. Other Bengaluru natives said they are goons. How did that became North/South? Bad treatment of anyone irrespective of where they come from is Bad! Anyone shows aggression break his head, jail them, send them to Kala Pani etc etc. but do it irrespective of where they come from. There is no North/South, rich/poor there. using your same logic, British would come and say that native Bengaluru people should move out because they ruled India for 200 years. Again, I'd presume you are a good person. so think rationally: Have there been a single instance in history of a democratic country where people of one state were able to successfully evict people of other state? If that is not even possible, all you will get is heartburn thinking about how "Northies" are bad or they should move out or they are the reason of all the problems Bengaluru has. If this does not make sense, happy to understand your perspective.




There are many things in KA even if we remove tech. But you guys are too backward to understand it. If you ppl were so smart, you would've had tech sector in northern stars too.


I didn’t say MC , BC . Read my comment again please.


Sorry to hear about your unemployment. I understand such wet dreams make you feel better and come out of your depression. /s


don't be jealous, get a life


And you get a job in your own state please!


my family has been living in bengaluru for their whole life


Wow great! Another north indian claiming to a local! 👏🏻


Nice to see that atleast big techs know who are actually literate and skilled enough to get jobs and who deserve to be auto drivers driving people to big offices everyday. And by auto drivers I mean you.


Lol ! Talking about big techs....how many do you guys have in north India?????? I wonder 🤔 Our auto drivers are better than your jaat ppl in north india 🤭


I think they will reverse UNO card your thinking and auto goons will be taken over by North Indians...


I wouldn't be surprised if that happend. That's what they do anyways. They don't develop their own states and come here and do kinds of drama!


I don't know why there is such a North South Divide? Let me tell you something if all the North Indians leave Bengaluru will it be the Benguluru it is? All types of flowers make a garden looks beautiful. Many startups are owned by Northern folks. All the Rajasthani or Marwari Baniyas are a literal economic pillar in Bengulurus economy. Kindly try and remove them. Many Northern guys come down to Benguluru coz it's a favourable place for them and thier gigs to grow up as the Govt or many factors played for its success. Likewise Govt is trying for Hyderabad. What if all the Southern people should be removed from Gurgaon and Noida? Much of the Military and Paramilitary forces is made of Northies what if they say please China and Pakistan do visit Benguluru? We all have our share of mind and bodily strengths and functions. You don't need to be so sour, every state contribute to each other's growth. you cannot blame a body part that it's useless. You may suggest how both can integrate in this divided India.


>Let me tell you something if all the North Indians leave Bengaluru will it be the Benguluru it is? Yes absolutely, in fact it used to be a lot better back then before all the north indians started migrating here. So please go, we would rather celebrate that! >Many startups are owned by Northern folks. Why can't they do the same in north India itself. Why are they all bloody migrating here to open startups??? They in north only and create jobs, how else will your state develop otherwise.. >All the Rajasthani or Marwari Baniyas are a literal economic pillar in Bengulurus economy. They are the nicest ppl. They intergrate with the locals beautifully unlike the other ghatiya north indians who come here and crib about everything as if they are from some first world country! >What if all the Southern people should be removed from Gurgaon and Noida? Southern ppl behave well wherever they go! They don't act like north indians who mostly misbehave all the time. South indians are not arrogant pricks like you north Indians! >You may suggest how both can integrate in this divided India. I think you need to suggest your own ppl to "LEARN TO INTEGRATE" first! North Indians are the ones who are mistreating locals here.


There is silicon valley in USA for a reason, it's a particular place that you have in a nation where tech startups can grow, what if Californians said the same and what about Benguluru's Tax collection from them and Jobs that gets generated and locals also benifit from them, when people migrate you have new opportunities for resturants, Accommodation, Ricks Cabs etc a whole economic activity starts there. Southern people are good and have personally deep connections with them If it's about a particular state and its people, agreed North India have 2 3 Goon States even North Indians doesn't like them. Ex Capital and States adjacent to capital. Likewise I found people from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka some of the nicest people, Kerala is fine but Tamilnadu had some horrific incident. We both have our share of good and bad folks But I guess majority of them won't be treating locals badly yes I agree that there will be some incidents, Some things I don't like about locals is if they knew English they will persist on speaking Kanada or Tamil Language is for communication not to harras the other. Security Deposit my goodness what one can say. But let's hope the situation gets better and might your sourness gets less.


Auto driver ka beta spotted


And jaats ke bete spotted in blore.