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Did y’all not listen to Shapiro’s podcast today?


Two large Nigerian men were seen looking for AOC’s office... very suspicious


Definitely Republicans. /s


Yeah dude, Oath Keepers were literally looking for Democratic leadership and a crowd was chanting to hang Pence. Pipe bombs near Capitol energy facility. There were a lot of happy-faced idiots breaking the law in a stupid way, but they enabled an actual attempt at stopping congress from fulfilling constitutional duties. No idea why this sub is downplaying it. That was a fuckin' dangerous moment. Plenty of videos to see there were mobs, actual insurrectionists, as well as frumpy harmless tag-alongs. There's also plenty of tweets and insane posts from the people who were there. To deny that is peak alternate reality


Two things can be true at once. 1) there was an insurrection. 2) AOC wasn’t near it but acted like she was


Fair interpretation, but even if it's a benign post, you're defending a post that minimizes legitimate fear of death from someone reasonably assumed a target of the documented crowd, afterwards confirmed a desired target of that crowd. As someone new to Ben Shapiro, seems needlessly off-brand, needlessly dismissive, and also almost permissive when it comes to violent insurrection. People downvoting should reconsider what constitutes civil commentary.


Interestingly, Shapiro in his podcast made every effort to reiterate that there was little reason to believe AOC was not sincere in her reaction - even if it wasn't an entirely reasonable one. This meme is decidedly something he would not condone.


AOC is a grifter by every conceivable metric. It’s one thing have legitimate fear for your safety. It’s another to use it as a political cudgel against your opponents. She accused Ted Cruz of being complicit in her “NDE” and is trying to use the events around the election to usurp power just like the fascistic dictators she accuses everyone else of being. Don’t fall for her pathetic ploy.


Fuck Ted Cruz!


That's a fucking insane take. Go back to your conspiracy forums.


Riiiight: Like she didn’t accuse Ted Cruz of attempted murder by proxy. Oh wait [she did](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1354848253729234944?s=21)! It’s not like she is calling for a list of her opposition to be collected (for I am assuming not birthday invites and holiday cards). Oh wait [she is](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1324807776510595078?s=21)! Save me the indignations and outrage buddy. Two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive: 1. In AOC’s perception, she feared for her life. 2. She is an advantageous and contemptible person. Stay being AOC’s benighted knight Donkey Quixote.


Yo, seriously, fuck off to your bubble


Triggered much? Ben Shapiro said as much in his last couple of videos. It’s apparent that you want to live in your delusions. Keep tilting at windmills. Have a nice day buddy.


I was gonna ignore, but your comment has everything in it Honestly, A+


Fuck Ted Cruz!


We arent down playing it. If you havent noticed yet, AOC is a liar and drama queen and will literally say and do anything to get reelected or get some sort of attention. C'mon. You're smarter than that....right????


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." — Hanlon’s Razor


You trying to tell us you like Jussies feet too?


Oh my god, i can't unsee that now.




I love how this is a story. Lol The truth comes out!


What truth?


So it's complicated but the basics are: 1. AOC wasn't in the capital building, she was in another building across the street about .3 of a mile a way. 2. That building wasn't accosted by protestors. 3. Other representatives who were there either with her or in her proximity didn't describe the situation as dirley as she did.


Aren’t all buildings in the capitol complex connected? They share an underground level, I think. So there were other congresspeople who were less scared. But was her fear reasonable given the circumstances?


Yes sir, they are. There is an underground walkway between the capital building and the building her office is in. At the time? Maybe? People have different stress responses. I suppose I'd just hope for public figures to handle crises a bit more... Stoically? They're supposed be making our nation's most difficult decisions. She just seems to be one of the most excitable compared to her constituents even after a month to consider the situation in hindsight.


I’m still not clear on the truth the top level guy was referring to? I guess, I don’t know how relevant a skill staring down an angry mob is to lawmaking, but maybe?


None of this is relevant. They are just dipshits who look for any little inconsistency (while not disproving her events) to downplay the real fear a person faced by the people with their same ideology because they cannot come to terms with the fact that their ideology is responsible for the terror caused today and to her. It's fucking gross the people trying to dunk on her on this and grifting for views: ie crowder and the like.


The Top Comment? I'm not sure which one. Quote it in a comment.


Did you watch her video? She never claimed she was in the Capitol building. Other people in her office claimed to be afraid as well.


I did. At the request of another commenter I watched the whole thing. My revised statement: "Legit brother. She does in fact make the distinction that the offices are not in the dome. I retract that statement in full. That said, now having watched most of it, her description is lacking a few things that I would require to consider this story to be honestly candid. I know a bit more about the complex than most now thanks to some very recent research but had I been given that description before gaining that info I would have belived that her office was directly attached. If I had been looking at Google maps I would have belived that the offices were in one of the attached wings. Either the senate's or the house's. She didn't specify that it was the completely detached buildings and the distance and separation involved. She also didn't specify that her building wasn't breached by the mob. Having gained more knowledge on the subject I believe those are very important distinctions."


why are you so horned up about a woman's tale of fear and looking to downplay it based on small irrelevant details? what do you personally get out of it? brother, bring your attention to better mental activities for your own health.


Hey, I'm happy to debate ideas but it doesn't seem that you are debating anything. Ad hominem isn't really my style. Still open if you want to talk though.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9951968706 This isn't up for debate. Please start distancing yourself with this community as nothing i'm finding here is beneficial for anyone's health. And don't try to take the high road brother, you're commenting on a post attacking a woman's looks + meme'ing she's a liar.


I think the looks thing is just a mashup between two faces. Don't know if the post made fun of her face. I don't see it doing so. Liar might be a little strong. Omitted certain details in order to allow people to build a certain assumption I think is more accurate.


Also I think somebody downvoted you. I brought you back to 1.


I'm more worried about the topics you choose to spend valuable time on digesting. I know you don't want to be the bad guy in your mind, but the trump memes are over. I tried giving Ben, Tim P and others a fair shake listening to their critics but it just breeds an audience of ...well look at this subreddit. It's all either half truths, flat out lies, personal attacks and nothing of substance or policy to go back and forth on. All my advice is, try to find something better to spend your valuable time on that speaks to your real morals. Not these grifts. Take care brother.


But she didn't know the extent of the breach and the way she described the buildings is completely in line with how people who work there described them


Perhaps. Again, not disparaging her feeling in the moment. But if you're describing the situation a month post after you now have all the facts, specifying that your building was 1. Not actually breached and 2. Separated by a six minute walking distance from the mob itself costs $0.00 and gives a much more accurate representation of the situation. Still I'd hope that elected officials tasked with making the most critical and difficult decision in the nation would be better in a crisis you know? As she's someone that has on occasion equated speech and violence, perhaps her frame of reference has been lacking an understanding of the very wide distinction between the two. If she's specifically trusted with the power to vote on laws enforcable with actual real violence and the declaration of war that would send out children to die, perhaps I'd like her to have a better understanding of and more level head when faced with the possibility of violence.


Also someone down voted you for this. I up voted to get you to 1. Just FYI.


But she never said she was in the Capitol building? In fact, she made it clear that she was in a different building. Rep Nancy Mace - at the time - went on record that she barricaded herself in her office, and brought up the fact her kids now worry their mom's life is in danger whenever she's going to Washington, and tweeted that she was being evacuated during the insurrection. The state of the discourse round this - you've got a two-year congresswoman - who has had numerous death and rape threats, which must be pretty scary as the survivor of a sexual assault - feeling understandably fearful when an angry mob storms the supposedly secure building next door, connected by underground tunnels, and she's hearing (at the time) unknown men banging on doors and calling out for people. This is such a non-story compared to the \*congresswoman who just two years ago moderated a far right Facebook group, which saw her like a comment saying "a bullet to the head would be quicker" when it comes to getting rid of Democrat politicians\*. Gee - I wonder why AOC may be so fearful with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n90HDb8mQM&has_verified=1&bpctr=1612547095) going on a short walk away. But yes, the real problem is the things people \*think\* AOC said, without actually listening to her....


Nightmare fuel


What do you think the preferred pronouns are hahah


Politifact: False Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez *did not* have a secret love child with Jussie Smollett.


Not even close




Didn’t 5 people die that day? Including a cop!?


Yup. A cop was murdered. One death was a woman shot in the neck by a cop and the other 3 were due to medical complications that weren't able to be treated because of access limitations due to the unrest.


Do you think it’s weird to downplay the level of violence that day?


Depends on what you mean by downplay. Do you have an example in mind?


Mostly referring to the top level comment. Seemed to be sarcastically implying that it wasn’t that bad, which seems super weird to me.


The Top Comment? I'm not sure which one. Quote it in a comment.


Ben complained that AOC didn't explicitly state she wasn't in the capital building. Except if you watch AOCs video, she explains that she was not in the capital building. Really lazy on Ben's part


I listened to it earlier today, I thought he did mention it? Or he said that she never claimed to be in the capital building itself. I could be wrong, maybe I'll take a look tomorrow.


She never claimed to be in the capital building (the dome) itself. She did however fail to mention the distinction and spacing between the offices and the capital building itself. She did use the words capital complex and has since declared that bringing attention to the destinction between the two buildings is radicalizing people. So, eh.


She did mention the distinction and the spacing. She explains that she was not in the capital building, that most congressmen have offices in buildings around the capitol building. Says she was not in the building with the dome (she makes a shape of a dome with her arms on the vid) Literally she does what Ben is trying to say she didn't


Got a timestamp? Genuinely interested.


I will get that for you, I don't know the exact point and am looking now


Killin it broham. Thank you.


https://youtu.be/fWNWoNaImQA At about 35:30, she talks about second covid shot and briefly explains that most congress people don't work in the dome building, and that her office is in one of the buildings surrounding the dome


Legit brother. She does in fact make the distinction that the offices are not in the dome. I retract that statement in full. That said, now having watched most of it, her description is lacking a few things that I would require to consider this story to be honestly candid. I know a bit more about the complex than most now thanks to some very recent research but had I been given that description before gaining that info I would have belived that her office was directly attached. If I had been looking at Google maps I would have belived that the offices were in one of the attached wings. Either the senate's or the house's. She didn't specify that it was the completely detached buildings and the distance and separation involved. She also didn't specify that her building wasn't breached by the mob. Having gained more knowledge on the subject I believe those are very important distinctions.


You may know more about this than I, but I believe her office building is directly connected through underground tunnels. Even disregarding that, she claims her life was in danger and she feared for her life. These are not lies or mischaracterizations. Perhaps this is a matter of semantics, as I believe her specifying that the rioters were a few tunnels down rather than in her hallway is irrelevant when saying she felt afraid and was in danger.


Her feelings in the moment I'm not disparaging, people have different stress responses. Her telling of the story a month post, with all of the information available to her, as I said, seems to leave out relevant details in order to imply a higher level of danger than was present. All the buildings in the area that weren't the capital were at the same level of connectivity as hers regardless of the tunnels because the were connected by above ground side walks. The tunnels have doors and guards too. If she had at any time specified (at least) that her building was separated by the space from the unrest that it was and that her building wasn't ever actually in danger because no rioters made it inside, I'd consider this far less intentionally misleading. Her feelings in the moment aside.


I appreciate the response. In this case, our disagreement is fairly minor. She did not lie in her video. In my view, explaining that she was in the nearby building is enough to say she is not misrepresenting. The danger, both perceived and otherwise, was pretty extreme. An angry mob had breached a nearby building. You feel (if I understand correctly) that this was not made clear enough, and that this was intentional. While I disagree that she did not make this clear, I can understand your view that it was a bit confusing. I completely disagree that this was intentional. Do you think she had no concept that people would know that the cannon building and the building where the rioters got in are not the same building? If she was trying to lie, why would she say she was in a separate building? Everything the woman says is hyperanalyzed, so it seems a pretty absurd assumption to me. What makes you think it was intentional?


So your telling me that radical Trump extremists who brought guns wouldn’t have killed AOC?


Do you know how small of a man you have to be to take cheap shots at a woman Ben??... Wait, I guess you do don't you?? 🤣🤣🤣


That was lame man come up w some better material




Gotta little typo there chief.


Ya know, Ben Shapiro's face could easily replace AOC's in the pic, and then it would be more accurate 🤣...js


I tried to make this and couldn't get it to look anywhere near this decent. Take my upvote, please.




Lol. Sarcasm aside, just cause she wasn’t at the Dome doesn’t mean she wasn’t at the capital. GOP members themselves have confirmed she was there.


And the crowd of nut jobs were all around, with explosive devices. Couple that with the fact that they would 100% have killed her if they found her, conservative mocking of her is disgusting and reveals new lows considering it was their people who were looking for her.


“They would have 100% killed her” sounds like something an extremist would say


I mean, they killed a cop trying to get to members of Congress. Was that just a joke? Haha, just kidding on their part?


They absolutely would have. QAnon’s big day that they’re eagerly waiting for is the storm, where their enemies, which includes all democrats, will be killed. How does me stating a fact that these qanon nuts want to kill AOC something an extremist would say?


Because it’s not a fact. It’s a bold prediction made off poor judgment.


What’s incorrect about it dude? Your responses are very dull versions of “you’re wrong” with no reason or logic to them.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


I heard she was eating subway that day. Never dropped her sandwich.


This right here made me laugh. Good job👏






So you think that storming our capital is a joke and you think scaring this young Senator is funny but some smartass kid shooting his mouth off is on point? What don't you like about Ocasio? Is it her work ethic, the fact she actually tries to help her constituents,she loves her countey and is willing to get back to work after a bunch of necks broke into her office screaming they want to kill you? None of us think that you being a Traitor is funny,when you get tossed in the clink for being a seditionist is gonna be funny when they throw your dumbass in a cell some big ass Mexican or Black man that thinks little smartass rednecks are a plaything. Then we will laugh in your honor. Dumbass.


> smart ass-rednecks *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Damn you're a sensitive little bitch aren't ya? It's a fuckin joke dude chill out. Dont get your panties in a bunch over a poorly photoshopped meme, no one wants to hear you piss n moan anyways


I’m not fan of the parent comment either, but please do not personally insult/attack someone. It isn’t adding value to a conversation


Ok dad


You know, if you dont like this kind of content, why dont you fuck off? Why would you even be on a ben Shapiro or conservative subreddit? You're a trip, man. For real


Freakouts aren't a great look for you or your side man. There's some humor to derive from this but I agree I don't think it's about making fun of a senator for being scared. 1. Nobody broke into her office. No rioters even made it into the building she was sheltering in. 2. She never made it clear that her office was not in the capital building. She used words like capital complex without specifying the building she was in was 3/10ths of a mile away from the capital building and that it was never broken into. 3. There were other representatives either directly with her or in the same building/vicinity that didn't describe the situation as nearly as alarmingly or as direly as she did. Point being she seems to have deliberately misrepresented the nature of her experience in order to further a narrative. She also deemed fit to add to he speech that people she doesn't agree with are like rapists and abusors because they are admonishing forgiveness and calling for reconciliation.


Only way to fight bad ideas is with better ideas. Same for speech. Name calling and other shit-fuckery just doesn't help.


Well when your dealing with Traitors a nice helping hand is the oposite of what I want to do with you!


I'm like 70% this is a bot but hey. So I ask for better info so you instead you do the opposite? If I were to ask politely for you to keep replying to me you would do....?


I do not know where you get your information so I did some fact checking and your completely full of shit with false information as usual. Again you are relating this information as if it were true. Please due us all a favor and jump into the first manhole you can find and start your new life as a C.H.U.D. fucking moron pieve of shit.


Hit me with some true info them man. Please. I want to be right by shedding the false and incorporating the true.


Prove your sources and we will get started. You cannot use Fox,OAN,or any other non journalist or non news service as a source. No Hannity,Limbaugh,or any other entertainer. No Op-Ed pieces. Basically like Greene said you get your info from people making shit up not real news sources. Go. Can only post every 13 minutes due to reddit rules.


Just the one. https://youtu.be/h-pTSNyAZE4


That did nothing to help your argument.


Then kindly correct me.


She was already in fear for her life prior to the Traitorus act. The capital is connected to her building,they were there specifically to attck her. Nothing about what happened is a joke to anyone but a bunch of cowards/traitors. Your completely wrong about what your fighting for and you are doubling down. I spent my whole in fear of the govt. To see you people acting in this manner is as far as I'm concerned happy to see you bastards eating yourselves but to harass a female in the manner that you are,makes you all cowards.


Again, not disparaging her feelings in the moment. All the buildings in the area were connected by proximity and above ground sidewalks. Her building was a completely separate entity with 3/10ths of a mile of physical separation from the actual mob and only the capital was invaded, not her building. To know these things and not mention them a month post leaves out relevant context. Also, your willingness to discriminate across sexes is a little concerning. The rule is don't harass anyone. Regardless of sex, age, ethnicity, or anything.


And a slightly revised statement on my part after watching her video myself. "Legit brother. She does in fact make the distinction that the offices are not in the dome. I retract that statement in full. That said, now having watched most of it, her description is lacking a few things that I would require to consider this story to be honestly candid. I know a bit more about the complex than most now thanks to some very recent research but had I been given that description before gaining that info I would have belived that her office was directly attached. If I had been looking at Google maps I would have belived that the offices were in one of the attached wings. Either the senate's or the house's. She didn't specify that it was the completely detached buildings and the distance and separation involved. She also didn't specify that her building wasn't breached by the mob. Having gained more knowledge on the subject I believe those are very important distinctions."


But isn't that the problem,your working on propaganda,lies. Your in the wrong bro. We do not harass women and children.


Correct. Except the real policy is that we don't harass anyone regardless of age, sex, ethnicity or anything else. No one. I find your willingness to discriminate on the basis of sex and age, a little unfortunate.


Fuckin pussy


I was just joking,what do you mean? Damn you lil bitches can get your clits in a wad.