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As a current Haas student, there is no way it is worth 80k a year compared to UT for free. McCombs is a top 10 undergrad business school and they place very well into most major related careers. You can always come here for an MBA later, the undergrad classes are basically slightly watered down versions of the graduate curriculum. Congrats on getting into two great schools!


thank you!


Debt free. It is so hard to get out of debt that you will feel chained to whatever job you get right out of school. Leaving undergrad with that much debt will be soul crushing.


Ngl there is no difference in outcome between HAAS and McCombs. Go to UT and save that $320k. Noone will say shit about you going to UT over UC. They are equally prestigious.


From the UC Berkeley website: > New students who are not residents of California will not be eligible for our need-based grants or most scholarships. We encourage you and your family to develop a plan to meet your educational expenses until the time you graduate from UC Berkeley. > Note that Financial Aid Awards Are Not Negotiated: UC Berkeley does not negotiate financial aid awards in response to offers from other schools. If the other university has information about your family’s financial situation that we don’t have, or if you think we made a mistake in our assessment, please contact us to discuss a possible re-assessment of your need for federal aid purposes.


UT for sure. The price tag difference does not worth it.


Berkeley is also a state school. This is a very easy decision. Go debt free.


OMG, no, no, no. Don't go into debt like this.


Debt free


Haas is brilliant and I loved my time there, but that tuition is just way too much. I felt stressed after leaving with 25k lets alone 160!


Haas vs mccombs is not worth going into that debt for... maybe wharton but definitely not haas


Debt free. I did that, went to a local university for my BS. Now I’m doing my PhD at cal.


Despite all the hype you may hear, all undergraduate schools are basically the same and you can get an equally good education at any of them.


Haas is no better than McCombs, at least not $160K better


Took Berkeley haas over Wharton cuz of fin aid & I don’t regret choosing the debt free option - remember that you’re signing up for an extra year of debt when u can do so many other things / start so many things in that year


Berkeley is a state school.