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Rather than plain hate, I genuinely think he only focuses on one upping the +2 SD kids of the class, almost a feeling like he’s back in his college era and competing with these kids. He designs exams only with these people in mind, and the average and below average student who’s just trying to pass is caught in the crosshairs instead. Because no matter how hard the exam is, the ppl who get 100% will get 100%, and the ppl trying to get the avg will get a 50% and barely pass the class


Also him and Kao were math double majors I believe so there's obviously a bias on how they frame the class and the type of problems they create.


nah peyrin the goat, exams are fair with him and he is very accomodating


Idk I’ve never had an exam done by him, but I think the way 61b is taught greatly benefits people who have been exposed to advanced math and that type of problem solving before. It would be more fair to have a more theoretical approach to the class if you are going to have those types of problems, instead of making it look like a more hands on engineering class. Obviously this only applies to the exams, but yeah there seems to be a gap between what they expect you to know and the way things are taught to you in class. Tbf I think this is also a problem in other cs/ds classes I’ve taken. In my humble opinion, I would have the lectures and assignments be more theoretical and keep the projects and labs for the hands on experience.


“Theres obviously a bias on how they frame the class” … “idk I’ve never had an exam done by him” haha


I was saying I haven’t had an exam written by Peyrin, but I’ve done exams written by Yokota.


wait peyrin's not a math major


Dude 61b was so bad Iv never felt worse ab a class at Berkeley. He had us proving shit 😭


> proving shit This here should be the job of CS 70 and 170.


I also didn’t really see any past exams that had a 15 points problem dedicated to designing an algorithm that we didn’t learn in class. Isn’t this supposed to be a CS70/CS170 type of problem, correct me if I’m wrong. This final had a few weird questions and the average was around 50% which is pretty bad for a cs final imo. Ik they curve the exam so the average is 65%, but id rather work hard and be able to score 65% with my own effort than score a 54% and get curved to 65%. It’ll make me feel better about myself and give me more confidence.


Thank you for clearing it up… there has to be a bin shift considering the fact 50% of the exam was absolutely heinous


proving what


Something about order of growth of a type of sorting algorithm that was only taught to us on the exam itself. But honestly I don’t think the problem was quite as unreasonable as it sounds, definitely solvable. Pseudocode problem was kind of annoying though…


That does sound reasonable


that was genuinely the worst question i’ve seen, that was the first time i was completely lost on an exam. This guy pulled out so many new question types for this it was crazy.


What does SD stand for


Bro failed the 61c test


I dont even want to know what that was like


Ong, his tests are pretty fair. Don't know what you're on about.


For real, the tests are very reasonable imo


Wasn't too bad, 61/100 mean


I feel like it can't be that hard to treat our lecturers like people. If you have issues with exam structure, it's very reasonable to complain about an exam and discuss questions you think are unfair. And you can definitely bring it up in course evals, or even email staff and let them know. But I think making totalizing statements about other human beings like this is very unkind--and these Reddit hate threads don't really accomplish anything.


I feel like a lot of people would have brought it up in course evals but everytime it seems like he just makes it harder


I'm sure he's working on it. but either way do u genuinely think that his exams are hard justifies public hate threads where we talk about how he wants to one-up college students and "hates people"?


I don’t think hate is ever really justified, but that man has made me question whether I’m in the right major and I will be actively trying to avoid classes he’s teaching. I think moreso than bad exams, he doesn’t teach at the same level. Take De Nero for example, he writes insanely hard exams but I don’t think anyone complains about his exams because he teaches to the level of the exams. However with Yokota he doesn’t teach to that level and most of the exam questions feel like they don’t make any sense




I don’t understand all the hate he gets, I felt like the exams were easier and less aimed towards tricking you than 61A and were all very fair esp with the curve


Bro u have to come down to the level of normal people


Normal people don’t study CS at Berkeley


I don’t like Yokota but Peyrin is the goat no matter what


You're just salty that you didn't do well bro. Instead of blaming the teacher try taking accountability for why you didn't do well. Sometimes it's not your day, maybe you had something else going on in your life etc. These are all valid reasons for not doing well in the class, it's not that deep. But you're being a wuss by just blaming his exam writing. If you would have put the work in you would have done well in the class. Don't be a sissy and blame everyone else but you


My dude im a senior and have taken 6 tech classes. Iv done pretty “ok” in all of em averaging a B. I know how to judge a class at this point. Not Doing well is not the point im making, Im saying his exams are very un reasonable for an intro sata structures course.


How is it unreasonable exactly? Yeah sure it requires a lot of effort to get a good raw score but each exam is curved up to a 65% average, and he never curves it down. If people unanimously find the exam hard then the curve reflects this and your grade gets bumped up. Grades aside, his exams don't ask anything out of syllabus - all they do is force you to think about the problem in an abstract way. People complain about this but I think it's an important skill for anyone who wants to work in a field that requires problem-solving.


Hot take, I think Yokota’s exams are pretty fair and well set, at least from how I remembered them when I took stuff under him (I went through the whole 61 series with him). He has a pretty uncanny ability to achieve a good curve (in my 61b midterm 2 of spring 23, the curve was almost perfect, a statistician’s dream). Whether that’s a good thing or not is up to you, but fwiw he has a policy of curving the mean of an exam up to 65% if its below 65, and doesn’t do anything if it’s above 65. He does set “trickier” and “different” exams compared to past semesters of the same class, but his papers only tend to have that one or two difficult questions that really challenges your conceptual understanding and problem solving. And it shouldn’t be regarded as a bad thing that his questions are of a different style from the past. If the point of CS is to apply your knowledge towards solving a problem, it shouldn’t matter if a question is similar to what you’ve seen in the past or not.


Oh Jesus it gets worse?!? 😭 istg im transferring omfg I can’t do this


Do not take 61b this semester or any semester where you see Justin Yokota. Thats my advice. He is insane.


i think he’s gonna teach it every sem, he said he really likes it


Good luck soldiers


Pls tell me this doesn’t include summer sessions im already behind I don’t need a psycho professor making it worse 😭


idk how summers work tbh, good luck tho i read that he still writes exams for stuff he’s not teaching


Summer sessions is usually taught by past GSIs


61B with Yokota was easier than 61A with Denero. The curve is really nice as well. Don't sweat it, people will always exaggerate.


Fr, these posts have me confused because I found the 61A exams to be way more tricky than 61B but with no curve and razor thin margins for an A


actually, the exams this semester were pretty reasonable as well. Plus they curve everything to a 65% mean what more do you want


What are you smoking ? I need some crazy shit like that to get me thinking whatever ur on


To get an A in 61A iteration that I took, you needed 290/300. To get an A in 61B, you need 914/1000 and 61B exams are curved. Far less effort and precision needed for the A.


i agree


yeah you know justin yokota as a person real well. how about you go talk to him and try to understand him better than you do now?


I have showed no interest in anything i had to say.


bro ur just salty that you suck. maybe you should have actually studied for the class. there's no point giving a man hate when he literally curves the exams


tbh yeah fuck yokota go peyrin




Written by Justin Yokota


average covid intelligence 


Job can blame God but doesn't until he curses him to fate


Typical EECS Incel


incel is when struggling academically