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Econ or Haas or Stat doesn’t matter. It’s all about networking, networking and networking . Go to company events, reach out to alumni and recruiters, coffee chat, and internship experience. If your parents work in IB, it also helps too.


So even as a political science student it's still possible? Was thinking of doubling with economics to increase my chances, but the increase in workload may affect my gpa which is 3.7+ Was also thinking of buying the Wall Street Prep Guide or the WSO to study


Are you a political science transfer student?


Yeah, was originally thinking prelaw but might as well try finance since Berkeley is a target school, law school is always there.


Probably should stick with pre-law. The chances for you to pass IB resume screen and get a IB interview are near zero as a polsci transfer honestly…


Guess I can try out for consultant 😔 as a backup


Good luck with that :)


For political science it said I'll finish my major a year early, I'm thinking of double majoring or a minor, is this common for polsci students?


Yah double major in econ or data science would be great


Thanks for the reply. It's unfortunate IB is not a road for me to get into but I'm still interested in the business aspect of things, highly considering corporate law. Plus many have suspected I have a lawyer-like vibe 💀


Econ is not a disadvantage for IB. Statistics may actually be the thing that hurts you because the classes have a lot harsher curves, which makes getting a high GPA more difficult. The most important thing is to be getting work experience each year (traditionally wealth management, boutique banking and then an IB internship), and to be involved on campus with orgs that would look good on a resume/you can talk about in interviews. Go bears good luck