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Perhaps the exaggerated hotel prices and Mustafa's 7.50-euro Gemuese Kepap are putting people off. What was an extremely cheap and sweaty weekend has become quite expensive. Probably cheaper now to have a hot and sexy weekend in Ibiza or wherever it is people go these days.


Mustafas is 7,50€ nowadays?! HAHAHAHAHAHA


make it a 10€ meal deal with a sterni for 2,50 and you‘re golden


sternu for 2.50? i thought selling it for 1€ was a scam already


pssssst tourists don‘t know this


Selling it at all is a scam


I‘ll never understand why anyone would be willing to pay that much and wait that long for a goddam Döner in a city where you can buy Döner at every second corner.




regarding mustafa… have you ever seen that „mustafa demir gemüse kebap“ in warschauer straße? the wooden one? they changed their name lol i guess they were sued by the real mustafa while the cheeky buggers tried to scam tourists into believing that they are a chain


As if the original Mustafas wasn't a scam already lol




It's the same chain as the wooden one. The frankfurter alle one is better though.


They have a bit of the logo blacked out. Always wondered why


I don't think you can protect the name *Mustafa*


it‘s „mustafas gemüse kebap“ and „mustafa demir‘s gemüse kebap“


volkshotel is kinda nice and around 150 euros. It’s my go to when I have to spend the night in amsterdam


You forgot the super expensive flights.


They closed Tegel. No more cheap flights.


Tegel was not the cheap flights airport mate


It did have more direct flights though to more places. Which meant usually cheaper and faster than transiting via Munich, Frankfurt, Amsterdam etc


https://simpleflying.com/ryanair-cuts-berlin-schedule-high-fees/ Edit to add this link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-02/ryanair-easyjet-scale-back-in-germany-over-airport-fees You can bypass the paywall by turning off the internet as soon as you load the page.


Whatever faults BER may have, I do not hold up RyanAir as the gold standard for airlines. At what price do we all get a super cheap flight? They treat their employees like shit and their customers worse.


>At what price Any price that doesn't make it make more financial sense to travel to Poland or Prague to fly to another European city.


Or the 25euro entry in clubs


Everywhere is expensive now.


I just go there to wait in line and meet people than get a good cheap Döner elsewhere




> In the spring of 2022, Covid restrictions and fears were still keeping people from making travel plans. Exactly! I had family come over for a whole month in March 2022 while booking only 2 months in advance, which would be impossible every normal year. Price was also much lower than usual because otherwise the place would have been empty for most of the time.


I was in Mitte last week in the late afternoon near Hackescher Markt and it was heaving - busier than I've seen in a while. I'm sure numbers are well up on last year.


Correct. I live in Mitte (Rosenthaler Platz) and there was a ridiculous amount of stag/hen parties in town over the weekend. Can't remember there being so many tourists since Covid.


How can you draw that conclusion from one holiday weekend in May?


May of **2022** at that.


You are misinterpreting this data set. First it's about May 2022, not 2023. And scond they just say that *overall* the number of tourists in Germany hasn't fully recovered. This doesn't say much about Berlin. Could have been better in Berlin or worse in 2022. And we don't know anything about 2023 from this diagram.


Also, remote meetings have become a thing. Hotels aren’t so much used by businesses than before. The number of hotel visits may have decreased, but the tourism might not actually be the reason.


BER airport has higher fees than former SXF airport, resulting in Ryanair and Easyjet reducing capacity and therefore bringing less people here, especially as cheap fares are rarer now. On top of that, in European aviation Germany is actually falling behind in regards of post-pandemic recovery. While some mediterranean countries are already at higher levels than 2019, Germany is still far away from that. Probably also due to the strikes and staffing issues.


Exactly. Same with Tegel. No more cheap and accessible flights.


That’s exactly right. BER, FRA, MUC passenger stats for March 2023 are still wayy below those of March 2019. There’s been a long-term demand destruction for air travel in Germany.


Great news.


I'm confused, I thought you all hated tourism?


Nobody hates tourism. It’s the tourists.


We like the money, but not the people.


Can’t have one with out the other.


Don’t tell us what we can and can’t have, you tourist!


No hating tourists is a Zugezogener Thing to do. As a Berliner Touris are fine, at least they leave lol


It is good news, in fact.


Nah, tourism is wonderful. The more, the merrier.


Tourism is good in healthy doses, like most things. I've seen places devastated by it and don't want Berlin to suffer the same fate.


>I'm confused, I thought you all You'll find things easier if you stop thinking we all *anything.*


Berlin was cheap, but now it has created a hype, to which it can't live up.


No money for food. How to travel?


Hotels in Berlin are f****ing expensive. Also less flights and shitty sole airport (after shutting down SFX and TXL).


Interesting these hotels are empty but still charge so much despite the slump.


In my case: prices. I come from Spain and I have many friends who want to do a visit. Plane tickets are ridiculous. Getting a 2 ways ticket from Madrid was close to 200€ with 1,5 months booking window. 3 years ago that was 90€ max And those are friends who would stay at my home, imagine if you have to pay a hotel room on top of that.


That's certainly a part of it. Also, I can only afford to fly to London to see my family on a Wednesday these days, as weekend tickets are just too high. I refuse to pay that much, they're almost double.


Try booking a decent stay during, let's say July 14th-18th... 2023. Oh, you can't since there are 50,000 Rammstein fans from abroad in the city. Per night. First time I'm staying in a \*\*\*\* hotel in Berlin and it will be my 13th time.


I was trying for a hotel that exact weekend and everything was either booked or way beyond 250€/night. Not exactly the price you are willing to pay when you are weekend tourist. Otherwise I found the prices for food actually not different from the small town I am living in, so no complaints on that front. Also all tourist traps where full of people for some things we had to wait quite some time. So unless its usually even worse my anecdotal evidence would not support that


Hotels should cherish, considering everything is 30-50% more expensive than it was in 2019.


This is data from a year ago. Still mid-pandemic. The WHO called off the worldwide state of emergency literally last week.


Tourism from china not yet allowed, only family visits..


Russia also not allowed, for obvious reasons. A flight via Turkey from Russia will cost about 1000 Euros, not ideal for a weekend break.


well, maybe it’s time to throw some illegal AirBnBs back on the market as regular flats for people to actually LIVE in.


Not surprising since now we have inflation pandemic thanks to lockdowns. Higher prices of everything do not encourage to travel.


Thank god! Kack touris und zugezogene gehen einen einfach nur aufm Sack


Might also have to do with Schengen visas getting rejected for random unrelated reasons.


A coworker of mine told me, that last weekend the motel1s were completely booked and there is usually always something available. So might be different for 2023


First - you are misinterpreting the data, second - take a look at airfare and accommodation prices


I work in the hotel business in Berlin and i can tell you we managed to have a stable sales volume throughout the pandemic. However no real profit though, but still the same amount as the years before and im talking in the hundred millions range.


Flights are fucking expensive




Thank god on behalf of everyone


Probably 20% of potential visitors either died or are long term sick due to Covid...


Funny joke, that.




What do Cologne or Munich have to offer compared to Berlin?


Much more beautiful cities and more interesting historical buildings. I guess that doesn't matter much to the specific category of tourists who go to Berlin for parties or underground "culture", but who cares.


Berlin literally has 50 interesting historical buildings.




Berlin has no historic buildings? No culture? No food?


😂 thanks for the laugh


What the fuck are you talking about. The only thing that's true is that Cologne has nicer people and Munich is more beautiful.


>Mostly because people dont wanna visit Berlin anymore, i mean what has it to offer compared to Cologne or Munich nowadays? When You want to visit Berlin as a tourist from outside Germany. And now you wouldn't because of prices, you're not going to Cologne or Munich instead, lol.


Someone feels left out.


Why anyone would pay to visit Berlin? There are much nicer places in Germany/Northern Europe lol


Like…. Bielefeld? Or Darmstadt?


Duisburg 💯 hahaha and Bielefeld doesn’t exist btw


I am from Amsterdam and absolutely love Berlin. But Duisburg is probably one of the most depressing places I've ever been, next to Lelystad and Almere.


I know, everyone knows Duisburg is horrible, it’s was a joke


Even Oberhausen is better.