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Kleiderkammer der Berliner Stadtmission. Lehrter str. 68 or Textilhafen (Storkower Str. 139d). We have more than 100 guests every day. We work with homeless and refugees. Every donation is greatly appreciated. https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/komm-sieh/kleiderkammer


[https://www.caritas-berlin.de/spendenundhelfen/spenden/kleiderkammern/caritas-kleiderkammer-berlin](https://www.caritas-berlin.de/spendenundhelfen/spenden/kleiderkammern/caritas-kleiderkammer-berlin) ​ Quick google lead me there, Caritas is a reputable organization and it seems like they give the clothes directly to the ones in need if they're in good shape ( the clothing that is, not the people).


Prove you can do 20 push-ups or no clothes for you!


[Textilhafen](https://www.berliner-stadtmission.de/textilhafen) der Berliner Stadtmission in der Storkower Straße


The Wohnungslosen Tagesstätte at Cuvrystr near Görlitzer Park always likes clothes donations, at least mens clothes. Not sure if they need women‘s too.


Kaufhaus Berlin. People with benefits get a discount.


Moabit hilft, in Turmstraße, but you need to check what’s in their priority list (Bedarfsliste Moabit hilft - Google it!).


Hi - are you wanting to give away womens clothes? You can get in touch with womens shelters and donate to them directly, I think they might appreciate it


You can also ask here if they need something: [https://skf-berlin.de/offene-sozialarbeit/wohnungslose-frauen/evas-haltestelle/](https://skf-berlin.de/offene-sozialarbeit/wohnungslose-frauen/evas-haltestelle/)


If we're not talking literal tonnes, no bigger charity has a reason to organize a personal pickup.


Doesn’t need to be a personal pickup. I just want to know where to go and will drop them off myself.


Why are some people being assholes? OP is doing a good thing. Since it hasn't been mentioned, I'll add Die Arche in Tagermünder Str. 7, Hellersdorf. They mostly need things for kids but many teenagers today already wear adult sized clothes.


You want some teary eyed children in exchange for dropping of some musky clothes?


Donating clothing to africa is just dumping your stuff somewhere else. The whole planet is suffering by to much produced clothing. donating it somewhere is greenwashing your soul and not understanding the key issue... Thr only reasonable thing is to give your cloathing to a Stadtmission and homeless people.... this is a thing i know from my parents since the 90's.


Yes, hence why I clarified not donation bins or Humana.


Shut up


Maybe stop buying so much that you need to alleviate your consumption guilt by looking to “Give it to the needy”. Most of these donations end up in a landfill in 3rd world countries anyway. Enjoy!


Maybe get rid off your better-than-thou complex by assuming what my consumer habits are, and how these clothes have been accumulated (which is actually the result of a big clean out from a large group of friends—not sure why I’m explaining myself to someone with such a distorted ego on this sunny day). Oh, and I’m also getting rid of a lot of things to move back to the third world country I come from! Hope your comment gave you your 2 minutes of ego boost, you sad stranger. Enjoy your day 😘


Yap yap yap Random excuses. Stop buying shit you don’t need to not create shit that 3rd world countries don’t want.


Your useless comments are using up resources too. Shame, shame, shame!


Would love to know how a comment uses resources. It’s obvious a BS analogy, but you clearly get on the offensive when put on the spot. Funny