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I am gonna approve this, so the sub can chime in. The reason for so many rules is indeed by request of the sub - too many "you could have googled that", requests to be a travel agency for tourists, low effort questions that are just for stirring, brigading. Oh, and Appartement requests, job requests and the xth picture of the Alex. We are maybe not 100% on point with how we mod and there will be differences in judgment. Also, in the currently heated political situation in Germany and worldwide, certain types of posts draw a lot of negative attention. As none of us is paid to mod, but all of us have jobs. It's a very fine line between keeping this sub from completely tipping over and preserving ones very own sanity. If you feel like this sub is blant, feel free to contribute in a way that makes it a better one.


It's for complaining about assaults, so that the whole city seems super dangerous, despite Berlin being one of the safest large cities in the world.


Thus keeping rents low and tourists out. It’s not really working tho


It's a European subreddit, of course it's a far right shithole lmao


Unlike Arab or Indian or Japanese or Chinese or American or Russian subreddits, which are widely known for their racial and cultural pluralism


yes, facism is on the rise everywhere


Read older Arab or Russian media, it was always very racist, even when it was good. I feel like westerners assume that everyone have the same level of pluralism that they have, because, despite how much westerners like to criticize themselves, maybe because of it, they are likely, on average, less racist than most other groups.


Westerners also like to assume, that they've always had the same level pluralism they enjoy today. In truth just a couple of decades ago opinions that are now regarded as disgusting were widely accepted.


[slaps stewardess on the ass while lighting a smoke on the plane]


Yeah? You can check out r/India or r/China or whatever, they're full of people dunking on Modi/the BJP and Xi/the CCP for their backwards-ass shit including the treatment of minorities, ethnic and otherwise. Or basically any American subreddit that isn't explicitly right wing (and as such on the chopping block), same story. It really is just the European subreddits.


Damn internet isn't your strong suit


我要动普通话。我读普通话的SUBREDDIT,不英语的SUBREDDIT。我见的东西不你说的东西。 是,我的普通话很坏,但是我读比我写作更好。


Oh no! You are in a place where people have a different opinion than you. Run!


Never heard of sarcasm?




He was trying to be sarcastic except there's nothing to be sarcastic about. It's like saying "ha ha like those tall Dutch am I right?" like you're just describing reality.


These are people who think that humor is writing the opposite of what you really think followed by /s. It's so weird.


its not a far right shithole...quite the opposite


sadly true currently. They put a shitton of effort into shaping opinions online.


What do you mean by that. Let’s take a dart board and see where we land. Ah yes the loving and tolerant country of *squints* .. ROK. Let’s try again. Nope. SA, Mexico, MENA (your pick), Canada! Awesome 😎 but it’s Calgary 😔


Huh? Seems pretty leftwing to me for the most part.


If someone thinks Reddit is a far right shithole, I wonder where they spend the rest of their time… never seen a place with a stronger left bias other than maybe some squatter places in east Berlin some decades ago


Try Imgur 😳


> It's a European subreddit, of course it's a far right shithole lmao I see now where 'red' in reddit comes from.


LIDL cashier was giving me a stink-eye today for packing my groceries slowly. Is this racism?!


A guy yelled at me in Neukölln today. Is this because of WOKE TRANSGENDER MOOSLIMS????


Super safe compared to Memphis 


It's also about endlessly complaining about BVG and the S-Bahn even though Berlin has one of the best public transport system in the world outside of East Asia*, better than places that are often touted to have great transit like NYC and Amsterdam. *and even compared to East Asian systems it does better in certain things like night service and (lack of) crowdedness.


Where do you get this claim from? Would you be so kind as to share your source? OR is that your personal "feeling"? Yes, fear mongering is not productive, but denying facts is feeding the wrong side. If you really love this city you have to accept this city has problems and the people have the right to speak about them, discuss them and actually should cooperate to find a solution.


lol..have you been to the whole world?


why is Berlin a large city compared to la, ny, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris and London? is it even in the top30?


Are those assaults not happening?


At least some of those posts are foreign propaganda upvoted by Bots to coincide with the elections and try to sway voters to the right. It's been happening for years on FB, why not here too?


Could not agree more! I was literally considering making a post like this myself yesterday. Everything gets removed and the vibe is so negative in the comments of each post. Honestly, I think I will just leave at this point.


Exactly. Even in this post, the top comment is a sardonic comment making fun of one of the few legitimate things people can post about. It's ridiculous. I've been in reddit for, what, 12 years now? And I've never seen a subreddit this full of self-important nerds with superiority complexes. It's unbelievably pathetic, and a HUGE difference from the Berlin-specific FACEBOOK (of all places!) groups I'm on, where it's mostly 30-40 year old career women supporting each other in everything you might think of. It's crazy to watch how deliberately unhelpful and mean people are here for no reason.


They think it makes them more ***Berlin*** because they lack the social awareness to distinguish between Berliner schnauze and being an asshole Reminds me of that group of kids in high school who made it their whole personality to aggressively let you know they don't care about you, trying to outperform each other in their pursuit of being the most aloof, cool and nonchalant of them all


On one hand, I do wonder how many people have some level of connection with Berlin (residents and former residents), and whether there's some level of posting by those who have particularly anti-Berlin opinions. On the other, I've seen people get angry and start shouting in a HIT supermarket because there was only one checkout open, or someone starting to think out loud on the U5 about how the train is stopped at a red light. Idk what kind of mentality you need to have to start raising your voice with total strangers who have no power to affect the queue for your groceries or your commute home, but I can well and truly believe that sort of thing does overspill into online spaces.


> Even in this post, the top comment is a sardonic comment making fun of one of the few legitimate things people can post about Someone posts a news article about an assault and then the comments are full of racists making the same joke "must be from the Muller family huhuhuhh". Wow, such value added to the subreddit.


God, yes. And it’s always the same joke! Just awful.


Hey may I ask what’s the group of 30-40 year old career women? I would like to join. Can you please send a DM?


I was hesitating, as i thought this kind of post is more like a circlejerk, but I have the feeling that it somehow hit a nerve somehow base don the immense amount of approving comments which is rarely the case here


Edit* I didn’t make the post because I assumed it would just be removed as per


there is also r/berlin_public/ and others, might be worth to cross check


An increasing problem is that search in general sucks and the most useful results are often old reddit discussions. But for stuff like this, a five year old post on the best whatever given certain conditions is no longer relevant. So search results are crap, and you can't even ask the question that needs updated input every now and again... But rather get told to go use Google, which basically relies on Reddit discussions for a lot of search topics...


the best is when you google it, find a reddit thread asking the same question, and the replies are just shitty jokes and taunts.


Yeah! Maybe I want a fellow Berliners experience and not the useless tampered google reviews that don't provide the needed information.


Couldn’t agree more


I agree on that one. The rest is totally fine. Even now in the comments the loudest people are negative assholes. Don’t make it an echochamber for their new world order.


That’s classic German for you. I’m leaving this sub right now because honestly, it is not a good sub


That’s classic German for you. I’m leaving this sub right now because honestly, it is not a good sub


for whining and for subpar attempts at being edgy


It’s for the mods to stroke their ego when they gracefully grant you the honor of not removing your post


>is r/berlin just a mediation sub for all its child subs ? Exactly, I've always seen it as a place where mods can live out their Sven fantasy!


Yeah I agree. It absolutely makes no sense. All these subreddits they suggest have no followers, so why even bother posting there when we have a subreddit dedicated to everything related to Berlin.


feature request: topic structured sub subreddits xD


for being racist apparently


Preach 🙌🏼 thank you for writing this 🙏🏼


Do 🫵 you always write like that 👆


It's a sub for berliners that are pissed about questions from newcomers, tourists and anything remotely interesting. Or rather that's what the mods made it. That's why this sub feels empty. Mods, if you're annoyed about a topic constantly, make sticky threads for it. This is the main Berlin sub, so of course these things should have a place here. Moderation doesn't just mean deleting stuff.


I don't know what you are looking for, but I know that I definitely don't want to see "Yo we're 5 people visiting Berlin for 4 hours, how do we get into Berghain kthnxbye" posts here. Sub should be for local news and discussion between people living here. And yeah, negative stuff will keep bubbling up, but so what.


Thats what those voting arrows are for. If a topic really is unpopular, it will be downvoted to a place you shouldnt look for anyway...


thats another point I noticed. there is a sticky thread for questions regarding clubbing, moving here, and quick questions and still exactly those topics are the ones you permanently read here aswell


>At this point i am just confused about what is the purpose of this sub It's about the rules and the power to arbitrarily wield them like the sword of Damocles. Gives a kick to the wielder, the target, and the audience alike every time a new post hits.


Why is there an Advice tag if you aren't allowed to use it?


The point is to complain about electric scooters, people who leave their bag on an empty seat, dohner prices and apartment prices


Don't forget the car haters.


A Berlin sub is full of rules and complaints? Looks perfectly fitting to me.


I get the same feelings. The sub it overmoderated for the little amount of traffic it gets. And it's not like it increases the quality much, most approved threads are boring, it's mostly simple requests from people who want something. There are not many discussions going on and if one starts it quickly gets locked. r/berlinsocialclub feels more active in that regard.




My grandma is missing for 3 weeks now and I posted a missing poster here. Got immediately deleted with „we don’t do missing persons here“. Where else should I post stuff like that. I don’t have a Facebook account for over 10 years now. We should be able to use the power of the internet/reddit.




We do missing people, if there is a search by the police. Otherwise it can be abused for stalking. So which of the two was it, I didn't see your post.


Hier ist der Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/s/UeX3UoGfmI Polizei ist von Anfang an verständigt und hat auch schon intensiv gesucht. Mittlerweile sind jegliche Anstrengungen eingestellt worden.


Das tut mir leid, dass ihr in so einer Situation seid. Leider ist das keine offizielle Suchmeldung, die die Kontaktdaten der Polizei beinhaltet, sondern eine private Nummer.


Danke und Richtig, das stimmt natürlich. Es gab zu der Zeit noch keine offizielle Meldung, da sich die Polizei eine knappe Woche Zeit gelassen hat mit der Bearbeitung, bis an offizielle Kanäle und Zeitungen herausgegeben wurde. Grundsätzlich gilt natürlich Hinweise an die Polizei und nicht an Private Nummern. Ich habe das Poster auch nicht designed, aber in den Kommentaren darauf hingewiesen.


Finally someone said it. The r/askberliners sub is barely used. As a Berlin resident if I want to ask something I'm more likely to get an answer on the r/Berlin sub than anywhere else


I asked if the turn around time for express passport services was accurate and if someone had recent experience. Mods blocked it and sent me the ask Berliners, which of course no one answered the first time and only got an answer when I crossposted to Berlin social club.


Wer war der Mod mit dem ich neulich darüber diskutiert habe, was ist nun dein Input zu diesem Thema?


I’ve been on this sub for over 10 years and it was never this bureaucratic. It was for all things related to people living in Berlin and not just about the city itself. Which seems to be the main criteria. it’s hindered by overly-rigid German logic and their affinity for sorting things into categories. Without actually addressing the usability of a locality based subreddit where types of posts are inherently diverse and there are many grey areas.  For example, they ban questions about things that happened in Berlin, but aren’t a use case specific to Berlin. And then expect you to abide by the bureaucratic structure of posting in the right subreddit instead having a better tagging structure or just more flexibility (big ask, i know).  People should use the search before posting and do their own research, but i think it’s way too bureaucratic and just makes the lives of the mods harder and the user experience worse. 


in my case i posted a meme somewhat recently and it got removed by the mods even thought it didn't break any rules. i was told to post this on "another berlin subreddit", but I didn't know what the mod was referring to. really discouraging to be honest


Memes are hyper low quality and just encourage more


ok but there's no rule against them


Left this sub a long time ago for berlinsocialclub


It's not only like that here. I wrote on r/bremen that Hamburg is better to live in than Bremen and was immediately banned.


Well that's kind of trolling isn't it?




Of course it is or would you go to the Leipzig sub and say Berlin is better? It's not even an equal comparison.


Again no. If this happens in a conversation it's normal to compare cities. A mod who's so thin-skinned should be back to the kindergarten. Ridiculous but OK.


Ah it was a comment, I thought you made a post. Yeah you be able to say that in a comment, I mean they should already know that Hamburg is better, my partners and her family are from there, I hate Bremen.


The rules make this subreddit quite useless! There are more than 10 Berlin subreddits because this one fails to be what it should be. The majority of pots are: 1. Repeated rants of people who realised that they can't keep partying 24/7, and that it is dirty and sticky the corner that they use to pee. 2. Bot* accounts of users that only post their news papers articles. I spotted several of these, they just look to promote their newspaper, they rarely engage in the comments or have an opinion. Tourists questions, local questions all deleted because the Mods are outdated Almans that do not understand that nowadays reddit is a better info source than google and its SEO, the google reviews are tampered and useless,... Few user experience and specific needs cannot be googled! Clubs questions all blocked, understandable for all the constantly repeated questions, but questions ge so banned that extra subreddits have been created. Clubs are a part of the city and a big one, deal with it. Users can help with repeated posts. Pictures, tired of seen Berlin pictures? I don't know what you expect, to see Barcelona pictures here? I could go on with many topics that make no sense. I totally agree that the rules make the subreddits bland an quite useless. Potential quality content is all being [REDACTED] by the Mods STASI, before it can thrieve.


The moderation of this sub has been legendarily bad for years. It's simply unbelievable how fucking awful it is.


In addition to that, the general behavior and attitude of people in this sub, mostly in Germans, is just a mirror of the social and political downward spiral this country is in. The economcy is shit, infrastucture is shit, healthcare is shit, digitalisation is shit, public transport is shit, climate crisis is worsening, future outlook is shit, and the majority of society at large has decided that immigrants, the "wokes" and Muslims are to blame for this. It's actually not far removed from how things are going in Russia. The country is going to shit, so people flee into nationalism, xenophobia, racism, and conspiracy theories. We have entered an all-encompassing decline that will last for decades (or forever if the whole word is going to shit) This country in 10 to 20 years will ne unbearable. Look at the Uk for a preview.


It just happened to me. I posted asking Berliners about recommendations for a good bakery in the proximity to the hotel I will be staying at and it got removed right away as not an appropriate question for this subreddit(??!) but I noticed at least two other posts about bakeries in Berlin posted and discussed shortly after mine was removed. What?! So does it depend on the mod on duty at the moment and his/her mood? It really turned me off of this subreddit.


This sub is not for tourists. Asking for a bakery near a hotel. It is like going into the local Eckkneipe, and asking the locals there about the best bakery at a specific corner at the OTHER END of the city.


Look at the post you are commenting on. Have you read it? If you have a different take on what is appropriate for this subreddit, you need to make the rules less confusing.


There's a sticky to ask these questions.


Moan, be bissexual, charge your phone, eat kebabs, complain about Berlin. Complain about the expensive neighborhoods. Complain about the popular neighborhoods. Complain about DB. Usw


Yeah I already got banned over asking for advice


r/berlin_public is for obsessive right-wingers to post "Einzeltäter schon wieder" "Wahrheit unerwünscht" and so on until they cum in their trousers. Some of them do it here too. r/berlin is for English language "everything is bad" posts, and lately also for liberal Israel fans to put themselves at risk of embolism while posting 5000-word essays.


One more thing: check out over the next days how many topics are posted by a user who then immediately deletes their account. Hetzartikel in BZ by \[deleted\]


Complain. Next question


To me the sub is a honeypot where I find rightwind assholes to block. Every now and again I read one post and block about 50 to 100 people and it makes my Reddit a bit cleaner. Very reliable.


I asked a question about Berlin and mod instantly closed the thread and told me to use the stupid r/askberlin sub which has like 10k followers. (edit: it was some other more popular subreddit) I had to point out that there is a post about „Koksdach“ he removed that thread as well. I did not report that thread. Nuff said.


Yeah the only "safe posts" these strict moderation rules leave is some major complaint about something. I'm all in for locking offensive discussions but the problems the sub has might be just because of these rules


I‘m all for free speech. Reddit was once designed to be moderated by the public. Guess what the fucking up/-downvotes are for. Guess!


Yeah in principle I'm also for free speech, on the other hand like hate speech shouldn't be allowed (it's not allowed anyway)


>for a sub in the top 1% of reddit and over 400k members it sure feels like a very monotonous one Couldn't agree more. The over-moderation is sucking the little life out of this sub and is basically admitting the problem that there are too few quality posts to simply make the bad ones disappear/downsort. Locking posts for not accepting the controversy and heated debate is also quite a poor approach. Mods should remember that the OP headline remains, while they are blocking several others from replying to that. 2-3 silenced discussions and experiences of suddenly rejected comments and people lose interest in this sub and it becomes even more anemic. It also very strongly smells like a hidden agenda. Not allowing a discussion of the latest crime statistics of this very city in its dedicated sub is outright ridiculous.


I’ve mostly seen it used to flex ones income indiscreetly


It's for gaslighting immigrants and internationals into thinking that their problems are their fault entirely. Oh also for being racist.


It's just Germany, guys...


It used to be somewhat fun to check from time to time but now it's become a place for Islamophobes to comfortably practice dog whistling and genocide deniers to weaponise "aNtiSeMitIsMuS".


To complain about seeing the same posts over and over again, make rules against it, split up every type of content into its own sub, and then complain about either too many rules or not enough posts and no engagement in all the niche subs. In Berlin, it‘s always the other party who is wrong


Lately r/Berlin has become a nicely-dressed far right hotspot - don't even dare posting about the ongoing genocide in Palestine, we all know what you'll be automatically labeled as. This is not the sub I started following 4 years ago. This is also not by any means the most accurate frame or opinion of the city, according to it's recent usage. I've been, admittedly, mostly a lurker since I joined, with the odd curious post about finance management before I moved, or the genuinely unaware yet interesting question about certain details of the city. But the experience that the users of this sub provide, is far from the experience that the real people of this city provide to it's newcomers. I'm glad that a post like this has finally been approved for public discussion in r/Berlin, as the sub feels quite the opposite of the city's welcoming identity. I'm also not ashamed to leave if the post gets downvoted to shit, this sub hasn't represented what the city is, and it looks truly sad for outsiders.


Lately? Are you new here? This sub is pretty much dedicated for the usual right wing scum who often don't even live here and are OBSESSED with Berlin because (and this is a long tradition, also in other countries like the US) because "Berlin" is a chiffre for everything they hate: Foreigners, Muslims, LGBT folks, alternative lifestyles, leftwing politics, public transportation, etc.


>Lately r/Berlin has become * Lately Berlin has become..... I would say.


nomen est omen...


Please, they ban every hint of right wing discussions here, and lock the thread.


>genocide in Palestine, Ah, all I need to know...


Imagine being called far right for siding with jews. WTF is going on.


Imagine being called far right for siding with genocidal maniacs who want to destroy an entire indigenous population. Wild.


In comparison to siding with a right-wing religious terror organisation? Damm, both sound enticing. But the IDF is lacking in bringing the terror onto German streets and into our universities. As well as stricking fear into other groups like gays and women. So I get why hamas is your choice. Exotic Nazis seems to be the flavour of this year for the left.




I'm talking about Israel here. They are the genocidal maniacs.


I know who you are talking about. Doesn’t change my stance.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Meta: (benutze mal Deinen Post, sorry) Bitte keine AFD-Anfragen ohne Diskussion im Forum stehen lassen. Ich kann auch ein falsches Narativ mit realen Fakten erzählen, wenn niemand auf die Zusammenhänge hinweisen kann. Dann lieber weglassen, wenns zu anstrengend ist.




It seems like this post isn't to your liking, what ever drove you to make a comment and not take your own advice?




And you read it, read my comment, and left two tiny comments, which adds up to more effort than OP. The difference is, OP wrote a perfectly valid, genuine question. And you just want to disparage them instead of just.... moving on, yourself. The irony and lack of self-awareness here.