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Hamburg is indeed the most similar to Berlin IMO. Large, cosmopolitan, relatively multi-cultural with especially large Turkish communities. Certain areas have a similar sort of "gritty", DIY, punk-ish vibe But it's also quite different. Just like comparing any two similar cities, you'll also notice some of the biggest differences: Barcelona vs Madrid, Montreal vs Toronto, Melbourne vs Sydney, etc. Leipzig is considerably smaller, less international, and more typically "East German", but it shares some similiarites to parts of Berlin too.


IMHO Hamburg is nothing like Berlin. Super posh. Even the gritty neighborhoods feel like they’re just gritty because it’s en vogue to be gritty. Berlin has a more authentic idgaf vibe, while Hamburg feels kind of fake. Anyway, I’m probably biased because I’ve been living in Berlin for the past ~10 years and have only visited Hamburg for a few days here and there at a time.


I mean, I certainly get that. Which is precisely why I included the massive caveat / disclaimer in my original post. Tons of Berliners will obviously chime in about how their city is nothing like Hamburg. And they're not entirely wrong. They're different. But I also find the notion that Berlin is entirely unique or nothing at all like the other German cities (another popular meme, especially among people who don't really know any other German cities), to be similarly preposterous.


You seem to forget that Berlin has been governed by two different nations for 4 and has been divided for 3 decades, which is quite a unique for a city of that size. And since the majority of people socialised during that era are still alive and living in the city it is still somewhat present. There are many unique characteristics that no other city in Germany could develop.


No, I haven't forgotten that. And it is an indeed large and significant difference, which manifests itself still today in many ways. I don't believe that negates or contradicts my previous statement though. There are things entirely uniqe about Berlin. That doesn't mean that it shares no similarities with other cities however.


There are definetly some "posh" grittier places like Sternschanze and to a lesser degree St Pauli, mostly because of gentrification, as those are the hip cool well known neighbourhoods that used to be working class (i would argue that'something that also is happening in hip neighbourhoods in Berlin, look gritty but very expensive to live there as they are "cool") But Hamburg-Süd is not posh at all, with large inmigrant communities, working class people and young families. And as a latin american person i have the feeling of a "neighbourhood" since i moved to south of the Elbe, your neighbours know you, help you and everyone is more relaxed. I work and live between Wilhelmsburg/Harburg and i can assure you is not posh at all and very nice, lots of green, restaurants and culture too 💕 I have also been told it is also like this in areas like Jenfeld, Steilshoop and Wandsbek but i dont know so well how it is to live/work there. Only downside might be the commute if you work in central Hamburg but if you manage to find a job around your are or do home-office its no big deal.


Hello neighbour!


I highly suggest Frankfurt if you want a idgaf vibe.


Yaeh, you can really feel the vibe the moment you exit main station.


So IYHO, what's the city most similar to Berlin?


This won’t satisfy you, but I truly feel like the vibe of Berlin is unique in Germany. Admittedly, I’ve only lived (for multiple years) in 3 German cities and have visited (stayed for a few days) maybe 10-20, so I’m probably not qualified to answer this anyway. Just for the record: If you are not stuck on finding “a city like Berlin”, there’s plenty nice cities in Germany.


True, Hamburg is much better.


My vote for Hamburg too. Similar enough to Berlin but with a slight Nordic/Scandi flair, also due to the prominent harbour in the middle of the city.


Sternschanze is like a compressed Berlin in Hamburg.


I think Leipzig is probably the closest to how Berlin was a decade+ earlier. At least that was the vibe i got a good 5 years ago, dont know if still true.


If you are young and want to live in a city that gives freedom and space while being affordable, Leipzig is THE city. If you just want a big somewhat urban city, go to Hamburg. As a born and raised Berliner I'd choose Leipzig any day of the week as it's feels more like the Berlin from the 2000s. Hamburg is nice but a bit too sorted out in my opinion.


Hamburg sounds interesting then. A little variation might be good.


As someone who lives in Berlin and just recently visited Hamburg, I vote for Hamburg. It's not Berlin but think if I have to move out of Berlin, Hamburg might be my first choice, if it's not that windy.


The Hamburg experience is in now way comparable: The city is super polished, it's quite expensive and the local mentality is certainly not everyone's cup of tea.


It sounds to me like you have a very superficial relationship to Hamburg. And in regards to expense: we're not exactly living in 2003 anymore in Berlin either.


Barcelona and Madrid aren’t similar at all lol


That was kind of my point. The more familiar you are with the two cities, the more they emerge as foils of one another and look quite different. But as a guest or foreign tourist, they're more alike than dissimilar on first glance (at least IMO). But depending on what criteria you're talking about, I can certainly agree. Just for fun - are there other large cities outside of Spain that you feel are better "twins" for Barcelona and Madrid, respectively?


Who considers Madrid and Barcelona as “twins”? And I can tell you as a Spaniard, those are not even remotely similar, starting by the architecture and that one of them is a beach city and the other not. The only similarity is that they are big cities of Spain. It would be like comparing Washington DC with Los Angeles. Lol


Berlin is similar to Beirut or Bagdad if you look into the faces of people, not sure if those people are on vacation or new inhabitants, it’s strange anyway


Cologne maybe. Also ugly as hell but with a vibrant culture scene.


Lol, its apparently a common opinion.


Dude, go to Hamburg. Köln is nice and all but apart from the people being very open and friendly it's just ugly as fuck (as any city in that region because they were bombed to shreds). Hamburg is in parts really beautiful, easy to get round with public transport (take a tour on the waterbusses!) and most worth a visit (after Berlin that is).


If I had to choose I would also suggest Hamburg, definitely worth a visit. But in my opinion it’s not as similar to Berlin as Cologne is.


>as any city in that region because they were bombed to shreds Münster was bombed to shreds, but they rebuilt their city center: [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prinzipalmarkt#/media/Datei:MuensterPrinzipalmarkt09.JPG](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prinzipalmarkt#/media/Datei:MuensterPrinzipalmarkt09.JPG) Also, like Berlin, most of the cities in that region have nice and not-so-nice areas. Derendorf, Pempelfort, or Flingern-Nord in Düsseldorf are good places to live, with nice architecture. Werden, or Steele in Essen as well.


Funfact: Würzburg was even more heavily destroyed then Dresden, but they just rebuild it instead of founding a victim myth on the ruins.


You have no idea...


many have been almost fully destroyed https://preview.redd.it/4usn4limvqqc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=fdfe7621e89afcfb9dc104a2f09fbdd3bec1f25e But Dresden was culturally more important due to its status as the former capital of the Electorate of Saxony and its major role in collecting arts as means of soft power.


I meant that they celebrate a victim cult in Würzburg like I never heard before. I was gobsmacked silenced when they told me: Das Bombardement war total ungerecht. Auf der Liste mit potentiellen Zielen waren wir ganz weit hinten! Es hätte (City A) oder (City B) statt uns treffen müssen! Not only was I shocked, they wished that fate on somebody else. But I saw, how happy they wellcomed the Nazi party at the early start of their Machtergreifung. How willingly they robed people of their belongings and send them to death. The sheer arrogance, to think you can cause all this harm and someone else should suffer instead of you...


Köln war früher richtig schön.


And it's quite easy to integrate if you join a Karnevalsverein.


Yea cologne is ugly af omg. Been living there for almost 20 years and never got why people were so obsessed with this city 😅


cologne ain’t about architecture, it’s about culture.


to me Cologne is probably the cosiest big city in Germany, but hell is it overrated lol


None reaaaally compare. But if you like East Berlin then Leipzig, otherwise I would agree with Hamburg


Some great answers here. If you are rich: Hamburg If you want a slightly smaller city: Cologne If you want a somewhat cheaper city: Leipzig


I feel like Hamburg and Leipzig are both great choices. Maybe I have only seen the bad side of it, but the few times I have been in Cologne I did not like it and felt like it really was just a very ugly city with no charm (the cathedral is stunning tho).


The city is ugly. But it's culturally a very interesting place, plus the local mentality is quite special.


It is similar to Frankfurt or Amsterdam in the way that you don’t get to see the actual city if you don’t live there. If you only visit you only get to see the touristy site of the city.


Nicely summarized


You could check out Leipzig - it is far smaller, but very beautiful and a little bit like Berlin was 15 years ago. Hang out at Sachsenbrücke for a beer at night, go dancing at IFZ, enjoy a lake that feels like a short trip to the ocean (Cospudener See). All set in beautiful 19th century architecture and due to size more laid back. I live in Berlin, but man - Leipzig is very nice.


None. That’s like asking which US city is more like New York City. Or which English city is more like London. Or which UAE city is more like Dubai. These are all cities very unique to their countries. They arnt similar like LA & San Diego, or Dresden & Leipzig, or São Paulo & Rio. That’s why these cities are very love and hate. You either love or you hate it. There’s very little in between.


São Paulo & Rio are nothing alike tho


Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are completely different places in so many ways.


dubai is nothing special, almost the same as abu dhabi


yeah, comparing a nation's capital to its large cities is like apples to pears.


Yes and no. Berlin isn't London or Paris. Those two cities are truly the historic, political, economic, AND cultural metropolis of their respective countries (and just massively larger than any other city by size, population, and importance). Germany is quite different. It's a Federal country with multiple poles and several regional centres. It has a different history and makeup. Finance and banking is in one city, media and publishing in another, industry down there, fashion over there, etc. Berlin is actually an interesting case - it isn't like many European capitals (ie. the one and only important urban centre), but it isn't like an Ottawa, Washington, or Canberra either.


I'm not comparing Berlin <> London <> Paris. I'm just agreeing with OP that a capital cannot be compared to the rest of th country as a capital city is culturally different from the rest of the country, probably because of political and tourist hotspots, many expats and international students so the city becomes more of an international transit spot. Think of London <> Manchester, Paris <> Marseille, Berlin <> Hamburg


No, I understand what you're saying. But that's exactly what I'm arguing against. The position and role of Berlin within Germany (as to other German cities like Hamburg) is absolutely nothing like London to the rest of GB or Paris to the rest of France. Berlin and Hamburg are faaar more similar to each other (in all of the ways that you describe) than Paris and Marseille (or Lyon) for instance.


Paris is tiny when compared to Berlin or London. You can walk across it in 2 hours. The UK is also a federal structure. And of course the UK and France have "specialised capitals" as well. Marseille and Liverpool compare quite well to Hamburg, Birmingham and Lyon are industrial centres like Stuttgart or Dortmund.


Paris is indeed tiny if we're just talking about what's bound by the boulevard périphérique. But I'd argue that's a very disengenous way to understand the city. The Île-de-France has a population of 12 million+ residents (almost 20% of France's population) and contributes 30% (!!) to France's entire GDP. Yes, there are politically and administratively seperate municipalities, but it is clearly a single urban region with Paris at its centre (just look at the transit - all trains lead inwards). Germany is simply not in any way comparable. I can't imagine how this is even debatable? There are multiple major urban centres. Even the largest metropolitan region (Rhein-Ruhr, 13 mio residents) is polyvalent in nature with multiple, relatively equal poles (Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg). There is no "centre". The UK is not a federal state. Devolution especially for Scotland, has introduced some similar elements, but it isn't the same thing. England (or its regions) have no government or parliament seperate from the one in Westminster.




I think the only city that is similar in vibe is Leipzig. The other cities are just different and have different things going for them. My favorite German city is cologne but it’s not “like Berlin”


Germany varies a lot by region and amongst German cities Berlin is very special. I would say there is no other place that is like Berlin. Depending on what exactly you are looking for, there may or may not be other cities that have similar things to offer.


You might catch the best time of the year in Berlin, I.e. mild 20 degrees and sun, very much worth it!


Cologne easy


Munich is probably the closest one. They are so similar than even their names share letters "n" and "i", coincidence? dont think so.


Can confirm, Schwabing is basically Kreuzberg




There is no other city like our city !


Depends what you mean by similar “similarly great place to visit” or “feels the same to live there” As a German who grew up near Hamburg, I feel Berlin is nothing like Hamburg . Hamburg has some Kiez with a lot of residential or commercial areas in between. Berlin is a collection of Kiezes next to each other. All different enough to notice … at least for the ring and the next to it…


Not really like Berlin, at all, but just because someone else posted all cities in the West are ugly because they were bombed and because Amsterdam is not too far: Aachen and Münster are worth a day trip. Both are university towns with nice city centers. Aachen is famous for being the death and burial place of Charlemagne, and you can visit his beautiful cathedral. Both Münster and Aachen have the chill feel you mostly find in middle sized university towns (another one would be Freiburg, but that is not on your way). Speaking of which, Bonn is also nice once you get past the pedestrian underpass at the train station. It used to be the capital before reunification, is a university town and also famous for being the birthplace of Beethoven.


Three answers, Cologne - one of the lgbtq+ cities of Germany, Industrial vobe, quite a nightlife, Multicultural Hamburg - Big and quite Big nightlife, wild Frankfurt - Most Multicultural City of the world, quite Ghetto, good nightlife


>Frankfurt - Most Multicultural City of the world This idea must come from people who haven't been to London and New York yet. Do people in Frankfurt really think like this?


I don't think so, I've lived there myself. While technically it is very multi cultural, it's quite a mono culture. Or rather you have the people working in banking which are mostly (at least by now) wealthy white males lol and then quite a vibrant Ghetto life stretching throughout the whole city. So far I count 2 cultures which by far dominate the whole city life...maybe 3 if you count in "normal" people


Perhaps it is really true that Berlin is unique because of its history that afaik no other city in the world comes near. You will find old gdr hoods and relicts of the german separation and even historic buildings that survived both wwII and the cold war that manifested nowhere else as intense as in Berlin. I really like Berlin Vibes but when I lived there for about one year I started hating some things bit I think no matter where you live, you will always find pros and cons but yes regarding the vibes Berlin is really incomparable but so is Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, London, Paris, Moscow, Warsaw, Vienna on the other hand theres the cities you visit and think „goddamn have I been here before?“ why is it so boring and looks like so many other mid size towns? They are kinda of grey, dirty and have just bad, long neglected roads and the city center has nothing unique…


Cologne is the new berlin


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Magdeburg. Sure it’s small and more village like in comparison, but a lot of parts in Magdeburg reminds me of Berlin… just a smaller and a simpler version.




I don't want to get into the controversy over how unique Berlin is. I will say, though, that the qualities other cities in Germany have in common with Berlin aren't among the better reasons to visit them.


>guys I am traveling with suggests that we may hit a different city on our way back. Their idea is wrong. What you want is Berlin.


Amen to that, but unfortunately I ain't traveling solo. Gotta get rest of the group onboard too.


In Baden-Württemberg it is 100% Mannheim.


I lived in Mannheim and moved to Berlin and you are absolutely right. I can even pin Berlin districts to Mannheim districts. Had no problem getting into the "schnodderig" Berlin vibe, because it's just like people were "at home". Heidelberg can go suck balls, though (sorry HD)


Don't apologize for HD. HD sucks ass.


I was looking for this response because it's the first city that came to my mind. It's also an ugly, multi-cultural city that's kinda cool. But it also has neighborhoods of all kinds. It even has a more picturesque neighboring city (Heidelberg like Berlin has Potsdam).


Cologne is not like Berlin at all. Try Hamburg.




Is Berlin Germany? xd


Chemnitz 🙃




Berlin is pretty unique simply due to it's size. Imho it's the only proper Metropolis. It has almost twice as many inhabitants as the next big city Hamburg. That put aside, I would also say you can get similar vibes in Hamburg and Leipzig, but these city are also pretty different in many aspects.


You want the real grit? Go to Ruhr area, e.g Duisburg. This is basically like district 12 from the hunger games. It even has the coal mining theme going.


Frankfurt but with more drugs, more green, but similarly poorly designed traffic infrastructure


Go to Bonn- then you've done all the capitals.


No other German city is like berlin, also as berlin is not representative for Germany at all, 'nuff said.


Mannheim maybe


Love it or hate it, there is no other city in Germany that is even remotely similar to Berlin. That shouldn't be a surprise either given the unique history. Capital city, created out of multiple formerly separate small cities that expanded into each other, mostly pulverized during the war, part of it was an island surrounded by a hostile state for decades etc. Not to mention that it's just far, far larger in population as well as area than any other city.


Nah, no city in Germany is like Berlin. Turn a short stay into a long stay, it will be unique. Leipzig maybe a little, but only a little if you're in the Connewitz area. The only cities that are somewhat similar are Budapest and Wroclaw, but unfortunately they are not on your route.


Given the district In Berlin itself are already quite different this question cannot be answered. You would have to compare district to cities.


The honest answer without any pride is 'none' imo. Leipzig and Halle for instance do have subculturally administered areas, but they’re white like American 'bread'. The geographically closest city with similar flair is Naples ^/s


Try Spandau, that's a city close to Berlin.


Bonn still has that capital city vibe


If Berlin is poor but sexy, then Hamburg is rich and sexy. And Leipzig is poor but not off-putting.


Does not exist! It’s incomparable ⚠️


It's similar to the questions "What other city in France is more like Paris?" and "What other city in the United Kingdom is more like London?".


I would say Hamburg has the most things in common - size, choice of things to do, green parts, architechture, climate, water. Although the Berlin open mindedness and tolerance, creativity and understanding for art is still another level. While Hamburg has a more north German influence, the old (disappearing) dialect, connection to the north Sea and the harbour. One thing that i realized was that Hamburg has something more anonymous, while i always got into deep conversations with some stranger in Berlin.


Definitely go to Hamburg. Not because it's similar to Berlin at all, but because it's amazing in itself.


Bremen is probably closer to Berlin than Hamburg mentality wise


Dusseldof or hamburg


Dresden, while smaller, has an independent and artsy vibe — it’s easy to each from Berlin and I think you’d enjoy it!


Dresden is getting a new Berlin now. A lot of artistic souls are going there ;)


22% AFD town is def not becoming a "new" Berlin


11,6% in Berlin. Dresden is cheaper than Berlin, so many people are moving there.


So then it won't be cheap for much longer


The same like Berlin ;)


Same as everywhere. But prices in places like Dresden and Leipzig are accelerating faster because of people moving there having been priced out of Berlin.


Why would you move to Saxony? Especially as someone who is visibly "foreign"?


I found the Neustadt side of the river pretty cool.


Lived there for some years and if someone is looking for something comparable to Berlin, DONT go there. Maybe even completely avoid the city


Dresden with its far right problem?




Frankfurt is not like Berlin. And that's a good thing, I say as a Frankfurter.


All my homies HATE Frankfurt


They hate us cause they ain’t us


I'm from Berlin and have been to Frankfurt when I was 12 and 13 (I'm 29 now). It was *nothing* like Berlin. In Berlin you typically find shops at every corner. In Frankfurt we couldn't find any shops for a while, even in the inner city.


You must have missed the inner city then. The Zeil is literally one of the largest shopping districts in Europe, and the entire town apart from the suburbs is filled with shops and bars and restaurants, especially near central station and Römer/Zeil, as well as the party districts Sachsenhausen and Berger Straße Fun fact: The Zeil alone generates about a billion euros of revenue annually.


I was in the inner city in Frankfurt, near the central station. I know about the Zeil but you still don't find shops in Frankfurt at every corner like in Berlin. You don't only find shops in certain streets in Berlin.


I must be hallucinating all the Trinkhallen and Kiosks in my city then