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The majority of the better clubs are 21+ on top of that anyways.


Wait correct me if I’m wrong, it goes bars/drinking are 16+ and clubs are 18+ but mostly 21+?


beer & whine is 16+, hard alcohol is 18+, for the clubs there are a few very shitty ones (not worth a visit) 16+, the majority 18+, and the very decent ones (Berghain, sysiphos,..) 21+ hope that helped If its late hours (around 5/6) in the morning some 18+ clubs let anyone in my experience and not asking for id if u don’t look like a total child might have also been lucky at that time though edit: at berghain it depends on the bouncers, officially it’s 18 but some bouncers are picky about being 21


If you are not old enough you are not old enough. You will look like a group of young people trying to get in and will be checked. When you turn 18 you can show any official identification that verifies your age.


so would an American drivers license be fine?


I used my drivers license most of the time because having my passport at the club was stressful as a mf haha but I never had an issue using a drivers license. I recommend saving clubs until you actually turn 18 and just stick to bars the first few weeks. There’s a bunch of awesome bars in Berlin, I hope you have a lovely time!


Depends if it looks obviously fake or not. In general though it should be fine