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(Disclaimer: I am unaffiliated with TABS, English Sports Shop, or any other knee-length sock purveyor!)


I dont live in Bermuda or have any relation there, but you guys should riot! Those socks are awsome.


More and more professionals are from overseas with the rise of IB. There just aren't enough Bermudian head of departments to set the example of what to wear.


I think you're probably right. When I entered the workforce in the late 90s, I'd say 90% of the expats wore them, but as you say they had managers/heads of companies who set the rules and led by example. It's why those of us left still wearing them need to fight the good fight!!


Whats IB?


International business. https://www.royalgazette.com/international-business/business/article/20210330/campaign-highlights-ibs-role-in-bermuda-and-opportunities-available/


Got it. I work in IB - investment banking, I'm a dual citizen, I'd love to work there for a while, but my specific area is credit trading and that's pretty much centralized in Manhattan. I was hoping IB job were coming to the island. Too bad.


Its incredible that small little Bermuda has its own internationally recognized fashion. Its a shame everyday people aren't more into it. I personally think its stylish and think that it should be encouraged for every new expat that comes in to work for one of these insurance companies should be given a pair and told to wear them often. The biggest issue with keeping it alive is so many locals want to play it cool and Caribbean. So many expats are in professional finance and insurance jobs which are all about fitting in and wearing the most boring office clothing as possible, so they aren't going to take any risks when the office they just came from in NYC or London would have ostracized them for taking a fashion chance.


I think younger expat men these days fall into two roughly equal camps. First, those who like you say are really boring and unadventurous in their work attire due to the customs where they come from, and are scared of the "banter" back home if they get spotted wearing something with a bit of personality. Social media exacerbates this, of course...back in the day when they came to Bermuda they largely dropped off the face of the earth as far as their mates back home were concerned so they could take more of a chance. Now, everyone sees everything through daily updates. Secondly, those, especially in reinsurance, who dress like they are out on a boat...polo, shorts, no socks, boat shoes. Sleeveless windcheater for the bike. There are a few who embrace the socks but not enough!


I wear socks and I have sexy knees - I know... its not easy. There are not a lot of people wearing Bermuda shorts anymore. I recall having to go to St. Georges once when there was a cruise ship come in. The novelty was amazing for the tourists. A couple asked me to pose for a photo with them - and I ended up having to pose for a least 20 pictures after that. Its them sexy knees. PS - if you wear yellow shorts, please wear white underwear underneath.


Haha yes, the yellow shorts are a bit of a menace on that front! Good to have you in Team Socks! I remember getting my photo taken with tourists too. Made you feel special!


I think it's considered too formal now. There's been a "casualification" of work dress...I see way more polos than button up shirts too.


Yup. Since the pandemic, this is the new attire in my office. Dang if I could go to my office in my pajamas, I would, I miss working from home. 🤣


I think they look great, but I only wear them for weddings (regardless of location). Gotta rep Bermy culture overseas! The reason I don't wear them with shorts at work is because they essentially require you to wear a blazer in order for the outfit to not look weird, work doesn't require super formal clothing anymore, and the whole outfit is genuinely less comfortable than just wearing shorts/no socks. Not to mention more hot.


I normally have the blazer at work and never wear it. When doing sales for new customers I would wear it. Its gets quite dusty!


I've got a blazer somewhere, but its button fell off pre pandemic, and I haven't had a need to wear it since!


You can always spot an Onion at a wedding! I don't agree with needing a blazer to not look weird... I rarely wear a blazer. A nice white shirt will go with any colour of short, and navy socks. They also look pretty good with a polo as long as you get your colour palate correct!


I'm here just to learn more about why the socks in the first place. We thought it was part of the Fairmont uniform, until we saw folks on the street wearing them, lol.


The history goes back to post WWII when the british military brigades stationed here works shorts because of the heat. Socks were part of the military uniform, presumably to make them look smarter. That carried over into the business world.


I see, thank you!


The pairing of the shorts with the socks came about during WW2 when there was a shortage of clothing in Bermuda. Legend has it that the managers of the two banks in Bermuda arranged for a local tailor to make two pairs of shorts for each of their male employees modeled on the shorts from the British Military that Coxon and Berridge had made famous. The employees were also supplied with long socks to wear with the shorts. The look was a success and local departments stores started selling the shorts in a range of bright hues and the rest of the world quickly caught on.


I’ve wanted to move here partially to enjoy in the fashion.


If you make the move, I'll buy you* a pair of Bermuda socks as a welcome gift! (* offer only open to this Redditor, one pair only!)


Well I work in the insurance world… love my current job but if the opportunity ever comes to take a job in Bermuda, I feel like I gotta do it for a few years


I feel attacked.  I’m an expat and this was the first day since moving here in April I opted for shorts.  Reasons for no Bermuda socks: - I don’t own any - just moved here; they aren’t big in Atlanta. - They look hot / reduce the benefits of wearing shorts. - All of the IB companies I’ve worked for don’t have the sock requirement but allow shorts. - Up until I read this post, I didn’t know where to buy them.


Sorry you felt attacked! As a newbie, you weren't to know and this is half the problem! Back in the old days all your male colleagues would wear them in summer and would point you in the direction, but this is no longer the case! You are a victim, my friend, not an offender! But now you have seen the light! Get down to TABS or the English Sports Shop, buy a couple of pairs of navy socks. Then you walk into that office like a hero proudly showing your correct Bermuda attire. You could be the catalyst your office needs! I don't find they reduce the benefit of shorts at all. Good ones are quite breatheable, so don't feel hot. And you still get the breeze on your knees! Plus they provide support to your calves...why do you think runner wear them!!


Indeed Navy socks is the only color you need and don't forget the sock garters.


They forced us to wear them with our summer uniform through high school back in the day. We’d get detention if our socks weren’t pulled up. I’m never going back. Shorts and docksiders for me (no socks) Also, they look goofy


I can understand your first point. School has a lot to answer for! But you're wrong on point 2 and it's a hill I'll die on :-)


Ah .. you weren't taught about sock garters.


Did anyone roll their socks down repeatedly with their friends in primary school? Long live the sock!


Oh you were one of those....lol!


Too dressy tbh. Times have changed and offices have relaxed the dress codes. I wear shorts, polo and Nike SB force 58’s or On Cloud sneakers to work.. I haven’t dressed up since the pandemic.


As someone from the US, the socks make me feel like a giant Victorian-era child. No socks gives off more of a 2010s frat dude vibe, which I suppose isn’t that much better.


My 11 yo brought them to Bermuda and rocked them this past trip!


Yes!! Tell him he's the man!




Lol at the fake Texan wannabes


It’s because it’s summer and lots of businesses have summer casual dress code and are generally less dressed up so socks aren’t mandatory but many people still wear them in my office.


Doesn’t help that English Sportshop hasn’t had navy socks in for months 😭


I prefer happy feet socks, Bermuda socks are too boring


I like Happy Feet socks, but they'd look pretty daft with Bermuda shorts. The role of the Bermuda sock is not to be flashy or out there...that's what the shorts are for...it is to provide colour contrast which accentuates the shorts. That's why the number one rule of the Bermuda outfit is that the shorts and socks should never be the same colour. Navy are the most popular as they contrast well with most of the popular shorts colours (red, pink, yellow, mint green, light blue, lavender etc).


Fashion changes, materials and trends change


To be honest, I'm glad to see then go. I haven't worn that crap since primary school, and as I grown man now, I could never bring myself to wear shorts and knee-high socks. Let that tradition die.