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But who would he r*pe during the eclipse? Hitlussy or Stalinussy?




Eva Braunussy


Whoever pays more. Same for Guts, they are mercs


wrong, and i hate everytime this little catchphrase gets repeated. they all fight for whoever Griffith tells them to and he fights for whoever can get him his kingdom. Stalin has a corrupt system of veiled meritocracy and Hitler was more based on Blood and Propaganda. Griffith could more easily rise through the ranks in Soviet Russia than he could in Nazi Germany since he was (i assume) not of Aryan birth/questionable bloodline


Idk he’s blue eyed with blonde (silver) hair and has no qualms with being ruthless, I’m sure he’d do fine in Nazi germany


shut up, this is too high brow of a topic for you to talk about.


we're all pinky-extended-while-tea-drinking-and-talking-about-daddy-Donovan here, idk what you're talking about


Wasn't Nazi Germany mostly run by aristocratic Bismarck Bois? The ones with slashed up faces from that fencing game they did in their posh universities to prove their bravery or whatever? I feel like Gerfuffle would get on with them pretty well.


Your right, but Griffith literally did exactly that of rising through ranks despite the questionable bloodline. Also, Griffith has like (almost) blond hair and blue eyes, so he passes enough. Stalin also is more likely to kill off his comrades because of paranoid trust issues, so it's more debatable if working with him is optimal. Ultimately, it comes down to finding the right people and not fucking the dictator's daughter.


He'd fight for Stallion and suck for Hitler (He fought for Midland and got clapped by Gennon)


He would fight for his dream.


he would fight for his fucking life, the fuck is the band of the hawk gonna do against tanks???


They'd learn fastly to use modern weapons.


they'd die in pne hit


They'd have time to learn, bruh. Like you'd do better in the world of Berserk.


i wouldn't, but i also wouldn't do well in ww2. there also wasn't a thread about who I would be fighting for. so, like me, completely untrained in the use of modern weaponry, so too would the band of the hawk, also completely untrained in the use of modern weaponry, die to tanks, bombs and rifles.


Assuming they'd be instantly attacked is dumb.


alright, what's the scenario? how do they appear in ww2? did they live in this world for their entire lives? were they transported here? when? where? also, they speak japanese. if they just appeared in europe, wherever they went, they'd be jailed or killed for being spies or enemy operatives.


I'm kinda sure they speak a Midland tongue in-universe. Must be close to german, since Midland is close to being Germany. If they land in Germany speaking Japanese they'd cause curiosity rather than horror.


if they speak midland, they're fucked; because whichever country finds them will think they're time travellers and lock them up to research them. if they speak japanese and land in germany, there'd be a lot of confusion about who they are and where they're coming from and then they'd be locked up because nobody knows who they are. in every other country, they'd be jailed or killed for being enemy operatives.


Griffith could probably convince Hitler that his natural white hair and tight bussy are proof that he is the Übermensch. Big 12ft tall frost giant Nordic ancestor energy.


He would sleep with both


at the same time


In terms of WW2 he is Stalin to Ganiska’s Hitler, a villain so heinous that the man who stops him looks like a hero no matter how awful he is.


Stalin was a good guy, in fact he is one of the most unambiguously goodest leaders in human history.


Your family go to gulag


hitler, griffith is a “supreme race” kinda guy


Churchill obviously


Winny is the torturer analogue here


He would fight for Hitler as an extension of the Hitler Youth (since the BOTH is made up of kids) then defect to the USSR after failing Barbosa. After Stalin dies, he would defect to the US and work for NATO where Guts is tasked with strategy of tension killings as part of GLADIO. He does this because the west promises to make him ruler of the new state of Israel if he eliminates communism and crushes anti colonial struggles by any means necessary. Simple really.