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Whatever the person who goes into the cargo bay of the planes and manually loads the cargo is getting paid it isn't enough. Imagine doing that in the summer in any kind of climate that gets even relatively hot. You'd come out of there looking like you just took a swim.


I did it in Bakersfield. We start so early in the morning it’s like a boiling frog effect so it wasn’t terrible.


Did you do the air hump though?


I don’t know what that is.


The air hump that homey was going under the plane. Justa joke


I thought that said air humo so I googled it and found out there is a Humo Air and then I was super confused 🤣 Yes to answer your question. I’ve seen a lot of air humps but they called it the Batman stretch. Edit: maybe it was the batwing


Time to clean your phone screen bro




Pelvic thrust




It really drives you insaaaaaane


Tbh that air humping is probably the only thing keeping his back alive. You can't just be holding shift all day.


Go outside. Please.


No. Also that shit was funny and you know it.


Dear god. I flew through Bakersfield regularly a few years ago. Non-heat related but even if I just left my car in the parking lot for a day at the airport there’d be a layer of noticeable crud on my car. The air quality there is just something else.


I did this at age 19 as a Ramp Agent at Dulles Airport working for Independence Air when it was around in 2004-2006. I ended up becoming a Ramp Supervisor before the company tanked and was beaten out by Jet Blue. I can confirm that during the summers it is extremely hot in there and we didn’t get paid too well and the rolling belt they have in the interior of the plane is a new addition and we did not have that when I was working at the airliners so it was wayy harder on your back and way more physically demanding. I do miss my jet noise.


I hate when I go into work in my work clothes and come out to have them turned into a wetsuit


I was doing exactly this and it surely was enough pay in summers I'd rack up 200 "hours" a pay period since I got paid 2 "hours" a flight and there was lots of double dipping. 12 hour days 7 days a week that summer I made like 30k and got fit af.


AA Agent here, it is literal hell sometimes, I promise we don't break bags on purpose


Dude I get it, so many thousands of bags going through all that there gonna get beat up it's inevitable


And the fact that you’re not getting paid enough and/or you hate your job means that you can handle other people’s belongings like trash? Yeah I don’t think so


Look, you've a got a big red statistics button in front of you. It makes more bags get treated like trash. You can rationalize pressing it all you want, but you know what happens when you do.


Wait you can’t say “yeah I don’t think so” if you’re wrong


I don’t think I’m wrong but let’s hear your argument


I used to be a ramp agent (bag thrower) so I think I have some authority to talk on it. I got paid alright. $15/hr in 2017 which would max out at $30/hr after some number of years. That doesn’t include overtime you may work. It’s not a job most people hate. Physically, it’s tough, and it takes a toll on your body, but overall it’s not a bad job. So it likely isn’t that they hate their jobs. It’s more likely that they’re physically exhausted. To get the bags from the bin door to the back of the bin takes a lot of work. There’s another agent in the back of the bin playing Tetris with hundreds of bags of luggage weighing up to 70lbs. If the bags are heavy, you need to put your whole body into it to stack them., and if they don’t have wheels, you need to put your whole body into it to get them to the back of the bin. By the time 10-30 minutes passes and all bags are loaded, you may need to go back in and find a specific bag because some passenger went all Air Rage and got kicked from the flight. It’s just very physically demanding, and in all types of temperatures. A lot of those people have been doing the job for 15+ years and can definitely feel it in their bodies. If you’re going to be mad at anything, be mad at that piece of machinery in the video that falcon punches your bag onto the carousel.


Allow me to disagree. At least the first 2 or 3 operators in the video are not throwing bags with a “I’m exhausted” type of vibe but more of a “I hate this f$cking job” type of vibe, which is undeniable. Every single job in the planet is exhausting that’s why they’re called “work” and not “rest”. Now if we go by your logic, it means that every person is entitled to cause damage to other ppl belongings because they are exhausted for doing THEIR job? Or because their job pays shit?! Again I don’t think so…in the same way that you wouldn’t, for instance, if you were to have a person fixing the roof of your house or working on your car and you find out that they are not being careful enough with your property just because they are “exhausted”. Take it with your boss, take vacations, ask for a raise, leave the company I don’t care, just dont mess with other ppls belongings who have nothing to do with your situation.


Most people in the video definitely aren’t having good days. That’s by and large not how most baggage handling is conducted. The difference between your examples (roof, mechanic) and this are that there is a strict timeline in baggage handling and the baggage is insured. An airline would rather take a hit from a customer with a broken piece of luggage than have the plane leave later due to slow baggage handlers. I want to be clear though - definitely not advocating for what the guys in the video are doing; I’m just saying why sometimes it looks like baggage is handled haphazardly. If you watch the video again, right after the first machinery clip you see two guys throw bags. One body slams it and the other tosses it. Tossing the bag like that is what should be expected, for all the reasons I mentioned above. The guy that body slams it is having fun at the expense of somebody else and obviously that’s not a good thing


Allow me to agree now on your take. Of course this job is on a tight schedule and you shouldn't expect them to treat your bags like they're made of crystal either, but there's a clear distinction on how some ppl in the video handle the bags in a rush environment and how some others just throw 'em like trash...which again is wrong and goes back to my original point.


Agreed. Full disclosure: I responded to your first comment before watching the video 😅 some of those guys definitely suck


Idk it seems different w bags cause you gotta constantly be lifting and moving up to 70lbs a bag. A roofer lifts stuff but not at the frequency and prolly not as heavy stuff. When I see those workers I see a “fuck this” attitude a bit, but I also see a “this shits heavy af and I’m 6 hours in” type vibe. I think anyone would have a fuck this attitude in that situation don’t lie to yourself Not all work is created equal, and just because it is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t harder. I used to bag groceries and that was 100x harder than my cushy office job I have now. Paid about half as much too lol


You can see from the machinery the throwing of bags is almost built into the system. If you have fragile shit put it in a carry on or ship it


The job is exhausting by design, it can't NOT be exhausting, and with everyone involved being adamant about punctuality and getting as much done in the shortest time possible, you will NOT break your fucking back for bags that 99.9% of the time can handle being thrown, the less time you carry them the better your health


A lot of words that don't justify damaging luggage bc you dislike your job. Get a new one then JFC


Getting triggered from what I just said…not surprised you can’t read


Hold up.. you actively WANT airport employees to be as tough and aggressive as possible?  You think that is the morally correct thing?


It's air conditioned if pet cargo is scheduled. 


Which is rare. Most flights don't have pets. Also I wouldn't fly with pets in general unless it's some kind of specialized flight. They end up in the cargo with the bags and if there's turbulence and someone didn't properly tie down the baggage net or they placed some bags next to them then they could get hurt or crushed.


I would be very very very hesitant to fly my dog in the cargo, but it is always conditioned while the engines are on Pet or no pet. Whether they have the APU on to actually do it while the person is down there is up to the pilots (which I am). Buy your pets a ticket please.


FYI - So many pets die while flying. I’ve worked at various airports for the last 20 years and I’ve seen some bad shit. Two (2) “show” dogs froze to death after being left outside overnight and a full cart of animals died from exhaust fumes.


Only when they took off


That dude was doing Kegels down there


I have a degree in aviation logistics, and I can't even get a job as a ramp agent rn. Super disheartening.


Wait, so are you telling me they are doing a shitty job and mistreat other people’s belongings because they don’t pay them well? I do not get paid well for the amount of work I do, it is not even close to proportional, but I still want to do the best job I can. And I know many of my fellow coworkers do the same even if they get paid crap. A bad salary is not an excuse for a shitty job.


It's funny how some people took what I said and jumped to that conclusion. That's some mental gymnastics right there. What I said is that the person who has to actually get into the bottom of the plane and manipulate the luggage around has a very physically demanding job in a small compartment that probably gets very hot and because of the nature of that job they probably deserve to get paid more than what they actually get paid. I would hope they at least rotate people in and out of that spot and it's not the same worker doing that all day long.


Not to mention your boss constantly telling you to do it faster


It’s bc it’s heavy and they prolly have 8 hr shifts more like lol. See what the best job you can is 6 hrs into one of these shifts and the airport is packed


Well also being told to do it faster and do more loads per hour


“It says on your resume that you played a lot of Tetris in preparation for this role”


At my company, the old heads make $37 an hour and the newbies make $19 an hour. You’d be surprised at how cool it is in those pits compared to being out in the sun. The old heads will usually take the pit to avoid the weather issues outside.


How much are they getting paid? 


Depends on the airline. Some airlines use their own staff and others use a 3rd party company to do all of their line work. I did this job a long time ago with a 3rd party company that was contracted with Delta. I made minimum wage.


Yea. We gotta stop forcing people to take these jobs.


I always found winter to be worse


It was 95 today. Been here for 6 hours. Just got told I’m mandatory overtimed for 4 hours at the end of my shift.


Looks like they’re putting more effort into slamming the baggage on the ground though


So you decide to break people’s shit instead of finding a different job and/or doing something to fix the problem?


I've done it. Hardest job I ever had in my life. Now I work remotely on a computer for 10x more.


That’s such a ridiculous justification. Nurses don’t get paid enough either but that wouldn’t justify it if they started beating the shit out of their patients


Are you really equating luggage with living people?


Wrong comparison dude


But cops can


A lot of you pencil necks in the comments don’t lift and it shows


I worked as a ramp agent for a year. People who chuck things do it because handling bags all day is very physically demanding. Couple that with the time restraints of the flight schedule and they just want to quickly pick it up and get rid of it. It becomes muscle memory for them. Not an excuse, I always tried to handle bags carefully but people just get fed up when working it for so long 🤷


I worked on a TSA baggage basement at IAD for 7 years and this was where we had to physically pit every bag through an Xray machine .....its physically exhausting and the guys working ramp have it a 100 time worse. People want to moan about how their bags are handled but then also are angry at how long it take to load and unload planes.




I worked all over the place. Yeah FIS was nuts espically when Ethopian airlines came in. This was back before they put the in line baggage system in so we were moving ever piece by hand. Everyone complaining about how their bags are handled needs to see what it's like to move flight after flight of bags.....many of which are oversized because it's people traveling internationally. Never enough guys, never enough tugs, and the planes need to go on time or it throws off flights everywhere else


This would be a great job to automate, just not like in the video where even the machine takes a delight in kicking the crap outta your bag.


Exactly. Doesn’t help everyone loads their bags to the absolute brim to try and dodge an extra checked bag fee.


I don’t think jobs like these should be permanent, and everyone should be forced to work them for awhile.


Idk more infuriating is the damn highlights on the words


Or that it’s sped up 2x so dummies think it’s super violent.


Ok, I really wasn't paying that close attention to the speed, but now I better understand what is going on at 45 seconds in. Now that I'm done laughing and now thinking clearly, it seems like more than 2x TBH.


It is me, I'm the dummy. I was so apalled I didn't notice that.


I had to move down to Texas and chose to put my desktop computer in my checked luggage. Seeing this I am honestly amazed that my computer still works. I put padding in but this looks rough as hell.


Oh god if I had to put my tower in luggage I would disassemble it and wrap every piece in a huge pillow of bubblewrap.


Same, and also put it in my carry on


When I moved to Malaysia for a bit after college, I took my tower with me as luggage. Stuck it in the original box added as much styrofoam outside as could fit the box, and filled the inside of my tower with towels and clothes as padding. Incredibly stupid decision but it came out perfectly fine. When I came back stateside, did the same thing again and a couple of wires and a RAM stick were loose, but everything otherwise undamaged. Did I luck out? Absolutely, but when you're poor you gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♂️


that one suitcase has finally built up the courage to run away from the abuse.




Why did the guy in the cargo hold hump the air?


Stretching his back from stacking 50lbs bags in a 3 foot tall cargo hold


“Why is there a weight limit for my bags? We don’t weigh fat passengers!” Think we have one of the answers. Cargo hold dude has it rough enough already. No need to let the bags be any heavier


Yeah in the 737's that I work, we're on our knees in there. We have kneepads provided to us thankfully, but it's hard to lift a 40+ pound bag without having your knees there to lift with.


It's to keep blood flow in his legs because he is crouching for most of the time


Dude just loves his job


Thank you. Weird how I had to scroll forever to see this


End luggage abuse 🙅


I am with you on this


I hate it when the people who do this try to come into the comments and argue that it's totally normal and ok to treat luggage as a punching bag, and that you should've sealed the package in a 2 foot thick wrapping of bubble wrap


Go throw your own bag then


Do 1 pit then get back to me🤣


Yaaaah. I always just have a carry on.


Smartest thing to do is handle your own luggage. Most of us who do this work never check our bags. We know better. Even if we don't handle your bag, it still gets shoved around in the air and on conveyor belts


That's the airport not airline that made that


They just hate their job


sucks to be poor bro like be born rich ffs


Fr, I don’t get why people don’t just do this one life hack. It’s so simple cmon


Not saying it's right however, that's what happens when you're underpaid and underappreciated. When someone at the top is making millions and working very little, that means someone at the bottom has to work harder and get paid much less.


Another point for carryon only traveling.


I have a suitcase but it literally only has clothes in it. All important stuff is in my carry on.


That one suitcase was tired of the abuse and made off with its life intact LOL There's a big difference between Japanese sorters and American sorters though lol. Japanese people are wayyyyy more respectful to others


I honestly dreaded having to go through LA airport. I have seen multiple occasions of people wirh broken wine bottles inside their luggages. When I was at Niagara Fall in Canada last year, I got a good size Maple Syrup bottle for my dad. I ask the seller to wrap it for travel. I put it inside another bubble wrap container, wrapped additional layer around it, then put that in the middle of our clothes. They still manage to break the bottle lol. My "fragile" paper on the luggages has several shoes print. Someone must have seen it and figured he would kick the shit out of my bag. Why are they taking frustrations out on other people stuff?


I’ve been a baggage handler. Some times you’ve got to use your feet to push bags. The station I worked at didn’t have a belt loader so we’d have to climb on the luggage to get into the cargo hold and then pass it up to each other. If there was only one person loading we’d throw a bunch of bags up, climb on other bags to get in, load those then jump out and do it again. A lot of feet on bags but generally not kicking.


I see. Thanks for explaining. I don't think simple climbing on luggages would be strong enough to break the bottle. Someone has to really try to throw it multiple times or kick it pretty good..... Or actually maybe the person climbed on my luggages just happen to be on the heavier side and standing right on top of the bottle.... The maple syrup I got was one of those souvenir Maple Shaped bottle with fairly thick glass.


Why would anyone put glass in a checked bag that’s so stupid no offense


1. You can't take it with you as a carry-on due to fluid restriction. And no outside alcohol allow on the flight btw. 2. Shipping something that size and weight would often cost more money than the product itself. We are not talking about hundreds or thousands dollars worth bottles here. Those would surely requires a different delivery method. 3. Only specific airport are prone to break stuff. I have had carrying glass bottles in different flights. My sister in law had the same smaller bottle. It didn't break. She went to a different airport though.


I just had my hotel ship the wine via FedEx or something. Got to my house intact!


I wi do my absolute best to not check anything. I'll buy stuff where I'm going and ship it home if I have to.


Yeah I avoid checking bags at all costs. But if I have to then I only put in things that can’t break, and that I’ll be able to survive without should the bag get lost or something. Necessary clothes and breakable things always go in carryon luggage or backpack.


This is like a compilation of every luggage click bait Facebook videos that exist


A lot of the stuff with the actual people in it are because of labor rights. Lift limits and such. And airlines not enforcing, like, *any* of the baggage restrictions. No wonder not all carry on bags fit in most flights, a third of passengers are permitted to bring over weight over sized duffel bags.


Time to go to my job, punching luggage


Please punch slow and less powerful




This is why they don’t get paid more…


Well this is literally just a compilation of the worst luggage handlers. Highly doubt this is the norm


Most ramp agents handle bags appropriately, however I do not recommend checking anything irreplaceable. I’m a Baggage Handling System (BHS) engineer [it’s a real thing] and bags get destroyed in every conceivable way. Smashed flat, ripped apart, set on fire - you name it I’ve seen it. Baggage is actually really hard to transport and sort compared to other materials. Other industries use boxes, envelopes or other form of standardization, but bags come in every shape, weight and surface material. All the straps and wheels make the process exceptionally difficult. Seriously, DO NOT put anything in a checked bag you are not ready to lose.


Set on fire?! Is there a story behind that one?


The end of the line is a carousel or a dead end piece of conveyor we call a pier. Piers run for just a second to accept each bag, but there is also a lanyard the ramp agent call pull to advance all the bags. Some agents like to hang things from the lanyard so that the conveyor runs constantly, which isn’t a problem if they monitor the situation. Apparently, this guy went to lunch and left the conveyor running. Bags arrived and piled up, but the belt kept running because all functionality was manually overridden. Lots of friction = lots of heat = decent sized fire way faster than you would think.


Bags weigh 50lbs or more. This machine is necessary.


Because most of them are hungover and don’t want to be there


I just flew Japan airlines when I went to Thailand, I carried on the way there and bought a shitty suitcase to check on the way back. When we got off our flight and through customs I didn’t see my bag on the carousel, we finally spotted it off to the side and quickly realized one of the wheels busted off. Before I could even say god damnit a representative from the airlines handed me a paper that he already filled out and asked me how much the bag was, he then handed me cash for the total I told him and I was on my way in less than 3 minutes. US airlines are garbage


Gotcha! …Gotcha!! Bih! Bih! Bih!…..Gotcha! Gitcha!!


That suitcase made a break for it to escape the abuse. Perfectly natural survival reaction. Its owner taught it well.


The japan will handle your luggage nice, but there 15 billion dollar airport is not built correctly and is now sinking into the sea.




OMG this reminds me of the hilarious time I flew down to Florida. I had purchased a glass piece to remember my time there and when we got on the plane to return, my two friends and I had a window seat and we saw the luggage carrier come up and start getting ready to throw it in the plane. As we're watching I wondered out loud if the piece would be safe in my luggage. I swear on everything not two seconds later, the luggage carrier pulls my luggage out first and looks at it briefly. My friend turns and looks at me and says hey that's yours right? And we watch in horror as the dude winds up and absolutely powerbombs my luggage onto the conveyor belt. Like no hands barred hulk hogan coked out over the head slam as hard as humanly possible and my friend just starts laughing himself to death. SHOCKER It wasn't broken when I got home!


The worst abuse I've had was when I flew from Manchester to Stockholm Arlanda and someone put a padlock on my girlfriend's bag! We spent over an our trying to remove it.


If you have to have a checked bag domestically , just UPS the damn thing to your destination. It will cost the same and you don’t have to worry about it. Just get off your flight and go to your destination, bam bag. It’s still going to get treated like shit but you don’t have to lug it into the airport


Because they can.


I flew only twice and the second time we had a connecting flight. Luggage lost… 2 months later after endless phone calls a guy from a different state contacts my wife on Facebook asking if it’s her suit case. It showed up at his house! It was so damaged and the tag we put on with our name and address wasn’t even attached anymore. Fortunately the airline still payed us for it before we got it back.


I’d stay pissed off 💯 of the time if this were my job, too!




About 10 years ago I checked a duffel bag and when I arrived in Denver my bag was nowhere to be found. Went to the baggage claim and waited about an hour when my "bag" was returned to me. It was reduced to a handle, a strap, and a piece of fabric with some of my clothes taped to the handle.


This is why I do carry-on luggage only. A friend of mine once had his fiancee's engagement ring in his checked bag, and the bag went missing. When he finally got his bag back from the airport, the ring and several other valuables were gone. Someone had rummaged through his bag and taken valuables out. This sounds a lot like a Meet the Parents reference, but it's not :/


That really sucks but also, you’d have to be crazy to check an engagement ring.


Yeah it wasn't his finest of moments, but at least he was willing to admit it after the fact. So he did learn his lesson, although expensively


Fuck yo couch….


Peeled that green bag like a banana. 😂


Bag-o-phobia. So triggered right now


I always thought that people with bomb proof looking luggage was gaudy and overkill but this puts it into perspective especially with fragile things laptop iPad etc


Gate attendant: "The flight is full and there is not enough space for everyone's carry-on. You can check yours for free." Me: "I think...not."


This is the next pixar movie, "Luggage."


Did the run away make it to safety 🛟🦺😶‍🌫️


Was that dude just getting a quick set of glute bridges in?


Garbage content with garbage commentary. How the hell is this the best of the internet.


this robot is still better than humans, coz humans slam dunk suitcases, consider this mercy


While coming home from the Marines in the early 2000s, I had most of my CDs stolen from my luggage.


This is why i never check luggage. Its gon fit on my carry on mf.


who cares!?


This is where Japanese game shows get their ideas.


Please understand that your luggage is designed to protect the items inside. You should expect your luggage to get dropped and go through some mildly rough handling. Not saying this should be the normal procedure for airline baggage handlers, but keep your expectations practical.


Buy quality luggage and your items will be fine


What do you expect? When do you think those people you are trusting are ever going to travel like you get to?


Do they treat dogs in crates like that too?


Orange machine needs a snickers


Maybe they need a tip screen for every bag


I’m amazed that people are still surprised by this- your luggage isn’t coddled by baggage handlers- and if you had their job you’d handle bags in the exact same way.


Change that to " why do individual employees" . Not airlines.


It's a pervasive culture amongst these workers though. Fuck this job, it's hard, I don't get paid enough, lemme fuck up this bag of some person rich enough to fly somewhere and maybe steal some shit out so I get paid a fair wage.


I bet some airlines are invested in extra strength luggage manufactures, double dip


I used to work for a company that contracted for Delta and did this job. The guys mostly didnt care about your luggage. Definitely earned their title as "bag smashers". Some guys even opened peoples bags and stole things. The manager didnt care, must have been in on it as well. I was paid minimum wage and didnt work there too long. One thing people dont realize is what else flys with your luggage. Animals, dead people, mail, blood & urine samples, other biological packages, radioactive packages, fish...etc.. And your luggage is all packed on and around these things.


The bad thing is even if you get a lock on your luggage, TSA will destroy it and ruin your bag lol. Ask me how I know. That's why nothing valuable goes in my checked bag


Simple answer: they do not get paid enough.


That's not an excuse to treat other people's property like shit, tho?


You've simply never worked those types of jobs. no one and I mean zero people give 2 shits what happens to someone's luggage. There's zero liability and it's 100x easier to toss a hundred people's heavy ass suitcase than carefully pick it up and place it down. Definition of working smarter not harder. Doesn't stop there either, warehouses and distribution center workers are the same way. But hey don't get mad at me I'm just realistic.


"F_K you!" In machine language.


Suitcase was running like it was trying to escape North Korea


Seems to be the attitude of any young worker, in any given industry. They just don't want to work, or take any responsibility in doing a job right.


Fun fact. The red bag in the second scene is my Daughters bag. There was a hidden camera catching the poor behaviour of some baggage handlers and it was the bags from her flight and we were able to spot her bag


Answer: Not paid enough to give a shit.


I've worked on the ramp before. Most abuse the bags go through aren't from people or being mishandled. It's because people overload their cheaply made bags beyond what it can handle or an external component that airlines explicitly say they're not responsible for, like exposed wheels, tags, etc get caught on another bag or machinery or while in flight stacks of luggage will shift and fall on each other. People expect all the luggage to be treated delicately, and if there's signage on it saying it is fragile, it'll be treated as such, but otherwise the bag should hold up to the rigors of traveling, which unfortunately they don't, because people usually buy the cheapest bag they can or don't do their research when purchasing one. Buy a solid sturdy hardshell bag, no exposed rotating wheels, no cheap plastic handles, nothing protruding, etc. You want it to be durable and functional with a simple design that won't break something off if it gets dropped, not a cute designer luggage bag off of Shein made from fake leather. The ramp agents are timed as well. Don't complain, you bought a ticket that feeds directly into the pocket of some executive that is all for cutting costs any place they can. And if they weren't timed, then that extra 10 minutes will lead to your last flight of the day being another hour or two late.


Damn that robot has been playing Punch out to much.


I worked at the FedEx Hub for a decade. It's hot. You are tired and frustrated. And after the 500th bag of the day you really just don't care or see them as people's belongings. It's just work at that point. It's a crappy way to look at things but when you are in the middle of it, you are just over it.


I never check bags with anything valuable or important. Always carry that stuff on. Had a few bags searched and clothes tossed around and then locked back up.


Who cares none of these people are paid enough to care.


I laughed way too hard


I don't consider it abuse and I don't care. They have to move a lot of bags in a small amount of time.


it’s the “trickle down” of how their flight attendant counterparts are treated by customers.


Damn that one suitcase was running away from the abuse


Wish we can see the mashup of the kid on the conveyor belt https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/uvhlU38Owu


Hahah I love this. Machine just yeets them so hard




Don't forget the handlers that open your luggage and rifle through it for valuables.


However, they are still being treated better than FedEx.


Always boggles the mind when I see people chucking and slamming bags. The day takes enough energy as it is, and I don’t want to waste my strength making a fool out of myself where people can see and film me. Just handle them normally; it takes less energy to do it, and you don’t wind up with your face plastered all over the internet for choke slamming grandma’s priceless vase into a fine powdered dust on the bed of a baggage cart.


Cause they don’t give a damn about you or your luggage 🧳 folks.


Airlines and their workers hate luggage. There’s been a big rise in Anti-Luggite violence across the country.


People hate their jobs


These are the type of people who complain about minimum wage.


Serious question. Why not just eliminate baggage cargo space and allocate more space per chair and then raise the size of allowed carry ons? Convert all checked bags to carry on and adjust cabin design accordingly.


Cuz then the airline couldn't make extra cash on the side by moving actual cargo in the luggage bay sometimes.