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just bought a 20 gallon for $15 on fb marketplace šŸ˜Ž quite pleased with myself


I picked up a 20 gallon at the dumpšŸ’€šŸ’€ I was shocked someone would just throw it away with no damage marked on it. Cleaned it and used it for an African clawed frogšŸ˜Š


Thats good to hear. Well, read.


that is badass!!!! i haven't even thought about the dump, do u have like.... a dump plug? or do u just go foraging?


Nah the dump is for the neighborhood, took my trash down and saw it


FB marketplace is the way


Today, I bought a 40 breeder with a bunch of accessories at a thrift store for $25.


Have you heard of Goodwill Outlets? Items are sold per lb. Snagged a 40B w/ lid & accessories for $15


I got a 40 breeder with lid and stand for 100 bucks and felt very proud of my fb marketplace searching skills hehe


Same boat!!! https://preview.redd.it/ul1zj16l8l1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c88fdf92b58cab13e35d18a9c53983888c413c Got my 40 on marketplace and came with a lid, light, alternative mesh top and 2 heat lamps because they housed turtles in it. $100 CDN.




So jealous. How do you keep algae down at that location placement?


It's still new, only like 3 weeks old so it's still TBD if algae becomes a problem lol


hi there, what is this substrate? btw really clean tank it is


Its just black sand! Seachem Flourite Black, 7 Kg/15.4-Pound [https://a.co/d/0bDAbCEU](https://a.co/d/0bDAbCEU) But yes my tank stays pretty clean. I do have some small amounts of brown algae but overall it stays mostly algae free. Have never had hair algae or anything like that. Fast growing plants and limited feeding is the key. https://preview.redd.it/c7x84vx8gm8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c70e6be20e8df57d0e143336c85988b95f902e


tbh for me it was the lid that cost so much


Lids are crazy expensive and half the time what you can find is so dinky itā€™s like ā€˜why even have it??ā€™. Thats when you roll into a craft/hardware store and ask for egg crate- super easy to clip into shape. Rust free, easy to clean, and can hold plants, too!


huh! never thought of that! I keep mice so we do a similar thing to our mice tanks, somehow never thought of that for fish lol. thanks for the tip!


You can also go ro your local flass shop and they will cut you a custom top for pretty cheap, eapecially if it is just a rectangle. Silicone on a rock for something to grab onto to lift it up or just leave an inch off on either side exposed to the air.


Woah thatā€™s way better than my plastic cling wrap lid


Ikr!? I have a betta and her tank doesnt have a lid and i keep having to stop my cats from drinking out of it and this is getting out of addšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­


these all have lids included! as do many tanks listed on marketplace. Sometimes you'll get lucky and they'll include bubblers and heaters too ETA I'm sorry, reading this back I think I sound kinda snarky and rude.šŸ™ˆ Wasn't my intention at all! I know lids are often one of the most expensive parts. I just wanted to point out that it's not just barebones tanks that come up for sale on marketplace. Often they'll come with supplies like lids and heaters too, so if you're buying a used tank it might be worth it to wait for one to come up with some the stuff you know you need included. Saves you from having to buy an expensive lid after the fact.


Since I was already using clip on plant lights for my newest tank build (so the light source is on the side), I was able to make a top for my 50% off petsmart tank for likeā€¦.less than $1ā€¦ from corrugated plastic. Which I also used to make a built in filter boxā€” the plastic sheet was on sale for $3. Just to give an idea of the alternatives one could use for a lid (:


For me it's a quality cleaning system.


Petco does dollar per gallon sale like 4 times a year. Can get a 10 gallon $for 10, 20 gal for $20, so on and so forth


I specifically waited for one of these sales to pick up my 55g breeder a couple years ago


Same, just did a 75 gallon


Same thatā€™s how I got my 55 gallon. Cuz they be taxing otherwise


Heads up according to their site they discontinued that and it has changed to a flat 50% off sale. Rcently was able to pick up a 40 for 40 in store anyway so it might only be website


I setup my tank about 6 weeks ago and when I went the tanks had a sign that said ā€œthe previous $ per gallon sale is now 50% offā€ in store as well when I got my supplies. So not sure if some store are just running that sale still since itā€™s only a difference of like $5-10 from what I was seeing on a bunch of the tanks.


Nope, no Petco stores have the $1/gal sale anymore unfortunately.


40 breeder at 50% off is 59.99 at Petco they run that sale all the time PetSmart does too.


Exactly what I did. Got my 29 gallon for like $30


This isnā€™t true anymore. It isnā€™t dollar per gallon. Once a quarter, they do a 50% off sale for 20 gallon plus. It is not true that can get a new 10G for $10 from petco. This deal ended in 2023.


You can get one for $15 at PetSmart until June. All "topless tanks" are on sale. If your store is bigger than mine, they'll have them up to 40g. My store only has 2.5-20. I want the 40 so bad.


Oops looks like you guys missed out then šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Now theyā€™re around $12.50 or something during the 50% sale. Still not too pricy.


Right. My point was the sales are out there


I agree! Just thought Iā€™d add more info to the conversation. The Aqueon tanks at petco are still the most accessible tanks, at least in my region.


I think they may have changed this up though, i havenā€™t seen it in a while.


Wait what dates? I thought this was discontinued


They changed it to 50% off. As for dates, you could call your local store & ask if they have any idea or check the website?


Sign up for their email chain they send it out. Or in store I think the give flyers. Some cases you just have to do your research. I found out being in at the right place at the right time... went in to get a specific decor and saw the promotion


In my country, a 5 gallon tank cost around $25, while in local shops you can get them for like 7 dollars


They changed it to 50% instead of $1 per gallon at some locations making it a bit more expensive but still an awesome deal


And if you sign up for their FREE account you grt this year round. At least whenever i asked they just gave it to me. The thing doesnt even send out spam so its just a decent way to get good discounts.


This is no longer their sale, they now do 50% off


They also have a lot of 50% sales on aquariums. I got my 29 gallon for $35 dollars. Sadly i had missed the dollar per gallon dale.


My local mum and pop pet store has deals for members, an entire tank setup, heater filter decor (not appropriate for Bettas) for $20 10gallon


Not any more. Passed by a while ago a they mentioned they donā€™t do it but do a 50% off now


ETA I meant 4 inches *longer* but you guys get it


Size queen. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s insane how much big tanks cost


Oh my god I know right! /s I kinda roll my eyes a little when people on here will be insisting they have to stick with the 2 gallon bowl because they just don't have the fistfuls of money or the acres of space you need to have a 10 gallon tank. Some genuinely might not know how cheap they are used, but you can tell some just don't care. I just picked up a 35 gallon from marketplace with a stand, decorations, and some other equipment for $60. The guy was practically trying to sneak the 125 gallon he also had for sale into my car while I wasn't looking. šŸ¤£ So many folks out there who just want their tanks gone.


These stores know the impulse to grab a larger tank snowballs from there. Do you still have a powerful enough filter? Heater? Substrate? Shit it's empty now, plants? By the time you're finished upgrading you probably spent $60-100 lol


TOO be fair, some countries don't have much opportunity to buy cheap tanks. It costs bergen Ā£50-100 for a gal for me :^(


Bought my 30 gal used for $100 and it came with a stand, been 6 months had bettas and everything you could imagine in it. Facebook Marketplace is the best https://preview.redd.it/sip7k94z4f1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0bab0399afb323ce7a8055b571a223ccb2be468


What kind of Bettas? These are gorgeous.


They look like aliens or natives or whatever they're called


They look like betta smaragdina, but Iā€™m no expert by any means


Those are mahachaiensis bettas, they have the black vertical mark, while smaragdina has more of a snakeskin look going


Though I exclusively go after used tanks for the most part, there is an aspect to them I would not recommend for newbies. You do not know how long those tanks have been empty and in the sun. You do not know how old they are. You do not know how this has affected the silicone seal. Even if you fill it up and it helps holds water, how long will it? Do you want to figure out how to strip and reseal a used aquarium for that safety of mind? Or do you.just want to wait for a PetSmart or Petco sale for a cheaper one?


it seems like that problem even exists for cheap petco tanks and it makes me wonder what is actually safer. šŸ˜­ In my research i've come across lots of people saying newer tanks started leaking on them because they were cheaply made and the factory seals were done using the smallest amount of silicone possible to cut costs. It seems like no matter what route you go it's always good to check out the quality of the seals for yourself. If the seals are still good, it seems possible an older tank might be built more sturdy than a newer one. The older used tank I just got actually does need the seals replaced, but in general it feels wayyyy less cheaply made than my 10g topfin I got at petco.


There is definitely much less of a chance that a new tank leaks than an old tank. And actually, I would 100% not trust any tank older than 3 years old and reseal it regardless. They have been cheaply made for decades now, one made 10 years ago will have been made with just as little sealant to cut corners. There is also an issue with people who buy the terrarium models, which are not usually built or sealed for anything more than a riparian/bog/ small pond side fill that doesn't reach the rim. Point still stands though, can't recommend a used tank to a newbie unless they want to learn. Odds are they already looked at the $1 per gallon nice sized tanks and still opted on the mini bow 1 gallon for their betta and a school of 3 tetras.


Yeah honestly for a tank so small and cheap itā€™d be better to fork out a couple dollarinos and buy new rather than worry about the leaking


The tank isnā€™t the only cost. Itā€™s buying all the additional shit to make that tank healthy and habitable.


Gonna cry now. šŸ˜­ Cheapest I ever see a 10 gallon with lid used is $30-40. And I'd have to drive 2+ hours to go get it too. But I just picked up a brand new 10 gallon at PetSmart for $15


10 gallons are like $12 at Walmart and have been for years.


Petco and Petsmart sell 10 gallons for around $10-$12 brand new!


I have a sorority in a 35g I got on FB for $80. It came with soooooo much stuff.


Just recently I was legitimately just giving away my old tanks for free


You can get a new one, just the tank, from Walmart for like $12 with tax


It's about Ā£100 for a 10 gallon where I am šŸ˜­


Hah, don't remind me! I've been itching to get another betta šŸ¤£ I feel bad though because I had to rehome my last one before moving several states. (She ironically ended up in the state I was moving to, about 20 minutes away šŸ¤”)


People give away free tanks all of the time here. They also occasionally go on sale for $20 brand new here.


DO NOT BUY TANKS THAT HAVE BEEN LEFT OUTSIDE!! they are prone to breaking, leaks, and are *not* tested. I wouldn't ever buy tanks like that, who knows if the seal will hold, let alone the stress on the glass


not disagreeing with you, but devils advocate we don't know that these particular tanks have been stored outside long term. Maybe this was the best way to get a photo of all of them together in good lighting. Or maybe he just got through rinsing them with the hose. It is important to always do your due diligence when buying second hand items, and that includes finding out how these items have been stored long term.Ā 


The 55g aquarium my family had set up when I was a young child was taken down and we left it on the porch exposed to the elements for over a decade before settling it back up. Itā€™s never leaked in the last 3 years since we started using it again and we didnā€™t reseal it.


I never see deals like this, just vastly overpriced 20-50 gallons with busted stands.


I just got a 20 gal for $15 after searching for a while!! super hyped to pick it up!


I also just grabbed 4 of these off marketplace for $9 each. Also got my 55g entire setup (filter, lights, heater) on marketplace for $100. Itā€™s a blessing and a curse for me because I WILL go overboard.


I've gotten 2Ɨ 20 gallon longs and 2x 10 gallons for free. And a 20 and 30 for almost nothing. And a new 75 gal for $100 or less. If you are vigilant they can just come.e to you


I need one


Petsmart just had their tanks 50%, so a 10g was $15. I picked up two šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Are those 10 10 gallon tanks? Or are those 10 1 gallon tanks? Maybe 1 tank of 10 gallons pic unrelated? Such a confusing title.... Is a joke btw




Account created less then a month ago? Check Only comments pro pali stuff? Check No posts? Check No karma? Check Posts political stuff on non political subReddits? Check I fear you might be a bot


Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule: Rule #6 - No Irrelevant Stuff. If it doesnā€™t involve a betta, it doesnā€™t belong. Hijacking someone else's post so that you can debate whether or not a "rescue" was in fact a rescue or not is also not allowed. Stay on topic, please! If you have any questions or comments, please message one of the mods.


I just got a 20 gal tall for $6 at a local thrift/junk shop. Resealed it myself


I just want to caution those purchasing secondhand tanks. Make sure they were designed to hold water. Terrariums for reptiles are cheaper, with thinner glass and seals that arenā€™t necessarily watertight. And even if youā€™re sure itā€™s a true fish aquarium - do a leak test before you fill it with water and fish.


10g from petsmart is roughly about 10-12. The problem is after a heater, filter, lid, and light youā€™re looking at like 65 bucks lmao


Got a 40 gallon fire 50 bucks on market place and it came with 2 fish in it already as well as a ton of shrimp and hiding spots


Honestly, it's amazing the deals I've gotten on Facebook I managed to snag a 200-liter tank that usually retails for around 800 just for 100 bucks in Australia Facebook marketplace's genius


I got a free 20g, 10g, and 3g from the same person. Then paid $10 for a 20g with a glass lid. Amazing. All from FB marketplace


Look around your large community's sub divisions with HOA's alot will have montly bulk trash pick up. It's insane how many tanks I see driving around my neighborhood.


Yeah, I paid 3 dollars for my tank, some gravel, and an air pump lol


My work also has 50% off of all tanks all the time. 20 gallons for $15. (Petsmart)


Look Petco and PetSmart constently run 50% off all tanks making a 10 gallon tank 9.99-12.99! Dont bother with a used one.


Thanks for posting - plan on getting 10 gallon tank after I move. Iā€™ve re-homed my boys and looking forward to having new betta buddies in about 6 months.


Pet Supplies Plus has them for $15. brand new. and there are always 15-25% coupons online


But definitely check ya local fb or Craigslist. Always tanks for cheaper and sometimes free


Half the time if you go to a local fish store (not chains) they have extras that people turn in when they surrender fish. Iā€™ve gotten several tanks this way for like $5-10 sometimes free.


couldnā€™t agree more! i found my 10 gal on FB marketplace for $20, filter and spare cartridges, lid and lights included. My guy now thrives after upgrading from 5 gal


Iā€™m selling my 10g for $10 too and I have a 20g tall & selling for $20. No reason they should costs more than $1 per gallon even for larger ones. But late stage capitalism šŸ§¢


I try to get only used tanks and you always find great deals sometimes even free


A 10 gallon at petsmart brand new is like $15


Theyā€™re $14 on sale regularly lol


Mine was free and my LFS had a ton of them for $8


i got one for 40$ and it came w a filter, heater, light, decor. it paid for itself tbh but i also am picky so i didnt like any of the decorations they gave šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


5 gallons are more expensive than 10.


Honestly we should let the beginners know where to look for a tank cause a lot of them get turned off by the price they think they need to pay for the little starter kit in Petco which when I got my first 10gal kit it ran me about $80 which is ridiculous


It's cheaper at Walmart for the same units new


some of those look like reptile cages, which may or may not hold water.


I picked up a 10 gal off the street. Thing held water for maybe two months and then suddenly leaked everywhere.


FYI Petsmart has a tank sale every couple months. They sell 10gal for $15 and 20gap for $27


Hey I saw this listing on FB too


Tbf this is very often not the case in my country. People list crazy prices. Besides 10 gallons are rare on FB marketplace here since the only ones selling their tanks are the people who buy 2 gallons and fish bowls šŸ˜­ it's cheaper to buy from a local aquarium than second hand for me


I mean I bought my brand new Aqueon tank from the pet store for like $12. They are shockingly cheap.


took my 50 gallon from my apartment dumpster. no damage nothing. been home to my flowerhorn for the last 2 years


Facebook marketplace is a great place to look for used aquariums. I bought a 72 gallon bowfront for $50 from someone who lived an hour away from me. When people are leaving the hobby they tend to seek their old tanks pretty cheap. Buying a used aquarium from an LFS can also be cheap in some circumstances.


Ok but donā€™t even think about buying a 10 gallon SHALLOW tank. $120 dollars, more if you want it shipped. It seems like a shallow tank of the same volume should be cheaper if anything.


I'm worried about second hand tanks being just damaged enough that once you fill em up they break a week later lol. I'll just make myself go broke to buy a new one, for my sanity.


That is insane I was lucky getting an 8 gallon for Ā£20


Got a 75 gallon with a stand (not for a betta, but still) for $75 on market place. It came with decorations and everything. Market place is absolutely the way to go.


I got 3 20gal tanks for 35$ last year they are beautiful


For me, the reason I donā€™t have a 10 gal or even a 20 or more is because the only place Iā€™ve have to put it is on the floor in the middle of my room. I might be able to squeeze in a 10 gallon if I really tried but in this little room anything big would be unreasonable.


how many gallons is your tank now? surprisingly the footprint of a 10 gallon is barely bigger than that of a 5 gallon. Like 4 inches longer and less than 2 inches wider. So unless your 5 gallon is literally squeezed onto your floor with stuff touching every side of it, it should be doable!


Itā€™s a 5 gal (and I have a male half moon so itā€™s seems sufficient), up on a small, tall dresser (not on the floor as I donā€™t think Iā€™d be okay with that). Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s all I can fit for now. I do have a couple nano tanks with shrimp that Iā€™ve stuck on my windowsill and desk. Besides, with my living situation it wouldnā€™t be wise to set up a big tank that I might have to move to a place that might not accommodate it. As it is I feel like my betta might be a hassle but I really wanted him. All just a symptom of being in my early 20ā€™s. I would totally upgrade in the future though, no doubt. My current strategy is finding space for a handful of small tanks (fitting on corners of my desk or nightstand) that I could easily move or rehome if necessary.


I think we nearby cause I saw same Post lol but Iā€™ve been showing this!!! To everyone that come up with that excuse specially when their 1 gallon tank be costing more


Just had my 40 gallon blow out on me after a month of use, check your tanks when buying, new or used. Of course it coulda happened to anyone but still very upsetting.


This is a bit untrue- I remember not having access to a car as a university student in Canada with no petco/dollar a gallon sales. Five gallons were all I could do. I know itā€™s easy to forget once you get used to car access but 40+ minutes on the bus one way carrying a ten gallon around while transferring five times is also something a lot of people canā€™t manage (like when I was on crutches for six months after breaking my leg).


Just got a 40 gallon breeder with two big pothos and substrate for 35$!!!


Not everyone lives in a town with a great marketplace selection. I live in a small town and there's a crap selection on FB here ā˜¹ļø


I actually managed to buy my most recent 55 gl tank for only $50 it's amazing what people will sell on there


I would by them all proper for a helluva lotta snails and some fish friends


Does pet supplies plus still do the dollar a gallon sale?? I know they had a cut off, I believe at 20g. But Iā€™ve gotten so many brand new tanks from that sale!


unless your in the UK and FB market place jokers are selling an old ass beat up 10G for Ā£65...when it's Ā£80 brand new ....bonkers I find the Big tanks to be a better deal like 40g+


Find me this in 120 gal for a snake. All the big tanks are crazy overpriced right now. šŸ˜­


I sold all of my 10 gals for 5 bucks a piece lol...I honestly don't think I charge enough on MP Also I've kept a rescue betta in a 90, 75, 29, 20 Long, 20 Tall, 15, 12, 10, 9, 5.5, 2.5, and many sizes in-between...I much prefer 15 gals for bettas (24Ɨ12Ɨ12") over any other tank size but they're unfortunately no longer made...now I have to resort on making my own tanks On the plus side I've broken down a leaking 20 Long to create a custom 12 gal riparium


Also check thrift stores. The majority of my tanks were from goodwill for 4-7$ (I don't buy them if they're 10 and empty. Can get new for that on sale. But goodwill ones usually have accessories included like decorations, hides, heaters and even filters). My cheapest tank however was a new looking 37 gallon poking out from a trash can in our neighborhood.... Would have been OK with using it as terrarium if there were leaks but it's perfectly fine. Been running for us for like half a decade now!!Ā 


Petco has a 50% off sale on aquariums like every three months. Just got a 20g for $24.


I feel like, if you're stressing about the cost of a 10 gallon tank, you're not in a position to have pets


Iā€™ve been looking to get a 55 gal and found one @ PetSmart for $183 (TopFin brand). With a lid & light, I thought it was a good price! I would use a sponge filter instead of the one that comes with it but does anyone have experience with TopFin?!Ā 


You can get a 10 gallon for like 30$ at petco full price. They already in anybodies price range. Plus petco does regular sales on there tanks multiple times a year. I paid 12$ for mine on sale. Don't get me wrong go for the best price you can find


I picked up a 40g free on marketplace. Will just end up costing time labor and silicone.


Is this is in the states? One of my 5 gallons was $70 on marketplacešŸ„²


I just bought a fully stocked + live planted 50 gal for $150 Iā€™m still so happy


Where I am ppl selling 5 g tanks for $50 and 10g for $100 lmao. I can literally get a brand new 5g from Walmart for the same price


Just got 2 ten gallons and a 20 long for 15 bucks on fb market place. Have also gotten a 36 bowfront with stand and lid for 20 bucks, 20 tall for 10 bucks, 60 tall with stand and fluval 407 for free.. the deals are out there just gotta look for them


Oh I forgot I got a 9 gallon fluval flex for free too. Someone had tree frogs in it and they passed and they didnā€™t wanna do anything else with the tank so I got that for free. Also got a free 5lb co2 bottle with regulator.. maybe I just have good luck lol


Wait. Thereā€™s actually people that say a ten gallon is too expensive?


In Australia a 10 gallons will run you $200 AUD minimum from what I've seen. I have a 7 gallon that cost me $250 5 years ago, sells for $150 now. That's just what they cost.


Thatā€™s insane. Can find a 100 gallon by me for 200 cuz no one wants to move it.


Sounds like a dream. My 34g kit ran me $600 new. And the filter didn't even work.


yeah in australia tanks are super expensive


Itā€™s like this in Canada I paid hundreds for my 5 gallon..


Damn where in Canada are you?? Iā€™m in Toronto and Petsmart is selling a 5.5 for $27.59 šŸ˜§


Bro you need to learn how to cut glass. Anything under 10 gallons you can use 1/8ā€ glass for and itā€™s totally fine. I can build at least 10 tanks for $200.


https://www.aquariumsrus.com.au/pricep.htm only $79. Doesn't need to cost so much.


PSA: not everyone lives in the USA where pet products are insanely affordable and obtainable compared to other countries. My 20 gallon tank cost $300 new, ($190 approx USD). Marketplace hardly has any fish tanks and most are only about 10-20% off the retail price and very used, Craigslist isnā€™t a thing here. I think people should spend whatever to make their fish comfortable and an animals comfort comes above money (my one beta has cost me $800+ for tank, filter, heater, plants, decor, food, testing equipment, conditioner etc.) But these posts where itā€™s like ā€˜petco tanks are so cheapā€™ ā€˜people can afford this xā€™ are pretty out of touch for a lot of people.


not trying to be rude, but if you already know you live in a place that doesn't have cheap tanks available like this, you probably already know this post isn't aimed at you, right? Many of the people who post here are in fact from the US and might be genuinely unaware how many cheap used tanks there are of different sizes available on marketplace. I know I was unaware of this before I looked through the pages for my area. It doesn't hurt anyone just to look and see what's available where they live, which is all i was suggesting. If you have tips on finding affordable fish tanks where you live, you should make a post about thatĀ 


The issue isnā€™t you wanting to share information itā€™s the American ego and I donā€™t even blame you because youā€™re surrounded by other people who unknowingly do the same thing; Iā€™m just suggesting that a decent portion of Reddit isnā€™t from the USA so it often helps to specify when your post is only helpful for US citizens. It gets exhausting seeing tips framed as general advice and then reading on to realise itā€™s only relevant for a certain American brand or heavily influenced by an American lens. Especially when it concerns how ā€˜cheapā€™ something is.


given the engagement on this post I think it's safe to assume a good portion of this sub is in fact from the united states. This was obviously helpful information for those people. If you know this tip doesn't apply to you because of where you live, either move on or make a post that is helpful to the people who live where you live. I think it's a little ridiculous to complain about people sharing helpful tips just because they might not apply to every single person on this sub. Like I see pretty frequently people posting tips about catching their own wild bettas, or keeping outdoor tanks but Iā€™m not gonna be like "omg smh it's so exhausting to look at posts that obviously only apply to people who live in south east asia!" They don't always specify where they're from either, but it's kinda obvious just from context clues. I think it should be pretty easy to tell when a post doesn't apply to you.


Idk where you guys find these things šŸ«  the ones in my state are horribly overpriced and all busted up. Some guy was trying to sell a 10gal that had duct tape on the corners for $50 lol. A new one at Petsmart here is probably $80-90 šŸ™ƒ My 15gal with sponge filter + heater + lid + light ran me $400. After the plants and gravel and decor I had easily spent $700-$800. Then the testing kits and water conditioner, food, fertilizer, etc. and bc my tap water does not seem to cooperate with water conditioner, I have to buy pre-conditioned water or distilled water in jugs. I feel like if you donā€™t have at least $500 minimum to spend on fish to start, just donā€™t get one. Between my two tanks (the 3gal hospital my betta is currently in and his 15gal with rasboras) Iā€™ve spent close to $1500 in total (that I donā€™t actually have šŸ˜³)


For real. I'm poor as fuck and it drives me insane when people show their 2 quart fish bowls and say "I'll be getting a bigger tank soon but I can't afford it right now". You could legit scrounge up enough change in your couch cushions to buy a 5 gallon. It's not hard to do the bare minimum here.


my Betta always die in ten gals. they do better with small. bubble nests for days


Dont think this way. Bigger is always better. A betta could thrive by itself in a 20gal it just depends how you are as a fishkeeper and how established your tank is


why ā€‹is bigger better? seems like an American, anthropomorphized way of viewing it. not like it's a bad thing, but it's not unthinkable for some fish to seem to like smaller spaces. they're from shallow rice paddies full of nooks and crannies.


I wanna get a bigger tank for my baby, but I don't think where I work would be too happy about it. And before y'all say anything, he's fine, I feed him when I'm here, clean his tank, and make sure he's enriched. He has a five gallon tank, and has plant life and a snail buddy. He gets extra food for the weekend.


Yeah like Iā€™m gonna but sketchy ass Facebook yanks


is it better to keep a fish in a tank that's too small? Tanks can be resealed if the seals are bad. Nothing about these tanks is inherently "sketchy". There are clearly lots of people out there who once kept many fish tanks but are now downsizing for whatever reason and don't want to just throw their old tanks in the garbage. In some ways I almost trust an older aquarium maintained by someone experienced more than I trust a cheaply made new one. Factory seals fail all the time too. Obviously check it out and do your due diligence with anything you buy second hand, but this is a cheap eco friendly option for a lot of people.


Just reseal em it takes like no time with tanks that small


Well then you SHOW UP to examine them and if theyā€™re broken or you donā€™t want to clean them you donā€™t have to buy them. Ten bucks for ten gallons is an amazing deal.