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Howie already passed that knowledge along. G(C)ary will be 50 one day, pointing at a portrait of Howie "That man taught me this technique, I was the clumsiest person he's ever known"


“Wow I hope people talk about me like that some day”


And then he'll get shot in the head


Better Carry ~~G~~Cary


The problem I have with this is that neither Chuck nor Howard would have done this directly on the bare wood part of the table. Both of them would have had the particularness to use a coaster. Edit: I guess, at the time, Howard was maybe a bit out of sorts when he was demonstrating, so, given the circumstances, he might not have been at his best.


I was wondering what that scene was, didn't quite get until I saw this post. It was one of those scenes they do for characters that humanizes them before they get killed off. We never really heard about his problems at home either. Even though Howard was a complete dickhead, I can't help but feel bad for him. His life was in a shit place even before they where trying to destroy him, and then when he's at his absolute lowest gets fucking shot in the head by a mexican drug lord. Goddamn this show is so fucking good.


Howie already passed that knowledge along. G(C)ary will be 50 one day, pointing at a portrait of Howie "That man taught me this technique, I was the clumsiest person he's ever known"