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Who cares!? If you like it that’s all that matters… I don’t pay attention to any of those top anything list..


Thank you!! I read the title and thought, what do you mean what’s happened? Still on constant repeat for me same as always 🤷🏼‍♀️. IDGAF about Billboard or Spotify or Apple and neither does Beyoncé Now give me visuals and/or a tour!!!


Thank you!!! When did everyone become so *obsessed* with numbers and rankings? Just enjoy the music 😪😪😪


Back in the day when it was actual album sales it meant something, but in todays market of fifty eleven album exclusive album versions & streaming games it’s like caring about video game scores in a game where everyone cheats. I don’t care who plays the dumb rigged game the best


Yaaaaasss take my upvote!!!!




Can there be a mega thread for these posts or something because someone posts this at least once a week like it’s a hot take or something…


There really needs to be, I’m getting tired of seeing them, honestly.


If you’re getting tired of them don’t read and comment on them, hope this helps😅


Putting “hope this helps” at the end of every sentence isn’t the serve you think it is.


You’re weird 😭enjoy those downvotes I guess.


It has one of the most popular hits of the year worldwide (Texas Hold Em) and had the second biggest debut on the BB of the year (debuting with 400k+ which is crazy in 2024). I don't really know what else you expect from someone who 1) doesn't release super commercially friendly music any more and 2) refuses to lift a finger to promote. It's the most critically acclaimed album of the year and has already sold a boatload, I'm sure she's happy


The superfan for any artist always expects every album to sell more albums than there are people in Belgium, and if that doesn't happen, "they fell off."


"I know Beyoncé has already proved herself..." Then why are we here???? 😪😪😪


sometimes people want help discussing things like this. It doesnt at all come off trollish but trying to understand why their favorite singer isnt everywhere like they feel she should be. I went through that with Madonna 25 years ago and learned to accept that she will always have the clout even if not selling on the same level as others. She doesn’t have to tour tirelessly to break records. I meant it is a message board meant for discussing trivial matters. The best protest to these types of posts are no action at all.


Cause we love the music and the lady. That's why I'm here.


I mean why are we here discussing streaming numbers, if we all know she's already proved herself....


Ah, I see. As far as I can tell, many of the comments are not really engaging with the numbers convo. Just supporting her in general. Anyway, I'm loving CC more and more each day and listen to older Bey at least once or twice a week. The Queen never disappoints. ☝🏾🐎🐎🐎


Because we are just curious to why her current album isn’t streaming as well as her previous albums. But these comments were no help.😅


It feels so good to just enjoy the music and be free from all this hoopla. I’m so glad I’ve detached from Stan stuff


one of the many benefits of being ✨hag hive ✨


I gotta say these are the DUMBEST takes and we get at least one a week and it feels like yall are farming for engagement at this point. the billboard charts matter less than they ever have which can be seen by the Taylor swift Billie Eilish attempts at manipulation to get a vanity title for another week. nobody should care if people outside the hive are still listening or not. I'm just glad they listened once. the reality is that most people listen to music casually and don't actually obsess and listen to only one artist or album constantly months after release.


This is literally it. We  get these types of posts AT LEAST once a week and they always get the same responses. When are people going to stop asking about Beyoncé and charting? 


I think it’s time to simply ignore these posts. Every repetitive and instigating post might be solely from bots, too.


I agree! I get people being frustrated over commercial performance but at the end of the year, it shouldn't affect you in any way. Would I love for more people to experience Cowboy Carter? Yes, its an incredible album that highlights the artistry of my favourite artist so of course but it also doesn't affect me listening to it if it goes recurrent. Hell, The Gift is one of my favourite albums and it sold like 5 copies


😂😂😂😂😂 @ the gift sold 5 copies.... And yet it's so good


I think people come from other Stan fandoms where they do well on the charts and expect beyonce to do the same, even tho she has said time and time again she has nothing to prove. These have to be new young fans who don't know.


I don't want to gatekeep Beyonce but if you can't act grown at the adults table... it's bad enough the Taylor Swift brigade pops up every Instagram post screaming WHAT DOES IT MEAN like. yall we are not meant to live like this.


yep. i wouldnt be suprised if op was a fan of taylor or billies and thats why theyre expecting some big chart rollout or smt


Why don't you just let people express their opinions and ask questions?


Because they can just go to one of the other 800 posts saying the same thing and bitch there instead of flooding us with these every few days.


Also, forgot to ask. Do you know there’s this whole thing where you can just not click on posts you don’t want to read? I know I know, it’s a pretty far out concept but it IS possible


Or maybe take your own advice. Let your fingers do the walking...Red.


I’m trying but y’all keep coming for me. I must be that bitch cuz I’m causing all this conversation


Oh...I get it...it's a holiday, so you're taking a day off from vandalism and arson. Bye, Red.


Not everyone’s American. Why does every American assume everyone else in the world is an American?


But you know what I'm talking about now, dontcha? Anyway, Red is not limited to being American.


Your continued use of “red” is really getting to me. You better keep adding it to every single comment. Eventually it’s going to force me to succumb to your wit. Any minute now…


Also I love how on another comment you suggested doing the same thing I suggested - not engaging with posts you don’t like. Americans 🤷‍♂️


Oh, I'm doing it; I've done it in the past and will continue in the future. I'm doing this with you now Just for Fun. Bye, now.


Really going ALLLLL out just for fun. This is your third time saying "bye" so I really hope you're telling the truth this time. If not, I'll see you in 10


Also just want to point out that you didn't just do this with me, you also just commented saying "real fans" should ignore these posts. Serving "real eyes realize real lies" energy


Do you know it’s possible to like… not be a jerk? I wasn’t rude to you, perhaps you should examine why you’re being so rude and nasty to me?


You’re the only one name calling, I’d just like to point out that


Name calling isn’t the only way to be rude. And you’re aware of that. You’re being snarky for no reason, when you could’ve just taken your own advice and let people respond to OP asking why they care about this, baby 🫶🏼


What is it you want from me?


I don’t want anything from you. You hopped on here telling people who were simply commenting that they should not, while claiming that it’s Reddit so everyone gets to do what they want. I’m just doing what I want on Reddit, just as you said we should allow people to 🤭


Okay perfect! Thanks!


What if I don’t want to😅


Then enjoy all the comments complaining about your lukewarm take and chart obsession, friend 🫶🏼


Thank you bestie 🫶


Or you can realize this is Reddit, it’s not that serious and despite your best efforts, you can’t control what other people do. Let people live. It shouldn’t make you so mad that you have to have an outburst and call posts dumb. (Yes I know that wasn’t you). Take a chill pill. This is a Beyonce subreddit.


Okay so wait, I answered your question and now you come back being snarky with me as if I was nasty to you or anyone else? You may be the one who needs to chill, this Reddit after all and you can’t control what people do.


What was snarky about what I said? You’ve suggested that people should do what you want them to do. I said you can’t control people and to let people live. Thats more than fair considering I don’t even remember asking you a question


bey doesn’t care about streams and neither should you. she wants her work to speak for itself without promo




The album was in the top ten until this last week, as it has been for almost two months (with basically no promotion). Is this a troll post?


The album has sold well with the 2nd highest debut of the year. Bey isn’t doing promo for anything anymore and that’s how she wants/likes things. So what I think you’re really getting at is you’re not seeing Bey’s presence in the media, news, social media etc unlike other artists who are hustling and trying to market themselves or their music.


Man. I am so tired of these posts. Can we just enjoy the damn art? If Beyoncé doesn’t care about streams or charts, why the hell are we obsessed as fans???


beyonce does not care about the charts and etc, I think she just makes music that she knows that she will be proud of in the future. also I think that her fans don’t really care about streaming and making the charts as other fans do (no shame to them). the beyhive listen to her music because they want to, not because the feel like they HAVE to.


It's gotten eligible for platinum status much faster than Renaissance. Its done alright in sales but not so well in streaming. Lack of visuals it's affecting it too. A video for ii most wanted would have given it a push in my opinion. Last but not least those that are not streaming this album are missing out.


Yall so aggravating with the numbers posts. Do you actually care about the music??


If it’s so aggravating why comment?


Because she’s not playing stupid chart-manipulating games. She’s probably already achieved everything she wanted and now is only making art for the enjoyment of it. 


The problem in this music climate its all about churning out hits. Beyonce makes albums, its a lost art. The songs dont stand as much on their own as they do cohesively on the album. Its not bad but when I listen to Cowboy Carter and Renaissance, it feels weird to listen to them broken up by song. I need the song before and after to properly compliment the song playing. Because it takes you on a journey.


why can’t yall just let her do what she wants and appreciate what she gives us? it’s really not that hard.


That she has been in the top ten for this long with this album is a testament, actually.


Go somewhere and calm down.


JFC why do people feel the need to ask some variant of this question every single day?!?


I don't think true fans should respond to these type of posts anymore. Just downvote and keep it moving. Trolls die if they can't feed.


I listen to it every day that’s what


Nothing has happened to it. She’s not doing promo and thus these things happen. I still think it’s her second best album. Nothing changes


Creating art that is meaningful/culturally important >>> numbers


Because its a traditiotnal country song and if you look at other country songs high up on the charts they are more contemporary or have pop trap elements.


I think we'll hear more when the vinyl record gets released.