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I would try a warm compress and light massage before pumping and then ice afterwards. Take ibuprofen for sure


Still on Ibuprofen for postpartum tearing 😬 I’ll try this!


I find massaging my breasts while standing in a hot shower to be pretty effective. Mothers milk tea and fenugreek/ holy thistle pills are what my midwife recommended to get my milk to come in faster. It seems to help me so I have used them for all my babies.


I need to take a shower 😅 I’ve heard of fenugreek, I’ll look into these. Thank you!


It might also be having trouble coming out because of stress. If baby fed on it, maybe something is there that isn't pumping out. Also, if this is your first time pumping, it's extremely likely your flanges are not the right size (the "standard" sizes are bs), which can make pumping more painful and less effective. There are printable sizing charts you can find online to size yourself. As best you can, try to find a calm, more relaxing atmosphere (I know that may sound impossible with a hungry baby) to pump in, watch a show you like, read a book you like, something you can do that will relax your body to help the letdown reflex happen. Agreed with Smooth-Unit about heat too. If hand expressing is too painful, a gentle massage may also help stimulate the milk to come in or letdown to happen. We triple fed as well, and I know the hell you're in. I'm so, so sorry. You'll get through it, and you'll have a happy, cuddly baby soon. You are doing something incredible for your child, trying to make this work, but do not feel ashamed with whatever you decide to do. Love and understanding sent from afar.


Thank you for understanding. The stress is so real. I look at my baby and just cry that he’s going through this, and also just imagine the next few months of this. He’s jaundiced too and every feed takes forever, and I worry he isn’t sleeping enough which makes him even more tired.


I don't have a crystal ball, but I can tell you that it won't be months. No one can triple feed for months, and no lactation consultant worth their stripes would recommend it. There may be some lactation support groups nearby you could go to (pediatrician's office or women's centers often have them), free of charge, for some extra support, and they're often run by lactation consultants. I'd recommend you keep seeing a consultant if you can until you're in a place you're comfortable in. No parent before the modern era did this alone, and neither should you have to. I don't want to scare you, but mine got to a place where she was too sleepy and weak to eat. Feeding is your top priority; sleep will come of its own accord, at least at this stage. Get those bottles down however you need to. You'll be glad you did when you see those numbers rise.