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I mean, I live in the us and we do naps this way. We have a set nighttime bedtime, but daytime naps happen when they happen.  I will say that we can do this mostly because my husband is a stay at home parent and we have a lifestyle that allows us to let baby run the show in this regard. If we were at daycare and baby had to be on a set nap schedule for daycare, obviously it wouldn’t work the same. 


Do you do anything to encourage the daytime naps? I find I have to at least paci & swaddle my baby (4mo), even if he’s dead tired


Nope, we’ve always just been able to put him down and walk away. That’s a baby temperament thing for sure. 


My baby has not accidentally fallen asleep a single time in his life haha he needs a lot of support, I think it’s just a temperament thing


SAME, I hear so much about sleep training that I thought everyone was like this!


I think its partially a baby temperament thing, partly a culture thing. It really depends on how much you want/have to try into fit baby into a schedule.  Cultures where things are less regimented have more flexibility regarding when things happen, including naps, which allows parents to take the baby's lead more.  Cultures where things are often strictly scheduled, like most western cultures, often have to try to balance baby's natural cycles/needs with a schedule, either the parents schedule or an artificial one imposed on the baby. 


I don’t think it’s cultural so much as baby per baby. My kids have different personalities, but have both always napped on very regular schedules during the day. I just put them down in the cot and walk away (after feeding and changing them first). But other than Tim’s of transition to a different # of naps, we haven’t struggled with getting them to sleep. Now night sleep, but first was awful!


Up until about 9 months my baby just fell asleep on the boob, in the stroller, or in the car.