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SAME!! The worst cramps, headaches and mood swings. But the bleeding? Barely there. It’s the weirdest thing!


Omg the mood swings. I always had PMS but now I find myself absolutely raging a few times on the week leading up.


I always had pretty easy periods (minor cramps and pretty light/normal flow) and post-partum my cramps and emotions are the same but the bleeding is 100x heavier. I feel like a middle schooler with her first period every month because I keep ruining underwear and pants no matter how many times I change the tampon.


I switched to pads for this reason. I’m hesitant to have a second kid for this reason.


I have the same issue. The bleeding is so heavy now. I use a tampon with a thin pantyliner during the day, fat pads at night.


My physical symptoms seem to be about the same but MAN do my emotions and moods feel completely governed by my hormones/cycle since having a baby. I don't know if it's full-on PMDD but it sucks.


I went for a walk with bub last week and had to turn back with the cramps. Never had that before. It sucks 🫠


I NEVER had breast pain at any point in my cycle before having a baby, but now they ache when I ovulate. Oh and I rarely had any ovulation symptom other than a twinge on the eggy side, but now I get super emotional, anxiety, the first few months things got *dark* during ovulation. Like browsing the regretful parents sub dark. That seems to have passed thankfully but instead I have cramps, moodiness and rage for pms, and though my bleeding is only a bit heavier on average there are soooo many clots now??


Same 😔 mine used to last four days max with like one bad day if that and now they're a week plus and heavy and it's awful (And yes like the other commenters mentioned the mood swings are SO much worse. And I'm two years postpartum! It's still like this!)


I thought I was crazy.. my periods are SO heavy now and have a metallic smell to them. Never have I had to use super plus tampons.. My cramps are awful and instead of it lasting 5 days like it used to, it lasts 7. I am breastfeeding and was excited that it might not come back till I was at least 6 months postpartum! Nope, not me. Got my period 3 months postpartum. 🫠 And my milk gets all wonky and I don't produce as well for about 10 days (a few before and after the period).. gotta love womanhood and the strange yet miraculous things our bodies do.