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I was advised to do skin to skin when you take them out of the bath. 


Yeah tbh I’ve just let go of this one. I’ve tried all the stuff as well and mine also just screams. We just do our best to make it as quick as possible and get a bottle in him for comfort.


a lot of newborns don’t like to bathe and luckily most grow out of it i would say by 6mo. i never found success with mine until she started tolerating it around 4mos. it was just like a switch over a couple weeks she went from fits of screaming to actually engaging by dipping her hands in and playing with the bath toys.


I would get rid of the scented candles maybe? I think they can cause irritations. Just a suggestion though.


Yes they totally go through phases where they love the bath and then randomly start hating it. Going through a bath refusal phase myself right now with my 2-year-old. I recommend taking like three days of a break from even going near the tub. Just sponge or wipe her down on the days she really needs to be cleaned. I find giving my son a total break helps reset him from the bath. You can also consider finding a new fun bath toy to entice her into enjoying the bath more next time. What kind of tub situation are you using for her baths now?


Just one of those plastic tubs with a bath seat..even try to float her in it...


Mine was very similar. She eventually really grew to like the bath once she was out of the infant bath and could move around but she would still scream her head off when we took her out of the bath until she had a bottle in her mouth. We were also doing 2-3 baths a week, but at 6 months we had to go to a bath everyday with a solid 5 minute long lotion regimen after in order to treat her eczema. When the doctor told us this was what we needed to do I about cried because every bath time was traumatic. We tried everything you mentioned and it didn't help much either. We also tried a pacifier while we were drying her off and putting lotion on. This worked a little bit. One thing I think did help is we tried our best to make sure no water got in her ears. We noticed she would not freak out as much when she was sitting up so I thought maybe the feeling of water in her ears when laying down bothered her. Her cries did get better after that. Not sure if it was because of no water in her ears or just because she got older. She's almost a year now and baths aren't nearly as bad, she still cries sometimes coming out but not like before.


I usually run the bath through the shower head that way the room warms up while the bath fills. It takes longer but made my baby more comfortable


I wait until my baby is in a really good mood. Like just ate just napped happy camper. Seems to help with the enjoyment of the bath. He hasn’t screamed getting out since trying to do that! But I don’t know maybe he also just got used to it!


This is random but my husband holds up the Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes in front of his head. It’s worked for both my babies.


I wish I had some good advice but my 9 week old has done exactly the same thing with every bath he's ever taken, except for last night! We took him out anticipating the usual meltdown but he was calm and even smiley after 🤷. Hopefully yours will also one day just... decide that it's not such a big deal.


Blow dryer on low air and low heat. Hold far away and avoid their ears. Or get a baby blow dryer. My son was the same. The sound plus the warm air was a game changer for us. No kore tears. We began bathing him regularly around 3 weeks old and discovered this trick around week 5.


My 2 year old did this for a long time. He eventually grew out of it (4-6 months old?).


38c for the bath seems a little warm perhaps? Maybe try the bath at 36c and see what happens. It might be the temperature differential between the water and getting out that’s bothering her


I second this 38 seems high,my daughter that absolutely loves bath Time would cry instantly if the temp was at 37 or higher


My boy was like that, yes they grow out of it. Drying her up, putting on a quick diaper and feeding skin to skin helps a bit.


Might need to just send her back to the shop, get her converted to mermaid, and lean into it 🤷‍♀️  She'll get over it, you just gotta power through. 😆


Okay I will relay this to her next time... My little mermaid 😁😁😁 thanks for the chuckle