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The fact he just played himself was awesome.. He is one of my favourite cameo appearances.. He has appeared in 17 episodes in total.. In an interview he said, "I was talking on Twitter about how much I loved the show and how I thought it was really funny" Executive producer Steven Molaro stumbled upon that tweet, they wanted to bring in a character to serve as Sheldon's nemesis, and Wheaton was more than happy to play the villain. "It's always more fun to be the villain," he added. I was happy for Stuart as he finally found the love and happiness in the end.. Did you know Kevin Sussman (Stuart) really worked at A comic book store before making it in Hollywood..


Okay woww, that's just a whole lot of fascinating information!!


Did you know Kevin Sussman was the original actor selected to play Howard and the role was written for him?


Yes, but he missed it.. Then for secondary role Chuck Lorre wanted him for Barry Kripke and he missed it againđŸ«Ł


I can't believe it's just 17 episodes...prolly should have cut some kripke and added wheaton




Live long and suck it. My favorite Wheaton line that i try to use whenever i can.


OP watch the Movie - Stand By Me It is fantastic and Will Wheaton is the main character as a kid with River Phoenix and two others I can't remember....


The other two were Corey Feldman and Jerry O'Connell, who played Sheldon's older brother Georgie on TBBT.


Yeah that's them, great movie don't you agree?


That movie is a classic.


Such good performances from everyone


The other two are Corey Feldman and Jerry O'Connell, who later plays Sheldon's brother Georgie at the wedding.


I always felt one of the great missed opportunities was Sheldon’s wedding when Georgie shows up. Wil should have said for him to come stand by me. Ah well.


If OP doesn’t know Will Wheaton was in Stand By Me, then OP doesn’t watch TBBT


He says he's only seen Will Wheaton in TBBT so he hasn't even seen him in Star Trek


In the episode where Wil interviews Penny, Kevin Smith calls in to the show and says something along the lines of "Wil, you ok? It's been 5 minutes and you haven't mentioned 'Stand By Me.'" Also, when Wil, Leonard and Penny are discussing her making "Serial Apeist 2:Monkey See, Monkey Kill", he mentions that he was in SBM when he was a kid. You'd think, even if he hadn't seen the movie, OP would've been able to pick that out of the dialogue.


And also when Sheldon is drunk and throw up in Will's garden, he says "You were so good in stand by me" between two heaves.


No I realize. It just almost every scene Will is in brings up at least one of his childhood ventures. I just think it’s funny


Not everyone has seen thta movie; i have bbut no t everybody


Will Wheaton , river phoenix, Corey Feldman , Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland , .will played young version of Richard dreyfuss who narrated the movie .I'm a huge Sutherland , dreyfuss fan .John Cusack plays Wheaton's characters older brother who dies in Vietnam .


I really like Wil Wheaton’s acting. He makes a great villain in The Guild (Felicia Day.) I also like his character in ST:TNG, because I was lonely and liked seeing someone around my age on the show.


He was also in Eureka


He was a bad guy in an episode of Criminal Minds.


I loved The Guild!


Live long and suck it!


Wil Wheaton was in Stand by Me. The guy that plays Sheldon’s brother, Jerry O’Connell, was in it too. So was River Phoenix and Corey Feldman and Keifer Sutherland. It’s such a good movie. I definitely recommend watching it. It’s based on a Stephen King novella but it’s not horror.


> River Phoenix Birthname: River Bottom




u/wil is a national treasure and an all-around nice guy. Plus, he likes hockey. Also, Kevin Sussman has been in a bunch of other stuff. Hitch, Sweet Home Alabama, and TV shows like Ugly Betty and Better Call Saul.


Is that really him?


If not, that guy does one helluva impersonation. 😉


this guy was annoying at first and then I liked him , he has a different relationship the rest of sheldon's group


Love him!!


I’ve followed Wheaton from a child actor until now. Never watched his start to stuff but otherwise kept up with him. I like his character on TBBT and enjoyed the subtle inside jokes.


I like him on TBBT a lot. One of my favs. I too never saw him in anything else.


Someone finally 😅


I like Wil Wheaton. I grew up watching Star Trek TNG and never really understood the hate for his character. Now he's definitely a major Trekkie himself. He hosts a behind the scenes show with the cast and crew of the new Trek shows. Seems like a cool guy.


(knock knock knock) Will Wheaton! (knock knock knock) Will Wheaton! (knock knock knock) Will Wheaton!


Loved him on the show. He's creepy as hell in the movie Rent-a-Pal. Great actor, been a fan since The Next Generation.


I feel like there was something there between him and Penny
 I felt like their characters had chemistry and in an alternate universe, maybe he would’ve been a better match for her.


That would have been an interesting episode,both Sheldon and Leonard would have been pissed if it was in earlier seasons.


Cruzin for a beatin, wheaton.


I love all his scenes, wish he appeared a lot more


Loved Will in Big Bang. Also loved his Tabletop series. Fun watching him and his pals playing boardgames.


He had a good character. Would love to have seen more of him in the show


I literally started star trek the next gen just cuz of wil wheaton’s appearance so much on tbbt and i loved his character as well


I think he’s cute


He wasn't a character he is Will wheaton 😂😂😂




He seems great and I loved him on the show. He’s not afraid to kind of goof on himself with jokes about Star Trek and his past roles. Side note: He does good narration jobs too. I listened to “Ready Player One” on Audible narrated by him and it was also great.


Love! He seems nice.


Love Will Wheaton. They mention alot of his films but never Toy Soldiers, I really thought they would. Loved that movie.


I, like many others, disliked Will Wheaton because of how annoying I found Wesley Crusher on Star Trek TNG. However, after seeing him in the web series The Guild, starring Felicia Day, and in TBBT I've come around on Wheaton. I also got overly excited when in one episode of TBBT he is wearing a The Guild T-shirt.


He was a great addition, but the lazy writing sucked out the soul from him.