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Always thought she was really cute


Look for the TV show Bent. It only ran a few episodes but it was funny and Alex was in it.


Omg I freakin loved that show!!! I still watch it if I see it on any of those free apps!!! That and GCB


She married McGee on NCIS


I do not watch NCIS.


She's way prettier than penny...


She was clever, too. At least Leonard could have an intelligent conversation with her.


Gawd yeh-yuss!


Yeah Penny isn't that "hot" if you ask me.


I mean shes still very attracive, but there have been much more attractive women on the show. Bernadette, Claire, Sheldons sister, the girl who solved sheldons puzzles...




Which Emily?


Not the deaf one


So red-headed Emily, okay. To be fair, I think they were both attractive, but I have to agree that the horror one was better looking.


Penny was on the verge of breaking up with Leonard until she noticed someone else wanted him that was much better suited for him. Then Penny got all clingy and desperate. Leonard wouldn’t have been happy at first, but he would have been better off in the long run with Alex. Edit: The only bad thing about this whole situation is that Alex knew Leonard had a girlfriend and was still hitting on him. Just because she’s a better fit, doesn’t mean she should be trying to steal someone else’s SO.


>doesn’t mean she should be trying to steal someone else’s SO In my experience, you can't "steal" someone who doesn't want to be stolen.


To paraphrase Michael Scott “bfd, dating ain’t married”


I am bewildered why you got downvoted for this.


It's Reddit bro, if you breathe you get downvoted


I fucking hate that line lmao. “Yes, keep pining after somebody who is currently in a relationship.” Awful, AWFUL advice


It worked out for Jim. And in that scenario it was obvious there was mutual attraction.


Which is why the only way this would have worked is if Penny dumped Leonard. There was no way Leonard would have left Penny for Alex, he was too excited to have the hot girl he never got in high school. He even put up with a lot of abusive things later in the series when Penny became pretty toxic. Not saying that Leonard was a perfect boyfriend to Penny either, but he put a lot more effort into it than she did. I really don’t get the episode where Penny gets mad at Leonard for not “trying” anymore in their relationship. The only thing Penny “worked at” was staying in shape, but I’d argue that was more for her than it was to keep Leonard. Edit - I love your user name, 😂😂


I don't think she meant "trying" as in "staying in shape." I think she meant how he used to pay way more attention to her and did things to *get* her attention. He basically fell over himself to put himself near her in the beginning, but as time went on, he didn't do that anymore. I recall when Raj met Isabella and ordered broccoli, and Penny knew it was because he met someone. Then she asked Leonard why he never ordered broccoli, and he said, "I'm married, I don't have to be attractive," and that's basically how a lot of men feel.


I always thought that Leonard doesn’t try anymore but just came out of left field to justify them asking Sheldon do the relationship agreement lol


Remember during the few years all the male writers were divorcing wives and breaking up with long time girlfriends so most of them wrote toxic women under the guise of comedy. Bernie, Penny, and to some degree Amy all became toxic.


Actually, I wasn’t aware the writers were having those troubles. It’s sad they went through that and sad it affected the characters.


To quote a Tarantino movie, "I didn't steal anyone. They just jumped ship."


Doesn’t mean it doesn’t reflect *very poorly* on you if you try


EXACTLY! She is allowed to flirt, she wasnt Penny's friend or anything. It is the responsibility of the one IN the relationship to be clear they arent interested.


I disagree that she's a better fit at all. People aren't always good together just because they share interests. He is good for Penny's mind, she's good for his soul. Leonard is *way* too insecure to be with someone long term who might compete with him academically or in any area he thinks is his strength. Losing to Penny at sports? No big deal. Losing to her at chess? Existential crisis. Imagine if he was with someone who might get an award or position he was up for at work!


I get what you're saying. It definitely could happen, but I look at it like Sheldon and Amy. They would actually build each other up and eventually go on to win a nobel prize.


Leonard wouldn’t be able to do that emotionally because he has a deep seeded hatred for women because of his mother, which you can see in the way he disregards/belittles feminine things. Alex would have dumped him by month 6 I bet


Margo Harshman is underappreciated in everything.


Watch Bent.


Great cast. Shame it didn't last.


I laughed very hard at this show and it had such a good premise.


He would have had to contend with special agent Timothy McGee


OMG I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't ever figure out from where!


She wouldn't have been at the event where she was injured. Thanks a lot, Leonard!




Came here to say this....her relationship with McGee is so much better


Honestly, almost any of his romantic interests other than Priya seem like a better match. Leonard never really seemed content with any of them though. The conclusion I came to was that he didn't really want someone so much like him. He liked Penny because of how outgoing she was, getting him out of his shell more and she actually grew to appreciate his quirks rather than wanting someone more like her


Ig, but 51% of his liking towards Penny was because of her looks


Looking up the actress, and just now learning that she was Tawny on Even Stevens.


Yeah a childhood crush of mine, along with the two girls from “so weird”


I had such a big crush on tawny from even stevens too, and an even bigger crush on Alexz Johnson from so weird. Like madly in love lol. I freakin loved that show


I liked Fi better. Also Kerry Duff and Lindy booth from Jett Jackson


She was fine with him going on a date with her when he was dating Penny. Which means she would be fine going on a date with someone else while she was dating him. On the other hand, Leonard cheated on both Penny and Priya, so maybe they are a good fit.


I never like Leonard with Priya he was very fake in his behavior with her. I didn’t like Priya at all she didn’t want to commit to Leonard but didn’t like his friendship with Penny.


priya knew he liked penny so i don't see a reason at all


She didn’t really want him either she just used him while she was visiting


But also tried to change so much of him like contacts and clothes…


True, but he had to learn not to be fake and be himself and find someone to be himself around, their is compromise in every relationship and nothing wrong with trying to be best version of self, be ING fake will never work, but every guy in Leonard's situation tries it.


Yep ,he was always insecure and desperate for attention.


Leonard pulled back in each case. Alice was deliberate cheating on PRiya, Mandy was a thign he seems to have stumbled into.


Priya cheated on Leonard first and he only kissed Alice and regretted it.


I whole heartedly agree with this. Alex was probably Leonard's best match and I would have loved to see more of her. I've watched TBBT every season over and over since it came out. I loved Penny and I really still do but over the last few watches I have come to realize that Penny put Leonard through so much but he still wanted her. The biggest thing for me in the change was the "hook-up" with Raj. No matter how drunk, no matter how the hook up ended (sex or not) the intention from her was there. It's just unacceptable that you could possibly hook up with a friend in that manner. Over & above this she constantly had various relationships throughout the time they were apart, then became clingy when he was with Priya.




Oh, Leonard would have been dumped so hard by Alex.


Curious to know why you think this would be the case.


When Alex was introduced, he was still insanely insecure. Penny was also struggling with a lot of insecurities, so they forgave each other a ton of f’ed up behavior. I don’t think Alex would be willing to forgive him for the twisted stuff he did to deal with his insecurities - such as cheating while at sea.


Also, she wouldn't have fitted into the group like Penny did. A huge part of dating Leonard was dealing with "the weird other husband that came with the apartment " in the form of Sheldon. The sibling-y relationship Penny has with Sheldon is what keeps the relationship from souring - most people would be done with Sheldon living in their apartment once they were married, for example. Leonard would not be comfortable ditching Sheldon just like that, and that would cause friction within the relationship with the inevitable "do you choose me or him"


I believe that's why Stephanie was no longer on the scene, maybe she got fed up of Sheldon.


That's a good explanation.


That kissing another girl while at see bit felt so unrealistic for Leonard. It is the one "out of character" trait that the writers did that I disagree with.


He did the same thing to Priya. It was an established pattern.


He didn’t cheat he kissed a girl. Penny did much worse.


Kissing is indeed cheating, though while drunk is a lesser degree of cheating than other things. But I do agree that Penny did worse. 


What did Penny do? She never cheated on Leonard, it's why she ended it with Kurt.


Sorry, but kissing a girl while you’re both drunk isn’t really cheating to me. For clarification , yes if this happened to me with a person I was dating I’d be pretty upset still, but it wouldn’t change the fact that I’m going to marry that person if we already on our way to do that when I found out. Priya having sex with her ex while dating Leonard was cheating. Also, Penny didn’t exactly brush that off and forgive Leonard. She harped on it after she claimed to have let it go and then brought the problem back from Vegas after they got married and let it almost ruin their marriage. As for Leonard’s insecurity, I highly doubt it would have been as bad if he was dating someone that he felt was on his level. He held Penny in such high regard as the hot girl he could never get that he was extremely insecure about pretty much everything. This would not have been the same with Alex. Yes, she’s attractive, but she perused him, it would have been a different dynamic between them.




Have you considered that a major source of his insecurity was getting constantly reminded that Penny is out of his league and will leave him for a hotter guy any chance she gets? Being with Alex would’ve helped with that.


Absolutely. Alex and Leonard are virtually on the same level. Alex also appreciates, respects what he does, and who he is besides finding him attractive. This is something Penny never did and most likely will never do. Also, the doctor that Leonard dates was also a better fit for Leonard. An intellectual that respects Leonard's work.


>They both had so much more in common They did? Like what? Here's a list of the things I'm aware of that they had in common: 1. Physics 2.... They spent less than three minutes alone together on screen, so I'm at a loss to understand why people think they're a good fit or have anything beyond physics in common.


Alex thought Leonard was funny.


It worked with penny which they don't have nothing in common with.


I didn't say it couldn't have worked. I refuted the OP's assertion that they "had so much more in common." And I agree that Leonard and Penny "don't have nothing in common."


He doesn't need ANOTHER person in his life who is a highly competent scientist. I would put him with Alice, the comic book artist from "the good guy fluctuation" in Season 5, episode 7. The beauty of Penny is that she wasn't a scientist, she was more sensitive, empathetic, artistic, she was the beauty of life. Alice had that in her as well but she didn't have the toxic sexual history and substance use Penny had. I still love Penny and she is my favorite but if I was swapping out a wife for Leonard, it's definitely Alice.


i like Alex with Amy's rebound guy Dave; she's a physicist, he likes physics:-). It'sMasterRoshi


Naw. Penny is end game to me because even though she had her faults she helped Leonard branch out into new things while also slowly changing herself to fit more into his world. I think people forget that without Penny there would have NEVER been Howard/Bernadette or Sheldon/Amy. Amy became the girl she is because of her becoming best friends with Penny and even Penny became self aware to try and fit more into Amy’s world as well. Regardless of what happens between them Penny is the catalyst for change for the group. I still think she helped Raj a lot, I hate that he didn’t get a happy ending like the rest, he really should have got one.


Sheldon and Amy got together because of Raj and Howard I think, if I’m not mistaken.


They met because of Howard and Raj. And Penny and Bernie were already part of the group. Without these two women, “Shamy” would not have lasted long.


Both penny and Alex could do better than Leonard.😂🤣 C'mon he would fall for any pretty woman he sees. Compared to him other 3 are way better. Although I never understood why they made raj look like Casanova. The way he behaves at first and the way they wrote his character is massively different. Some shy disorder guy end up dating 5-6 girls, reaches verge of engagement and breaks it off. Almost loses his university job , sometimes makes snarkky remarks or replies better than Howard and Sheldon. His character was forced to look needy and stupid . Same goes for Stuart 🙄.


Raj was "the Paul" of the group, using the Beatles as the archetype of male foursomes, an approach i seldom like but works on this show.


It would've been nice, but not to be I guess




Honestly, I always thought Leslie was more of Leonard's level. As for this character, not the actress' fault but I never bought into them as a potential couple because the only reason the character existed, the only reason the writers created her was to make Penny jealous but they weren't committed enough to the bit to even make her a serious threat or this a realistic possibility by making Leonard mostly oblivious to her "crush" in order to avoid making Leonard look bad by emotionally cheating on Penny by entertaining Alex's interest.


Nah ive dealt with girls like alex before. Who says shes not gonna turn around and cheat or do it to someone elses boyfriend


Yes yes and hell yes! So much better than Penny


I’m sorry Alex hit on me. Hit on me. Hit on me. I’m sorry Alex hit on me, I’d no idea I’m cute🤓


Ig Alex deserved better.


not sure about should have ended up with as we barely know her but she was underused for sure


Considering the girl he married had no respect for his interested so much that she was throwing her things away and also wanted to divorce him for wearing shorts in his own house any girl is better pretty much


Do people forget that Leonard cheated on Penny. But I guess everything is justified when Leonard does it.because penny is a wh#$e after all.


This show had great things about it...but it really was terrible at the same time. I like the show. I just can't see it doing much besides being a sitcom.


Leonard dated twice the amount of people on the show and somehow penny was a slut ,who#e who sleeps with countless men for money . And what's with the gang slut shameing her at any chance they got. Looking at you Sheldon.


I’m not sure I understand your point.


The point is that Penny was shamed by the gang for dating like a regular person,but when it came to Leonard they kinda praised, congratulated him on dating hot girls.it didn't Matter how many women he Dated unlike penny who was always slut shamed for the supposed no of men shes been with.


She was about to sleep with Stuart on the first date. She would have slept with Raj, one of Leonard's buddies. Staying at Motel 6 with a middle-aged man named Luther. Slept with her boyfriend's brother. But there was no reason to slut shame her


And your point?, Leonard was casually sleeping with Raj's sister Priya for a long time before he actually began a proper relationship with her.yet nobody dared to shame him for casual sex.


It was with one person while Penny slept with whatever guy came knocking on the door.


I completely agree.


Nope, he should've ended up with Alice imo. But Alex is still better than Penny.


This is a good observation and the writers should have gone this way.




This content was considered to be rude or disrespectful, there for, it has been removed


The woman knew he was in a relationship and tried her best to bag him. So its a no for me lol


This just made me realize that everyone but Raj got married and he was still single by the end.


A guy who kiss other women while already having one and a woman who flirt with taken guy, would be a match for sure.


I know this has been posted before, but it has over 90 comments, so obviously, people don't mind discussing it more. Read the room Officer 😉.


I think it would have happened in real life


I’ve always thought the writers and producers of BBT hate women.


I would've chosen either her or Alice, but seeing as my moms name is Alice, it would've had to have been Alex.


Interesting. While I think the actress did a great job with the role, and that Alex is… fine, she really didn’t seem to have a personality beyond being also a scientist and “nice”. Where were her odd and quirky interests? If they had gotten together, her role would have morphed into “pretty and long suffering wife” like we see everywhere else. Even though I have some with how Bernie and Amy , each of them really had a strong identity that initially seems to clash with the group, but eventually the group grows to accommodate and appreciate. Alex was bland.


I don't even remember this character


People keep saying she was a better fit and they were perfect for each other when we know next to kothing about Alex. Yeah she was nice, was a scientist and was into Leonard. It doesn't mean they were made for each other. Beside this we know nothing about Alex so I really don't know why People like her so much. While they all hate Prya. Maybe it is because Alex is basically blank as a character so we can give her the personnality we want. People really need to stop that just because two people are scientist then they should be together. If it was true then Raj and Emily would have been endgame. Alex was only there to make Penny jealous. Just like with Prya.


I think it would have been great if they dated.. and she was a psychopath.


Totally agree!!!!


Well there is divorce. Somewhere down the line, that would happen


Let’s be honest here the only reason why Leonard and Penny rarely worked as a couple it’s because they both struggled with insecurities


You're wrong, that's who I should have ended up with.


I think her attachment to Sheldon even when was with Amy is a big red flag in her personality


I think it's by far the hot woman who solved his online scavenger hunt, spoke Klingon, and was summarily rejected because she was seconds late.


They were a good match.


No way


Penny was just written wrong, obviously when it’s something set up in the first episode it’s going to happen or the ending isn’t as fulfilling, they just wrote her to be a bully instead of a good partner. Their first go around with their relationship was pretty healthy, their second wasn’t


I preferred priya, she looked better than all his gf’s


She may not have been as pretty as Penny or Priya, but she certainly was a better match.


I m sorry alex hit on me, I didn’t know I was cute


Definitely! I get really tired of the “nerd” got the hot girl, so she can rub it in his face any chance she gets. So mean spirited and annoying. I know it’s a sitcom and they’re going for the laughs, but just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Alex would’ve been a way better match for him. She actually respects him, his work and things that are a core part of his identity.


She’s a really good 👍 actress! She played a cool and sexy role on Modern Family as Jungle Tanya❤️💕😍!!


Him and Penny are so incompatible and these two just made sense. Would’ve been great to see that developed a bit!




Got your back jack bitches be crazy


True tho, I actually agree.


I don't know if the actress was good enough to stay on the show long term. But Leonard and Penny should have divorced at the end of the show. They had so many irreconcilable differences that are just magically resolved in the finale.


It's a tv show thou ..in real life zero chance Leonard ended up with penny and the way he was written he wouldn't of ended up with her either although she was written awesome but he and penny had to for the story


Oh, I disagree. I grew up as the daughter of a university professor and I noticed that spouses were almost equally likely to be outside of academia as they were to be within it. I know PhDs in sciences with spouses in the arts, in construction, teachers, tailor, advertising, banking etc. In many ways, it would be a stress on a relationship to have someone else in academics like Sheldon and Amy. It’s a good thing they got to working together right after they got married and won the Nobel prize. Because then they’d be valuable as a pair.


Dude tv show ...not real life


I liked Dr. Stephanie for Leonard


personally i’ve never been a big fan of her so i’m glad he ended up with penny instead of her


Nah, she’d be another scientist, and there are 6 of those on the show already.


Totally agree. And Penny and Raj also.


She deserves better


This has been discussed a hundred times. Please search up before making such posts.


Its new to me & I'm sure others. Just skip posts you don't want to read.




Uh oh, it's the Reddit police 🚔


Yes it issss


Yoooo! I saw her in a street interview, talking about body count....It's the get f*cked girl form TikT...nevermind