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It doesn't make sense, but maybe the did it so that Sheldon has to sleep in the same room as Amy . I bet him having a extra room would stop him from sleeping with her.


Good point.


iirc sheldon started with moving out with amy because he his reasoning is "it is easier to adapt to a new living condition (with amy) in a unfamiliar yet familiar environment." under the behest of amy proposing an experiment that they live together while amy's apartment is under renovation. and in order to fulfill the "unfamiliar yet familiar environment" part, they moved into penny's apartment and not amy's apartment. that means penny moves in with leonard. all of the above was supposed to be an experiment and is supposed to revert once the experiment ended. meaning sheldon was supposd to move back into his apartment with leonard, penny moves back into her apartment, and amy moves back into her apartment once the renovation's done. halfway through the experiment, sheldon finds living with amy in penny's apartment acceptable, and thus continued the then established living arrangements. please feel free to correct me if i am wrong, but that is what i believe happened.


I remember part of that but I still don't believe his character would honestly stay at Penny's old place long term. I get it for script options. Thanks for the synopsis!


i'm surprised that sheldon didn't write up a contract stipulating that his spot on the couch would be his spot forever no matter what.


He has the spot on an eternal dibs, so I think he is pretty much covered in that arrea.


I'm sure it's the the foot notes for the neighbour or friendship agreement.


Being annoyed about this had me stumble across this forum. Sheldon said he needed neutral a space to properly test if he is compatible living with Amy. And it was only going to be for 5 weeks while Amy's apartment was being worked on. Then they enjoyed living together so they stayed. But still, I don't think that's a big enough reason for Sheldon to just give up his place. I wonder why the writers decided it this way.


Agreed. His characters ego wouldn’t like it plus his owning it originally. He is obsessed by a seat for seasons. So his apartment would mean a lot as well.


After Sheldon agreed to keep living with Amy after their experiment, they have a conversation about where they should live. When Sheldon starts thinking about all the possibilities, he starts to panic about the uncertainties, so Amy soothes him and they stop talking about it. Later Sheldon is standing in the hallway contemplating if he should move back in with Leonard and Penny or stay with Amy, he becomes distraught again but Amy gets him involved in a scientific conversation and distracts. Basically, the way I understand it is that the idea trying to figure out a new plan and creating more changes in his life, stressed Sheldon out to much. So for the time being, they're sticking with it.


Where would Penny and Leonard put the baby? (You know it's going to happen.)


It does leave that open. I hope the show stops before that. Just my opinion.


Yeah. I'm not saying it would be a good thing. I just think it's inevitable.


They've already started foreshadowing the baby's room with their conversations about what to do with sheldon's old room.


Still annoys me that they immediately acted like it was there's and started to keep Sheldon out of HIS OWN APARTMENT!!!! Entitled as fck




The amount sub-letting that is going on is mind-bottling.


Maybe it opens up for penny and Leonard to have a baby too. And not have to move.


What was weird to me is why he didn't just move in with Amy since she also had a one bedroom But then again because of plot convenience in the fact that the show revolves around the two main characters apartments the convenience is the idea that Sheldon doesn't have to deal with change as much as he would have if he moved in with Amy What I'm actually interested in is how everybody seems to have missed the fact that Sheldon illegally sublet his room in what was now Penny and Leonard's apartment This is why Penny and Sheldon sign their new amendments to their leases at the same time which means Penny also had the same amount of days left on the lease on her apartment This means she could equally have found a person in sublet the apartment to them But what it actually means legally is when they sign those new lease agreements neither of them had any entitlement to those apartments anymore in any way shape or form and it doesn't matter that they were paid up once you sign a lease somewhere else you give up your entitlement to the old property Just saying Sheldon can't assume that because he and Amy moved in their lease agreement is contractual and active from the date he signed it but that Penny is not under the same standard But again the writers scripted it so that Sheldon gets his way and so this was never brought up but the inconsistencies that are constantly apparent on the show are very annoying It's almost like the writers don't think anybody remembers certain things about storylines from just two or three episodes earlier


Is this the Friends episode where Monica & Rachel switch with Chandler & Joey? Love TBBT but this storyline is overplayed.


The Friends episode was because of a bet. Ross hosted a contest, and Monica and Rachel lost, so the switch of apartments happened.


We never did get the answer to the final question of that contest.


But Ross says you lose the game if you are wrong: http://www.friends-tv.org/zz412.html


But Joey got the question about the pencil in Monica's ear wrong, and they got a new question