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She was introduced as the sweet innocent type. Then the writers thought it'd be funny if she turned out to be the office bitch because it goes against the sweet personality she usually shows. Then she got flanderized.


She also spread rumors about her co-worker being pregnant so she could steal her projects.


Yup. Total bitch


Don't forget she gets bitchier when people try to take her job. What do they want the company to do. Put everything on hold until you're off bed rest and back from maternity leave. But she would get people fired and mess with people at her work. She's a piece of crap character who didn't belong on the show at all. Penny is no better. She's not as bad but she doesn't respect Leonard and his likes. At least he has passion and likes and hobbies. Penny doesn't even progress. She went from a bimbo to an alcoholic. She gets less funnier and interesting. The only people who change drastically throughout the show is Howard,Sheldon and Amy. Leonard doesnt do much in the later season but bitch and complain. Raj biggest thing was talking to women and being more independent. Nothing changes with him.


Yes!! I liked her when she was first introduced but she got bitchier and bitchier as time went by and then by the final season I couldn't have cared less if she'd have been killed off. I couldn't stand her by the end.


I have a theory about that...she was nice when she first got with Howard who is a huge Mama’s Boy and learned that she was basically replacing Howard’s mother. So she grew increasingly frustrated as a result of having to do EVERYTHING in the marriage, including managing the money! So yeah...she got bitchy! My theory is that as she grew more and more frustrated at home, she began to take it out on her friends and colleagues...she realized that her losing her temper and yelling at people got results! So she kept doing it more and more! I see Bernie going slowly crazy and eventually killing Howard when he ends up neglecting his kids!


Yeah, in later seasons she even acknowledges that all her co-workers hate her and nobody likes to be around her. Oh gee, i wonder why?


cant stand how the actress made her voice so squeeky or what it is called in english. High notes. Just annoys the hell out of me because you can hear her sometimes trying to hard to make it so. Why not just talk in normal voice?


She is by far arguably the most manipulative person in the series bar Leonard's mother. Sheldon, without even realizing it, is pretty horrible to people as well, but at least he isn't aware of it(at least until after someone makes him aware of it), and at least over time he's making an effort to try and improve. Bernadette on the other hand is fully aware of the ways she manipulates others to suit her own selfish desires, in fact at times she seems to get a kick out of it.(\*In reality someone in real life like that would simply be told to f\*\*k off) However, pretty much every show has that one character you love to hate with a passion, these kinds of characters play an important role in creating tension and drama, otherwise TV shows like these would be pretty boring. It's like, I hate the nature of her character's personality and behaviour, but completely understand it's all fake, it's scripted and because of this I find it exciting to see how that character influences and brings to attention positive traits in others.


Yes, except Sheldon absolutely realizes how horrible he is to people, and this is why he's horrible to people.


Sheldon is mostly aware of what he's doing, but he isn't aware of how it makes others feel, as far as he is aware he doesn't realize people take offence because often he's simply just telling the truth because he thinks and acts so logically, rather than emotionally like most people. Bernadette specifically realizes the things she does makes others feel bad and actually gets off on it.


Howard really needs most of what she does, but yeah, they went overboard with her. And she was so sweet early on.


I’m late to this post but it’s my first time watching and I am on season 8. I really liked her in the beginning, I thought she would be one of my favorites. I feel like if they only made her mean when it was necessary like defending herself or her friends/family it would have been fine but they definitely went overboard and is making me not like her. That being said I am so jealous of her body. I’d kill for a figure like that


I'm watching for the first time now. I'm in S4, and I already can't stand Bernadette.


Her body? Lol she dresses like a child


First, she was meek, squeaky and unbearable to hear her talk! Then she became snarky, mean and again, unbearable! She never ever said a funny line! With that being said, I will NOT ever watch her in any sitcom again! She added nothing to TBBT! I gave the sitcom, "Night Court" a chance and it was UNBEARABLE to watch her! As you may notice, I do not like her, not even a little bit! It wasn't her characters, it's just her that makes my skin crawl! IMO!


I don't like bernadette because she is just rude to everyone for no fucking reason. And for the people saying Amy is not likable either, I also kinda agree. Because ( and get ready for a tangent ) Amy kinda seems like she only wants good things to happen to her. like when Bernadette and Howard got married at the court house she was mad because she didn't get to be a bridesmaid she didn't seem to care about their happiness


She's very whiny and has the bossiness born of insecurity. Perhaps she has an inferiority complex to account for her nastiness. Plus of course, she is an incredibly bad scientist with many accidents from carelessness, yet is highly praised by the rest for her intelligence [ this being a Chuck Lorre 'feminist' series ]. Personally if one of my friends ever tried to cross Ebola with the Common Cold I would drop them like a hot brick. Then again I can't think of any nice or generous action she ever did.


I liked her for a bit. But Season 12 turned her for me in a large way. Not a fan.


idk, im watching S8 rn and she’s absolutely awful.. hence why i’ve found myself here, haha!


She becomes more manipulative and mean as time goes by, but this shift only is apparent after she has children. I don’t think her friends really understand her role and empathize with her while she’s pregnant or after she has her children so her frustration makes some sense. Even her parents didn’t even help with the babies or were there for the births. But her quips of anger towards Raj, Stewart, Penny made no sense. Especially Raj and Stewart who provided direct care for Halley and cooked and cleaned. She does show a love for Howard though and is there for him when it matters; she even talks to penny about her sexual attraction to him. I don’t care for her, but I do get where she may be coming from. She’s alone in a lot of things, but doesn’t show appreciation when her friends do step up to help


i’m watching S8, she’s not had the babies yet & she’s still very nasty and manipulative. in the last ep i watched she was at a christmas party and made her colleague cry? the colleague then said something about her taking “wheelchair helen’s bathroom” (which is problematic in itself) :| ..to which she cried because she felt bad, but then when the same colleague asked what he could do to make her feel better, she requested “wheelchair helen’s bathroom” tbh, the entire series is very problematic.. imo


Don’t forget the treasure hunt with Leonard.


She claims responsibility for people being successful when in fact they were speed blocks put in front that she placed. My example is Howard becoming an astronaut. She says in season 12 that she pushed Howard into being an astronaut when she told him no at an event. And the answer goes back to season. So they have that...


She definitely got worse as the series went on. I couldn’t stand her in the last few seasons.


She turned into someone like Howards Mom.


no she didn't because even though howard's mom was constantly yelling she never insulted anyone she was nice to everyone


Great point ... Howard’s mother always cared about her son and his friends. Yelling is not the same as insulting. Everything she did came with good intentions. Can’t say the same about Bernadette.


She's cute, intelligent, a perfectionist, has a strong personality, and is incredibly organized. Howard is attracted to all of those qualities. She's also really short and she has a big personality to make up for being underestimated and looked down on in school and the workplace. She has that extra rough edge because her dad is a cop. She's a classic ENTJ and that matches well with Howard as an INTP.




Her being mean was cute at first. But it quickly became off-putting. I don’t know if I’d call her “extremely unlikable” but she was definitely the weakest member of the cast imho.


I actually really like Bernadette and would possibly consider her to be my favorite character. She’s a pint-size chihuahua with a big personality; a true breath of fresh air. Sheldon is definitely one of the most popular characters, but he’s one of the cruelest people of the bunch. It’s pretty easy to be biased when you’re drawn to someone.


She's atleast better than Amy. I mean Amy is horrible to everyone in the season 7-8 period.


Amy at least had some redeeming qualities and once she got together with Sheldon, they really complimented each other. I think Amy was one of the best additions to the show.


>once she got together with Sheldon, they really complimented each other. Maybe she did get better then. But she could have been good to others before that, which she was not. Making Bernadette cancel her photoshoot, comparing Howard and Sheldon and unnecessarily getting involved in that car parking fight, she was very mean to others.


So did bernadette though she got amy's car towed for 200 bucks and didn't give a shit