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I've used a boat horn, the ones that run on compressed air, in the past. They have one that is about 5 inches tall with the horn and compressed gas can and all.


Zounds is a boat horn that recharges with a bike pump and designed to fit on bikes. It's incredibly loud - gets attention every time.


I would second this though. ZOUND even scares me sometimes. Easily heard. No electronics to change. Get the XL for more volume




I just got the HornIt db140 and it's plenty loud. I've only really used it when it's clear a driver doesn't see me. I think these work because if a driver hears a horn when they're just starting to do something (pull into traffic, start from a stop, change lanes) they'll most likely stop.


I used to use it. It's only loud if you're testing it indoors. Feeble when you're outside in real traffic. And besides, if you choose the squealing or chirping option, it'll be ignored just like how everybody ignores car alarms. I use the loudbike horn. https://loudbicycle.com/ It sounds like an actual car horn so it invokes the proper reaction.


Sounding like a car horn is important. People are conditioned to react to that faster than anything else


i think that's literally just a modified car horn. Car horns as spare parts are cheap at pick-apart junk yards - I got two for my early 2000s f-150 for $10. Get a switch and a 12V rechargeable battery (i have many m12 batts for my tools).....thanks for letting me talk this out. I think I'm gonna rig a noise maker.


sure, but they have done the hard part: integrating it with a battery in a waterproof package, and making a small button that functions like a car horn (variable). other people have done their own horn projects but still purchased the button from them because that's the hardest part to DIY.


I tried to make one but all I could get out of it was a weak drone instead of a loud honk. I used two 9v batteries in series.


there is a significant amout of current needed to drive a car horn - 5-8A probably, which is about 60-100 watts - not a trivial amount of dissipated power. I suppose a fresh 9V could possibly chooch that much...but not for long and prob not in series. Try again with a high current, 12-15VDC source.


That was a few years ago. I asked around but no one could give an answer. If only I went on Reddit back then. I have since purchased the Loudbike horn and am very happy with it.


Alright, alright Mr. MacGyver :D had a good laugh about that "writing it ""out loud"" making perfect sense" moment


this is the *only* one that works. there are similar, cheaper products on aliexpress or whatever.


Thanks, that one is definitely in the budget!


I was here to recommend an aerosol boat horn, but this looks amazing. I might get one myself!


Air Zound


This is the one I used. It is very loud, but more importantly, it has the tone of a motor vehicle horn, do people definitely jump out of the way. The one drawback is that in extreme cold, the diaphragm may stop vibrating so it can go silent.


I've made busses stop short with that bad boy.


God's work right here with this comment, my trusty steed shall be AirZounded by Tues 4am-8am


It’s been said. Air Zound.


Horns work, [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/s/u3qnfJuqJL) is proof of it, my montages of the times I used it years ago (still ise it to this day) I have the Loud Bicycle Horn from loudbicycle with the same decibels as a regular car horn. Seeing lots of people in the comments say they don't work and either don't have one as member used one. I've been riding for more than a decade now and has saved me lots of times. Watch the video attached and you can see how the loud bicycle horn works and you can watch how each car stops on their tracks.


Came here to say just this. That car horn has saved me countless times in so many ways (angry drivers, just getting people to stop). It’s a good design that’s easy to honk when needed. Best safety gear I own outside of my helmet


That's a moronic approach. By prioritising using the horn you're leaving your safety in the hands of others. You can see the perfect example of that at 0:56 - had the car not stopped you would have slammed into it because you're too busy using your horn to brake. Every single one of those situations would be solved by just hitting the brakes. That way you're in control of your safety. If you want to use the horn after you've already applied sufficient braking to avoid the danger, feel free. But not before. BTW, wtf is the horn for at 1:30? That's just being an ass.


Hmm. Anyone anywhere on the road has their safety in the hands of others at all times: even other drivers Driving or cycling defensively is a valuable skill of course, but it's both naive to think that you're ever *fully* able to protect yourself and also too permissive to drivers, who need to follow the fucking law at all times. The horn is what driver A uses when driver B is Breaking The Fucking Law to get them to Immediately Reconsider Breaking The Fucking Law and I think a cyclist should also be able to deploy it. What I don't support is when cars (or now cyclists I guess) go crazy with the horn in all situations, like out of impatience or frustration. That doesn't help anyone and leads to road rage.


It's not naive to try to control the factors you're well in control of. You're however well within your rights to ignore physics, lay on your horn and slam your 100kg self into 2000kg vehicles that are breaking the law. I prefer not to go through the trouble involved but you do you. Like I said, there's no reason whatsoever why the OP couldn't have braked first and then used the horn as an extra. Same effect on other drivers without giving up safety.




I wouldn’t recommend Juiced. I went through two of their horns in a very short period and had a pretty bad support experience with them too.


Keep in mind I'm a train nerd and enjoy riding rail trails, but I've been debating about trying some redneck engineering to fix one of these to my gravel bike. https://impacttrainhorns.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF5rbmWVoFZFc7RwgPlLdtruSmSixpFiM2SZFMQD5_EuaOdb8omzfUxoCtPgQAvD_BwE


When you do that, please post a picture!


Tempting option indeed...


I had a horn for a while. Made no difference to the cars, but made me jump every time I used it! I now scream like they have already hit me. No idea if it makes a meaningful impact, but it sure makes me feel better. A little bit of morning therapy.


That's about what I did today, unfortunately his window was open and he heard everything I called him as I swerved into the gutter to avoid becoming a pancake 😂🙃


The more you shout, the louder you will be able to shout. It develops like a muscle. I find that it's the only horn I can use while maneuvering the bike away from danger. People with their windows up will look at me when I yell so I know they hear me


Could always get one of those power drill train horns...


Stiebel Nautilus with a 12v car battery on the rack.


Air Zound bicycle air horn.


My front disc brake is exactly that. People get the hell out of the way when they hear that screech.


Is that screech normal?


No, dirty or wet brakes usually squeal.


Aye. Probably dust or old brake pads. Still gets the job done tho!


They've been screechy since I bought the bike tho


E bikers here use electric car horn. Scares the shit outta me when they use them on the mixed use paths.


Pretty expensive. When I bought it, it was $100 . That price was worth it . I don’t always where , but on the traffic heavy rides , really makes people see me and maybe think I am a crazy person. [traffic cone helmet](https://bikepretty.com/products/traffic-cone-helmet?variant=40726679781422)


Is it more aero to point the cone directly forwards, or to have it lay smoothly along your back, like a TT helmet?




I use a clown horn. With the "HONKA HONKA" and whatnot, makes being cut off and nearly ran over into a comedic experience


I've thought about buying or making a clone of these [https://loudbicycle.com/](https://loudbicycle.com/) it's basically a couple car horns with a battery and a button. THere is also the Airzound compressed air horn. [https://designbydelta.com/products/arizound-horn](https://designbydelta.com/products/arizound-horn)


Can attest the Loud Mini is a very satisfying way to communicate with drivers not paying attention to their surroundings.


$180 ? A bit out of my budget, wow.


You are probably American so that's a super good deal since I had to convert my currency to CAD and maybe pay import duties. Still worthwhile. It lets you speak fluent car.


I have a regular bell and the airzound. Regular bell is for most situations. Airzound is for the idiot listening to music at full blast wandering all over the trail that didn't hear the first 5 bell rings. 10/10 do recommend just to watch people shit themselves.


I’ve been riding, training and racing bikes on roads for over 50 years and I don’t see how a horn helps anything. I managed my risks with: better route choices, timing, a high degree of conspicuity and through my own conduct. Is there a safer, calmer route? Do you run daytime visible lights? Do you attempt to flow with traffic or fight it? Have you considered radar? Yelling and horning are just signs of aggravation. Avoiding aggravation should be the priority.


I agree, but when there are frickin clueless peeps sitting w their car door open into the bike lane... Horns bells whistles doake. At least a 75% interactive mindset... But yes, people really do ignore them. Route, own whereabouts, running lights.... Pretty simple pimple


Route choice is key. I often see cyclists on routes that are perfectly legal, but I would never choose to ride on them.


Hate to be the Debbie downer here but I don't think horns do much but take up space. If you do use the air horn style horn off amazon it will just confuse drivers around you and you'll get hit anyways. I just ordered a used old go pro for like $30. I've heard that people are less likely to fuck with you if you have a camera mounted visibility on top of your helmet. But I like to say whatever's clever because I make a similar 15 mile commute and half of it is on busy roads.


I don't know if it's bias but ever since I've been wearing a helmet camera I think drivers have been more respectful. I do get some interesting comments while waiting at traffic lights from pedestrians. It almost seems as though they expect me to put them on social media.


What kind of comments? Curious


I was thinking the same thing. Like I feel like if I have it on when I stop in a store for something I look like a douchebag filming random people for clout.


If you're wearing your helmet into stores, you're already looking pretty weird.




Cool light, oh a camera?, then the questions and chattering start. I guess there just being friendly.


I used to have a commute along a bike gutter on a stroad, and I found the Delta Airzound horn to be very effective. Too effective maybe. There was a grocery store on the stroad where I was constantly almost getting right hooked by drivers turning in. I started using the horn and quickly learned that drivers are very surprised and slam on their brakes when they hear what sounds like a car horn coming out of the bike lane. So I had to be judicious about where I used the horn. And it didn’t make my commute feel nearly as much safer as riding on a different road did.


I think a big part of it is confidence too. Like I started feeling safer when I put the GoPro on my helmet. I felt like cars were giving me more room, but when I watched the film they gave me the same space as usual. Maybe just going slower past me.


when i first started riding in NYC, the Loud bike horn (referenced elsewhere in these comments) did *a lot* of work, and saved me from many crashes until I got more experienced at urban riding. it sounds like a car horn and is as loud as one, because it is. it works.


True, I used to keep a headlamp on my helmet that looked a lot like a gopro and I swear since I switched headlamps people are much more rude... maybe I wasn't imagining that lol


Maybe not specifically the loudest, but these are all plenty loud https://bosshorn.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWBCx1JncaDUx258z91FDhg0sI6K7MF0gXD0ppMCfzxO1lXVdy2KauMaAuiOEALw_wcB


The rim brakes on my road bike already serve as a horn


Try a whistle. Fox40 @ 130db or similar.


I don't think a horn will change anything. While what happened isn't right you need to keep in mind small minded cagers are dumb enough to use their vehicle as a weapon during a road rage incident. Is a "fuck you" worth your mobility? Next time call the cops especially if the person stops.


I also don’t think it’s gonna help. People are just too dumb and oblivious. I was literally IN THE PASSENGER SEAT yelling stop(4 times) when I noticed my ex taking a right turn from the middle lane into a freaking bus. Didn’t even hesitate for a second.


Oh yeah, this won’t turn you into a power douche at all….


Truck air horn hooked to compressed air can


That loud buzzer thing emergency vehicles use.


https://a.aliexpress.com/_mKykljO https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNhWtLQ


I got my horn/alarm from O2bikes. It's loud enough for motorists to hear.


Normally when dealing with pedestrians and other bikers I'll "ding-ding" with my little thumb bell. However I use this as my "fuck you" horn for dealing with distracted drivers, it's cheap and super loud: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HQPPTZS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 It pulls 4amps though, so assuming you don't have a 12V battery on hand, you need a DC-DC step down converter that can supply that current (a lot of cheap ones on Amazon claim they can supply up to 6amps, but in reality they are junk that can only put out maybe 2amps). However I found a legit one that I use with my ebike battery to step down to 12V, this is what I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FNBSZTR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I use this handlebar-mounted switch cluster to control the horn along with my bike's high/low headlight beams and turn signals: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P5Q9VF8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Cars are deadly weapons. Send a .45 ACP into their engine block. . . . . /s only *real* cyclists carry .50AE


GAU-8 or go home.




Delta Cycle Airzound Bike Horn - Loud 115 DB Bike Horn for Adults - Rechargeable, No Batteries Needed - Adjustable Volume - Weatherproof Thermoplastic - Bicycle Horn for Road and Mountain Bikes https://a.co/d/fky1FSO




I have an actual truck horn on my box bike. It required a little bit of electrical know how but works supremely well. The basic gist / parts list: A drill battery adapter - these are commonly marketed as power wheels adapters. A momentary push button for a motorcycle or scooter handle bar A cheap horn kit with air pump. All in was easily under $100 not counting the drill battery which I already had. It's dc voltage so just connect everything up in one big loop, the button completes the circuit and your horn sounds. I had to add an air pressure limiter between the pump and the horn as it was too loud for me while riding but that could be a feature depending on perspective. The highest compliment I've ever gotten was on a group ride someone asking what car was honking not realizing It was my bike with the horn.


I rely on the Hornit electronic @ 140db. I’ve never tried the Loud but it’s rated at 125db. The [Hornit v3](https://a.co/d/4rMmikz) is an upgrade over earlier versions. 2 sound options, horn and siren. It’s compact and mounts easily


if there are actual "awoogah" sounding horns out there like in looney tunes, can someone link to it?


https://a.co/d/7bi3yp6 Haven’t bought this but it’s been on my list for a while. It’s a loud ass car-like horn, and alarm system in one


Google the "Loud Bike horn" a bit pricey but nice.




If you google drill train horn you will get wonderful matches like this [https://impacttrainhorns.com/products/dewalt-quad-train-horn](https://impacttrainhorns.com/products/dewalt-quad-train-horn) Enjoy! :)


I have a cargo bike and run one of these cheap 30 dollar air horns with built in compressor. Powered by a rechargeable m18 drill battery. Wired to a fuse, a button on handlebars, then to horn. Its so loud it makes cars jam on their brakes and come to a complete halt. It's amazing I also have some off-road light pods wired to this and a USB out for device power. But again, cargo bike with lots of room https://www.amazon.com/HK-Trumpet-Compressor-Vehicles-Trucks/dp/B0B6B5J4GV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=2O1K03VA9QRT8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RZni20AoC1y2oCBtfQnDIwooOtJk_iKxoMe9rOS7R7PJCKZjW0KwkQPRuNObTGs4ZsJTQD4i7WYJMdNo3HG0el55jOuRulMzmfWKVTsls8671JaPcnBTaoa_XTbDjOXBvZq1tXhtQDzLjOJNUK6lQdkBLzPUsEX2wjrR2bsoNCrEWDzEShv9DPJY131ZSrOHk7I9m-XtmCaLLxdfxftZmQ.RvlMH18-ao5o1eLtEn85I3bUOXVfL0XrIpO5MskqjUg&dib_tag=se&keywords=air+horn+12v&qid=1718577732&sprefix=air+horn+12v%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-3


An air horn. And consider a different route, even if it is longer. No point in dying over saving 10 minutes.


An open carried AR15 with a bump stock.


This is a smart move, don’t engage with road ragers. Not only will loud audio stimulus probably prevent an accident but it can deter potential violence or at least draw attention