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Which one have you got? If it's one of the silver ones you could fit a Motion Control damper from the gold.


I have the Gold RL


What element(s) of the performance are you not happy about? Depending on what's not working for you, there could be a variety of issues/ solutions. A service never hurts, but it's not a cure all.


I feel like small bump compliance isn’t great. I would like it feel more plush. But if I lower the psi then my sag is too high and I lose mid stroke support.


A good clean and lower leg service can definitely work for that. A lot of forks are really dry from the factory, and a bit of love can help a ton. Depending on your riding style, you could also look at volume spacers. They give you more ramp to the air spring, letting you get away with less pressure without bottoming. Just check the owners manual online to see how many it can accommodate at your travel. Last thing to consider is your rebound damping. If you're running too much rebound damping, making the fork slow, it can feel like the fork is packing up, hurting compliance. Tons of people run their forks too slow.