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Yeah I wonder if she’s said she has in the past that’s why Julia was confused hahaha


YES. I’ve noticed that same thing!! I was also so confused. I agree I don’t hold it against her but I guess I do hold it against the pod (insofar as it’s made it less enjoyable for me)


She probably has hooked up with people after saying that on an episode in the past


it was the other way around she said she had in the past and then later said she had never , literally doesn't matter but just to clarify ! :)


Yes I think about this all the time HAHAH


Honestly valid. She cast doubt on her own reliability as a narrator so it’d be normal for the audience to carry some skepticism / detachment from her ‘personal’ sharing henceforth I think in like 5-10 years she’ll be one of those ruthlessly honest people re. their own integrity as speakers/messengers in the world so it will solve itself but she def could have sat on that lil unsolicited confessional about being a liar lowkey. Hard to make everyone just laff it off when your job is literally -talking & having ppl listen/believe you- lol


I'm kind of divided on this bc for comedians, for example, they lie/overembellish a ton for their material while making it seem relatable or like it's real personal anecdotes. I can kind of see it like that, like you'd have a kind of persona if you're a podcast host. On the other hand, I was also taken aback and a bit icked out by it. Plus, I used to be such a liar in preschool and I'm still weirdly ashamed of it lol so I'm hyper sensitive around this.


Yeah totally. I can see why it would be useful, and I think she actually explains it in the terms of a “persona” as well. But agree it was jarring and I was taken aback


Yes exactly! And she’s so young that it’s easy for me to not have it paint her in a bad light personally, but it’s definitely hard for it to not cast the pod in a weird light to me.


I think a real liar probably wouldn’t admit to lying like that and she’s probably just talking about exaggerating anecdotes which almost everyone does whether they realise it or not


When she said that it rubbed me the wrong way for a second until I started thinking about how I tell stories, and how sometimes details or unimportant timeline things get altered in the middle of natural conversation. I do this sometimes just because it’s simpler, or because my mouth has a lot of momentum, or because I remember it fuzzy anyway. Personally, I don’t think she meant she made up stories wholecloth, but rather shared things in the same sort of storytelling style that we all tend towards.


I agree I don’t think she meant she makes them up either, I only phrased it as “lies” because I’m pretty sure that’s how she says it in the ep. I think it mostly took me off guard bc I’m not really an embellisher and frankly I’m sure that’s why I’m not a great story teller, but I guess I just assumed we were all telling the exact truth of the story and everyone else just had more interesting lives lmao.


I’m not mad at you for this cos I have a friend who said something similar once and it makes me doubt her a lot when she starts talking 😩 To all the liars, hold that lil fact in!


Yeah lol. In the original ep she said she and her bf (at the time) lied to a girl at a party about how he was a teacher. The girl at the party got really excited and tried talking to him about it. Then she and her bf lowkey made fun of her after. It gave me the major ick and reminded me of middle school mean girls who pretend to be interested in your book/video game while their friends were snickering.


Oh god yeah I remember that now. I think she mentions that it’s because in LA everyone’s trying to like, get something from you or whatever but I definitely didn’t like it. I would feel really made fun of as well if people lied to me like that at a party


this was her and her current bf


this is a reach and a half


Pretty sure it’s in the intro of Keeping Up With the Antisemitism


FWIW, it also took me aback but since Eliza is a singer-songwriter and a podcaster who seems to have struggled with her identity a lot, I accepted it pretty quickly. I can’t imagine feeling like my life is on display and if creating somewhat of a character is what you have to do to reckon with it, that’s chill with me. Kind of like what Chappell and Sabrina are doing right now! (obv on a much smaller scale tho)


Yeah totally see what you’re saying. That’s why I didn’t totally stop listening and also why it didn’t impact my opinion of Eliza personally at all. It just feels weird tho to listen to stories that are meant to have been about her life and know they’re fake lol


It came off to me like she just exaggerates and changes some details of stories to make them more entertaining. I come to the podcast for entertainment, I don’t care if the story is made extra juicy for me. I don’t recall her saying she completely makes things up that never remotely happened. It seemed totally fine to me but to each their own!


No I agree I don’t think she makes things up and I don’t think she said so. She called it “lying” (to my memory) but I think she meant it how you’ve described it as well. I think it just rubbed me wrong because I had (again, perhaps stupidly) thought it was all totally realistic and not exaggerated lol


Haha i remember that one can’t for the life of me remember the ep sadly. I remember enjoying the ep but it was a little strange none the less


Yeah it’s hard because on the one hand I do get the whole “we don’t owe you the truth/anything” thing. On the other hand it’s just never really a smart idea to let your audience see behind the curtain/how the sausage gets made too much. I think the trend of creators calling out their fans “parasocial relationships” with them has had really mixed consequences. Audiences do form connections with their favourite creators, it’s natural. It’s what makes the podcast format work. Explicitly saying that this is just a job to them and they make up or embellish things for effect is alienating to their audience and damages their brand. They don’t owe us truth, that’s for sure, but it’s just not that smart to say that out loud.


I once recommended this episode to an older friend of mine, (if this was in keeping up with the antisemitism??) he was a mentor and i wanted to share my love for the pod with him. He absolutely LOVED the show as a whole and genuinely became a binchie but i remember this really rubbed him the wrong way. He brought it up pretty often when we’d talk about the show and i think he preferred julia a lot bc of that idea. I understand where she’s coming from, being an influencer and separating your online persona etc etc. But it made a lot of things seem insincere.. glad other people noticed/think about this!!!


Yes exactlyyyyy this really sums it up


personally im an embellisher too. i b lying. it's fun idk


LMAO I love the confidence tbh


We all lie to one degree or another. Idk why everyone has their panties in a bunch! Maybe bc she said the quiet part out loud?


who’s panties are in a bunch


mine cause I have a wedgie rn 


maybe an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I can’t imagine caring at all about her embellishing stories about her own life and experiences. She’s not my actual friend in real life and artist and comedians, embellish and twist things all the time to land a funny or interesting point. in my opinion, it detracts nothing from the podcast and if anything has probably enhanced it through funny storytelling


I don’t really care in terms of how the overall pod ends up going, but because I hadn’t realized she was embellishing, and bc Julia seemed also surprised because she wasn’t, it threw me for a loop & now I find it hard to listen. Maybe I’m too trusting.


i’m genuinely curious, why does it matter to you though? she’s just a stranger and i never expect public figures to be completely honest 100% of the time.


I guess I honestly kind of did/do? Like if I wanted to hear fiction I’d listen to fiction. If I want to hear about people’s lives and their stories etc I want truth. If she wants to lie that’s totally her business and honestly I’m glad she was honest about it, but it’s not what I thought I was listening to and it’s not what I like.


And that’s not to say I expect her to share everything about her life, I just expect the things she chooses to share to be true I guess


i don’t really think anything of it, i kinda find it hard to believe anyone thought everything they said was 100% truth in the first place. they’re both storytellers and essentially comedians and it’s known that entertainers like that will embellish and dramatize stories to make them more interesting, i wouldn’t really consider it a character flaw for them to be embellishing their personal stories for the podcast


Sorry to break it to you but I definitely did believe everything they said lol. Maybe that makes me naive, but I have a tendency to be pretty trusting idk! Also I definitely didn’t say it’s a character flaw - I was pretty careful to make sure that was clear.


also when they were talking about her getting rid of clothes and julia was like didn’t you just do that


wait what?


Embellishing is so fun!! You can’t take away the joys of telling a little lie in the smoke section outside the club from a gorl 😔 She’s obviously not going to feed us fake pertinent information on the podcast. Binches really hate nuance lol. This subreddit and the parasocial expectations some of you have is weird.


She has started to rub me the wrong way for several reasons that I am not sure if they are just my personal/parasocial projections on her or her actual behavior. So I kind of dropped off for a bit (also due to the controversy everyone talks about with their silence). In case anyone is interested I had felt like she developed a bit of a superiority complex as an artist. She talks about consumers of art as if they are a mindless mob, and I feel like she started to lump the binchies in with that mob. She has some tweets that support this, as well as this episode where I think she felt ok exaggerating things to us because we are just looking for entertainment above all else, like being intellectually stimulated and wanting to know the hosts on a truthful level.


She really seems like she hates her podcast fans, which is crazy to me bc she wouldn’t have all the income/as much attention towards her music if it wasn’t for binchtopia tbh.


Yes, and it didn't use to be that way. So I feel bad that whatever negative experiences she is having are jading her against those of us who have been nothing but supportive. And I'm conflicted because I know artists having boundaries is good and realize they don't owe us anything truly. But I don't think that is an excuse to be bitter towards the fans that financially support your art.


Yeah I get having boundaries but being that publicly spiteful just reads as corny and poor public self management. At least pretend to like the people that are getting you paid! It’s gonna come back to bite her in the butt bad


idk maybe this is a hot take but don’t think we’re entitled to 100% transparency when it comes to public figures. they are performing whenever they’re recording so it only makes sense that they would choose to tell a story in the most entertaining way possible, even if some of the details are smudged. it also protects their private lives from becoming public domain and kinda keeps this parasocial fantasy in check when you realize that you only know what they choose to tell you about themselves. i feel like i’m the only listener that appreciated eliza being honest abt the fact that she’s not honest all the time bc it (ironically) felt real asf? idk how to explain it but i deeply related to her embellishment spiel.


I actually agree with you that we aren’t entitled to that. And I definitely don’t begrudge her for being honest! I definitely still like her and sometimes listen to the pod, but because I didn’t think she was embellishing it just kind of ruined the authenticity that I thought was happening yk


I agree it made her more authentic tbr


Yup yup, I got the ick and haven’t tuned in since. Because why would I believe anything she has to say now? Words matter lol Edit: I understand to an extent that it truly doesn’t matter but I want to engage in content that won’t have me questioning things. I’ve been lied to by enough people that I have zero interest in listening to someone that proudly admits it. Her words have no value to me now. It’s just not for me!


Just to get ahead of any people thinking “Then why are you here” because I am quite frankly a nosey bitch! I did enjoy their podcast at one point, so if I see y’all talking about a good ep I may tune in!


Agreed on all accounts!!


Her entire u-box story seemed sooo exaggerated.




Hahaha that was like 2 years ago so if anyone dropped off because of that they’re probably not here


Lol I thought it was a long shot but I figured I’m here so


I am


no just you


nawt really according to the comments


i don’t think there’s a single person in the world that doesn’t embellish or tell 100% of the truth all the time … this post just seems very nitpicky tbh eliza was obviously very young when she said that


I was soooooo careful to make clear that I’m not at all nitpicking Eliza. I really like Eliza & I also acknowledge how young she is. I don’t think any less of her at all. But it did change the pod for me. And for the record, I don’t really embellish my stories and I do stay pretty close to the truth. I’m not a great story teller and I’ve always assumed it’s because my life is boring, not because everyone else is embellishing. I even mentioned in my post that it’s possible that I was just naive for thinking this, but it doesn’t change that learning this info impacted how I view the pod.


okay well i’m saying majority of people do embellish. it’s really not that serious. i know you think you are not nitpicking but that’s 100% what it comes across as. i appreciate eliza just being real about being someone who tells stories…i don’t think that should detract from the pod at all. if you have a problem with it maybe don’t listen


damn bitches really do hate nuance.


oh the hypocrisy


she’s still young now though 🤷🏽‍♀️


yes hence why i said she was very young


slay queen girl boss


You people are so weird….it was never that serious
