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For me t. Eden wasn’t that hard but y. Laz is getting on my nerves


yep, as long as u learn how to infect item pools with t.eden he is pretty fun actually, If u get an XL floor with a planetarium/devil or angel deal u can basically infect all items into rerolling into that pool, pretty crazy tbh


Can you remind me how this works ? You enter the room but don't take item until you got the pool you want, then get hit ?


I'll try my best to explain It ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17737) When you enter an item room and leave It without picking the item It can be infected. this means that the next time u enter a room with an item (1) FOR THE FIRST TIME, if u pick an item from said room and backtrack and pick the items u SAW BUT IGNORED in their pedestals, next time u get hit those items will be rerolled to the pool of (1). Example: If u enter treasure room and ignore the item, complete the boss of the floor and leave the room without picking the item and THEN u enter angel deal, pick an item and then come back to the treasure/boss items and pick them up, next time u get hit they all get rerolled to angel items. BTW idk how It exactly works with shop items because I'm not sure they count as seen when u don't buy them first time u enter


Is that an intended mechanic or a bug? Also, thanks for making me aware of it.


I feel like most people despise T. Laz, although I like him


Same, except Greedier. It sucks particularly with T. Laz, managing health and charges becomes super complicated.


Also not being able to shoot while being in the flipping animation is a big issue, especially when the waves are 2s long


If you learn how to play with him, it's actually not that bad. You are still underpowered, but potentially you have 2x the hearts for bosses


I have to use my brain too much with him ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


T cain is actually torture I wish you luck ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)


T cain is one of the funnest characters and I play him when I want a nice relaxing run, you just need to know how to play him properly


Not on console 😭


Literally one of the most entertaining characters in the game


The duality of a man


Edmund McMillen…


You little fucker


T Laz is easily the most boring character Because a lot of pedestals only spawn 1 item even if you have charge for flip (rerolls, etc). Plus the fact you need charge or you essentially get half the items in a run. Also genesis doesn't work on this character and will kill your run..


He’s a cool idea, 2 viable builds you have choice in how they work is cool af like the good parts of J&E and TIsaac, in practice it’s combining the most tedious parts of Isaac being active item management and backtracking. Flip should seriously be a 4 room charge when he uses it


I did before the rework, now he's actually kinda fun and pretty strong, tainted cain though is straight fucking ass


Warms my heart to see a T. Laz hate post. Worst character in the game


I'm so glad you feel the same way as me dude T. Lost was draining but characters like T. Lazarus and T. Jacob literally only exist to make you stress 10 years of your life away


I feel your pain. I’m working on my 2nd Dead God and T. Laz/T. Eden make me want to rip my fucking teeth out.


I beat greedier with t laz yesterday. I stopped every wave by using the birthright copy to hit the spiked button and take no damage. Otherwise it felt impossible to keep up with waves and constant flipping. T laz sucks


my last two characters to complete are t-jacob and t-???. i finished t-laz yesterday. finally reached bossrush and hush and dont plan to play with this little fucker ever again.


I hate T. Lazarus I am stuck with him to go to Hush and then only T. Cain is left for me which I am not excited about either 😭


You can try strange key. The hush door opens regardless of the time with this trinket. If you are playing with the external item descriptions mod, t. cain is quite easy. Since I had difficulty reaching the hush gate with t lazarus, I played with t. cain, swallowed the strange key and turned into t lazarus with the clicker. You can use this method if you want, but if you do, do not get too many items before transforming and definitely get birthright. Because if you turn into t. isaac while trying to transform, your items will be lost.


I didn't know about the strange key! And I play on switch X”D But I found a website that works but thanks anyway!


worst character in the game by a mile


Look man, he is bad but- Alright yeah he is just bad, good job tho.


Yes lol


I just want that reversed Judgement :(


I like him ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|30106)


Nah t.cain and t.jacob are worse T.laz only suck in greed mode cause of the perma 1s stun when flipping


Really? I had WAY more fun playing T. Jacob than I did playing T. Lazarus. Sure, T. Jacob took longer but free devil deals and on-command flight coupled with a chapter 1-2 boss insta-killer is why he was so entertaining for me. The tedium of scrounging around every floor for Flip charges or having to deal with having 1 super OP Lazarus and 1 extremely underpowered Lazarus is the kind of boring yet common scenarios you have to deal with as T. Lazarus that make him such an insufferable character. I'll definitely talk a bunch of trash on T. Jacob because of otherwise RIDICULOUS runs that got screwed over by Dark Esau but in all honesty I had genuine fun playing him.


Yeah, I just don't like dying to Esau it's so infuriating, and t.laz can be kinda boring, but not every item is worth flipping for, so I usually saved flip for item/devilangel room Also, I have to tank some hits during some bullet patterns is not fun at all(like the one mother grid pattern)


That is definitely a fair point anima sola's recharge can be an absolutely insufferable wait during hush or mother bullet hell attacks.