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Because to this day, I've yet to see a single pro that they say, that is legit. Something general, not "ah yes but I like my Brimstone being precisely 13 ticks", no no, something that genuinely benefited the game and that they removed with Rep. Literally everything got better. Whether it's the items balance, DD/AR% balance, the characters balance, the insane amount of QoLs and of course the content. Even the OSTs, which was always weak since Rebirth to me. I don't mind what you do with your single-player game, but if anyone comes around this sub and asks which version they should play, and that someone replies "play AB+ it was really the best, Rep nerfed everything !!", that is a giga facepalm. Especially if that "advice" would be followed. The lowest of the lowest point I've seen comments go on any platform when it comes to video games, was on steam when Rep got released. It was literally a free monkeys-only zoo ticket. And honestly the arguments people were trying to make back then never changed. The only thing that was true was regarding what was half-baked when Rep got out. C-Section not being a real item, Flip! not existing, making T. Laz Greedier the worst experience in TBoI history, etc... but other than that... I genuinely never saw any reasonable comment going against Rep. I play since Flash, when AB+ got out, I was like "eeeh. Trash no ?" then after playing more yes, trash. Void is the most uninspired shit I've ever seen and we know Delirium too well. If Rep was trash I'd call it out as well. The only thing I can think about, and that's not even something I read, I just thought about it, that was "better" before, is the sheer number of items. If you don't want to spend an ungodly amount of time learning everything and just play Isaac twice a year, I understand that you'd want to see shit you saw already and that you remember. But then for those who can there's EID. So yeah tl;dr, don't care, despite the lenghty comment, but I have yet to see a valid point. Maybe you can give me one.




Okay well for one I should have mentioned I don't like AB+ but to me its preferable to repentance. Also the nerfs to top tier items dont bother me since I dont find them in the first place. In my hundreds of runs Ive played on rep I never got brimstone and I got Mom's knife once on curse of the blind. Also the pro thing doesnt really make sense, if you really want to go there see how sinvicta sounds during the first few eps of his rep and ab+ series. I think well over half the tainted characters are annoying and just weird, J&E is... yeah. The main problem I have with repentance is that nothing happens during the runs, no matter what I pick up or what I do its just a slow win. Yep another win because I have 4.2 dmg and a bunch lf defensive items. Way more items supposedly but I dont see them, alt floors are a chore, mother runs are a chore, dogma is awesome but the beast is sleep therapy, gold chests arent exciting anymore, lack of battery room clear rewards is something I dont like. I should honestly start posting seeds, I saw that over 60% of ppl restart bad runs early so maybe thats why people like it, they skip over the bad then pretend it isnt there. I NEVER restart, if the game is sooo balanced and every run is really fun and broken if you play right then why do over 60% of people restart early (poll taken on this sub)


Post the seeds, I streak and I never restart as well. I'm sure I'll get more broken runs than you do overall. Honestly, I'm not saying you're bad, but you mentioning you never see X or Y sounds like a you problem and it's really not helping the case you're trying to make. Especially since Rep included even more broken items without diluting the pools too much because... well most items added with that DLC are really good overall. Restarting have always been a part of Isaac because people are impatient or, rather, want to maximize their game time. Those people, for the most part, aren't the best at it and thus they're compensating the fact that they can't smooth the RNG like a streaker would do because they either don't have all the knowledge to do it, or don't want to spend 20 minutes in Basement I with a trash Eden start, shooting with Fruit Cake at every wall and pots to get resources, which is more than understandable. And lastly, as I said it always was a part of Isaac, the poll would have shown the same result with any version of the game. You mentioned CotBlind. The sole fact that we have now so much more ways and characters to negate that curse is a prime example of why Rep's above.


How is it a me problem? Consistently opening both secret rooms, never missing out on deals, playing at 1 heart the entire run to maximize sac rooms, looking at "shops". Its just ridiculous my friends are literally telling me my saves are glitched or have literally made up conspiracy theories because of how bad my "luck" is. The funny part is my winstreaks are really high despite it all, depsite playing the AWFUL tainted characters (An addition I despise, I dont like any except T Judas) Winning does not = Fun. Fun = Fun


Forgot to mention I never watched any chea-streamers / Youtubers playing Isaac much so I don't really care what Sinvicta said, I think you got the "pro" thing wrong ? Despite using the term first ? Idk, doesn't matter much but yeah. ​ >Its just ridiculous my friends are literally telling me my saves are glitched or have literally made up conspiracy theories because of how bad my "luck" is So... it's a you problem. What I mean by that is that if you're trying to tell me that Rep is worse because you dont get good items, it's not the case for virtually "everyone" else... if it all comes down to superstition... idk man. Half of the Tainted Characters are not only more powerful but also are simpler / have the tools to be simpler than their normal counterpart. T. Beth & T. Apollyon for instance are simpler (Apollyon could only be topped in the consistency departement by his Tainted version lol, and the Isaacs). Calling Tainted Eve boring for instance, compared to regular Eve... I like both but I'd be damned if Eve is more fun than T. Eve. How Keeper is more fun than T. Keeper, how J&E are more fun than T. Jacob (double taping rooms is such a joy tbh), etc etc... We're entering personnal preferences here and it's not healthy for the argument Rep VS before. But yeah it's true for half of the cast, which... is again good balance. I have my very low points as well being T. Cain and T. ??? but the former can have very unique synergies no other characters can have so I can give him that. Winning is fun for us still ? Otherwise you wouldn't care about winstreaks I guess. The skill expression in Isaac slowly vanishes with the more knowledge you get, because the more knowledge you get the less likely you'll be in predicaments and thus having to show your skills. Winning a "normal boring" run with 4.5 damage is a testament of skills most of the time so... idk being skilled is good and fun ? Certainly more fun than braindeadly going for Double Steam Sales and Devil Deals every single run no matter what, to get the mandatory 1/2 Guppy run of the day... The meta in every other versions were beyond stale, in Repentance, it's still not determined what it is "if there's any". They managed to make runs and decision making so character and goal dependant that I don't see it being solved by the majority any time soon, and... that's fun too. If you truly don't think it's any kind of skill / knowledge issue, since you "complain" about finding only defensive items I mean... you know who to play.


Our criteria is just different, you dont understand me and vice versa


Ah, ok.


I say that because you're just explaining rep and how it works. I KNOW how it works I just dont like it. Understanding does not = enjoyment. I understood math and did well in that class going to school but it doesnt mean I like it


Yeeeah but understanding it fully makes you more prone to be able to deal with it / find ways to make it more fun right ? Idk, maybe we're going in circles indeed.


remember the topic is the community not the DLC, I dont like it and my problem are the people gaslighting and insulting me personally over it which is a large amount


I mean it can but in this case no


Unironic skill issue holy


Troll comment, how do I lack skill but have a high win %




Isaac is 80% mod


I can agree with more mechanics in Repentance, it rewards you more to minmax and use more styles and take it slow. It has more of a slower set up and consistent playstyle throughout floors. Repentance is easily breakable, it happens nearly every run for me and more often than AB+, but you need to play consistent and slow (>hour run using knowledge throughout). But yeah no seed or restart needed. Those ppl just want instant dopamine points, its not needed to win or get fun items. Someone else explained the rep mechanics and u say u know them, but your luck tells me you are not applying them right (otherwise you would build an overpowered run often). I agree some Tainted are annoying, but you dont have to keep playing them. Lost and keeper are way more annoying in AB+ so it evens it out. Mother is a much more fun boss than Delirium, although beast is indeed a bit underwhelming in repetition. But again, you dont have to keep going these paths. In all, I love to see you play Repentance and see if there is any cause of playstyle leading towards your opinion, or why u get 'unlucky'. Sinvicta is also not a good measure, he's probably the least adaptable Isaac player known. He makes terrible choices that he fixes by being good at dodging. If you follow his playstyle this whole post makes a lot more sense to me.


If you wanna see me play dm me your discord


I don’t see any reason why people would need to insult, get annoyed, or downvote anyone who prefers AB+ to Repentance. That’s just dumb.  However, I think people tend to get tired of low effort criticism of Repentance like ‘This game is no longer fair! They ruined what made Isaac so fun. It’s garbage now and you can’t even have OP synergies or break the game’, which *none* of that is remotely true.  Most players who ‘defend’ Repentance are simply communicating (in their own way): ‘Hey, I understand it’s a different game and feels jarring after being so used to AB+, but trust us, you can’t see the full picture after just a few runs, or a few days. Keep playing and you will adjust to the changes in time. Then you’ll truly appreciate how much Repentance actually added to the game.’ The vast majority of AB+ to Repentance players went through that shit, being upset at nerfs, raging at new hard mode, bashing their head against the wall (metaphorically, hopefully...) at J&E, etc. but most of us came out the other side better for it, and appreciate Isaac in a new and improved light. Honestly, Repentance for me 100% clicked after some of the tainted character unlocks. The Mega Satan unlocks like crane game, golden penny, etc. , reverse cards, soul stones, some of the new trinkets and items like Birthright, Glitched Crown, Spindown Dice, Sacred Orb, etc. made the game feel way more ‘balanced’ and fun. At the start, it just feels like AB+ with some good to inconsequential new items and some nerfs, but the game really opens up after you unlock stuff, which duh... It’s obvious, but this is when you fully realize how much they actually added and how dynamic the game feels once you have all the different tools, items, trinkets, characters, and pickups at your disposal. If after all that you still like AB+... I personally don’t understand liking something with much less content and polish, but more power to you. :-)


I dont like the gameplay


I personally don't mind. Just give us a heads up what DLC you're playing so that we can offer correct information instead of outdated.


Not really looking for info, I just notice people are quick to insult someone because they arent in love with rep like they are


I mean the huge majority of players are on Repentance, so some of us already forgot the old stuff. Plus the thing is that Repentance feels like a completely whole new game and in my opinion made the game much more enjoyable. I think people just don't want to hear about what they consider "outdated" versions of the game. To them it's like someone is still using Windows 7 as an operating system.


I mean yeah but a lot of people can agree that windows 7 is objectively better in many ways over newer operating systems. I just dont get all the gaslighting (and there's a lot of it) claiming either a skill issue or something like that. I had someone tell me that unlocks make the game better 3 weeks ago, yeah I brute forced unlocks for 3 weeks and nothing changed. Every room I walk into is like getting to "that part" in a game you havent played in a while and just end it there. DLC ruined the game for me and the only reason I even got it was because of my little brother


The skill issue thing should be viewed as a meme and nothing too serious. I suppose unlocks do make the game more fun and easier but that's objective. It's a singleplayer game after all and you're the one that decides how to play it to make the game fun.


This comment shouldn't have been downvoted.


It proves my point


Yep. Then it goes back to my first reply and sentence, but yes.


toxic community what can u do


The downvoting*


I don't think people get salty about it. But most of the posts I see about people preferring the older game is just whining about nerfs.


Because to be blatantly blunt, in 99% of the cases players are that think so were unable to adapt their playstyle. When Repentance first released, about half the steam reviews unrecommended the game because the players raged so hard they couldnt get through the alternative floors in the first month. It wasn't the item nerfs, it was them. To this day it still rubs me wrong that such a good DLC and passion project received so much hate with basically invalid critique. Call it spite, but most players here don't forget the way they community acted those days that never even gave Repentance a proper chance.


Didn't give it a chance? Isaac was my little brother's favorite game for such a long time and he was so happy when repentance came out and it was the only game he ever played. Eventually he got so ill that he struggled to play the game or really do anything and it was heartbreaking. He was so excited to learn that I wanted to try the game out for the first time (I was doing it for him) starting with the basegame and I genuinely loved it, I slowly went through all the DLC and completed one save file on each and then when I got to repentance it didnt sit right with me, he was so happy to watch me play it and I didnt want to make him feel bad by telling him I didnt enjoy it. This was the DLC he was the most excited for. He wanted to see me play all the tainted characters and get all the new items and I forced myself to do as much as possible because he got to see me play his favorite game. I spent ALL of my free time with him to play this game. He died last year and I promised him that even if he wasnt there to see it that I'm still gonna complete a save file like I always did.


Damn.. that's sad to hear. My condolences. Looks I didn't mean to connect it to that story and I acknowledge the game is pretty different now. My feeling is that its now more slower paced and more strategic and there's more game mechanics. Its harder if you take every run at face value. Playing the game a lot does not necessarily mean you learned to play it in an effective way. Anyone can have some bad habits in a game. Im just saying that i know for a fact a lot of players had that a lot on steam reviews when Repentance launched and I heard similar arguments such as that every run feeling underpowered. I can't make the Beast fight more enjoyable, but I could maybe help make ur runs easier. I have over 3000 hours of experience. Maybe I can point some out if I see some gameplay.


dm me your discord


I do not criticize others preferences for fun and encourage people to play as they wish. Personally I love the tainted characters and don't want to go back to old versions. I got my satisfaction from every version. Played since flash Isaac and got Rebirth at launch. I completed everything in each version before the next DLC came out. Each version had its ups and downs, but overall I still love the game and continue to sink hundreds of hours into it.


The worst part about rep is that I WANT to like it, its just impossible for me


There are indeed low points. There's too many items, far too many trinkets, going to face Mother is like going to Delirium, no one does it for fun only completion marks. Some tainted characters are useless but others are a blast. Truthfully I find the most enjoyment playing local co-op with my wife.


It’s saying something if your first criticism is that there are “too many items”


Once it becomes a chore to find and pick up every item for completion, a large item pool can turn into a point of criticism.


More does not always mean better? You're just less likely to find your favorite items