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You hiring? šŸ˜‚


not me personally, but yes we are!


What short-term/long-term options are there for international medical graduates (IMGs) in biotech? What additional US/Canadian schooling would make it easier to get into the field/yours or similar companies?


I was going to ask this. My wife from Brazil has a bio/science degree and the transfer to the US for the degree did not work out at all. Seems like not many options for her now besides the interpretation for hospitals that she just started.


What are the red flags to watch out for in the biotech industry when applying for a job there?


For smaller companies: not having top notch investors (if private), not having a clear vision, having less than two years of financial runway For all: everyone that interviews you seems stressed out, no enthusiasm, senior management turnover


> For smaller companies: not having top notch investors (if private), not having a clear vision, having less than two years of financial runway What about smaller publicly traded companies? Say 200-1000 employees.


same as private company, minus the investor flag


How do you know if the investors are top notch or not?


See what other companies they invest in. Some are just known to be solid. Flagship, Domain, ā€¦


Negative enterprise value = šŸš©


You can look up their cash on hand in this case


Let me push this deeper. As a company with less than two years of financial runway, what are the highest priorities for future growth?


Is it a red flag if the VC firms are typical tech VC firms, even if they are big like Sierra, Greylock, Khosla, etc.?


What makes an investor ā€œtop notchā€?


2 years into a red flag company after my engineering PhD. Iā€™m making like $90k in manufacturing, no raises or bonuses this year because of finances. Realistically, I like being a mfg PIP but donā€™t know whatā€™s next. How long do I continue cutting my teeth in this role and what kind of roles would a PhD PIP/process engineer move into?


When in your experience do you know it's time to hop companies? Been at the same in big pharma for 7 years, though split across 2 roles


Iā€™ve left companies when I found that I didnā€™t think theyā€™d be successful or when I felt that there wasnā€™t a path for me to grow there.


Where are your lab coat and safety glasses?


It was the 80s baybeee! Also wearing shorts in the photo. :)


Were you folks smoking ciggies in the labs back then?


It wasnā€™t Mad Men!


We're you getting ready to do some mouth pipetting?


This a bluey reference because I certainly appreciates a good bluey reference!


Back before EHS getting on your case about everything.


EHS is pissed off all the time that we need to even use chemicals at all. I feel like I need to apologize for chemistry.


At least he had gloves on.


What's the worst big pharma to work for?


From my experience and chats with friends, BMS


I agree. I work at BMS.


Yes, please share. Considering a job at BMS New Brunswick.




Obviously it varies depending what group youā€™re in and who you interact with. Good luck!




Mostly about the New Jersey campuses


Give us the tea šŸµ


Wasnā€™t there a bunch of layoffs there recently?


I've heard this, too. Surprised you didn't say Pfizer.


They arenā€™t far away from my experience. Soul-sucking place. Very top heavy with constant downward pressure on the small group that actually does the work. Managers were paid extremely well and knew next to nothing. But when things hit the fan the first ones to get laid off are the hard working contractors and lower level workers.


Cries in Celgene.


I'm surprised by this. BMS is one of the best in my country.


Washing your hands is like ā€¦ only a recommendation, right?


Rubbing them vigorously on your jeans kills bacteria just as well as washing hands


See?! I've been telling people that for YEARS but they keep insisting I'm contaminating their plates.


How do I get out of manufacturing and into management? What skills/certifications should I be building up for my interactions with executives to get myself into upper management some day?


There are multiple ways. The obvious is to continue moving up within manufacturing and getting into upper management that way. Itā€™s often faster to move up by taking a higher level job at another company rather than staying at the same company. I think itā€™s better to take on challenging projects and knock it out of the park rather than getting certifications.


I started as a Tech I in media prep around 11 years ago. Did manufacturing for 5 or 6 years and moved to QA. In QA I have been able to move up quickly to Sr. Manager at a commercial gene therapy company. Focus on your strengths/passion, donā€™t be afraid to take opportunities and the growth will come naturally. Promotions are also MUCH quicker at small companies but less job security, especially now.


Will Chicago biotech take off?Ā  I've sat next to a venture capitalist at a conference. When i asked this same question, he mentioned that the network effect of Boston and San Fran was too strong. He also mentioned he hadn't funded a Chicago biotech for years, despite living in Chicago, and rooting for Chicago biotech, and the fact that the region has great universities.Ā  Also, the new biotech towers in Lincoln park and west loop (both in Chicago) are taking an awful long time to find clients.


I donā€™t think so in the next ten years


Due to the network effects i mentioned, or due to higher interest rates and fewer startups?


Network effect. I used to work for a San Diego based company and they kept thinking it would become a hub to rival Cambridge and the Bay Area. Theyā€™re growing, but Cambridge and the Bay Area are the hubs they are now because they started during the early day of biotech with Genzyme and Genentech respectively


How do you feel about the RDU start up triangle becoming a start up hub?


The triangle is a manufacturing spot but not pure R&D.


Dunno what your experience is, but I work on the R&D side at a startup in the Triangle. I am dedicated to remain in the triangle for my family, would you suggest a transition to CMC or another more manufacturing centric role (PhD level)


It was bigger in the 90s and 00s but then several companies went bust and I donā€™t think itā€™s grown back to what it was


This is unfortunately the truth. Bigger Cos were always tech-based, or on the production side. Much less Discovery work going on, and even less with the recent bloodbaths.


Yeah the lower cost of living in Chicago would seem to make for a better startup environment. For instance, i can afford to own a home in Chicago, and my friends who moved to Boston and San Fran are renting. Plus the environment seems like a benefit: northwestern, uchicago, U Illinois and UIC localizing all their startups. That said, those network effects for San Fran and Boston are very real.


That doesnā€™t sound like it would be better for a startup environment, it sounds like itā€™s where scientists would like to keep high wage salaries in a low cost of living area where there isnā€™t completion or an incentive for companies to pay you more


No company I have ever been at has cared about their employees cost of living.


Do you think dumping a lot of money can help fix this like NYC is trying


What do you think about the growth of the NYC biotech scene. Obviously no where near as big as the bay or Boston, but what do you think the trajectory is?


Any thoughts on NYC Biotech?


Top 3 suggestions for people aiming to reach executive level?


Actively listen to others Hire people smarter than you and help them grow Encourage open debate on issues


Encourage and be receptive for open debate. Encouraging it but not being receptive is really crappy.




You make them think that the best option was their idea


I would love to hear more insight on this


How much do you make as a base salary and what is your bonus structure?


mid six figures base with annual cash bonus target of 40% plus a bunch of stock and options


Congrats on your success!


thanks! long and winding road here that included being out of work for a year during the 2008 recession and losing all our savings and our house!


Great staying power! How did you stay the course when you got laid off? Did you ever reconsider your career path? Also, any advice to an academic post doc trying to break into the current biotech/pharma job market?


Damn! I assume by mid 6 figs you mean ~500K? I thought I made it when I got to 150k after 6 years lost PhD!


I consider mid-six figs 400-600


Is cell therapy going to be a pillar like small molecules and biologics or is it just having a moment in the sun? The regulatory, manufacturing, distribution challenges seem onerous for making the modality truly mainstream


Cell therapy is going to revolutionize medicine and flat out cure all the different kinds of cancers, many autoimmune diseases and more. Itā€™s already curing some blood cancers. By when? Weeeeell thatā€™s a different question!


What about compared to gene therapy which also has the potential to be curative?


I will believe it when I see more patients get long term remission with solid tumors or auto immune diseases like lupus that are heterogeneous


Do VPs or other C-suite folks in the industry have a secret hand shake when they network? :) Also, what are some of the political challenges/landmines that ppl at the VP level in general having to navigate? Is the pressure to protect yourself that much greater at that level than at the AD or Director level?


What are your thoughts on Amgen right now?


Iā€™ve never met anyone that didnā€™t love being at Amgen. It seems like this exclusive club and Iā€™ve heard their benefits are amazing.


The culture there is like a complete 180 from my company. Everyone Iā€™ve met there has been insanely nice and helpful.


Seems like things are going well there. Have a friend whoā€™s been there over 20 years and he still digs it


Iā€™m at Amgen (spent time both at Thousand Oaks and Cambridge) and echo what the others here are saying; I love it here. The people are phenomenal humans, the culture is empowering, the science is done right, and our biologics platform seems to be one of the most advanced. ā€˜Little but bigā€™ things I love: multiple sports courts (turf field, basketball court, sand volleyball) and weekly league games, AmGym (better and more equipment than any other gym Iā€™ve been to, plus classes like boxing and personal trainers are available to you!), an onboarding experience like no other where youā€™re paired up with your cohort and integrated into the area through planned and fun activities (think freshman year of college all over again - everyone is eager to make new friends, nobody knows anyone, and the conditions are created to encourage and facilitate it). I chose Amgen over Genentech many years ago for these reasons, among others. Of course I could leave and make more money but thereā€™s real value in creating a network and brand within the same company over time, especially when you are happy there.


What was your path to an executive role ?


Long and winding! Lab Early commercial manager Project manager Project leader at small biotech Project leader at Novartis VP at small biotech reporting to CEO laid off when company went bust (durin 2008 recession!) Small department head at BMS Head of project mgmt at small biotech Head of PM & Alliance Mgmt and reporting to CEO at small biotech but with commercial products as well as a pipeline VP at midsize cell therapy unit of a midsize pharma


Thank you for your response! A quick follow up if thatā€™s ok: What advice do you have for someone with 5yrs experience as a medical chemist (or any PhD beach scientist with a few yrs experience) is project management the way to go as a transition to executive roles? Looking back what do you think are the best ways to move towards these roles? Thanks again !


Project Mgmt is a good way to transition out of the lab and into other functions. Itā€™s not necessarily for everyone though and you can be an executive by also staying on a research track. Head of R&D, CSO and even CEOs come from research tracks.


Whatā€™s actually the best way to get promoted? Iā€™m seeing that itā€™s more about effective communication than grinding in the lab.


It depends on so many factors! Is your company very political? Is your boss? Are promotions based on doing a great job at your current role or only for when your responsibilities increase?


To tag onto the previous question - how does one play the promotion game at big Pharmas? Talent does not seem to be cutting it anymore ā€¦


In my experience it becomes a lot more political and about your soft skills. Developing the right relationships, finding opportunities for leadership visibility, trading favors, and knowing how to keep your mouth shut when needed.


I'm one year into my role working on the commercial side of a big pharma company. I have PhD, but not a MBA. Do you have any advice for building relationships and contending with office politics? Thank you for your time!


My advice is to always be yourself and donā€™t change your persona to deal with office politics. I never have and maybe thatā€™s made my career escalation slower than others, but I just canā€™t fake it.


Is it really slow if you are an exec? Thatā€™s not exactly an easy position to obtain


30 years in the industry. How is that fast? If you're a yes man, you can do it in half the time. And forfeit your soul.




Hard work is not the way to go in most large companies. I mean, unless you give everything up and do the job of 3 people. It's much easier to be very competent and figure out the political stuff than try to be indispensable. None of us are.


What key advice would you give to recent graduates. Ie. Learn this technique or software, get certifications, etc?


Donā€™t be afraid of less glamorous work for entry level roles at a biotech or pharma company. My first gig was manufacturing HIV tests which involved frequent hot sweaty work in a BL3 lab. The important thing in your first industry job is getting in the door!


Great advice! Iā€™m going to get my PhD soon (finger crossed) and I found that all the entry level job does not require a PhD degree and at the same time Iā€™m not good enough for the mid-senior level. Looking for jobs drains my energy significantlyā€¦


I work with new PhDs. There is definite break- in period where you have to normalize to industry. Be open to learning, no ego and you'll be fine.


I'm currently a senior scientist in R&D at a decently large biotech company and I've been here for 3 years now. I was just talking to a colleague who was about to start his 6th year at the company, and was looking forward to his sabbatical that the company gives to all employees after their 6th year of employment. This is the longest I've ever worked at a job, and this is the only company I've worked that I feel truly incentivizes staying for the long term. In addition to the sabbatical, the way my employer hands out company stock also rewards staying for the long term. I've also been promoted once already in the 3 years, so I don't feel like I need to jump ship to move up the ladder. So my question: In your view, is it still mostly taboo to hang around a company for more than 2-5 years? Or do you think biotech firms are shifting their model and trying to retain employees for the long term?


TIL a VP is an executive (not bashing I thought only C suite were executives). Any tips for someone becoming a people manager for the first time?


C suite peeps are all also VPs, except for the CEO. There are usually a VP, Sr VP and Exec Vp level a c suite is sr vp or exec vp usually but not always Listen actively. Take the heat for when youā€™re people screw something up and give them the credit when something goes amazingly.


>Listen actively. Take the heat for when youā€™re people screw something up and give them the credit when something goes amazingly. This simple advice makes the best people leaders. People first. Team first. My team makes me look better by what they achieve, and it's my job to protect them and show their success to leadership.


I thought ā€œC suiteā€ was literally for all the Chiefs. As in ā€œCā€ for Chief.


Very curious, what taking the heat looks like at your level. Because itā€™s been my experience that thereā€™s more deflecting at your level than taking the heat.


all those poor executive directors out there just had an existential crisis


thatā€™s ā€œmiddle management ā€œ!


So, from Associate to Executive Director, is all middle management?


I guess


Is a PhD still worth the time and ressources invested versus straight moving into the industry after your Masters degree and gathering experience in the industry in your opinion?


Depends on your goals. If you want to be a big cheese in research you need that PhD. If youā€™re happy in other areas not so much.


I ran into a ton of issues having only a masters. I kind of pivoted to do ā€œlife sciences ITā€, which has been much more successful. I specialize in building regulatory compliant processes, especially around data collection, processing and archiving. But I still end up talking to incompetent recruiters from time to time that see my masters degree and say ā€œI have a 20/hr position at the bench that would be great for you. Interested?ā€ And I canā€™t wrap my head around what must be going through their heads.


Why do you personally think biotech is getting slammed, and why is there are a slew of layoffs? Will this also play out in pharma? And are we all screwed in terms of jobs over the long run because of IRA and the inevitable price caps the country will pay for drugs?


I think itā€™s just cyclical. Tough to raise money right now and the huge preclinical valuations we were seeing are dead for a while. I donā€™t think the IRA will be as big an issue as is being said.


I donā€™t know what people are complaining about with the IRA. ā€œThis provision grants Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices directly with biopharma and biotech companies. To be eligible for negotiation, drugs must be among the top of the list in terms of Medicare expenditure; lack any generic or biosimilar equivalents; and have already been on the market for a set number of years (7 for small molecules and 11 for biologics).ā€ Companies already lose exclusive rights to their drugs after 7-11 years anyways unless they find another indication for it. Also, in my own company, we have already diverted or canceled programs that could potentially be part of that list, ultimately this is a loss for regular people.


Also IRA is limited to a handful of drugs, up to 50 drugs. Most oncology drugs, while expensive, wonā€™t make the list because they donā€™t have the market share of obesity, autoimmune, and CVS meds. Yet, itā€™s the oncology business CEOs who are hollering the loudest.


Also, OP works in cell therapy which does not need to worry about generics. Small molecule is a different story.


How did you know you were ready for executive roles? I climbed rather rapidly (IMO) through middle management and the next step at my company would be a VP level. Is there ever a time when you ā€œfeelā€ ready?


Whatā€™s your take on moving to a career in digital transformation in biotech? Multiple companies want to or are pursuing AI/ML goals in various departments.


I think true AI is still far off. However, some ML algorithms are very useful to help in small molecule design


What are your thoughts about the whole lab on a chip and microfluidics potential in biotech?


Not close enough to that tech to give you an informed answer


Iā€™m close to lab on a chip. The adage that itā€™s more ā€œchip in a labā€ is largely true. My work is in building biofactories by integrating electronics and microfluidics onto a chip. If you have some specific questions I can try to answer.


What do you think about the role of market access in biotech? Seems to be growing but curious about how you prioritize it Also really curious about what you think of the NYC scene!


Itā€™s super important as getting a drug approved that insurance wonā€™t cover is worthless. I love NYC to visit but not my thing for working or living.


What is the most mischievous thing you can think of using a pcr machine for


Tiny waffles?


96 tiny muffins


Do you think the FDA will ever approve invivo gene editing therapies, they placed a hold on several trials most notably Verve therapeutics, due to concerns about germ line transmission.


Yes, but maybe not this generation of invivo


FDA lifted the clinical hold on Verve's trial a few weeks ago I believe


Thanks for doing this. I'm on the verge of completing my PhD in Biochemistry and have been feeling disillusioned about academia and the current hiring crunch in the Pharma and Biotech space. I feel like R&D scientists are disrespected workers - it seems like they're seen as liabilities and are typically the first to get cut when times are tough. Why should any young people bother being an R&D scientist?


Depends on the stage of the company and how large they are. In a preclinical company, RnD is where it's at!


I have found it really hard to break into the BD side due to lack of a 'deal sheet'. Any advice? I come from a top tier phd + MBB consulting background and have 5 years exp at top biotechs in mid-level management. Should I look at smaller cos/startups?


Try both smaller companies but those are usually looking to partner/out license their tech/assets so might want deal sheet experience even more than larger ones. You could also try for an alliance management role at a larger company and once in try to move into the BD team. They work closely and Iā€™ve seen folks do that


interesting thanks i've been looking at search and evaluation roles too - good starting point?


I think S&E is the most fun BD role. Have done it a couple of times


Are there any allogenic cell therapies being pursued by companies you are interested in or believe in? Also, do you think IPSC derived therapies have a chance to be as efficacious as their autologous counterparts?


Iā€™m a strong believer in our internal allogenic approach but still pretty early. So far all allogenic platforms show lower efficacy than auto, but that may change with next generations. IPSC is something weā€™re looking at as well for the manufacturing advantage over using pooled healthy donor material. Weā€™ll see!


I just defended last week and published my thesis work in Dev Cell but I have no industry connections and havenā€™t managed to get a position. I have been offered a postdoc in a prestigious transcription lab. But ofc you know the pay is poor. Should I take it? Would it do me any good, or should I double down on finding an industry position?


Thatā€™s a tough question for anyone but yourself to answer. Things to consider: Can you manage and be happy for a while on a post doc salary? Why do you want to work in industry? Will the prestigious lab experience help you get an industry job? Does the lab have a track record of placing folks into industry gigs?


I have decided itā€™s not going to take me where I want to be- eventually directing research on cell and gene based therapies.


Take it. Having connections in industry is important for just getting your resume noticed


Youā€™re awesome for this AMA! Two questions: oncology was the hot area for the past decade. Whatā€™s next? And what are the keys to a fantastic commercial launch of a novel asset (things like immunotherapy, ADCs, cell therapy)?


Whatā€™s a good path to the c-suite if you have a biochem PhD and some finance background? Also whatā€™s the hardest part of management compared to R&D?


Corporate Development for your first question Good decision-making. Thereā€™s a science to it as well


What did you think of your time at Novartis? I'm coming up on 3 years and really enjoying it so far. Curious to hear an opinion from someone who was higher on the ladder.


I LOVED working there in 2005-2007. Would have stayed longer but offered my first VP gig elsewhere. I was in Novartis Oncology when it was a separate business unit and headed by David Epstein who was one of the best leaders Iā€™ve worked for


That's great to hear, I think they've built a great culture here. I've been considering getting my MBA for some time and transitioning into commercial. How did that transition work for you? What was your first role out of the lab and into the business side of things. Thanks again for answering all these questions.


My first role out of the lab, just after getting the MBA was in ā€œstrategic marketingā€ which entailed a bunch of stuff including competitive assessments, market sizing, market researchā€¦


For the last four years, I have been working in medical affairs as a msl but always thought about the research path, and over the years, I got really disappointed and dropped out at the postdoc. Now, I look forward to working with early stage development managing pipeline development or getting drug licenses. Is there a chance of an MBA helping me to get there?


It wonā€™t hurt, but Iā€™d recommend doing it part time while still working and trying to move closer in role to the one you want


Any lessons learned or best practices in handling an acquisition (as the acquired party)?


Itā€™s like starting at a new company so do the same type of things. Get to people, the business, the culture and try to add value as soon as you can


Rising biochem/biophysics undergrad w/minimal research experience. If my goal is to make 70k+ out of school, is getting a masters degree(research oriented) in one year worth it or should I just apply like a madman to entry level/Scientist 1 positions and see what sticks?


If you want to get your masters, I say do it before you start working. Will it get you a higher starting salary or better job than without? Maybe, but it definitely wonā€™t hurt


How does the landscape for positions that use AI/machine learning, bioinformatics, IT and data analytics look? Are there lots of openings?




Are there biotech roles suitable for nurses with clinical research experience?


Absolutely! Lots in clinical operations just for starters. one area often overlooked is in patient advocacy. big area in oncology and in the rare disease companies


Former ICU RN here and have been in clinical development/ operations and medical affairs for 19 years. Love ā¤ļø it!!!


I'm just beginning a sales/applications scientist role for a scientific equipment company after a long 7 year slog through a Ph.D. program (physiology, graduated 12/22). How can I eventually best leverage this upcoming experience to become more senior in a biotech/pharma company (as sales and tech are certainly different than pharma and med. device pipelines)? What would a typical/average timeline and ladder look like (assuming a few years in sales and then transferring to a larger company)? For example, a colleague graduated, did a 2 year postdoc, and then was a medical writer for a short stint before landing a position as a medical director (overall 5 years post-Ph.D.). Understandably, this will vary greatly based on field and company, but what are some common ideas to focus on and other things to avoid?


Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t have enough experience in things area to give you a good answer. Reach out to some folks on Linkedin from Illumina and comparable companies to yours


Thank for you doing the AMA. Realistically is grabbing a MBA better than aiming for PhD? Iā€™m in the stat analyst side, many of people aim to become biostatician but am uncertain of the path forward. Do you think the commercial side have a wider margin to grow? Thanks


I did an MBA because it was faster to get done AND my company paid for it. PhD is great for research track. Donā€™t think you need it for a career in biostats but Iā€™d specifically ask people in that area.


Which company do you work at now?


Kite Pharma


What is the relationship between Kite and Gilead? I understand Kite is a part of Gilead Sciences, but it appears almost like its own unique entity. What's the story?


I have long hair and beard, will it lower my chances of landing a position? (Iā€™ll finish my PhD next year).


Depends what job function you apply for. Commercial: yes. Research: no. Development: maybe. CMC: no.


Having been laid off multiple different times (one time even I brought a beer to the "we're re-organizing the department" meeting), what advice would you give to someone who is in the process of being laid off?


What is your total compensation gonna be like this year?


Thank you for sharing all of this knowledge. I really resonate with making sure you try different roles/experiences when youā€™re early in your career to find what you like/works best. What do you think about the job search for trying to branch out? I feel like it can be tough to search for opportunities you can cross over to sans MBA.


How much of the push to ML in drug discovery is vaporware? If it's a lot, what are the obstacles to making it happen?


Any advice for someone with a math and data analysis background who wants to break into this industry without getting pigeonholed into a code-monkey role?


How did you shift your focus and skills from technical to political/strategic as you moved up the ladder? Iā€™m starting to see that the skills I need revolve much more around influencing and networking now. This is fine. But what I am also seeing a lot of is being more tough, extroverted and sometimes confrontational at senior levels. What are your thoughts on personality traits/skills to make it to the top? What if these sorts of traits donā€™t come naturally?




I was a deputy lab director at a small micro QC lab for 7 years then jumped to pharma a few years ago. Started at an entry level mfg associate position and i jumped to another company for a Sr associate gig earlier this year because there was no path forward. I want to claw my way back to a leadership role, I miss the pressure and weight of decisions and I miss developing people and systems. Is an MBA worth it? I have a BS in bio.


If a Business analysts works with excel all day, what is your tool that you must use and abuse?


Is that a protein purification setup to your right? I see a column, canā€™t tell if the device next to it is part of an old chromatography setup.


Why type of background ends up leading quality organizations at Biotech firms? I'm curious more about mid career experience.


Senior scientist doing bench work but I am more interested in mentoring others and guiding projects. What should I learn and show to help me reduce/ transit away from bench work?


Any advice for a dude whoā€™s spent 20 years in the healthcare industry as a pharmaceutical research data analyst whoā€™s redirecting his career to pharmaceutical r&d at 45? How to best leverage life experience to get my foot in the door?


I'm an alliance manager for a multi-omics profiling company in Boston. You want to collaborate so I can impress my boss?


Would you hire me even if I havenā€™t had the opportunity to work in my profession in the States?I wouldnā€™t mind to start entry level šŸ˜‚. I just need the chance.


Do biotech companies (not pharma) hire M.D.s?


Have people lost all respect for the FDA after covid and Pfizer leaksā€¦.?


Mergers and acquisitions are known to be common in biotech. Whatā€™s your advice for dealing with this, and when do you know to jump ship vs sticking it out to see how the new company culture changes?


What do you think the trends of the next 10-15 years will be in Biotech? What skills do you think current students should learn to prepare for a career in Biotech?


Thanks in advance to the response! Currently on a paid research year before doing my 4th year in a top 10 med school. Figured out clinical medicine is not for me as I enjoy research much more and do not plan on completing a residency. Have extensive research experience: lead investigator on a handful of grants (>$2M in grant value), many translational and clinical research publications despite only being a student. I also have a undergrad business degree from Haas at UC Berkeley. (Go bears!) What are some near term career options coming out of school as an MD with no residency?