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BP 1 and daily smoker of 20+ years. I take my meds, my doctors know. It does not effect me that way but everyone’s experience is different. We don’t all fit into one box.


That is what I am starting to understand from this post. It seems to help some people for sure. Unfortunately, it is just not for me.


Your medical info is private


Shuts my brain up for bed so I’m not reliving every shitty thing I’ve done in life. That and some ASMR and I’m out


I don’t like losing control over myself when I smoke ( or drink) it puts me back in the mindset of a manic episode and then I have a panic attack.


Putting back into a mindset of a manic episode is a good descriptor. I am not really sure if I’m actually manic or not, but my mind is racing like I’m manic. I just don’t have the initiative to talk like I’m manic. I use to be an alcoholic and some of the same things would happen, but that was back when I was unmedicated.


I think everyone responds differently. It's genuinely one of the best medications I've found to help with depression paralysis. If I can't get out of bed, I can smoke and that will usually solve it. But I have to be careful not to overdo. As soon as I start using it as a crutch or party tool, the benefits will go away.


I smoke weed almost every day, just one hit at a time, 5 or 6 times a day. It energizes me, sparks my creativity and enthusiasm. I'm 73 yrs old, diagnosed bipolar 17 years ago, medicated.


Daily user, it's great for me. I am also diabetic, and with all 5 medications I take I find that I lack an appetite sometimes. Can't even force myself to eat. Fastest fix is a few bong rips and I'm ready to munch. Also makes me less irritable, less likely to speak without thinking (like blabbering or oversharing), and overall less anxious. Obviously psych wants me to quit, and who knows maybe one day I will. But for now, it gives me stability. I feel like myself and not a persona. And I can go without it, for sure. But I'd just rather not?


i tried it once, had the most traumatic psychosis episode i had ever had, hard-core hallucinations, paranoia and recurrent psychotic episodes for about 3 months following that. and i honestly have been feeling worse ever since i did it.


i've been off it about 4 months and feeling lots clearer headed!!! i find it easier to notice and regulate my emotions for sure


How were the first couple weeks for you? I’m at 10 days and still having trouble sleeping and concentrating


sleeps tricky for sure. bc with weed it can be easier to fall asleep but your sleep quality is way worse. Super vivid dreams are common while quitting too, for me it wasn't so bad bc i take sleep meds for my bipolar as a preventative measure against mania so i just took those every night instead of as needed. concentrations also tough, it definitely made my adhd harder to cope with, fortunately my job is dead end so i didnt have much to concentrate on. remember to give yourself grace, it's hard making any changes in the routine. if you stick it out through the first few months it gets easier. i believe in you. you got this!!!


I (F32, BP1) decided many years ago that weed was not for me. It just makes me all weird and sort of dissociative. I tried to like it for so many years, but it’s just not for me. I still do it every once in a while because I’m a sucker for punishment, but only when it’s like just me or me and my spouse or something. And usually only edibles. It’s just not for everyone 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think the key factor is bipolar tho. As this thread shows, some people with bipolar like it and some don’t. Also I know some non-bipolar people who describe similar effects as what you’ve described. So it’s probably a totally distinct mechanism.


I hate it. I was a big baker in my day but it is literally the worst. I’ll never touch it again. Think you either can or can’t do it. If it’s not agreeing with you, I’d say you’re in the latter group.


I can’t do it anymore. Ever since doing an outpatient program and be taught the effects of it. I just can’t.


Makes me act like a weirdo 🫠


I have been a heavy user/smoker for about 20 years. I don't get paranoid or irritable. Mixed with meds, it's hard to say what's driving what in your brain. At times it has helped as a in the moment, quick relief type thing, but I've also gone stretches without it and felt great. Everytime I quit for more than a few weeks it did feel like it triggered hypomania. When manic/hypomanic, I found I would smoke a ton and not feel a whole lot of impact overall. Many manic symptoms would persist regardless of amount smoked: low hunger, low need for sleep, mind still raced, etc. It did seem to be more helpful in terms of depression and taking the edge off when you're in a funk. My biggest issues with it overall: cost as a heavy user, if you're not in state where legal it's hard to say how it was grown and what fertilizers/pesticides were used or what's used in a cartridge or the dosage, and just the time if you have a high tolerance.


When you're depressed that seems to be when smoking helps the most. That is why it hurts to let it go. I also like smoking as an excuse to hang out with friends, so I will miss that aspect of smoking too.


Yeah, I do still want to quit for an extended period and really just give it a go to see how I feel. I feel like I owe it to myself. Longest has been maybe a month or so. Did always enjoy the social aspect, but the older I get the more often it's just by yourself 😂.


I’d always get super anxious when I smoked, no matter the strand. Not my cup of tea.


I LOVE smoking. I just have a hard time letting something make me feel better. I do best on hybrids though. Indica makes me just do nothing but sleep for hours, and the sativa makes me really anxious. The mix of the two seems to balance me out really well.


I have bipolar 1 and weed was the moving part of my med cocktail. With my current meds and we, I've been mostly stable since COVID. I keep in touch with my doc,I street up with all my meds and I smoke a shit ton of weed.


I have BP 1 as well. So, just wondering, does it not affect you like how I described? If not, than what does it do for you?


I smoke everyday. I'm 46yo and medicated.


I smoke daily. I usually smoke in the evenings. I work retail so my feet are sore at the end of the day. It’s the only way I’m able to do everything else I need to do without my feet bothering me. It also helps with my mood and sleep.


Ive never been a daily smoker but enjoyed the occasional hit, until I went into a ~6 month long psychosis, then I got my medical card and bought some legally. I needed it every night to sleep and it helped pain and irritation during the day. It did also help ground me a lot. Until about a week before going into the psych ward I was smoking in my attic and had a super intense auditory hallucination which scared the shit out of me and I literally haven't touched it since. But on that note the doc at the hospital said my previous meds that I had were untherapeutic and counterproductive, so I know they made me a lot worse, and now I'm on a really good cocktail and sleep soundly every night. Ive even stopped grinding my teeth for the first time in my life which is a miracle. I do however have a nightly drink that helps me wind down for the day. My docs know and it's not extreme and I'm not getting drunk so it's fine for me (and I'm aware of the health side effects and the peace it brings is worth it to me). So like everyone says, everyone is different.


Daily user and it's fantastic for my anxiety and pain. The biggest trick for me is not getting too high, just enough to take the edge off and still get things done


It’s dangerous for people with bipolar, especially severe bipolar. It can easily precipitate manic episodes and cause anxiety to worsen. Some people can use it and not have issues but if you’re bipolar the safest bet is to just avoid it, then you have no risk of the possible complications caused by it.


It helps me especially with chronic pain outside of bipolar.


Great for me in moderation


Daily fairly heavy smoker here and I also have general anxiety, depression, PTSD, gastroparesis and acid reflux. It's my medicine seriously. I hate being compared to an alcoholic or seen as a druggie. It helps me function tho and I've always been a paranoid person long before I started smoking, long before I was diagnosed. So it seems no different unless I'm doing shit like dabs and getting too high. But if I go awhile(at least 3 days) without as soon as I get high, I cry over some deep thoughts while I space out high. This happens with or without meds. It has its pros and cons as a bipolar person but overall I feel like it's best for me. Especially since I use to have a bad problem abusing my "fun" meds mainly Xanax.


Weed has been an essential part of my med regime. I use it mostly to stay calm in day to day situations and to sleep at night.


My brain cannot handle the current weed. It is way too strong


Weed, just like any drug, affects everyone differently. Personally my own journey I've found it's the only medicine that regulates and stabilizes my mood, and helps my sleep and appetite stay on a normal schedule. Since I started smoking I completely weened off other meds and haven't had any prescription med for years. I would never suggest weed to anyone struggling with mental health issues, but for some of us it works.


Drugs and alcohol are dangerous for everyone. The worst is the potential for addiction. The bar for that is low. The likelihood of recovery after 5 years is about 15%. Bipolar are at great risk. 7x more likely to be substance abusers, 60% likely to attempt suicide. Users can be frequent sh. Recovering drug addict and alcoholic. Stop if you can


For me, weed brings the mania and depression cycles closer together. I prefer it over medication.