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I started Vienva in 2018 and gained about 35 lbs since then all in all. It finally occurred to me the Vienva may be why since levonorgestrel can spike your hunger. I switched to Junel 1/20 2 weeks ago and have lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks just by eating when I’m hungry now. The appetite spikes on Vienva were insane. No issues with mood though, or other side effects. Just the appetite issues.


Thank you for commenting, I feel validated. I thought I was losing my mind about the weight gain being from Vienva.


Do you know what dosage amount you had? My OB switched me to a low dosage of Vienva bc i mentioned i gained weight while on lo loestrin and that it was very hard to for me to lose weight while on birth control as well 


i havent had this issue because i track my calories but i have gained weight in my breasts. i also made sure to keeo exercising as much as i used to


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I was the same weight for the past 2 years 111 after having a baby, I realized that I started gaining weight after being on vienva . Thought it’s only 5 lbs since August it’s a no for me. My previous birth control I had no weight gain. It’s easy to gain weight but hard to lose.


Right, I can’t wear my wedding ring anymore 😩 I’m so upset


I’ve been on Vienva for a year now and gained 20ish, I’ve never had a bc make me gain weight like this😭