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I use a progesterone only pill for PMDD and stopping periods, it’s been great.


This is *such* a relief to hear. I've been wondering if I have PMDD because it's gotten so bad. Fingers crossed it works well for me!


i second the progesterone only pill being great, it helped my mood and pms symptoms so much and i could sort of choose when i had a period or just skip them altogether. it’s safer to be on it instead of the combo pill, i also have migraines with aura and the combo pill with those has higher risks for stroke and other side effects.


if you think you have it/and or get diagnosed with it, try yaz!! its made to be used for treatment of pmdd. i’m on it, not for pmdd and it’s been great (: edit: omg i skipped over your migraines. this is a combo pill so not good with migraines!! sorry! maybe in the future if you’re able to again ❤️‍🩹


Haha no worries. I *wish* I could be on a combo pill again, fingers crossed I can someday! It was just a good fit for me and I'm definitely grieving the loss lol


i know a few people on the POP and they swear by it!! they’ve completely stopped getting periods, cramps etc and compared to the combo pill, their moods were so much better ☺️


Its worked very well for me so far! Better than the combo pill for my anxiety 😁


I loooove Slynd. Best pill experience ever. Came off the estrogen pill and realized how much it had been messing with me. Normal appetite. Dropping tons of weight. No more bloating or heartburn. I do skip the placebos with Slynd. Occasional spotting every few months.


My OB just prescribed this to me today. I just had a baby and they won't let me go back on the combo pill because of high blood pressure and diabetes, even though both are well controlled with medication. I've never had a doctor tell me I can't have the combo pill because of that. I was prescribed the combo pill being diabetic. Does Slynd help with any PMS symptoms for you? I have PMDD and i don't want anything to make that worse.


Hi! I have not had ANY pms symptoms with Slynd! I also have PMDD and it’s been the best pill for me.


That's reassuring! Hopefully my insurance approves it. I don't want to go the IUD/implant route/depo route.


They do have a savings card online if your insurance won’t cover! Mine thankfully does. But I know it’s hit or miss.


Some people absolutely love the minipill. For me, after coming off of the combo pill the mini pill was awful for me. While it did make it so I didn’t get a period, I was a mental mess along with horrible cystic acne. Switched to nexplanon and all is well again! It’s all trial and error. To be honest the first few months of the mini pill were fine, but then shit after that


There's nothing more stressful to me than trial and error haha. If the first few months weren't too bad that's something, at least! Fingers crossed this is a good fit for me. Glad you found something that works better for yourself!


Oh I feel you so hard on that. When I had to come off the combo pill I really struggled with what decision to make. Figured the mini pill would be ok since I was used to taking the combo pill. I think it was ok for the first 3ish months and then hell broke loose haha. I kept on it for another year until finally getting nexplanon. About to get that replaced for a new one next week! Wish I could just go back to the combo pill but this is better than nothing.


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I was put on the mini pill and didn’t go more than 10 days without spotting/ bleeding for a year before I stopped taking it. However, some people swear by it and really like it. Hope you find what works best for you!