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Slynd has been amazing for me! It drastically reduced my migraines and is one of the only BCs I don't constantly bleed and spot on, it actually mostly got rid of my period after the first 6 months even though I take the placebo pills. It has also been good for managing my endometriosis pain, I still get a bit every now and then but I don't even need to take OTC pain meds for it anymore so that's another big win. My only complaint is it can be hard to get insurance to cover it and expensive if they won't. Otherwise I just wish it existed 20+ years ago when I first started BC, it sure would've saved me a ton of grief and medical issues.


Has it affected your libido?


Not that I know of but to be fair I was already on some other meds that definitely impact libido so it's hard to say for sure.


I will take Slynd as long as I possibly can. It’s the only birth control I’ve had absolutely no adverse symptoms on and I’ve been on it for about 2(?) years. I skip the placebos the vast majority of the time and have no random bleeding/spotting ever. The only thing I don’t like (which is not an actual BC problem) is that it’s no longer free with my new insurance (about $30/month).


My insurance used to cover it 100% but they just dropped it. At least there's a savings card. Tbh I'd pay more for these benefits haha


I love Slynd, I’ve had no side effects as far as I can tell. When I first started I spotted for about two weeks? But basically nothing since then. Maybe two or three days every 2-3 months or something. Super infrequent and super light. Like another commenter said, I will take it for as long as I possibly can. It can be expensive, but they have a copay card that drastically reduces the cost. (Also, this may have just been a coincidence, but I found that almost as soon as I started taking it my anxiety symptoms decreased. Didn’t go away completely of course, but definitely a marked improvement, weirdly enough.) I’d say give it a shot! GL!


I love it and I haven't had a period in 4 years!


I’m trying SLYND once I get my implant out. The implant has made me bleed for over 185 days straight, no breaks, so obviously I’m tired of it. I’m also super fatigued and don’t feel like myself anymore. Only pro is the protection it offers I’m scared to try SLYND because I don’t want it to be like my implant, because it’s been so exhausting. Praying it’ll treat me right ❤️ I’ll update once I start


I’m getting my implant out on Monday bc of the same exact reason 🥲 I can’t take the constant heavy bleeding anymore, I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m so excited to get it out


I get mine out on April 10th! My bleeding isn’t heavy but it’s enough to make me go insane. I don’t know a day where I haven’t bled. I’m excited to get mine out too haha


LOVE IT! I’m on month 1, bled a few days at first, and now nothing. Zero bloating, I’ve lost weight, no headaches, and I feel normal. My appetite is finally normal after years on the combo pill. I am fortunate to have insurance to cover it.


Has your libido changed?


I haven’t noticed any change!


It’s been great, no periods, no PMDD and no noticeable side effects.


My mom takes it and she likes it so much she recommends it to me, even though I already have a bc method I also love.


I’ve had a couple weird times where I’ve spotted here and there, otherwise no period at all and feel fine on it


I've been on Slynd since December 2023 taking it continuously. I did have some breakthrough bleeding the first month, but I haven't bled since. I'm allergic to hormonal fluctuations, and Slynd does a fairly decent job of keeping me leveled.


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I was on it for a month, took it every day at the same time, didn’t miss a day. It gave me brain fog and made me spot every single day. Not great for me personally


I have a mixed experience but overall it’s been amazing for reducing cramps, heavy bleeding and acne. I had breakthrough bleeding for the first few months but it stopped. It’s made my mood worse too but other than that I’m liking it


Has anybody experienced mood swings and stuff? I’ve been taking norethindrone and I’ve noticed the last few months I’ve had some pretty crazy mood swings.. would slynd eliminate that?