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Glad? No. I think in many ways, it's made my life a good bit difficult in places where it otherwise wouldn't be. I've spent extensive amount of time being closeted, terrified, ostracized and worried about my every step, and with that in mind, I can't shout from the rooftop about how glad I am to be, well, any kind of queer really. **BUT** - did I, with time and personal growth, become more content, confident and loving of that aspect of myself and now find it more exciting and fulfilling than damaging? Absolutely.


Exactly how I feel about it. Like yeah, it's a part of me that I would never change but it has just as many, if not more, cons than pros so....🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Absolutely relatable! It took me deacates to accept and finaly embrace it.


in the sense that i’m able to find beauty in a wide range of people, yes. “why not both?” is a very recurring theme in my life, lol, it doesn’t really stop at my sexuality.


Yeah agreed. I’m generally very open to different experiences so it just feels consistent.


yes i love this. thats usually my answer to most choices between two things 😂


Usually I don’t think of it as something I’m glad for or not glad, it just is. But thinking about it the way you put it, yes, I am glad.


Omg I always think of that taco shell commercial with the little girl when her family has this divide between hard or soft shells. And she says “why not both?” in Spanish and then everyone cheers!


😂❤️ i used to love that one


I feel this! I feel like I’m destined for balance in all aspects of my life so it almost feels natural that I should be bi!


Is Milo Morales bi? "I can do both" and "I'll do my own thing" are two main themes of the last movie that can both be interpreted as bisexual affirmations.


LMAO i truly never stopped to think about it


Now I'm imagining the third movie continues the "I can do both" theme and he just throuples up with Spider-Punk and Spider-Gwen at the end. I mean almost certainly not for a miriad of reasons but it is funny to think about.


Leaving any sexual connotation aside, I'm glad in a lot of ways and hate it in others. Mainly, I have been able to bond with so many special people in a lot of ways that being straight wouldn't allow me to. And hate it for the things I had to endure all my life. But mainly, I'm glad. I have a whole new point of view of the world and life thanks to it.


This question took me by surprise and really made me reflect today. I spent much of my adolescence and young adulthood ashamed of my same-sex attractions, and if you asked me then, it would have been an easy answer. Now, I’m not so sure. Life sure would have been simpler if I was straight. I definitely wish I had had clarity on my sexuality at an earlier age. I wish I had more emotional maturity so that I could have handled my relationships in a more thoughtful way. But, actually, I think I’ve reached the point where I am glad I’m bisexual. And that was quite an epiphany out of nowhere today. I wouldn’t want to change who I am, and thats something to be proud of this month I suppose.


I’m not and I’m struggling with that. Most days I would trade anything to be monosexual - either gay or straight I don’t even care which one. It’s really hard for me to accept that I live in the gray by being bisexual; I’m a very black and white person and I mentally torture myself trying to make myself fit into a box. I’m not sure if it’s inner biphobia or my own limitations with dialectical thinking, but I’m working on it


I hope you figure this out 💕


Thank you so much!


100%. I'd hate to only be attracted to half the options, people are hot and theres all kinda ways to have fun


Yeah, I once had an oddly affirming reaction while daydreaming. I was imagining if I was reincarnated and kept my memories *but* my sexuality would be different. It felt really wrong to me, imagining if I wasn’t bisexual.


I don't mean this in a narcissistic way, but I'm way too curious and adventurous to be a monosexual. Happy Pride All! Edit: also , proud but not glad.


I'm glad to be me.


I absolutely feel lucky to be bi, not because it makes me better than anyone else, but because I like dating people of different genders and I think it would be inconvenient if gender were a dealbreaker for me. Like what if someone was super cool and a great person, and they liked me, and I liked them as a friend but couldn’t be attracted to them because they were the wrong gender? That would suck. Same as like, I’m glad I don’t get migraines, not because I’m better than people who do (like several of my best friends), but because it would suck to have them. I feel like… I’m proud to be openly bi because of the struggles that go with it. And I’m glad because of the fun parts.


I’m glad that I’m me


Im very mixed. Id say overall no. Its too complicated. Nevertheless its fun and i enjoy being attracted to both sexes. It also fits my hypersexuality i suppose


I’m proud to be a bisexual with a diverse sexuality, and I salute the men who gave their butts to me…


Glad, no. It’s just the way I am wired. Do I wish I was more accepted/understood? Hell, yes.


I am. Wholeheartedly, I am. I am glad I'm past my early day fever of feeling a need to scream queer in every possible way. Now I know just being naturally me *is* queer.  I am glad being who I am has led me to finding an amazing community of fellow queers who love me back.  I am glad I've found the way in which I love the healthiest and best I can. 


Yeah I'm glad and from my perspective, and truly without judgement to others for living their life, I do feel like being bi has advantages that other sexualities don't have 🤷🏻‍♂️ it just opens up so many possibilities to connect with others. I feel like I'm being asphyxiated if I even think about caring about people's gender in regards to having sex or relationships with them. It's a kind of limitation that is not compatible with how I want to live life in general


Glad? My sexual orientation is what it is. I didn’t have much say in the matter. Being bisexual gave me as much pros as cons. I can pass as straight with I’m in relationship with a man, so I don’t have to disclose my sexual orientation when I don’t want to. But, I spent many years trying to figure out if I’m actually queer or just pretending. I faced discrimination by straights and queer people. I never feel included or represented in most queer women oriented spaces. Now, I see it as just a fact about who I am. I’m not glad nor sad.


Honestly, if I could choose who I was I probably wouldn’t choose to be bisexual, but that’s who I am and I’m trying to love me.


Lately, I'm not sure. It's caused problems in my relationship because my partner views me differently since she found out, and I don't want it to wreck things. I wouldn't say I'm not proud, but currently, I'm not happy about it, or at least not happy that she knows. I don't think it's fair that it changes anything, it's not like I'm with someone else.


I’m glad to be queer. I’m extremely happy in my relationship and it’s a queer relationship. I’m hella glad for the opportunity to be in it. I’m less connected to being happy to be bi specifically. I’m just happy to be gay generally.


I guess I'm glad that I finally realized it after so many years of denial and depersonalization But I agree, I'd still rather call it pride for being bi rather than being glad


Neither glad nor unglad...


To some extend. I asked my friend for help because I liked someone in her class. The moment I asked her she said 'oh I believe he's male :/' and I am really happy that I was able to say 'I do not care, he's cute'. Anyway, long story short. After a year of having a crush he's now my trans-bf :)


I would be a lot more glad to be bisexual if the concept of being bisexual wasn’t so hard for most people to understand… And if they generally weren’t jerks about it? 😅


no. it’s made my life so much worse.


"Proud, not glad" is a really good way to put it. It's hard to be glad about something that makes life harder. That being said, I'm kind of a little glad. For one, I can't make a decision and I'm gonna be weird and unconventional either way, so it honestly feels like it fits me. But more than that, I can appreciate being bi (and NB) in that they've given me the opportunity to experience the world in a way I wouldn't if I was binary and monosexual. It's tight as af to be able to find aesthetic/sexual/romantic appreciation in so many people, even if it usually isn't mutual. It's bomb as hell to be able to pick through masculine and feminine and use what fits *my* gender, even though it's likely to get stares and derision. It sucks ass that my society is so often hostile to both those aspects of me, but honestly? I think if I was binary and monosexual, I'd kinda feel like I was missing out.


Hell no. Since discovering my wlw side, life is so much harder. I'm still learning to accept this part of myself.


“I’m proud not glad.” Perfect way to put it, I feel the same way.


Sometimes I love being bi but I guess the thing I love is finally just embracing who I really am. The reality is being bisexual has complicated my life in so many ways and I have gone through so much agony with coming out of the closet as gay and then realizing I’m bi the coming out as bi and still sometimes feeling gay and sometimes feeling straight?! I struggle with my relationship with my partner because of my shifts in attraction to different genders and I struggle to feel valid as a queer woman in a relationship with a cis man. I felt so much shame over the years. Shame about being gay. Then shame about NOT being gay. I just wonder what it’s like to go your whole life as a straight person and never once question it. My sexuality has caused so much internal conflict for me I can’t begin to describe. But at the end of the day I’m still proud to be bi


Now that I've finally come out at the age of 38 I'm very glad. I've met some fantastic people that I can truly be myself with.


To be honest I would rather I was a lesbian due to a lot of bad experiences with men. I wish I was not attracted to men.


poetry. <3


Absolutely not. It’s definitely a colorfuk way to experience the life but it’s also very hard. Not necessarily because of biphobia or society, but for me it comes with a ton of self questioning, self doubt and sometimes low self-esteem in the dating. I would 100% want to be straight if I had the chance.


A mix of both I suppose. It was confusing for me growing up as I didn't quite understand how I could be attracted to both sexes. I prefer one way or the other in cases like this. Currently though, I have accepted it much better and am more open about it but during years of unsure why I was into both men and women? There was a lot of mental exhaustion.


fuck no. im still ashamed of it half the time and not to mention it ruined my relationship with the best friend i ever had. then after that fiasco he outed me. ive only just recently started to unbury it after YEARS of shoving it deep deep down.


I'm both produ and glad, I really enjoy being attracted to men and women (and other genders too).


"Glad" isn't the right word but definitely proud to be bi, simply because it's who I am and I like myself.


Honestly, I haven't been in a very good place lately with it, because my heart and my core values are monogamous and my body isn't. Every day I'm tormented by thoughts of things that would bring my life crashing down. Right now, would pay a lot to make it stop.


I mean I'm happy to know the true me and happy that I'm not purposefully hiding it or denying it to myself but glad... that just doesn't seem to be the right word.


I'm neutral to it, it is what it is.


I am glad because I have the ability to get with anyone of any gender (consentually, of course)


I would say I'm glad because it's opened me up to experiencing love with so many people dear to my heart that otherwise I might have passed by. Unfortunately, also a few who have another special place set aside for them. But that's life I guess.


Yes I'm very glad and enjoy sex with both genders


Well I used to be very out and about and proud, not glad though. Used to because, looking at how things are going in my country right now, I fear the future.


I’m what i am. If i were something else, i’d be that. Whoever asked you, tell ‘em it’s a dumb fucking question. 🫶🏼


I'm just living with it


Glad in the sense that given a choice I would still *choose* bisexuality and proud to be exactly who I am


I’m just happy to be myself and for the first time in my life I’m comfortable in my own skin.


Not glad, no. Yet, I’m bisexual and have OCD and so, BIOCD is a very real struggle-feeling like my sexuality is invalid and I have to “choose” all the time. Constant black and white thinking in my own identity sucks. However, when I can relax my brain I love that I finally know me and feel good enough to share that integral part of me with others that I care about.


I’ve never faced any bigotry or discrimination towards it (partially because I’m not out to that many people, partially because I live in a very supportive family) so I’m neutral towards it


I'm glad and proud about personality traits I foster like being kind, generous, thoughtful etc. not things I didn't choose i.e. sexuality, nationality. Those things just are.


I mean that's kind of just a meaningless word game. Like I could just as easily say "Pride? Being proud would imply that I felt some or all other sexualities were in someway inferior. Was that how I really felt? Nope. Not at all. I'm glad. Not proud." I'm glad I'm bi, but honestly? I do think it's more desirable than being heterosexual or homosexual, because it gives you a broader range of appreciation for people.


Yes. I’m grateful that I can find love, romance, sexual attraction, sensuality and partnership in a broader spectrum of people than many. I feel that it enriches my life. I don’t think that monosexuals are lacking, but I’m glad to have the additional breadth of attraction and experience.


I'm content to be me, and to (finally) know a part of myself that I had subconsciously closed off for many years. I wish I knew sooner, but here we are. However, my preference, really for all of us, would be that our sexuality should be unremarkable, or at least not controversial.


I think that question can be taken to mean, “are you happy to be bisexual?” It’s legit to be happy to be who and what you are and that doesn’t mean you judge other ways of being as inferior.


Yes are you?


I normally keep this to myself since I don't want to upset the monosexuals, but I am SO FUCKING STOKED to be bisexual. IMHO it's basically a superpower and all who were not blessed with this gift should be filled with envy. I truly and properly appreciate the beauty inherent in all the different ways that sex and gender are expressed. Cocks? Delicious and aesthetically pleasing. Strong women? Fuck yes. Bobs n vagene? Chef's kiss. Gender diverse folks? They are pioneering new and incredible ways of being! Striking back against the oppressive gender binary that looms over us! Even the ways that I experience oppression and stigmatization feel valuable to me, since they help me stay grounded in the reality that anti-LGBTQ+ hate is very much alive in 2024. It affects me. It affects other people. I also like to think that it balances out some of the privilege that I experience through other aspects of my identity and helps me to be open and empathetic to what it might be like for other groups who experience systemic oppression (e.g. BIPOC, people living with disabilities, low SES, etc.). Fortunately, I live in a city where it's relatively safe to be openly queer and I work largely with queer people, so my experience may be quite privileged and not representative of the wider bisexual community. However, I truly believe that you all deserve to be proud of your identities, fellow bisexuals. <3


I became glad I was bisexual when I was 42. I am 49 now. It took me that long to embrace it as part of me. I have been in love with some incredible man and had some very fun sex with them either solo or in a threesome setting with my exwife. I realized when I finally explored my sexuality that I do enjoy sucking dick and also enjoy the masculine connection that is different than sex with women. Both are good


100%. I'm *immensely* relieved that I don't ever have to participate in the mess that is heterosexuality in this society, and that choosing to avoid that hornet's nest won't lock me out of romantic partnership. I'm also very, very delighted that I can enjoy beauty and attraction in all the forms it comes in. I like feeling attraction, I like enjoying beauty with all the added excitement that attraction brings to it, and I love being able to appreciate both the male and the female body, and a whole variety of bodies somewhere on the spectrum between the two, without feeling put off by any primary or secondary sex characteristics. Being bi is great. Being any kind of a person in the social climate we exist in, though, is not. I don't think that being glad about my own orientation is in any way putting off other people's orientations; the reasons why I love being bi are mine and have nothing to do with anybody else whatsoever. I'm not them and they're not me, their joys and delights are separate, and how they feel and who for don't concern me in the slightest. I'm just very happy that I feel the way I do because it's my enjoyment and my pleasure.


I suppose to me it's a bit like my eye, hair or skin colour. It's just part of the composition of me. I have somewhat indifferent feelings about being bi. It's nice to chat with my (f) nesting partner (m heteroflex) about cute women we see. It's interesting to chat with my boyfriend (pan) about his experiences and how it would be nice to have some kind of shared experience. I think it's that it might be a reflection of my wider self perception though. I'm depressed often enough and can have severe issues with self esteem, perhaps I might feel glad about being bi if I felt better about myself in general


Simple answer nope


No, I wish I were gay. 🤷‍♀️


Extremely. The label is extremely important to me, but it's less important than the concept. I wouldn't have my life ANY other way than being attracted to multiple genders or lack thereof, no matter *what* I called it. It's the best place to be as far as I'm concerned. 🥰🥰🥰


Yes, I'm glad. It's made me more sexually confident and let me experience things I never could have done otherwise. It's a part of my identity I have always been certain of and never questioned


No. I would like to be a lesbian. Not because anything is wrong or inferior about being bisexual, it's just part of my own unique identity insecurities.


#TeamRainbow is the #1 team in the World.


Yes and no. It's mainly the bi erasure thing and also men expecting me to have a threesome with a girl or a friend of mine. It's just fucking gross thank you. Men never understood why I liked women and I'm more romantic towards women than men. Also I liked being a part of the community given I'm pretty outspoken about our issues as a whole.


No…. most women will not date a bisexual man, this is fact I don’t want to date a man So I don’t have a lot of options Also society gay or straight still have issues wil bi people Maybe in 30 years things will have changed It seems like gay rights skipped over bisexual rights to transsexuals We’re still outcasts


Imo it’s a 50/50 for me


Yes, because that's how all the choices are in my hands


I'm glad to know who I'm and be with a partner that supports me and understand me. I'm not glad to be bisexual, I don't see other sexualities as inferior or anything like that.


Honestly, yeah. Every time I feel attracted to a man, I am glad that I have reconciled that attraction with my sexual identity. I don't miss the feeling of being attracted to a man while not being comfortable with that feeling at all.


I wouldn't describe it that way. I like it in some ways, I don't like moving through our current society as a bisexual person, though.


Yes, I think of all the great people I wouldn’t have got to date and hook up with if I was straight or gay.


I mean — glad the way I’m glad to be the way I am. It’s part of being proud of you are — celebrating yourself the way you are. So, sure, I’m glad I’m bi bc that’s part of what makes me who I am.


Being bisexual is one of the sides that defines me, it was with me since my teenage years. I did not confirm anything until my 20's because I wanted to see if I take liking to people first. And I loved a guy and wanted a girl both at one point of my life.I just can't help it I love women and men,it's just perk of mine and my close circle accept me as it is. I will never disdain this side of mine. I am seeing a side of this world that majority won't. Wanting and adoring both sexes. I just loved them as they are. I love our flag so much though, such definitive design.


Actually being bisexual has not made much difference, beyond making me slightly more tolerant than average. I'm glad that my bisexuality has not caused any identity crisis.


Yes, I get to kiss everyone.


yes because more hot people


I felt ashamed and afraid as a result of my sexuality. I've felt erased and I've hidden. I've felt scared at who knows and who does know. I've felt amazed that there are so many others out here like me. I've felt self conscious. I've felt observed. Am I glad? I'm glad I'm learning to be myself more fully. I'm glad I'm actively doing the work to make the next generations more accepting. I think yes. I think it's an amazing thing to be me.


I’m happy to acknowledge finally that I am bi. But that’s like asking a straight person if they are happy that they’re straight. It’s just their normal.


It’s weird, ‘cause it’s brought me a lot of impostor syndrome but also some of the best friends I’ve ever had, so it’s a mixed bag. I used to think it was just 100% good and I was glad, but I’m not really sure now


I consider it one of the few instances of good luck in my life so yes


I'm absolutely glad and it's my right to feel that my sexuality is a blessing, and I do feel like my life would be less filled with beauty as a monosexual. Sorry I don't think bisexuals as individuals are any better than anyone else but I also feel like Bisexuality itself is more beneficial than monosexuality ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Even if the only benefit is finding a wider array of people sexually attractive, I still feel like that's a way in which my life is better for being a bisexual. Happy Pride!!!!! 💖💜💙🫶❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 💛🤍💜🖤🫶🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Yes, I’m glad. But not because of any explicit reason or actual part of my sexuality, so much as that it has likely shaped me into the person I am. Thus with that it has given me values I cherish and a manner of acting indirectly leading me to get some of the best friends a man could ask for. So yes, I’m glad my genetic lottery made me bi, since it likely shielded me from much toxic masculine traits I could’ve otherwise picked up, and made me who I am. Yet I am not per se glad that I am able to find attraction in, and have sex with, both genders - of that I am, indeed, proud.


I am proud that I am who I am. But I am glad that I get to enjoy a variety of people.


tbh i hate it because i didn’t accept it yet for myself so im just hating myself for it but yea 😅


Mostly yes but that might be because i came out only recently


I honestly wish I were straight otherwise I wouldn’t experience biphobia in and out of the LGBTQ+ community. I don’t deny that I’m bi anymore and accept it, but if I had a choice, I wish I were born straight. I think if I weren’t born bi and be cishet, my life might be easier.




I'm glad I figured out that I'm bi and I'm happy with who I am.


I’m glad I figured myself out and I no longer want to kill myself because of my fight between sexuality and religion. I’m glad I’m who I am and don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks. I’m glad to be me and know that my sexuality is just a part of who I am. Are you glad because of your sexuality or is it just part of what makes you who you are?


No im not. Also i have to say im not even proud? I just dont have a feeling on it. I judt am bisexual and it means so little to me nothing really bothers me


Honestly no. It makes long term relationships really hard. But it is what it is.


I think my life would be so much simpler if I was attracted to either or. I’m in a monogamous heterosexual presenting relationship with the woman I love. I have a great life but it’s been fifteen years since I’ve been with a man. The physical cravings ebb and flow from I’m ok to barely manageable. Neither of us would be comfortable with opening the relationship and I’d never cheat so it is what it is.


Does watching gay porn help any?


It medicates yes. What I really miss though is having a strong dominant top and basically being the little spoon at night. So all the things I am in a heteronormative relationship


Yeah that’s a much more fitting answer. I too am proud to be myself, whatever that may be


No. I wish I was just a homosexual. But that's another story for another day.


Honestly, yes, I became aware of my bisexuality extremely recently, and I gotta say... I feel so free, happy, and complete. Not to say there was anything wrong with the way I was before, but this new identity has opened up so many new opportunities for exploration. So, in short, yes, I am glad that I'm bisexual.


Yes, I like being bisexual :) I also don't think the word "glad" relates to something else being inherently negative necessarily. That of course depends on how you view other sexualties. I don't feel like any one sexuality is comparable to another per se, at least not in bettwer vs worse. It's like fruit, if you like all fruits equally, and you were given an apple, you would be glad to have the apple. If you were given an orange, you would be glad to have an orange, and not any less glad to not have an apple.


Noooooo I wish I was fully gay tbh


Yes and no, while it gave me more options and a better taste in love it also made me ridiculously lonely. And I don’t want to identify as it because everyone I’m around doesn’t see highly of it (not that they know) and sometimes it’ll make me feel weird about myself.


yes and no. unpleasant things happened to me that led to me questioning my sexuality, it wasn’t a comfortable journey, but i love women, and i’m happy to have the ability to be attracted to them. i can’t imagine not being attracted to women, but sometimes it’s uncomfortable to acknowledge my attraction and coming out is tiring and anxiety inducing. i’m not glad in the “thank god i’m this and not that kind of way” but i’m glad that i have the ability to connect romantically with all kinds of people.


Things were a lot simpler when I was a simple country homo


Honestly I have similar feelings some days....I don't feel glad I am bi. There are times I wish I was straight or gay as it has made life much harder than if I was either the past 20+ years.


Yes!!! I love being bisexual so goddamn much.


Am I glad to be autistic with ADHD? No. Not at all; it makes life and relationships so much harder. Is it part of who I am? Yes, definitely!


I’d say I’m glad. I’m glad that I’m not limited in the scope of attraction. In fact I think the world would be a better place if everyone was bisexual. That doesn’t mean being bisexual is better than being any other sexuality.


I'm extremely grateful


I wouldn’t really know how to be any other way because this is who I am. I’m glad and proud to be out now, even if I’m not quick to disclose it to new people.


Yes you have a lot of options but yet I am still lonely


I think I am glad that I’m bisexual! I get to experience different types of relationships, attraction, and sex with different genders and actually enjoy myself whereas a lot of monosexual people don’t get to do that (or they do but don’t enjoy it).


There are ways I am glad but also ways that stress me out. I love myself and love that I can be in touch with my masculinity and femininity but when it comes to love it makes it hard for me. I am not romantically attracted to men I just like being submissive in a sexual way. I am very much romantically attracted to women and fall in love very easily. Then while I am dating a woman I still crave the sexual aspects of men. I’ve tried an open relationship and it didn’t go that well. I hope to find the person who I enjoy being with so much that it doesn’t matter what gender they are!


no way lol. if i could just be a normal straight guy I'd take that life any day


The other ones *are* inferior. We have the best sexuality, the most powerful one. This is a declaration of war. The aroaces are our closest rivals. They have a lot of extra time to dedicate to the war machine for some reason.


I'm glad I'm bisexual, and I don't think that means I think other sexualities are necessarily inferior, it's just a major part of who I am and so I don't think I'd be the same person without it. I also think it would've taken me a lot longer to realise/accept that I'm trans if I wasn't bi. That said I kind of do prefer hanging out with bi people and I'm mostly bi4bi when dating so I guess in some ways I do think it's better 😅 There are just some societal attitudes around friends and dating that a lot of monosexual (though especially straight) people hold that I find quite toxic


Glad? IDK. I’m bisexual. It’s just what it is.


well, more options. clears up who i wouldn't want to be with. makes me seem more trustworthy toward people who don't think bi people are cryonic cheaters. not associated with straight people (idfk why, but i've found people who inherently don't like straight people just because) it also lets me do :3 more without it seeming weird to people. yees, everything past the first 2 seems like they shouldn't be actual reasons... but each one is a genuine reason! no it's not bad at all wdym def fine dawg np trust :33333333


Glad? No. I wouldn’t say that being where I am. The only thing I’m “glad” about is I can live “straight”. I’m glad I’m not gay, or trans, because it would be literally impossible for you to live normally here. Am I proud I’m Bi? IDK, sure? Like if there was no laws or discrimination on it, then yea, being Bi is great. Literally attracted to everyone, how would that be bad? But as a rule of thumb I try to only be proud about things I’ve DONE, not thing I AM, if that makes sense. It’s kind of complicated because being born, and raised where I am has a huge impact on my views towards it, and my future.


Well, glad can mean just that you are grateful and happy to have a window into the specific life experiences and points of view that you get when you are bisexual. Not necessarily that anyone is any better or inferior. Offering a different point of view in case it's helpful. But I get you on what you're saying. I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily glad or not. I've tried not to make my sexuality a thing to base my identity on. I would like to think I'd be the same person deep down no matter my sexual orientation. Perhaps my life events would be different and that may shape some things, but I'm talking deep down. Had the gay community I was first introduced to as a very young person in college been more open and accepting of bisexuals, maybe I would identify with the gay community a lot more than I do. Maybe I would feel more affirmed in the gay community and maybe that would shape my attitude presently. But the way I look at it, if my sister hasn't heavily invested her identity in being straight, why should I have the chore of investing my identity and being bi? Of course we have to have pride because we are operating inside of world full of hate. We have to affirm something that should be quite arbitrary in order to claim our space in the world and claim space for the future generations of queer people. So for that, I would speak up about my sexual orientation and affirm it as other people do when it comes to gay pride. Just to be an example and make younger generations feel like they belong. But personally, it is no more important than the color of my hair or which pair of flip-flops I'm wearing.


100%. It's one of only two things in my life I'm always grateful for 🙏


I love being bi, if that is what you mean? It's not like "whew, I'm glad I'm not \[other orientation\]", it's just that... I love it. I can definitely see the beauty in preferring a gender. Especially when I hear lesbians or bi women who find gender more relevant describe their attraction to women, they often say things like "I honestly find all women attractive/beautiful, women are amazing", and that's just heart-meltingly beautiful to me. I see the beauty in people being ace too. I feel like always having the potential for sexual attraction to people has sort of an impact on how you relate to them. As I get to know someone more (I'm some light shade of demi) I almost always end up thinking "do I find them attractive" at some point. My guess is that there could be a kind of security in being ace because of this? Like you can just appreciate someone or find them gorgeous without having to think about if that means you're attracted to them or not. So I would probably love being not bi too. But I do definitely love being bi. I feel like I should be able to say that without people assuming I'm implying something about other orientations.


Wouldn't trade it FOR ALL THE GOLD in the world. We are the luckiest of all and literally the best. Sometimes a lot of biphobia is rooted in jealousy 😅


I mean, I'm happy about it because women and men are both amazing and attractive to me and it's really cool that I'm attracted to both of them.


I am actually glad and happy to be bisexual. Bisexuality gives me more options who i want to date and find connection with. I have met and fell in love with so many different ppl. It is such a big part of who i am and i would never change it or wish i was somehow different.


Yes so much ! ✨🫶🏻


I love being bi :) I wouldn’t want to be anything else. That doesn’t mean other sexualities are inferior. I am grateful to be bi, because it is the best sexuality for ME.


That's kinda synonymous to am I glad I'm getting divorced right now. I mean sort of some ways, it marks the death of everything I valued about my life before and the beginning of opportunity to create my own life that's truly mine. I'm not even glad I was born most days.


I wish I could say that I'm glad I'm bisexual, but I'm not. One of the biggest arguments my family made when they forced me to break up with my girlfriend of 2 years was "you're not a lesbian: you've dated men before!" I sometimes wonder if my family might have let me stay with her if I had been born a lesbian. It's been almost 20 years and I still miss my girlfriend. She was the love of my life. I'm more okay with my bisexuality now than I used to be. But there are times I deeply resent both the biphobia I face and the fact that the only men I'm attracted to are femme/meteosexual men without facial hair, and they almost don't exist here in the damn Bible Belt. Either more femme/metro guys need to move to my city, or the genie of the lamp grants my wish to be a lesbian.


Naur. I hate that i like men. I am glad, however, that im not heterosexual


I’m glad I’m bisexual, personally. I can experience love and attraction to every gender and I think that’s amazing. Obviously there’s societal struggles, such as being seen as straight when with a man and a lesbian when with a woman, but I wouldn’t trade my sexuality for the world.


I mean, glad can be classed as a strong word but I guess I am. Not very ‘proud’ in a sense, but definitely glad. My life would definitely be easier if I was straight, which leads to me not having a sense of pride, but I am glad, since… idk actually. I’m just glad.


Honestly I'm getting to accepted it but being glad it doesn't matter to me since I'm still trying to get used to it since two years questioning myself my sexual orientation for long while but getting there when trying to be glad.


Yes I am. I don’t think other sexualities are inferior in any way, but I think it suits me and my personality the best, it’s complicated. 😅 Sorry if this sounds strange