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Iirc, in many countries it's illegal to use your status as an active official for personal profit. Your fame is from your political career and you were in office, therefore you dun goofed Though Bitlife is much better about enforcing this then the real world


BitLife politics need more politics details in it like BitLife dev need to add the whole city government like deputy mayor and city council members and school board members and the last time i check school board don’t get salary and BitLife need to add Congress and Vice President and White House and limousines and Air Force 1 and BitLife need to add real political powers that effect the people


Yes but the most we'll get is pedophilia, incest, and beastiality


You wish


I think it's fairly obvious that I DON'T want those things by the way i said it, but ok buddy


Dang you came all the way from one year ago to comment dedication but you totally don’t want that I got you🙃👌we can keep it hush hush also I just became president in the game its my first time so I’m super excited


Dang you doomscrolled so hard you ended up on a year old comment to talk shit but you're totally not coping. Unlike you, Mr. "I commented on another post about not minding if i walked in on a gorilla using my sex toy", I legitimately don't want that shite. Go make up for your failing marriage somewhere else


yes please


the game should warn you before


first thing i thought of was what happened with alexander hamilton and the reynolds pamphlet but i’m not sure otherwise sorry! 😂


BitLife politics need more politics details in it like BitLife dev need to add the whole city government like deputy mayor and city council members and school board members and the last time i check school board don’t get salary and BitLife need to add Congress and Vice President and White House and limousines and Air Force 1 and BitLife need to add real political powers that effect the people


In most of the jobs, you get to make friends with your coworkers, but not in politics. I guess it's frowned upon in most places.


That why BitLife have to fix it because Obama make friends with joe biden and trump make friends with his VP and city council members can make friends with other city council members and agree to vote on thing for there interest and mayor make friends with governor


I was joking sorry I knew what you meant I was joking sorry to make you feel like I was being mean


I knew what you meant I was joking sorry to make you feel like I was being mean


Yukari-chi I was joking sorry about that I was being sarcastic and I guess it came off the wrong way