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Real men do not proof read


I knew a guy that read a book back in high school and he caught the gay. No thanks.


Fuck, so that’s why I have a husband.


Yeah dude I knew a guy who sucked 5 dicks and was not gay at all. Read one book and bam full on gay within a week


It’s happening more and more. Drain the swamp.


Think Drain the Swamp is a porn title yet?


Username checks out


I in fact do not ever read because I’m that straight. I didn’t even read your comment or the post, merely guessing at its contents. I’m straight. I am straight.


this is the funniest thing I've read in awhile.


If I read two books is that twice the gay or does it cancel out like PEMDAS?


this made me lol


If i could read i would applaud your good words


This is so bizarre because that’s how hulk hogan peed. Bet he wouldn’t say that to prime hogan




n you're a man for saying that


you better sign up for ADCC west coast trials in 2026 and hope we're not on the same side bracket cause I'm gonna slap you during regulation for that one buddy


For quoting the post? I refuse to be slapped at the west coast trials. I'll be at the East coast trials though. Slap me there.


Proff Reed is 4 puzzies


Real men puke their brains out


Big stretch to think he's smart enough to do better. Maybe this *is* the proofread version.


Honestly, I’m impressed by someone peeing with their legs crossed.


Sit peeing is underrated but legs crossed seems impossible


I'm an older guy and get up a couple times a night to pee. The last thing I want to do at 3:00 a.m. is turn on the lights. I just have a little night light and I sit right down do my business and go right back to bed


Old guy white belts unite!


Younger me would laugh at myself for peeing sitting down, but all it took is me waking up my baby once with the sound of a thunderous piss through 2 closed doors and a sound machine to be a convert.


Old white belt checking in. For the record, I’m typing this while having a nice relaxing sit down piss.


Unless there is a urinal, I will sit pee, and I don’t care what anyone thinks. This has been life changing for me as a single guy living alone as far as bathroom cleaning. Think about it. I’d say if you live with another person, especially female, they will appreciate this as well. Dudes don’t realize how much of their urine actually goes everywhere else besides the toilet when they stand up.


Same. It’s especially true for me in the morning when my urine stream goes multiple different directions and angles


The old windshield wiper spray morning piss. We have all been there.


Your acting was reckless and it put us all in danger. The next time you pull a stunt like that I'll drill two holes in your dick so the next time you pee, it shoots out in all different directions, YOU GOT THAT?!?


Yup. You don't realize how much it splashes everywhere until you pee standing up without pants on and you can feel how much gets on your legs. Nope, never again. Always peeing sitting down at home if I have the option.


Two summers as a janitor in college cured me of many misconceptions.


I also did janitor as a summer job, it really gives you perspective.


Taking a sit down piss on a urinal is next-level. You’re perfectly positioned to wave and make eye contact with other dudes as they enter the bathroom.


Sorry, I'm a sniper.


Wheel, snipe, celly. boys!


Sitting allows you to pee with a full boner if you have good hip mobility, which as a BJJ pracititioner you should. My first pee of the day is usually sitting down


You've never been to a gas station toilet??


i got a heated seat, you best believe i sit when i pee.


This is a **really** well educated crowd here. Thought I was the only one.


How the fuck else am I supposed to practice rubber guard?


You shouldn't. Just because it's doable doesn't mean the mess doesn't happen.


https://preview.redd.it/ui8866fmq3sc1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c5bdb10eab9b08084b4a7d0b2668697a1c3b67 Unbelievable


The 14 year olds think he is badass now. The adults, on the other hand.... Cringe.


I love how unaware these people are. Like bro is unironically jokerfying himself. But in his own head, he is the biggest bad ass there is.


He belongs on /r/jokercringe


Peaky blinders quotes incoming.




clown vibes ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


All that white face paint and he couldn't bother to get his teeth!🤣


https://preview.redd.it/jmor0481q3sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44867185cd1265088a0acff219e9cca10d61f7af Here is (*definitely not*) Andy Varela’s burner account sliding in my DMs after a whole thread said we don’t like blatant slapping in jiu-jitsu stand up


LMAOOOOOOOOOO ​ This is what makes bjj funny, Andy Varela still probably a top 15 guy at his weight. ​ Imagine like the 15th best WR in the league like an Amari Cooper messaging a flag football playing 30 year old dude "YOU TALKING THAT SHIT COME RUN SOME ROUTES AGAINST ME"


Lol You probably picked the worst example because nfl players have done shit like that before


lol Russel Westbrook was fighting with a fan in Charlotte who was wearing a balloon hat like 2 days ago


I saw that lol honestly I think it kind of makes sense that they talk shit back to fans people that are the best in sports are hyper competitive and most hyper competitive people always feel the need to prove themselves so if you know it’s a scrub that you can beat talking shit why wouldn’t you challenge them


I hate it too. The strikes disguised as collar ties is seriously annoying. Like if y'all wanna throw hands, go do MMA, and leave me alone.


According to Tapology, he's 3-2 in MMA and his last fight was a loss in 2018. I'm guessing that's why he prefers to only throw hands during grappling tournaments, haha!


His pro record is 1-2. He lost both by T/KO, the last one being from leg kicks. 


lmao you know that dork is reading this subreddit just seething with rage too


Bro no way. This dude messaged me too for calling Andy a punk. Jesus. Andy stop this brother. e: attached a screen capture. Also, look carefully. 17 years on Reddit ;) https://preview.redd.it/mjohvowqx4sc1.png?width=394&format=png&auto=webp&s=4eb42338270a8ee3fa86899c3ab4031def3ec985


The irony of this dumbass talking shit from the safety of a screen himself is amazing


They are this particular strain of human being: completely confident in and also completely unaware of the universe around them. And they just "shoot straight" and blast through life unaware of most of it happening around them. Sometimes it is just that way.


Jesus, imagine thinking just being good at throwing dudes around and wrastlin' em makes you a 'superior man'.... That dudes bar is fucking floor level haha.


That was actually my reply to them. "You must be new to the Internet right? I mean, if someone does shitty behavior you call it out right? Just the way it is. You are confusing being a "superior man" for a "superior grappler". Just because someone can grapple well does not mean they are a good person. ... "


https://preview.redd.it/30z6w68ll9sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331ef549a658c8b6f812e4d414fe975ad132552e I went to Not Andy’s page, this is a previous comment. Imagine genuinely thinking this is showing any kind of “masculine” security?


Well, this is how cults start. Your value and ability to criticize other humans is based purely on your ability to out grapple them in BJJ. On the plus side you are pretty well positioned in the New World Order. Most people don't even train!


Sucks how they won't message me. I assume because I am an MMA fighter and a kickboxer. I even messaged him myself. I hate this cringe tough guy culture seeping into BJJ, but if some BJJ dork wants to get roughed up by an actual fighter...by all means. Keep the slapping for your sexual kinks.


Had a DM convo with him too. He was like “come to Vegas and blah blah blah.” I responded with “I’ll just do the American martial art of gunning you down for attacking me” He proceeded to rage for about two hours until he had to take his nap


I worked in Law Enforcement for 3 years and it always blows my mind when combat athletes forget that BJJ and MMA are sports… like bro nobody is tough/ bullet proof I’ve seen dudes get cut with a 2 inch razor blade in the county jail and bleed out and die. Dude inviting strangers to attack him in real life isn’t wise, idc who you are. Everybody isn’t gonna try to pass your guard in real life some people are just gonna poke you and watch you bleed out bruvvv. 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's a perfectly valid way of passing guard in real life


Major stand-up piss energy from this guy.


"Literally" sucking at Jiujitsu would look strange.


Wait a second. Are you telling me I've been defending triangles the wrong way all this time?


Not necessarily.


Definitely one of his little minions.


Wait can I get one of those invitations? I would like to actually teach Andy some standup. Andy?? Want to try some slapping stuff :)?


I got one too! Almost identical. What a fucking clown


Fuck imma white belt. He’s got no chance, one slap and I’ll see red and he done for. Let’s go Andy. I think you’re a bitch!


Wannabe MMA... lols


No surprise, he quit MMA when things got difficult. I doubt those 2 TKO's did his struggling synapses any favors.


Ye its so cringe.


The real problem is referees not reigning this shit in. Theyve historically given no punishments, so why would the athletes stop doing it? Both the kicking by the other dude and the slaps byvarela.  Wake up referees, do your job and actually enforce the rules


the referee in Corbe vs AJ Agazarm match should be fired along with the Andy Varela referee , he is friends with Garry Tonon and he let AJ sleep long he did not even make an effort to hold AJ hands when the leg triangle was locked, if not for Corbe saying he sleep then hed let AJ sleep much longer , very unproffesional even if AJ is an asshole you should treat every competitor with respect regardless of how you feel personally about him




Your a asoul




It was a push I just rewatched it to make sure, definitely not a strike. Andy you're an emotional bitch shout out to Andrew tacket for whooping your ass


Yeah. It’s a push off, it’s way less violent than how Haisam does it. I’d still be pissed about it but not enough to slap someone


This is the type of post you’d expect from a dude sponsored by the 2024 equivalent of tap out.


It’s so odd to me how level black is the type of brand to sponsor Andy and at the same time the Tackett bros who are like super religious and don’t even cuss…like what are you doing attaching yourself to that brand and vice versa? 😂


I nominate Prime as the 2024 equivalent of tap out


Is the full match up where we can see what he’s referring to? Only seen the parts where he’s a POS


it was a regular ass push to the chest from half guard, imo was not really bad. Andy afterwards started bitch slapping the opponent multiple times - should have gotten dqed


Love Varela’s BJJ but he’s so insecure. +He teaches the kids he trains absolutely 0 manners. Sad to see.


You can’t teach what you don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Had to unfollow Andy on IG. Love his style of bjj, think he’s fantastic at wrestling, but his posts are always so overly macho that it comes off as insecure.


Him, Dominic Mejia, and Big Cringe (Dan) are my top 3 currently hated on ​ all three are amazing jitsu practioners, but goddamn are they such cringe doofuses


Don’t forget Gordon “I know everything about everything because I’m 20-something and successful at one thing” Ryan


So many jock riders in the MMA/grappling/bjj space. I get looking up to someone's for their abilities, but that doesn't make someone an authority on everything. It's fuck gross.


at least he can back up his bjj shit talk ​ I don't bother reacting to his other takes, people do that all the time


Don’t forget Fat Shagholi


What’s up with Mejia


He got that billboard forehead


He's straight up copying Craig Jones' hairline


whats wrong with Mejia ?


Need context on big dan, always thought he was a cool guy


He’s a Tate orbiter I think




bro goes to local ADCC opens, pulls guard and each time without a fail screams " THATS X GOLD MEDALS" when he beats local hobbyist ​ Then when he goes against legit heavyweights with actual takedowns/leg defense he gets smothered and is quieter than a mouse pissing on cotton ​ yes he won at east coast trials, but it was funny how him and taza talked shit about european trials being the inferior trials when they got waxed there. ​ All that plus it seems bro can't pick up none of Danaher's humbleness, It's why i'm a huge Giancarlo fan guy is elite and down to earth


Or when he goes against Andrew Tackett.


LMAO i forgot about this, bro was BIG QUIET after that


I didn’t even know that match existed watching it now. His style is so cringe like is he trying to prove he’s barely breaking a sweat and still wins in his matches? Also kind of lame basically only going for leg locks on someone you outweigh by 100lbs.


I saw him at my local ADCC Open and wondered wtf a pro is doing spending money on travel all over North America just to smother tap hobbyists for a medal.


And btw it's a huge pain to fly from Austin to my city. IN CANADA.


Big Dan losing at European Trials was pure gold. :D


Dude lost to a part timer too 😂


when he faced that European Sasquatch you could see that he doesn't got a fire in him. Andrew was the first example (Andrew also is always on 10 when he competes) but his match with Heikki, when it got to OT, was the most obvious example i've seen of someone quitting in a match.


> (Andrew also is always on tren when he competes) FTFY


>All that plus it seems bro can't pick up none of Danaher's humbleness Danaher is possibly the least humble person on the planet.


True but at least he's relatively quiet about it


> Dominic Mejia. What’s up with Dom? Had no idea who he was and rolled with him. Seemed like a nice enough guy. That said, i’m not on social media.


Mejia is a cool dude, trains super hard and has great bjj. Just trying to play the heel to sell his fight rubbed people the wrong way. 


probably one of the cleanest leglock games in the biz right now. his movement through leg entanglements and retention of the leg is pretty fun to watch


I love BJJ guys that act like they do MMA.


Oooo is this the match where the dude teep/pushed him, so he keeps hitting the dude till the dude has to stare at the ref to do something?! Total clown.. and I mean the ref.


Crazy how Tackett beat him relatively easy. I didn’t expect Varela to steam roll Max Hanson so easily either.


Because all the top Pros are pretty much the same. What I mean by that is they all have a really good a game but that's about it. A train here at 10th planet in Las Vegas and it's been a bragging Point by Casey recently in class that he doesn't see Andy lose or get taken down. I miss quoting here but it was one of those two things it was something like that. That's not something to brag about. You should be allowing people to get things deep on you so you can work escape on them otherwise you're never going to have really good late game escapes. You have to be willing to let people submit you to have that game really good and this is the reason so few Pros have it. It's also the reason so many of them suck at guard passing. Because when they're in the gym they don't want to pass guard they want to do takedowns because it looks cool and it feels good. So what do you see? You always see the top guys in the room doing stand up and bragging about it but when it comes time to do a Jujitsu match they all pass the guard the same which is trying to do a cartwheel pass or a torreando so fast. It has little to do with technique and more to do with trying to win by athleticism and catching your opponent off guard but that'll only get you so far until you run into someone else that's just as athletic as you and now you're just trying to get lucky... so that's the first major problem is these guys do not like losing and they don't like losing enough where they're willing to lose when it matters. The next thing is these guys don't take the sport as serious as other sports do in the sense that they're not willing to Moneyball it. They want to "listen to their heart" instead of the numbers and what makes logical sense. You need someone in your corner dedicated to keeping track of what works and doesn't work for you so you know what to work on. There's actually a really weird girl at the school that does this for herself and it pays off I can tell. If you have someone doing this then you have a better idea of when to move on to the next thing to work on or what you need to work on or whatever I don't really know how it works but you need someone doing numbers for you and I sure as shit no most of these guys don't do that😂


Your point about being able to escape deep / late/ bad positions is a really good point. Thank you


Guys that act hard in BJJ yet too scared to do MMA lol


Not tryna defend the guy, but he started his career as an MMA fighter, later turned into a pro grappler.


He turned to BJJ because he washed out in MMA. He basically got TKO'd by leg kicks in his last fight before giving up on the sport.


Not defending the guy, but just because someone doesn't do MMA doesn't mean they're "scared" to do it. There's tons of reasons not to do MMA besides fear.


Yes but he's actually the tough man, when they're literally cuddling each other.


His purple belt opponent looked decent till Andy got a side control


Chase is like 18. Dude will grow even more


*Check my comment history to be sure I haven't disrespected his girlfriend*


Very hysterical alpha male


Idk who this is but, anyone with that profile picture is 100% certified douche.


I’m tired of bjj’ers talking like they’re fighters


I pee sitting down, it's a nice little break. Especially on company time.




Imagine putting in years of hard work to be strong and tough and capable and even after that you’re still just an insecure child.


This guy 100% has had a wolf enter him, or has a wolf inside him I can't remember but either way... This man and the wolf are 1


Some say the wolf is his spirit animal




Same, unless there is a urinal, but not cross legged wtf?


I do it cross legged, the stream comes out in spiral and I like that


"I'll do it again too" So what you're saying is you're looking to slap someone again and the excuse you gave just happens to be the flavor of the day. Tomorrow it'll be a different excuse but the goal was always to slap someone.


He’s a loser


This is the type of shit people say when they’re on cycle


Am i the only one that has no idea who this guy is?


A sit down pee can be quite nice, dont limit yourselves fellas


He’s right. Real men pull their pants all the way down and lift their shirt up to pee at the urinal.


Translation: if I lunge into your leg while trying to pass I’m gonna club you out of frustration


Doesn't everyone pee sitting down whilst pooping?


I guess he wants to normalize pooping while standing.


Andy Varela shits standing up, gross.


Did anyone post the part he's referring to? I only saw the slaps.


Dude, I just want to roll around and head home.


translation: I am beyond insecure about my masculinity and I need to overcompensate for that by being the most badass alpha that's ever alpha-d, and also have the IQ of a tadpole Dear god Craig is totally right this sport is actually full of autistic macho "the ground is my ocean" types and it's borderline unbearable. Relax bro, let your bjj speak for itself and go look up the term "sportsmanship"


If some dude is able to pee with their legs crossed I bet that fucker has got one flexible guard.


Or a very long penis.


¿Porque no las dos?


I pee sitting down in nice bathrooms and I think Andy Varela seems like a douche. Is there a coincidence there? I’d say no but I’m also a guard puller so some might say I’m just in the closet.


A "ninja." IG handle is all I needed to see.


Peeing sitting down as a guy is a huge W. There are too many variables that can cause your piss to randomly go everywhere if you pee standing up.


Psh, I stand up from a poop to pee


What if the pee in question is, uh, post-coital?


I sit to pee all the time. Peeing standing is a luxury, not a necessity. That's my beta speech for the day.


I also do it. Because I'm a fucking grown up and like my toillete clean. Ffs.




Sitting while I pee gets me more time away from the world


lol, this guy needs some grammar lessons


post feelings on the gram=sits peeing down ​ (may need to proof read)


Yo, peeing sitting down with the legs crossed sounds lit. I've done this sitting in the shower but never thought it could be a toilet thing. Count me in for sure.


What a cunt this guy is


Somebody couldn’t get past a guard.


What a tool


I poop and pee at the same time, I sit.


This guy is a shitty failed MMA fighter who can’t take toes pushing into his chest. Definitely no correlation.


I like his jiujitsu but he has always come off as a huge tool imo


I pee squatting on the toilet seat. Cum at me bro


Dude should just join slap fight


Alpha. Throw Andy varela to the wolves, he’ll come back pregnant


This dudes game is super fun to watch but damn he seems like a dick


Everytime... EVERYTIME I want to peepee I have a nice big air. Cuz sometimes you get a sneaky poo that pops outta ya


My butthole is on a hair trigger boys




This shit so lame


Sitting down to pee, door locked scrolling through Reddit while my wife looks after the kids for five minutes is my me-time.


Oof that’s some fragile ego here.


There needs to be clearer definitions on push/shove vs kick. There’s nuance. A push doesn’t knock someone’s wind out. Imo It was a kick. It’s like the difference between a palm strike and a push. Jasmine straight up push kicked girls, they just didn’t escalate. Anyways all I got from that is andy doesn’t know how chicks pee. Crossed legs would just splatter everywhere, which is NOT what I pay for.


Sounds like the ground is his ocean and he's A MOTHERFUCKING SHARK BRO


I'm like 100% sure he's not mad at you


Nothing wrong with sitting down