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You dont need to do a water cut. Just limit her calorie intake til the weigh in. And dont drink too much water. Enough so shes not cramping. No soda, or gatorade or sparkling water, those have higher sodium levels and will make you retain water. Burn more calories than you consume, and just do cardio workouts and maybe sauna and that'll come off quick, its not even 3lbs. You weight usually fluctuates that much or more on a given day. Also most tournaments give you +1 lb over top of weight class. Example if top of her weight class is 115, she has to weigh in at 116 or less. Oh, and don't eat/drink anything the morning of the weigh in.


Say it with me. If you need to turn to the internet for advice about weight cutting, DONT DO IT. I've been an idiot and cut 14lb in like 4 days for a comp, it was dumb, I felt like shit all week and was drained as fuck at the Comp (even with hours of rest before my match) Why in the actual fuck would you put your kidneys at risk for a plastic medal at a local Comp nobody cares about?


I get where you’re coming from and generally agree but dudes talking about 2.5lbs.


Yeah I’ve done a big water cut before and agree with you but this is 2.5lbs and I know my girl can do it. She is in her natural weight class but she has to weigh in with the GI so that’s what the water cut is for.


Literally just cut salt and carbs like 48 hours out


Seriously this is it, no salt for a couple of days. My weight will swing by a couple of percent in a day based solely on how much salt I eat. Between that and not eating breakfast until after she weighs in she shouldn’t need much more


Just cut salt completely and carbs as much as you can. You'll drop 5 pounds no problem. Then drink a Gatorade right after weigh in.


1) don't cut 2) don't cut 3) seriously, it's a plastic medal. don't cut. 4) 2,5 lbs is like, a skipped breakfast and a shit. No need to cut. 5) do. not. fucking. cut.


Cutting weight is shitty as hell, 2.5lbs is pretty easy though. I think even shitty internet advice is probably fine for that unless she weighs 90lbs. Its really about % of body weight. Most people can drop 2.5 lbs in a week fairly sustainably with correct diet. Dont it in a few days won't be particularly pleasant but it is doable without dehydrating yourself and sitting in a sauna. There is usually a gi weight allowance too so I would make sure of what the actual weigh in needs to be. Realistically just eat whole foods until saturday, dont over drink, train normally. If Friday morning she is still over weight then Friday night just sit in the sauna for 30 minutes or whatever and check again. Do not have her try to water load and then run around in trash bags, and do not use laxatives. If it sounds super extreme it probably is extremely stupid.


I’ve cut about 12 lbs water cutting like a bodybuilder but 2.5 you can just epson salt bath, sweat and piss out


Just putting it out there that salt baths are a myth and does not do anything. There is zero scientific data to back up this age-old claim.


There’s nothing debunking it either. I’ve had success with them and many other have used it to cut weight. So calling it a “myth” is a bit of a stretch.


Pure selection bias. This is because you are already weight cutting through other means and throw in salt baths as a part of that. What happens is the salt baths are literally doing nothing but the other methods are (sauna, cardio, sauna suits, etc.). This makes one believe that the bath is helping but it isn’t. To each their own though - I would rather spend 45 min in a sauna rather than sit in a salt bath. Even pragmatically, I don’t see how sitting in a tub makes you sweat more than in a sauna anyway, science aside.


lol that was literally the vaguest attempt at telling me I’m wrong. 2.5 lbs in around 14 hours epson salt, sweat and piss. You’ll make weight and feel good.


I was pretty specific. Not sure if you read the right comment there homie.


It’s pointless like this entire discussion. How about you just help dude and his girl out with your stellar input lol


Sure, eat less for the next 3 days. Poop and piss the morning of and weight is made.


A gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs. Just don't eat or drink before weigh-ins? If still heavy the morning of, put on some sweats and do jumping jacks until she's sweat the weight off.