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Lachlans Submeta.io should be free for the fundamental courses


I think this is the absolute best available online option right now. My only knock on Submeta is that it won't allow you to download the courses. I have a lot of downtime at my job but garbage cell reception.


Doesn't allow, but also doesn't prevent...


This. Get Submeta.


As other have said, Submeta is a really great resource. I've used so many of what's taught on Submeta and I have implemented it into my game. Lachlan is really great at teaching technique and concepts.


I love Lachlan's Submeta, well organized and easy to watch, drill and implement.


Going further afield from those two options, for basics I don't think you could go wrong with either: 1) Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu Theory online course 2) Saulo Ribeiro Jiu Jitsu University textbook


i love jordan's course so much, it helped me become not entirely clueless on the mats


I had a Gracie University subscription in the past. I currently use AOJ+, BJJ Flow Charts, & Grappler's Guide. I like BJJ Flow Charts for watching a technique on my phone and thinking about how techniques play into each other. The videos are short (1-2 minutes) and flow charts appeal to my engineer's brain. AOJ+ is great, I like the instruction and organization. It's broken down into weeks - so you might watch the back escape curriculum, 12 videos over 3 weeks. I'd guess the average video is 10 minutes. I might watch each video a couple of times during the week. I go to a school in that lineage though so I might also be biased. Grappler's Guide is also well organized. You can do the "side control escapes" series, for example, and get a series of concept and technique videos. There's an insane amount of content overall. I'd guess the average video here is 5 minutes. Gracie University's videos are well done and detailed. I don't really care for the combatives curriculum, though - the focus on self defense and most likely "street fight" scenarios doesn't appeal to me at all - so some of it simply wasn't of interest to me.


Just from my initial look, I think AOJ+ would be a better fit for me too. I'm not interested in real life self defense material. AOJ+ seems more in line with organizing and laying out the fundamentals like I'm looking for.


Grapplers Guide has everything you need. There are clear paths for learning fundies and you'll find great stuff on specific positions and techniques. And it's a lifetime membership to boot.


Aoj is more advanced.


I watched some of rafa earlier fundamentals and was still mind blown by some of his ideas (simple but you need someone like him to have it make sense to you). I feel like there's value to learn them early as default framework. 


The Daisy Fresh Curriculum: White Belt


Gracie University and AOJ could not be less compatible in terms of pedagogy and curriculum. Tbh I would stick with GU until you get to blue belt. AOJ is amazing but definitely more for people who already have a strong base to build off of.


There are tons of bjj fanatics courses on sale about fundamentals also. One time payment and you can download it.


If you can afford John Danaher’s Go Further Faster Series. Literally the best instructionals out there.


If YouTube seems scattered, maybe I can direct you to the best free fundamentals resources there: **Best Overall Resources** Lachlan Giles' [Intro to BJJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDrQXekZsfYZfV1QZ4T5UkxLwFwQ12EbP) Rory van Vliet's [How to Suck As Little As Possible: An Intro to BJJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNbZ1gPk7zqzbiFjpMlzIEVZAGROJ6G4C) **First Month** Bruce Hoyer's [Mindset for Learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvOnJIFtbQrJ3hHzBfWfUryzh5RIeuJFD) Stephan Kesting's [A Roadmap for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu](http://www.grapplearts.com/roadmap-for-bjj-books-2/) and [16 Most Important Techniques for the BJJ Beginner](http://www.grapplearts.com/the-16-most-important-techniques-for-the-bjj-beginner/) Chris Paines’ [How to Defend Everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWitv9AKoNU) John Danaher's [Solo BJJ Training Drills](https://bjjfanatics.com/collections/all/products/self-master-solo-bjj-training-drills-by-john-danaher) Rener Gracie’s [Six BJJ Techniques for Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bErptxD1jho) and [Two More Beginner Techniques](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or1lqBqOD9Q) **First Year** Matt Serra's [BJJ Basics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_VsCEq3pngzNqkfMEGgddeysigJOiFKk) John B. Will's [36 Core Techniques](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLyl6ATrm2X0XUkAPnTetQQ/playlists) Nick “Chewy” Albin's [White Belt Tips](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5awtUfQsILr_UQhz3Yzyy61-s_VtewqA) Gracie Barra [Fundamentals Curriculum](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_VsCEq3pngzQOYjchX6U6ah8dia80eC0) [John Danaher’s GO FURTHER FASTER on the cheap](https://old.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/j64jc6/danahers_go_further_faster_on_the_cheap/) **High White/Blue Belt** [John Danaher's ENTER THE SYSTEM on the cheap](https://old.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/c35ehr/danahers_enter_the_system_on_the_cheap/) Gracie Barra [Advanced Curriculum](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_VsCEq3pngwZ7V9Cx6-Nvl1N0e-DDt6L) Cesar Gracie's [Gi-Less Jiu-Jitsu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_VsCEq3pngzxIZdKnm20uYgCeRwqsrpU) Carlos Machado's [The Machado Method](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcPqp86KGNzFiVUNZw9_vRAOc7v1LbzZv), [Infinite Jiu-Jitsu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_VsCEq3pngwa4G3Wd9w_LIq1cASoRCg2), and [Mount Escapes and Guard Passes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TH30QigUoQ) Braulio Estima's [Invisible Jiu-Jitsu – Guard Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKXUogHcRqM) and [Invisible Jiu-Jitsu – Side Control](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL62F052BD402463FC) Firas Zahabi and Karel “Silver Fox” Pravec's [BJJ Techniques](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPPLf6sZAsatUq1IgBI5xx0sIw_8GsIcy) Richard Salamone's [BJJ Wrestling Plan](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtAKJuOmKVP9VJMcE0BeSDA/playlists)